The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 08, 1999, Image 2
On Sale Now at MSC Box Office: Singing Cadets / Alpha Delta Pi Concert Benefitting Ronald McDonald House of Temple Feb. 12 • Rudder Theater • 7:30 p.m. With Special Guests: The Aggie Wranglers Students/Children $5 Adults $7 Page 2 • Monday, February 8, 1999 Toons Fish BY R. DELUNA ALOT e Battalioi HEV 6ovs. X Brought fAIDUEAOeb LARRy To Tal\c. To Vov About youR GoATtBi Aggie Owned and Opperated Since 19841 CUSTOM BUILT SYSTEMS! ■ mi taesM,fcte,l!epaiis,Upgodes,aiidNeWng « . . AlAnmi/HfiCnWnnHCnrii/'nCW(InthnDim/v A ^y/ . wifi tie best ond Seivice M ii tie Brazos Wtey! -czr <xa> i_ i_ et c-^. ci Q-r^^-r»<=»r^>i. tx zr WWW-CACCESS.COA* f^O^I 1 C & E ' 1 TN/\rf'E f~ T^J 111 fC/\A)D laughi/og\ '"PoiajTiajG AUb LfilVbHtJObi GROujwg a Goatee Is Just SOME Thiajo evert college Guy Does wh/w THBV LEAVE HO/AE BUT SOKE PEOPLE Just Ape. att MEA/JT To Have The* : YOU CWDEfcSTO/vD VJHAT I'/A GETTIAJ’ AT , Boy ? Professional Nail Care for Women & Men • Buy 10 Fills get $15 off Service Fee • Guarantee our work • Friendly Service FREE Quick Dry Topcoat Profinish & Cut Down We Carry OPI Products & Nail Polish Refills Full Set $ 13.00 w/coupon $ 25.00 w/coupon Located in the College Station Kroger Shopping Center (near Old Country Buffet & M) Design) 2406 Texas Ave. • Suite D • College Station • 764-9582 Monday-Wednesday 9:30-8:OOpm»Thursday-Saturday 9:00-8:00pm _ Appointments & Walk-Ins welcome. Expires 5-31-98 «== Simel & Lewis By Mel TUBULARMAN William F. Price, M.D., F.A.C.O.G Diplomate American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology announces the opening of his practice in Obstetrics/Gynecology • Diagnosis and Treatment of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome • Advanced Laparoscopy • Treatment of Urinary Incontinence • Treatment of Pelvic Pain • Treatment of Abnormal Bleeding • Evaluation and Treatment of Diseases of the Cervix • Genetic Counseling • High-Risk Pregnancy Care • Ultrasound and Electronic Fetal Monitoring • Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility • Individual, Nurturing Delivery of Your Baby • LEEP Excision of Cervical Dysplasia Call now to schedule your appointment. Accepting Medicare, Medicaid and most other Commercial insurance 2901 E. 29th Street, Suite 117 Bryan, TX 77802 (409) 776-2249 ^H£V...Ap 1 E yoO...Uf*V DlSAPPoifCTEO 9>y THE WAV Vou TURNED OUT IN I'WS ? BY B. CARDIN ALE /^*OUIT WOAftyiN', UIU. YA7 > 'I'rv HAPPY u-MTH THE u>«Y Continued from Page Miller said the trail gram presented a skit® man experiences indi laundry on campus and t| SIms.i lood intermixed-t nous In e SilverTapsariff 1W/? lor jcNf'ITU'C' moi yell !■ m monti, Moses Hall ex,It4 f rl ^ the m ■ i veil practicei.f ^ school seniors. Mail Maioushek,di; “ orations for SLOTandar ^ ooni|nner engineenngrr. is proud ot theleadersi othe: "The nod mien in AliB 1 ,eterei SLOT memtiers reallysi;^P u ’ v |nm Matoushek said. “ALC anc ' ^ ues - standing job, and 1 them all.” Matoushek said members havebeent their acceptance into the opportunity to learned leadership si "The goal of tj^^Btheirp give t * ner "The tunitv to si bus; ■ : >■ vrencesj'signs. tor l eb. 20 Hen attract 160 high>6. - entl or eir;l ce opened n )to, he rent< Reunion edn,. _ . n For others a ( ontmued from lop ^siness opp log^ mojoi'. ^■e other rsal. Students wl e a [course 1 ways to do For some, a i of skill an cue -Turned ooTf X inon-t LET THIS LVTTLC TA)P RrFECT oup, FuTbRef 2020 and other A&Mpsffiitcn si 111 Spade Phillips, PI By Mali Kowalski WELL, WELL WELL... IF IT ISN'T MY LONG? LOST SONS. YOU TWO HAVE OOT SOME EXPLAINING* TO CO. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THE FAST THREE PAYS? MEIN FATHER. VILE YOU VERE SUOKINO YOUR CHEAP BEER, OOLF AND I GAINED EMPLOYMENT AS LAB INSTRUCTORS IN THE UNIVERSITY CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT University to a high star fist.-rod o people other than justyfe on iroir "I'd love to see, will oik' In mention the name ertilings. \ they know what it realhlg const ru HOI HIM football slit trail ot P.m demies) i heKuPms don’t see why it tant ph e | Vi ,ii/., vard of the South.” )i e can Lae Leslie Montgomir dent Recre reunion ami a 1994gn “i tlimk 1 i the toimer students Qdneiko n resource for the Univ ntec | amur cruitment and retent Later lillu minoi it\ students. Wayne Sr "A&M is such a la®il could n university,” she said, as fortunai students do a lot ofsuppSyiterieit doing our part to helpt'ney and g< sity help students.” Students v She said the groupP'-n busines: mote recruitment byvKh a ventui schools and high schoc^®* idential areas to introeT’ vo benefits of auending^j Congratulation^ Fish Camp ‘99 Namesakes Dr. Dale Baum, Dept, of History Dr. Vanessa Beasley, Dept, of Speech Comm. Byron Blaschke, Research Engineer Toby Boenig, Dir. Collegiate Licensing Steven Boggs, Dept. Student Activities Charlene Boggus, Dept. Ag Education Dr. Ray Bowen, President of Texas A&M Dr. Victoria Buenger, Dept, of Management Dr. Stan Carpenter, Dept, of Education Nancy Cassidy, Dept, of Accounting Dr. Austin Daily, Dir. of PPA Karen Dolliver, MSC Student Programs Judon Fambrough, Dept, of Ag Economics Dr. Douglas Godwin, Dept, of Education Pat Goins, Dept, of Residence Life & Housing RuSS Graves, AdmissionsARecords Dr. Fred Heath, Dean A Dir. of Evans Library Dr. John Hoyle, Dept, of Educational Admin Marilyn Jackson, Dept. Army ROIC Kathleen Kenefick, West Campus Library Amy Klinkovsky, College of Education Mr. William Krumm, Vice President, Finance Basil Lister, Dir. of Food Services Dr. Chris Mathewson, Dept, of Engineering Geology Mary Miller, Assoc. VP of Administration Ann Marie Morgan, Dept, of student Activities Mary Beth Mountan, Dept, of Biomedical Science Dr. Lisa Ottinger, Dept, of INFO Steven Pace, Aggie Card Administrator Vic Romero, Dept, of Student Affairs Debe Shafer, Dept, of Health/KINE John Seibert, Dept, of Ag. Economics Dr. Nancy Simpson, Dept, of Mathematics Dr. Chris Skaggs, Dept, of Animal Science Dr. Don Tomlinson, Dept, of Journalism Wanda Watson, General Studies Advisor These namesakes are faculty or staff at Texas A&M University and were nominated by their peers, colleagues, and/or students. They have made an impact on countless individuals at Texas A&M, and Fish Camp would like to congratulate them for all of their hard work and dedication. + THE PRINCETON REVIEW 2 reasons you should prepare with our GRE course )/ PERSONAL ATTENTION Better classes mean plenty of personal attention. You’ll work in a class of 8-15 students and you’ll be taught by a smart, well-trained, veteran instructor. And if you need extra help, you’ll get it - at no extra cost. YOU’LL REALLY LIKE US More than 94% of our students were recommended by a friend. Two convenient schedules start THIS WEEKEND! Call today! (409) 696-9099 , j j ^ Tj y Hie Princeton Review is nol affiliated with Princeton University or E15. i K-V 1 Special Valentini —Dinner s H Served from 5 PM - 10 PM Friday, Saturday, & Sunday $29 95 Served in the PerCoupIt Plus Tax & Qratuicy Fresh Mixed Green Salads to start. Six Fabulous Entrees to choose from. ’Champagne for Two or Nonalcoholic Beverage. And top it off with Scrumptious Dessert Tacos. Sunday Champagne Brunch From HAM -2PM $12.95 Hilton College Station & Conference Center 801 University Drive East Must be 21 or older for Champagne. Must have reservation. To get special package must Special available valid February 12, 13 & 14, 1999. Based upon availability. Aaron Meier, Editor in ( Kasie Byers, Managing E<# , | Beth Miller, City Editor Robert Hynecek, Graphicst Matt Weber, Sports Editor Marium Mohuiddin, / Riley LaGrone, Aggielife Ed* Manisha Parekh, Opinion k Mike Fuentes, Photo Editoi Lisa Kreick, Night News Ed” Veronica Serrano, Night Elizabeth Parian!, Radio F Jeremy Brown, Web Editor Hews: Tlte Battalion news department is rnana A&M Iniveisity in the Division of Student P Department of Journalism. News offices are (0^ Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; far P batt@umx.tamu,edu; Website: hdp://b8tialwi.laim* [ Advertising; Publication of advertising does art o endorsement by rise Battalion. For campus, lotAi* advertising, call 845-2696. For classified aducsi j Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonakUnd# to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fac 845-2678. SubscrlpBpns; A part ot the Student Services feel student (o pick up a single copy ol The Batata fi copies 25«. Mail subscriptions are 160 per si spring semester and $17.50 for the cf Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611, The Battxuon (ISSN #1055-4726) is publsliedaak p Friday during the fall and spring semesters and during the summer session (except University WiHsi 1 ' at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage fed tt* | 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes lo IN McDonald Building, Texas A&M University CotegeStaW'' 1