The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 11, 1999, Image 6
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College Across from The Ptarmigan *3.50 Black & Tans 4-11 p.m. MONDAY Golden Tee Golf Local & National Tournament $1.25 Longnecks $1 Well Drinks Irish Bourbon $2 Shots AGGIE LAND LOVE POTION #$12.99 Make this Valentine’s Day extra special with Messina Hof’s perfect romantic gift ...a great bottle of ROMANCE wine complete with your personal romantic message on the label. It’s only $12.99 for everything. Phone orders OK. We ID. Messina Hof 4545 Old Reliance Road Bryan, TX 77808 (409) 778-9463, #34 Page 6 • Thursday, February 11,1999 News BY RACHEL HOLLAND The Battalion The number of flu reports to A.P. Beutel Health Center is un usually high this year, but health experts say there is action students can take if the illness is contracted. Sharon Arnold, the assistant di rector of nursing services at Beutel, said the best way to avoid the flu is with a flu shot. She said students should ideally get flu shots in late October or early November. “It is not too late,” she said. “The shot takes two weeks to be come effective, so students who are not yet sick can get the shot and hope they aren’t exposed to it dur ing those those two weeks.” Students can also avoid the flu by practicing good hygiene. The flu is spread by inhaling infected droplets that have been coughed out or by touching infected ob jects. "Students should wash their hands regularly and get plenty of rest,” Arnold said. “Also, they should stay out of congested, smoky areas and shouldn’t drink after other people. ” Arnold said students with flu symptoms need to rest and drink fluids before consulting a doctor. “Many students can often get through it by treating themselves,” she said. Students should take over-the- counter acetaminophen or ibupro- fen and cough expectorant, and they should gargle with warm salt water, she said. If the fever or cough becomes worse, students should consult a doctor, she said. Amantadine can FDA approves ‘morning be prescribed for sm the flu and protects^ the two flu viruses. 1 Arnold said amama fective ii uken withina hours of symptoms,.;: with severe casesshw tor as soon as possible | Arnold said them tel are diagnosed byaj toms rather than bya’i The symptoms inm body ache, cough andW Arnold said collect lifestyles makesthemvi the flu. “College students aiesj classrooms and their its said. “They go to smoky eat well and don't gete® One-hundred studs Beutel yesterday widi! toms. -after’ pi BY CARRIE BENNETT The Battalion Within the last year, emergency contraceptive pills have been approved by the Federal Drug Administra tion (FDA) and used by women throughout the coun try to reduce the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sex. Sometimes called the “morning-after” pill, the process actually involves the ingestion of two pills, one taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex and the other 12 hours later. The pills consist of high doses of the hormones estrogen and progestin, and the method is said to reduce the risk of pregnancy by at least 75 percent. Another emergency contraception option avail able to women is the Copper T 380A IUD, otherwise known as the IUD. Margaret Griffith, health education coordinator at A.P. Beutel Health Center, said the IUD is not a pop ular choice among college women. She said it is not recommended for women that have not already had a baby or are not monogamous because of the dura tion of prevention it provides. “The IUD can be used within 5 days while the emer gency contraceptive pills must be used within 72 hours,” Griffith said. “However, the IUD protects against unwanted pregnancy for up to 10 years while the pills do not protect at all for the rest of a woman’s cycle.” Another stipulation to the emergency contracep tive pills is that you must not alreadybetAs A&M ju According to Planned Parenthood,tht .rebounds , idence showing the pills will harm a fetii: id Arena, they say it is recommended pregnant wotr ® the method. Emergency contraception does not e::| cy like the controversial “abortion ; k A TV cording to Planner! Parenthood, emergf 1/%/ ception prevents pregnancy by preventin^-w ▼ fertilization or implantation. The side effects include nausea andvor BY A cording to a pamphlet from the health T1 Although the emergency contraceptive:II only recentk' been approved by the FDA For the se lie, physicians have used them on rapev 2 Texas Ai the 1960s. According to Planned Parent! 11 Team w one third of emergency comi.H'optiu--; nent unde tions in the 1990s were foi rape victim But it wa In Septombei loos, the FDA approve Texas Tec which is an omorgonev contraceptivekntM its si\t pills, .1 pregnancy tost and .e Red R, by preset iption only. tch for t Griffith said this is not to be used a; fetch, out method ot birth control. ints in the “Women that are sexually active should Tech was regular method of birth control, and the:4r forwnn use condoms every time, Lh iffith said. Tored 10 o! the best birth control, but if condoms andieoritical 21 control are used then the risk of pregnane i- mfe)away. “We play Forum to address U.S, Iraq relatk BY PING-YA HSU The Battalion Students for Peace, an organiza tion promoting world peace through non-violent action, will host a presentation tonight to raise awareness about the United State’s policies on Iraq and the UN sanc tions against Iraqi citizens. The presentation, which will start at 7 p.m. in MSC 146, will fea ture two speakers from the Univer sity of Texas, who will inform stu dents about the policies and results of the U.S. attack on Iraq. “Our main goal is to educate the campus about the various things that happen around the world and raise awareness about it,” Thomas Fleckenstein, president of Students for Peace and a senior environ mental science major, said. The University chapter of Stu dents for Peace acts as a student wing of the Peace Action Network, formed from a combination of two groups, SANE/FREEZE, which were created as a result of Presi dent Reagan’s policy of nuclear proliferation in the 1980s. Dr. Robert Jensen, head of the campaign for Justice and Peace for the Middle East and an associate professor of journalism at UT, will be the main speaker of the evening. Other speakers will include Rahu Mahajan, a graduate student at UT, involved with the Anti mittee in Austin. “We want to present: viewpoints about the for tarism in this countr Buckareff, a graduatestui? losophy and an eventoig- Buckareff said nearld] lion Iraqi citizens, the"7 whom are women and] suffer because of U.S. against Iraq. He saidtPl proven to affect Saddair continued construction weapons. “The only mistake in’. ‘ is to have been born Buckareff said. "We dc-l this is just.” It P d T si y p d A f: Thevg Acet 229 Test Review Sun Feb 14 Spm-Spnt Acct 229 Billy’s Vld l*t l Mem Feh 15 9pm*I2ttm Bitty’s Vid Pt II Tue Feb 16 9pm-12am ^ Hilly’s Vid Pt I , Wed Feb «7 —* 9pm- 12am Billy’s Vid 1*1 II Thu Feb 18 9pm-12am Acct 229 Dr. Shoraaker Part I Sun Feb 14 8pin-llpm Part II Mon Feb 15 6pm-9pm Part III Tue Feb 16 7pm-9pin Dana 305 Part I Sun Feb 14 3pm-6pni Part II Mon Feb 15 5pm-7pm Fxon 202 Dr, Reynolds Parti Tue Feb 16 5 pm-7 pm Part II Wed Feb 17 6pm-9pm Part III Thu Feb 18 6pm-9pm Gene 301 Btrt’maod/ Wales Part I Tue Feb 16 6pm-8pm Part II Wed Feb 17 6pm-8pm Beremand Rvw Thu Feb 18 6pm-8pm Dr. Wales Rvw Thu Feb 18 8pm-10pm Gene 301 Eilison/Prke Part I Mon Feb 15 Spni-Hpm Part II Tue Feb 16 8pm-llpm Part HI Wed Feb 17 8pm-10pm Math 142 Math 151 Part I Sun Feb 14 6pm-9pm Part 11 Mon Feb 15 7pin-9pin Part III Tue Feb 16 7pm-9pm Part IV Wed Feb 17 5pm-7pm Part I Sun Feb 14 11 pin-lain Part II Mon Feb 15 11 pm-lam Part Ill Tue Feb 16 Upnt-lam Part IV Wed Feb 17 10pm-lam Math 152 Part 1 Sun Feb 14 9pm-11pm Part II Mon Feb 15 9pm-llpm Part HI Tuc Feb 16 9pm 11 pm Part IV Wed Feb 17 7pm-10pm Math 251 Part I Sun Feb 14 7 pm-9pm Part II Mon Feb 15 7pm-10pm Part III Tue Feb 16 7 pm-10pm , r-'' ■ Mktg 321 Session will lie belli on Sunday Fell 21, 7pin. Tickets will go on sale Wed Feb 17 at 6;30pm. Tickets go on sale Sunday at 2:00 PM. 4.0 & Go is located on the comer of SW Pkwy and Tx Ave, behind KFC next to Lack's. Check our web page at THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR MUSI Tickets from $15! March 23-28 • Rudder Auditor^ Tickets at the MSC Box Office or call ^ ^ 845-1234 or 1 -888-890-5667 Discounts for ?0 or more! Call 845-1234. HH3IRS33I5 b f S< h e tl \ r a b C r c I L \ > ] ( C i t i i 4 4 i