The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 25, 1998, Image 8
The Battalion Classified s To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ADOPTION DJ MUSIC FREE HELP WANTED SERVICES A Baby To Love!!!! Stephanie and Hal, a happily- mar ried professional couple with plenty of room in their home and their hearts, would love to adopt a newborn. Please call our attorney, Ms. Andrei, 1-800-385-0083. Legal/medical expenses paid. ANNOUNCEMENTS ■""Help on the spot"" Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. 828-4832. Attention Sports Fans!! Up to date scores and spreads. 1-900-420-2300, Ext.#2911. $2.99 per minute. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: 619-645-8434. Free Beanie Babies!!! Free Cash Grants! College. Scholarships. Business. Medical bills Never Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext. G-1652. Sale! Visit Cavitt Corner Used Books & Collectibles for gifts, furniture, antiques!! 822-6633. AUTO 1989-Plymouth Colt, 5-speed, new a/c & tires. Excellent condition. $2,500/nego. 764-7612. 1991 Chevy Corsica, a/c, automatic, good condition. Call Ben @846-2175. ‘86 Toyota 4-Runner, 4-wheel drive, auto, a/c, good con dition, runs great, $4,000/o.b.o. Shawn, 693-9515. 95 Chevy extended cab step-side truck, black with dove grey leather interior, alarm system, Boyd wheels, loaded, $17,450. 822-0283. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Mason's Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. 828- 4832. BED AND BREAKFAST Exquisite Victorian accommodations and romantic can dlelight dinners. Finest in the Brazos Valley. The Famous “Pink House” Gourmet Bed & Breakfast and Restaurant. 364-2868. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Students! EARN CASH TODAY! Say goodbye to being broke!! CHILD CARE Christian Mothers home child care, infant to 4yrs. Call Stephanie 694-2173 or Kim 778-8777. Loving mother of two will keep your kids at home. Call Kari @268-8823. COMPUTERS Internet Secrets. Learn how to do things w/your internet connections that you’d never thought possible. 1-900-740-4448 Ext.#1994. $2.99/minute. 18yrs.-old. Serv-u: (619)645-8434. Pentium 233MMX $750, Pentiumll 300mhz $975, 333mhz $995, 350mhz $1,075, 32MBRAM, 3.2GBHD, 34XCDROM, . 56kmodem, 14”monitor, 4M-video, s/speakers, upgradable, 4.3/6.4GB add $12/$40, 15717” add $20/$120, FM/TVcard add $60, turn com puter into higher resolution TV &radio. Warranty. 846- 7186. Triptonics Computers. Upgrade to K6-2 300-3D, Motherboard, 32mb PC-100, $289. (409)680-0799, DJ MUSIC "Party Block Mobile DJ"- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. Heartburn Study If you suffer from heartburn and are interested in participating in an upcoming study call and leave your name and phone number so you can be contacted. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 FACIAL ACNE STUDY Female volunteers, age 14 to 49, with moderate facial acne needed to participate in a six-month research study evaluating the safety and effectiveness of a marketed birth control pill. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN STUDY Volunteers with chronic low back pain requiring daily pain medication are being recruited to participate in a clinical research with an investigative pain medication. Eligible volunteers will receive physical examinations, blood work, eye examinations and electrocardiograms all required by the trial and free of charge. Eligible volunteers will be compensated for their time and travel. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 Sound Power DJ Service: Any event. Lights, smoke, effects. Large/small sound systems. Tommy Reed ‘98. 696-9754. ENTERTAINMENT Pasture Party in Navasota ©Navasota Trading Company grounds. Located on Business 6 North. Date. September 26th. Music 6p.m.-1a.m., gate opens 4p.m. Featuring Earlywine & Ruthie Foster. Bring your party attitude, blankets/ chairs and coolers (BYOB- no glass allowed). Food, soft drinks, RV and tent camping avail able. Admission: $10 adults (19 & up), $7 students (8- 18), Free for children 7 & under with adult. Info: (409)825-8490. FOR RENT 1bdrm/1bath studio apartment for sublease, $395/mo., bus-route, great location. 764-4567. 2-and-1 bedroom available at The Villas of Cherry Hollow and Casa del Sol. $100 Off 1st month's rent!! 696-3455, 846-2173. 2bdrm/11/2bath. College Station. Appliances, w/d conn., covered parking, short lease. $560/mo. 680-0- 043. 2bdrm/11/2bath. Must lease a.s.a.p.l! Oakwood Apartments, SWPkwy. $545/mo., water, deposit, September rent paid, w/d conn., shuttle-rt. Leave mes sage, 823-7590. 2bdrm/1bath duplex apartment in quiet old East Bryan area, ch/a, appliances, no pets, $395/mo. -tdeposit. 822-7830. A great roommate design! C.S. Manuel Dr., 2bdrm/2bath w/study, w/d, all app., shuttle, all for $545. Call for move-in disc. United Realty, 694-9140. Available room in 3 bedroom house. 1000 San Benito. (409)846-8158. Country 2bdrm/1bath, partially furnished, water and gas furnished, pets ok. Perfect for students. $350/mo. 361- 5266, after 5p.m. 778-2110. Full size w/d for rent. Delivery available. $40/mo. 764- 2019. Going, Going, almost gone! Brand new 3bdrm/3.5ba off Southwest Parkway. Alarms, icemaker, fans, fenced yard, 1550 sq.ft. Hurry In for a move-ln disc. United Realty, 694-9140. Ranch for lease! Includes 3-bedroom mobile home, horses, barn on 29-acres. Will rent together or sepa rately. Call 823-7125. Rosewood Villas- 3bdrm/2bath units on shuttle in Southwood Valley. 1,215sq .ft. Immed. occupancy, 846-1100 or Searching for your own space? Give us a call! B and C.S., 1,2 and 3 bedrooms starting at $325. Move in now! United Realty, 694-9140. Secure private room & bath ©Horizon. $425/mo. 1- 800-309-5373 after 4:00p.m. Sublease 2bdrm/2bath furnished apartment, w/d, on bus route. Call 696-4450. Villa Oaks West off 2818. 2bdrm/11/3bath, balcony, fire place, pool, laundry in site. No pets. $415/$250. 776- 9833 or 1-800-521-3988. FOR SALE Ab back machine Formula I Adventure, bought from Oshmans, never used, paid $79.00, will sell for $20. Please call 690-7173. Catholics books/glfts. Byrne’s Bookstore. Northgate. Upstairs. Afternoons. Please call 846-8699. Double kegarator with C02 and extras, $500 or best offer. Please call 823-2823. Finished roping horse for sale, registered Quarter horse, 7yr.-old Sorrell. Serious inquiries only, $4,000. 764- 7921. For sale- electric dryer, $75. Please call 696-4936. Ibanez electric guitar and Crate amp. $250. Please call 260-7236. King size waterbed $400, color console RCA T.V. 25 inches $150, utility pole with boxes $250. Please call 690-7543. Stereo equipment: 400 watt receiver, 1 pair 16” and 12" 3-way tower speakers, $500 total. Please call Don at 696-2200. Washer & dryer for sale, $350 for both. Please call 696- 5477, leave message. FREE Free 16e/min. rechargeable, zero balance phone cards. No surcharges. No kidding. Call now!! 1-800-500- 0395. TINEA CRURIS (JOCK RASH) STUDY Volunteers, ages 18 and up, with moderately severe to severe jock rash needed to participate in a 10 day clinical trial using an investigational topical medication. Daily office visits are required. Eligible volunteers will be compensated for their time and travel. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 CHRONIC PAIN STUDY Persons experiencing chronic pain and requiring daily pain medication are being recruited to participate in one-year research study with an investigational pain medication. Qualified participants will receive study-related physical examination, blood work and electrocardiogram (EKG). Eligible participants will receive up to $400 for completed study. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 Roommates +Long Distance Bills =Problems. Free Phone Card+No fees =Solution. 15.9c a minute. Want one? E-mail: HELP WANTED ""Shift Supervisors" 2yrs. college or restaurant expe rience. Flexible time around class schedule. Accepting applications at Burger King, 1719-Tx.Ave., Culpepper Plaza. Alaska Employment- Floating “processors/ canneries. Workers earn up to $700+/week- all skill levels! Ask us howl 517-336-4164, ext. A58551. Attendants, part-time nights and weekends. Apply at Jackson Exxon, 2818 & Texas. BARNHILL’S COUNTRY BUFFET is currently hiring career- minded Wait-staff. Good pay and benefits. Apply in person Mon.-Fri., 2:O0-4:OOP M 1701 So. Texas Avenue. E.Q.E. Drug Test Required. Buck's Pizza now hiring all positions part-time Apply in person. 2418-Tx.Ave. (next to Krogers). 693-2825. Burger Boy Northgate now hiring cashiers, delivery and kitchen help. Apply @311 Church Street. Cashiers wanted full or part-time. Will schedule around classes. Burger King, 1719-Tx.Ave., C.Sta. Cruise & Land-Tour Employment- Excellent earnings & benefits potential. World Travel (Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean). Ask us howl 517-336-4228, ext. C58551. Experienced computer technician is needed at Compuview Microsystems, Inc. 846-5454. FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT- $19K-$74K/Yr +Benefits, Paid Training. For Info. On Avail. F/T or P/T positions. Call 1-800-585-9024, ext.4357. FP/PT Object Oriented Programmer needed. Agriloc Incorporated is nations fastest growing software compa ny for lending industry. Bring your proven skills, or edu cation in Java C++, VB, SQL. Positions in C.Sta. and Austin. Benefits include: paid vacation, training, health insurance. Phone 512-465-0663, fax 512-465-0665. Full-Time Tellers. NORWEST Bank TX N.A. is now hir ing for Part-Time Tellers. Preferred candidates will be extremely goal-oriented and have a stable work history. Minimum qualifications are: six(6) months to one(1) year experience In all areas listed below: ‘Customer Service, •Sales/Retail, -Cash handling or ‘Past teller experience. NORWEST Bank is a leading financial institution that provides an exciting professional work environment, competitive salaries and excellent flexible benefits. Interested candidates please fax resumes to 1-888-667- 2445. Norwest is an Affirmative Action Employer. ©1998 Norwest Bank, TX N.A. Member FDIC, EOE, M/FA//D. Gold’s Gym is looking for personal trainers. Flexible hours, 12-20hrs/wk. Experience &certlfication preferred. Apply In person only! Graduate Students & Seniors: Note takers are needed for several large under graduate classes. Please call 846-2255 or come by Notes-N-Quotes, 701 West University (across from Blocker). Hallmark Cleaners accepting applications for assembly and counter help, also a delivery driver. Apply in per son, 3611 South College Avenue. Handy person. House/ yard work. Flexible hours. Starting $6/hr. 693-5175. Help wanted. FT/PT, minor mechanic work. Apply at Piper's Chevron, Texas Avq, at University Drive. Ideal for college student. Part-time. Flexible hours. Telephone Operator. Apply at 307 South Main, Ste. 101, Bryan. Library Research Assistant. $6/hr. 5-10hrs/wk. Must be well organized. 845-9524. Local business needs part-time warehouse help/ deliv ery driver. Must have good driving record. Need to be available Tuesday through Thursday. Please call 779- 7043 for application. Max Food Mart needs cashiers for all shifts. Apply at 3211-B TX.Ave., Bryan. National Park Employment- Work in America's National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Competitive wages + bonuses! Ask us how! Call Outdoor Employment Resources: 517-336-4291, Ext.N58551. New year new job. Up to $7.50. Part time. Flexible schedules. Scholarships available, conditions apply. Call 10a.m.-4p.m. 695-1386. Ninfa's is now accepting applications for Host and Waitstaff. Inquire within M-F, 2-4p.m. P/T job helping handicapped. Male A&M student pre ferred. $270/mo. 12hrs/wk. 846-3376 Part-time evening work doing commercial office clean ing, Mon.-Fri. Call for an appointment, 823-5031. Part-time night cook wanted. Apply In person Mon.- Thur., 3-5:30p.m. T-Bone Jones, 809 Ea. University. Part-time Telemarketers needed. Please call 778-7878. Part-time work available. Landscape lawn service. Must be available M/W/F. For more information call 823-3442, after 6p.m. Part-Time. Lawn care service. Apply in person at 3209 East Bypass Partner’s Food Delivery now hiring delivery drivers. Flexible hours. Apply in person, 113-Walton. Piano accompanist needed for youth theatre Monthly stipend. Call 823-8606 or 694-8373. Rodeo 2000 Bryan, College Station #1 partly place is currently hiring for all positions: bartenders, waitresses Enthusiasm, high energy and a smile required. Please apply in person M-F, 12-6p.m. at Rodeo 2000, 1600-B South College. Volunteer Coaches Needed. St. Michael's Academy in Bryan needs both Boys & Girls Coaches for Basketball & Tennis. (5th.-6th. grade teams through varsity levels). Call Wendy Snyder at 822-2715. MISCELLANEOUS For 7c/min long distance anywhere in U.S Please call (409)571-8333. Texas Rangers playoffs, division series, great field level seats, $60-$90. Leave message for Jason at 694-8339 or E-mail: MOTORCYCLE '97 Honda Shadow Ace 1100CC, like new, $6,500. Call 774-7036. PERSONAL Internet Secrets! Get unconfused. Amazing tips &tricks. 1-900-976-3339 Ext.#3674. $2.99 per minute. Must be 18yrs. PETS 2 dogs free to good homes. Adult male Dachshund, good indoor companion. Spayed female Terrier, good playmate. Please call 778-4036. Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. AKC male Golden Retriever, 3 months, first shots and supplies, $150 or best offer. Please call 693-7778. Australian Shepherd puppies. Great for protection of person and property. 8-weeks old. Beautifully marked. 5-black tri, 1-female w/brown eyes, 1-male copper tri w/hazel eyes. First shots, dewormed, tails docked, par ents on-site, family-raised, loving, friendly, and loyal. Truly man’s best friend. AKC, ASCA. $75-$100. 272- 1530. Docile 4ft. Ball Python "Nayla" needs new home. Owner graduating. Includes tank, heat, rock, bedding, and water dish. $200. 680-0480 ROOMMATES 1-Jr/Sr F-Roommate needed. 3bdrm/11/2bath. $233/mo. +1/3bills. W/D. Call 695-9571, Sarah or Debbie. 2-F/Rmmt or 3-M/F to take over lease. New 3bdrm/2bath duplex. $316/mo.+utllities. 695-9637. Female roommate needed a.s.a.p.l 2bdrm/2bath duplex. $275/mo. +1 futilities., on bus-route. 695-0215. M/F to share nice house. Great neighborhood. Own room & bath, w/d. $300/mo. +1 futilities. Carol, 845- 0544(wk), 690-7745(hm). Roommate needed. 3bdrm/2bath duplex. $270/mo. +1 futilities. On bus route. 764-6126. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations-Bank. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111- Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017)., and others: personal ized e-mail services. Piano/organ instructors has morning openings Call Henry Berger at 778-2510. SPECIALTY SHOPPING New scuba equipment Low prices Warranty 800- 921-1384 TUTORS Drowning in Spanish? Private tutor knows how to explain Spanish so you can understand It Call Enc at 779-6453 Experienced Tutor- Math. Science, Biology. Botany. Biochemistry, and specifically Genetics Spanish avail able. Leave message 690-0738. A S T WANTED Looking for members lor a Texas style country band Need bass, drummer. Iiddle/eiectric or anyone interest ed. call Steve @647-2682 Need tickets for A&M game on October 10th Call (409)836-9291. WANTED ALL FOOTBALL TICKETS!! Top dollar paid. $$1-800-776-9488$$. Local pickup. WEIGHT LOSS "METABOLIFE 356'*" Very competitive prices Distributors needed. Free local delivery 776-8984 Get paid to lose weight Wanted 42-people to lose weight All natural Doctor recommended and (1 in Europe Call (409)279-9899. Lose 10-100lbs guaranteed! Jeremy lost 65ibs and 12ln. in 3-months. Free samples!! (409)228-2779. Metabolite 356 $35: distributors also needed Call 828- 5541, 778-2455, 691-8049 Metabolife 356 -Lose Weight- -Energy Boost- 100% Guaranteed. Cheapest around. $35. Call 268-8823. Metabolife 356 Lose weight, feel great, more energy Jim or Christy, 1 -800-805-9909. Not a diet! All natural fat- metabolism herbal product. Call 1 -800-600-0343. Ext.#2301 Acute Cold Study Volunteer ages 14 and older need ed to participate in a research study with an investigational study drug to treat flu-like symptoms of fatigue, body aches, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, and sore throat. Must be seen within 36 hours of onset of symptoms. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Planning on getting married soon? Where are you going to hold the reception? Have you considered the Faculty Club? Yes, it is possible. For more information, please call: David Winder at 862-2988. WMIffRHffi! WMiffi GET MUGGED! CLASS OF 1999! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SENIOR PICTURE FOR THE 1999 AGGIELAND YEARBOOK. AR PHOTOGRAPHY IS NOW TAKING PICTURES FOR THE YEARBOOK. THEY ARE LOCATED IN THE REDMOND TERRACE CENTER IN BETWEEN JASON’S DELI AND ACADEMY. REGULAR AND EXTENDED SITTINGS ARE AVAILABLE. HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00-12:00 AND 1:30-5:00. PLEASE CALL 693-8183 FOR MORE INFORMATION. ATHLETES FOOT STUDY Patient volunteers needed for research study of new investigational medicine. Free physical exam, treatments, study medications and lab tests for qualified participants. Ages 18 years and above. No topical (prescription or over the counter) treatment in the last 2 weeks. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 Hilton College Station seeks career oriented individuals for 6 a.m.-3 p.m. shifts in the following positions: •Restaurant Server -Restaurant Busser •Room Service Wait Staff If you are a reliable individual who likes to work in a fast-paced environment and earn good wages and benefits, please stop by the Human Resources office at: Hilton College Station 801 University Drive East College Station, TX 77840 References & Drug Screens Required - E.O.E. Now Hiring Part-Time Universal Computer Systems, Inc. is looking for candidates for the following part time positions at our College Station offices. Data Entry Technician Asst. PC Support Inventory Control Customer Service All positions offer 15-39 hours per week and start at $6.00 per hour. We also have many full time opportunities available after graduation! To apply, call our Recruiting Department at 1-(800) 883-3031 3833 So.Texas Avenue, Ste. 201 Metro Centre UCS hires non-tobacco users only E.O.E. Page 8 • Friday, September 25, Battalic Softball atte to settle rostt there is Sti// months away spring season opener,^ A&M Softball Team is a -) ing to finalize its start/; and fill some gaps /; opened up by transf;- departing seniors. H wise qi Coach Jo Evans wil X that rea pick from a young, athl- «Tlie toils of "We don't have a se4ojd will seei at all,” Evans said. “BiToiliing, whe more depth than we've eBto the enc since I've been here.' Broad.” On the offensive s::l All A&M returns sophomore Hems, faculty Esters — who led th and guests v\ batting average and I attend footbc last year — as well asBon of the Stephanie Trumbull 5'khmld reme Smith, who tied fortheteBrhe Zone in runs batted in. Bular disph Defensively, sophor Bfortunatel Vining returns as the ttBtball spec Aggies’ pitching staff afte :gobd news is 6 with a team-leading l-Wier for Ion run average. She will sp/HAs anyont the mound with junioimt football Lemuth, who will compteBtction — , ing rotation that is shor.rHy. Hardly after Ashley Lewis tramB north sid Louisiana State this yea' Brse. Hopei "We don’t have tht tors to Kyle F pitching that I would like'completed cc Evans said. “Our pirBnds or con good, I would just liketoBget a bette more.” Rvconstrui Illy long or floes not rest A&M record sf" d despite forfei m iveilU imam (action can ince to the The Texas A&M I games an Team’s record will remarwork them. C despite the forfeiture H a major ( Louisiana Tech game, lid has cau The Athletics Depart/:|Football p, feited the Louisiana Tec when it was discovered running back D’Andre Hardeman played in to while ineligible. According to the Sports Information Dei the NCAA called Thursdai ing to say the game Louisiana Tech will on A&M’s record. The NCAA said no one is allowed to change their record, and the statistics from the game will count. The record for Lousiana Tech’s football team will remain! In previous cases wherf tures have been involved, that was forfeited \ record book as a 1-0 Since A&M plays 12 season games this p Aggies are required to win games to qualify fora The NCAA has notiK| decision on whetta over Tech will count to seven wins required for a bowl. ■ lure tsponse to rrity sees c for women am writinj (an Buckmi Garrity c The captf said s Jkingfemal lets. That rs five dia ly who can MAEAjfows five is ‘ ree diamom ow, had th ndone, om [t Reveille is ale in the C reside Amei Soccer Continued from “You can’t underestinu team just because they® offensive struggles at the ning of the season,” Guerriei “Their midfielders are very? getting behind defenses out the game.” Just like the defense offense hopes to g track after a dismal California last week attack, led by sophonrf leading point-getter Thrasher, look to turn tl sive woes around. With SMU holding tht advantage at 14-4-1, the will try to muster theiris ; group of players to win d game. Senior defender Emil!'] said she expects a toughM “It will be a true test! 1 are looking forward lo Elias, the team’s captain,s 'esponse to he articles 'alion sick at Clinton d [continues fending his I anyone wh an extreme am just as ut Clinton’: t person, b yto hold o le for their c Woodstone Wash I