cnday • August 3,1998 The Battalion PINION ow I lay me down to sleep... inally ill patients should rely on healing powers of traditional medicine, not mystical power of prayer Alison Lackey columnist he August 8th issue of Woman’s World maga zine reports new research showing that no RiyvH matter what individuals ay for, better physical health , the result. The magazine re- '"“Htsthat spirituality and reli- t n ous beliefs can protect indi- k duals from disease, t Bandit* “Jeligious people are less ctorAcadJf tosufferfrom "reports PegVerone, ithor of Harness the Healing _ of Faith. the pjjthin Verone’s article, a , jjHampshire Dartmouth 1011 fl ed [cal Center study reports itilnts who had “strong faith” were 14 times less ly Aware (e iy to die after open heart surgery than those Uigeaw. r .| 0( |i t i not Anc j eac h 0 f the 37 patients in the nice and uc j, claimed to be deeply religious made a Mrirmn\. ' vm ‘J Sbiritual suggestions such as these are down- vaysdone« n g t h e significance and efficiency of modern pstaOT^j c j ne S pi r it ua i aspect of improving physi- str”^ jcjMealth should only, at most accompany mod- u :nhiedicine. It should not be the sole provider of t lh care. e love s T.T. . . , . , . . . Within the article, various statistics and reason- Mhr |g siic h as this explain why personal spiritual ahananfa® * 1 ^ 11S c i te< d to be a valid cure for terminal ill- nkrockr® However, the problem is that often times, the he industr pdity of Hie power of spiritual growth convinces ird mvst 1 ’fti ents t0 drop their modern medicinal thera- iince." ‘ es - [With the knowledge of these new studies, I tould religious leaders feel relieved to know they a I ClKnll not have a serious illness? It is absurd to think is true. hat constitutes strong faith anyway? It seems dividuals do not all have an equal value of faith, e intensity of faith is different for each person, erefore, these studies seem to be without credi- .nieveliss levil neet L’rned ate fV- so h t | S fcW resentl y. our traditional concept of cancer is ^ .TBingchallenged by researchers and doctors who 1 Use spiritual and religious methods. However, discoveries of traditional science suggest the causes of cancer are ge netic or chromosomal dam age from radiation and chem icals. Modern science also suggests cancer leads to death if not treated. There fore, it is important to find it early and treat it by killing diseased tissue with surgery, chemotherapy, etc. With these methods, there are several questions and problems that some cru saders of spiritual and reli gious healing have with modern medicine. Teachers of spiritual healing seem to believe other issues prompt cancer and other terminal diseases. Geerd Ryke Hamer, Ger man physician, dubbed “the German faith healer,” be lieves the causes of cancer are a “person’s life situation, his or her practical, emotional and social problems.” It is a challenge to believe attending a religious service or meditating on a living room rug can significantly improve one’s chances of not developing cancer. These things do not protect an individual from cancer. Of course, it would be a spiritually uplifting ex perience to meditate or pray, but the link between the physical and the spiritual concerning protect ing oneself from cancer and heart disease seems non-existent. It is understandable that when individuals face intense pain accompanied by the threat of death, prayer and meditation allow the patient to cope with the disease. However, it seems a patient would be open to alternative concepts of healing. Patients undergoing the horrific strain of termi nal illness will exhaust options. His or her deter mination and desperation creates validity for any type of method. However, it is important to stress that a spiritual life of prayer does not cure or protect an individ ual from cancer. Furthermore, individuals should not take this specific plan of action to ensure that disease will not dominate and complicate their lives. This type of use and abuse of prayer for future physical well in mm rni M ^ wmw Graphic Bv Timothy Kang / The Battauon being is manipulative. It is understandable if someone already afflict ed with disease would pray and seek spiritual healing to accompany his or her modern medical plan. But, the healing power of faith should not be a patient’s only plan. Patients should rely on healing powers of traditional medicine. Alison Lackey is a senior English major. Jst, all wiif t the Itel r of cete®l '11 die m ey got a 1C n cirrhosis! >d from oil after spaj he 1960s s| at least 351 times dmi h-defyinf' he admit vydrinfc ® HOW COULD A SHOOTING LIKE THIS HAVE HAPFENEP AT CAPrfOL? HAND !Y\E something to nnipe EYES. (JjBrmnwfeii (TiimK Vou.j pack, nds thr« : .500 point m 1 Park on rroumfci cers as rry jubil* e thru-h- half-gaB lt A'aymail [TiehorrificmurdersthathaveH heifers taken place in the nation’s Capi- s just as® - to! down** Juki appall 3 pullsai Americans. ledia ignores consequence lyspecula- canletthe i n 14 st