•STUDENTS and FACULTY/STAFF •PLUS GUESTS* RIDE THE SHUTTLE BUSES TO KYLE FIELD The Texas A&M Athletic Department will be running student shuttle buses to home football games again this season! The buses will run on their normal routes. Students and Faculty/Staff plus their guests may ride FREE!! Just show your game ticket to board the bus. The Student shuttle buses will start their regular routes 2 horns before kickoff and depart campus for 1 hour after the game is over RIDE THE STUDENT SHUTTLE BUS TO HOME FOOTBALL GAMES Student season subscriptions start at $129 • Student special packages start at $64 Go by the MSC Box Office • Call 845-1234 Epic performances at student prices Smokey Joe's Cafe September 23 & 24 St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra October 15 Bully, An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt starring John Davidson October 17 &C 18 House of Blues Highway 61 October 21 Always...Patsy Cline November 10 & 11 Nigel Kennedy November 15 Page 8 « Wednesday, August 26, 1998 c ampus Thi Course gears up for educating teachers STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS College of Education, will give the opening address. Dr. William Peter, professor in the Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction and Dr. Claude Gibson, an associate professor and director of under graduate studies in the English department, will present speech es introducing the purpose of these collaborative efforts. Peter and Gibson will lead a se ries of seminars throughout the academic year, during which public school teachers and administrators will meet with liberal arts, science and education faculty members from A&M. Texas A&M’s teacher preparation program has been undergoing changes, which, it is hoped, will turn out a new and improved breed of teachers and administrators. Changes have been made to ward a more field-based program for students wanting to pursue a career in education. Educators in the Bryan-College Sta tion area and A&M professors kick off a year of collaboration on A&M’s new ly restructured teacher preparation program with a banquet tonight for participants in this renewal effort. Dr. Jane Connally, dean of the Library scores with Kickoff Camp gift STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS The General Libraries’ partner ship was presented a check for $25,000 presented during the 6th annual R. C. Slocum Kickoff Camp. Hosted by Coach Slocum and his entire coaching staff and play ers, the camp drew 105 football fans from across the country. Each year Coach Slocum pre sents proceeds from the camp to the partnership and the Aggie Band. Med student! AMA appoint) STAFF AND WIRE RE! The American Medical (AMA) has named a Tes fourth-year medical studrl Council on Medical Servitf | Nefertiti C. duPont.: worked with the AMA'sstu vice section. The Colleger 1 received notice of her air on July 22. DuPont’s student memte on the council comes aftei, ing for the Middle Schoolfe Awareness Progran of White Memorial Hospita Healthcare Research Proge Orientation introduces grad students tot STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS Five sessions of a free four-hour orientation program geared for new graduate students at Texas A&M will begin today and run through Saturday. The sessions will be held at Reed Arena. The program will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Aug. 27 and 29 and Aug. 26 and 28 from 1 to 5 p.m. During the first session, all stu dents will learn about the basics of graduate studies, and responsible conduct for graduate studies. Following the general)! the students may choose * six group sessions that cuss different topics, incl: nancial aid, personal sa'e computing resources. After each session,are; fair will be held where22ti offices and groups willl) sent. New graduate students ed in this program areaske: tact the Office of Graduate at 845-3631, orthroughe ogs@tamu.edu. www.tca.net 693-8885 From the Only Affordable Provider Of Ultra High Speed Internet Access! Here 's what we offer: • Speeds over SOX faster than telephone modrr • No telephone line Is required No dialing in / no busy signals • C onnected 24 hours a day via cable All for only S49.95* per month for unlimited, high speed Internet Access! CALL OR COME BYTODAY! INTERNET • Activation fee acVftiunai Price includes monthly cable modem rental. Must have Basic Cable w\i«i receive a cable modem Price docs not indude soles lax sndor any oUkt services. Themonlhh Inlcr* tec of S49.95 applics to rcsadmtiaJ customers only. Some restrictions may apply. Call lor ccmpIdcAti Now available at two convenient location!) 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Florian, M.D. Specialist in Internal Medicine 1602 Rock Prairie Road Suite 320 College Station 764-7983 fifgf! HHl lied COLLEGE STATION MEDICALCENTER Rock Prairie Road igmgMiMgggK .■ **