The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 27, 1998, Image 6
The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day V/SA Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (pnce must appear m ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale ' Guara " tee ^ results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call ^ efore 1 P_ m ' on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ADOPTION A Baby To Love!!! Happily- married, professional cou ple, with lovely home, two cats and big hearts, would love to adopt a newborn. Please call our attorney, Ms. Andrei. 1-800-385-0083. Legal/Medical expenses paid. ANNOUNCEMENTS EMPLOYMENT Alaska Summer Employment- Fishing industry. Excellent earnings & benefits potential. All major employers. Ask us howl 517-324-3115,ext.A58551. FOR RENT FOR RENT ""Help on the spot" 828-4832. Mason's Mobile Car Repair. Free Cash Grants! College. Scholarships. Business. Medical bills. Never Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000, Ext G-1652. . AUTO 1995 Acura Integra, 2-door hatchback, excellent condi tion. $11,995. Call 696-2108. '85-BMW 535i, auto, sunroof, leather, pw+l, 182hp, v-6, excellent condition, 155k. Must sell! $4,700. 693-7292. ‘86 Volkswagen Golf, a/c, 5-speed, sunroof, alloy wheels, am/fm/tape, great condition. $1,800/nego. 847- 1870. SEIZED CARS from $175. Porches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD’s. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext..A-1652 for current listings. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Help on the spot. 828- Mason's Mobile Car Repair. 4832. BED AND BREAKFAST Romantic Victorian B&B get-away. Plus gourmet can dle-light dining. “The Famous Pink House Gourmet B&B". 364-2868. COMPUTERS 386 CPU with modem, no keyboard or monitor $100. Please call Christy at 694-9696. Pentium 200MMX $885, 233MMX $950, PII233 $1,165, PII266 $1,265, PII300 $1,425, PII333 $1,525 32MBRAM 24CDROM 14"monitor 2.1GB-HD 33.6modem 2MBvideo s/speakers, 3.2HD add $30, 56modem add $20, 17”monitor add $180, 846-7186 for Laptops. DJf MUSIC "Party Block Mobile DJ"- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. The Best!! 693-6294. DJ Service. Good Music, Reasonable Rates. Call Shawn at 589-3592. Sound Power DJ Service. Weddings/ Mixers/ Parties, Large/ Small Sound Systems. Lights/ Smoke Available. Large Music Selection. Tommy Reed, Class '98. 696- 9754. EMPLOYMENT Technical Windows Programmer. 846-2340. Elite Software, 2-bedroom, appliances, wooded lot, 3-miles south of campus, $380/mo. 696-3307. 2-blocks from Blocker Building. 1-bedroom, 1-bath. Huge closets. Sublease or lease. $415/mo. Available 4/10/98. 260-8124. 2bdrm/1bath mobile home, remodeled, large yard, some bills paid, $400/mo., $200/dep. 774-8926. 3/or 4-bedroom/2-bath, 2-car garage, w/d, fenced yard, walk to campus, $1,000/mo. Available in May. 693- 4469. 3bdrm/11/2bath townhouses, few miles from University, on shuttle route, covered garage, patio, $720/mo. 822- 2492, call after 2:00p.m. Available 8/1/98. 3bdrm/2bath 4-plex. $765/mo. 4-yrs. old. New carpet, paint, walking closets, gas heat, low utilities, shuttle route, large kitchen, fenced yard, w/d available, quiet neighborhood. Leases starting in May. Call 764-2019. 3bdrm/2bath house. Available for sublease in May. Nice neighborhood in Bryan. $800/mo. 776-4357. 4bdrm/2bath, 2-car garage, w/d, fenced yard, walk to .campus, $1,200/mo. Available in May. 693-4469. Academic Village, 3900 Old College Road. Shuttle route. 12mo. lease, 1-bedroom, $365/mo. unfurnished, $420/mo. furnished. 12mo. lease, 2-bedroom, $395/mo. unfurnished, $450/mo. furnished. 9mo. lease on both $35/mo. extra. 846-9196. Cheap! - Close! (behind mudlot), w/d inside. Summer sublease w/posibility for Fall. 3-bedroom. $585/mo. (neg.) Newport Condominiums. 846-1467. COLLEGE COURT. Great location, 2bdrm/1ba, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm, pool, some utilities paid. $419/mo. 823-7039. Fall lease. Casa Blanca Apartments, 4110 College Main. 2bdrm/1bath, walk to campus. $395/mo. year lease. 9 months lease $420/mo. Dorm plan (furniture and all utilities) $285/mo. Call 846-1413. FULL SIZE WASHER/ DRYER. 2bdrm/1bath, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm. $459/mo. Available May 1st. 589-3779 or 846-7454. Nice 2bdrm/1bath duplex, fireplace, ceiling fans, storage building, patio, fenced, $550/mo. 260-9129. Nice large 2bdrm/11/2bath. Woodsman, C.Sta. W/D connection. $515/mo. +$300/dep. 696-1245. Pre-leasing Summer/Fall- large 2bdrm/11/2bath four- plex, w/d, C.Sta., shuttle, some w/fenced yard, $495- $515/mo. 693-0551,764-8051. Prelease now for May or Aug., 2bdrm/1bath, near tamu. 609-Turner, $365/$375. 693-1448. Prelease now. May or Aug. University Oaks duplexes, 2bdrm/2bath, w/d-conn. $585/$595. 693-1448. "Rosewood Villas”- C.Sta., 3bdrm/2bath, on shuttle, 2.5- miles to campus, preleasing for May and August, $900/month, $450/deposit. 846-1100. MWM Corp. THE HORIZON PRIVATE STUDENT DORM HOUSING FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND VISITORS TO CAMPUS. FURNISHED ROOMS W/ALL BILLS PAID FREE SHUTTLE TO AND FROM TEXAS A&M DAILY, WEEKLY & MONTHLY RATES AVAILABLE CALL 779-7091 TODAY! Sublease efficiency apartment #23. Chene Apartments. Call 693-1906. $250/mo. Doux We’ve got an apartment for you! it s time to Make Your Move ... 1 Bdrms. starting at $385 2 Bdrms. I »" S ^T starting at $430 Doux Chene Apartments!!! 1401 FM2818 693-1906 FACIAL ACNE STUDY Volunteers, ages 13 thru 30, with moderate to moderately severe facial acne needed to participate in a research study with an investigational topical gel. This is an eight week study and requires 5 office visits. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $125. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc (409)846-5933 COUNSELING Join Our Team! We are looking for creative, energetic staff to work with emotionally adolescents in an outdoor residential treatment program located in a small, rural town in the rolling hills of middle Tennessee. We have the following positions available: RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR: BS/BA and 1 year experience with children required. CABIN SUPERVISOR: BS/BA , 1 year experience with kids & 6 months supervisory experience required. COUNSELOR/THERAPIST: Masters degree in mental Health and two years related experience required. TEACHER: Tennessee licensure required. Special Ed strongly preferred. YOUTH VILLAGES is dynamic, forward thinking organization that helps children and families live successfully. E.O.E. Please send resume and cover letter to: DVY, Youth Villages, 5515 Shelby Oaks Drive, Memphis TN 31834. SKIN INFECTION STUDY Patients 18 years of age or older with uncomplicated skin infections such as impetigo, cellulitis, infected hair follicles, wounds abrasions, insect bites, etc. needed to participate in a research study with an investigative antibiotic. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 IMPORTANT NEWS FOR PEOPLE WITH Many adults suffer from heartburn, acid indigestion and/or sour stomach. Ifyou are one of these individuals you may be eligible to participate in a medical research study in the treatment of heartburn. Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 18 years of age or older who experience episodes of heartburn. You may qualify for a research study using an investigational oral medication. The study involves 2 visits over 3 weeks and eligibility to purchase the heartburn relief product. Participants who complete the study will be paid $100. For more information, call: Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 SONNENBLICK APARTMENTS. Large 2bdrm/1ba, 884sq.ft., 5-closets, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm, pool, covered parking, $439/mo. 260-8090. Sublease at Rosewood Villas: share apartment with own bedroom; $200/month until August 15th; Female pre ferred. Call (972)317-5916 or (409)694-5300. Sublease May-Aug., Ibdrm/lbath, fireplace, balcony, renewable lease, $350/mo. Call 822-4682. Sublease now. 2bdrm/1 bath duplex. Vaulted ceilings, walk-in closets, ceiling fans, large fenced backyard, pri vate. $525/mo. 846-5099, leave message. Summer lease. Casa Blanca Apartments, 4110 College Main. 2bdrm/1bath, walk to campus, $300/mo. 846- 1413. Summer sublease w/option to renew. 3bdrm/2bath 4- plex. Super close to campus, w/d connections, on shut tle, $850/mo. 694-2327. Summer sublease. 1-2 people. 2bdrm/11/2bath. fenced yard, w/d, furnished, pet deposit paid, rent nego tiable. Call 695-2537. Summer sublease. 1 -bedroom in 2-bedroom apartment, May-15th to Aug.15th. $275/mo. Call Carrie @696- 0240. Summer sublease. Ibdrm/lbath. Overlooks pool. $450/mo. Huntington Apartments. 696-4897. Summer sublease. 2-roommates needed. M/F. $250/mo. +1/3/bills. W/D included. 823-3054. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/1 .Sbatti. pool, shuttle, fire place. $420/mo.+deposit Call 846-0121. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/1bath. route. Please call 764-2197. $450/mo. On bus Summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bath duplex. Spacious. $650/mo. Call 268-2362. Summer sublease. 4bdrm/2bath. Fully furnished, w/w+d, $281/mo., cable paid. 764-1466 or 696-0983. Summer sublease. 4bdrm/2bath. University Commons. Fully furnished. $281/bdrm/mo. 693-1879 or 693-1392. Summer sublease. June-Aug. 2bdrm/2bath. Parkway Circle Apartments. $415/mo. Nicel Sydney. 695-0292. Summer sublease. Nice clean 2bdrm/ 2bath 4-plex. $495/mo. Deck, shuttle route, w/d conn, behind Hilton. 846-2088. HELP WANTED Farmers Insurance needs mature reliable people to dis tribute flyers door to door in residential neighborhood. Flexible schedule. $6/hr. Gall Randy. 691-2534. Full-time secretary/ receptionist. Good phone skills. computer knowledge, filing, invoicing, payables & good organizational skills needed. Resume only to admail: 427 Dellwood, Bryan. TX.77801. Junior or Senior level Industrial- Mechanical- Electrical Engineering students. If you are good with your hands and are looking for a summer position, mail or drop resume and time available for work to Joy Caldwell, Lynntech, Inc. 7610-Eastmark Drive, Ste.105. College Station, Texas 77840. E.O.E. email :caldwell@myrl- j Leasing agents wanted. License required. Brazos Land Properties. 846-0606. Local Business needs part-time warehouse help/ deliv ery driver. 7:00a.m.-2p.m. Must have good driving record. Please call 779-7043 for information on applica tion. Ninfa’s now accepting applications for dependable Hostesses and Waitstaff. Inquire within M-F, 2:30-4p m. Part-time computer operator 12hrs/wk.+ Working with D-Base programs, laser printers, ink-jet. 9 track and 8MM tape drives, Newsletter & Publisher programs. Apply at admail 427 Dellwood. Bryan, TX.77801. 779- 7788. Part-time evening work doing commercial office clean ing, Mon.-Fri. Call tor an appointment, 823-5031. Part-time job helping handicap, male A&M student pre ferred. $270/mo. 12hrs/wk. 846-3376. Part-time office help needed. 764-5900. Pizza Hut is now accepting applications tor all positions, both part-time & full-time. Apply in person at 3131 Briarcrest. QUALITY SALES PEOPLE We have Full and Part time evening telemarketing positions available immedi ately. $7/hourty base pay + bonuses. Flexible sched ules. Apply in person at: IMS, 700-Univ. Dr. E., Ste.104, C.Station (behind Golden Corral). 691-8682. Red Bandana. 2p.m.-4p.m. Sell roses In local nightclubs. 596-3244. Please call 5p.m.-8p.m. Summer sublease. Treehouse Village. Efficiency. $425/mo. Call Lori at 696-4347. Summer sublease: May20- Aug.20. Large 3bdrm/2bath 4-plex w/w+d. 1/2-mile from campus, on shuttle-rt. Excellent condition. $750/neg. 696-9868, leave mes sage. Summer sublesae. 2bdrm/2bath condo, w/d, celling fans, shuttle, $740/mo. Anna, 691-2233. The Villas of Cherry Hollow now preleasing for Summer and Fall. Summer only leases available. Large 1-bedrooms, 2-bedrooms and 2bdrm/11/2bath studios, walk to T.A.M.U. Recently renovated. 503-Cherry St., C.Sta. 846-2173. We are ready to preleasell 1.2&3 bedrooms, various locations, ranging from economy to luxurious. United Realty, 694-9140. We are taking namesl! Reserve your summer storage now. .4-locations in B/C.Sta. Call United Realty for details, 694-9140. You'll Love This Onell 3bdrm/2bath. 1,700sq.ft. 2-IIV/2- din. 10-minutes from A&M. Small yard. Great neigh bors. $800/mo. (817)877-5936. FOR SALE — "55% OFF Retail. Hirsch fine leather watch straps. Maroon Crocodile $29.95 or maroon Teju Reptile $18:95 plus $3.95 S/H and 8 1/4% tax. McAdams Floral (800)677-8185. 1107-East Red River, Victoria, TX. 77901." 1997 GT Aggressor- RST shocks, all Shimano compo nents, near perfectl Awesome for campus or trails. Asking $235. Call Jason, 691-2199. 2 8" Kicker Solobarics $175, Nakamichi 4040 $200, Audiocontrol Crossover $40, Boston Acoustics Component Set $160/o.b.o. Leave Message w/Kyle (409)823-1703. '95 Cannondale Super-V 2000, XT-XTR, red w/silver, Must see! $1,300 negotiable. Call Kyle at 775-3502. Cannondale 200SE mountain bike $200. Packard Bell Pentium computer plus monitor $600. Please call 822- 9563. CT’s need your senior boots? Brand new, still in box, size 91/2, $600. Never been used. Call David at 696- 4761. Epiphone Acoustic Bass, like new, sunburst finish, case included $450. Please call 694-2639. Garth Brooks. Floor seats. April 7th only. Section 5, row E or K, $150 each. Call 774-9412, after 5p.m. Hurry 11 Like to exercise? Try our all natural products that help build muscle &cut recovery time. Call toll free 1-888- 625-8065. Moving. Must sell: table and 2-chairs $30; computer desk $50; bed $150; couch $70; cd player $70. Please call 260-8124. Sculptured Longhorn keepsake. Ceramic reproduction of Bevo I w/or without brand. Gold foil printed historical display pamphlet. 1800-499-Bevo. Trek 800, brand new, chrome, warranty, perfect condi tion, paid $270, sell for $175. Please call Mike at 846- 9293. FUNDRAISER Fundraising Opportunities Available, raise $500 in one week. No financial obligation. Great for clubs. For more information call (888)51-APLUS, ext.51 HELP WANTED 100 Instructors/ Counselors needed. Coed sleepaway camp. Pocano Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary/ tips!! 1-800-422-9842. Accepting applications for management positions. 2-yrs of college or restaurant experience preferred, but not required. Flexible hours. Apply in person, or call Burger King, 1719-Texas Avenue, Culpepper Plaza, C.Sta. 693-5999. Assistant for Chiropractor office. Self-starter, enthusias tic, will train, typing required, 1703-Ea. 29th„ Bryan. Baskin Robbins now hiring friendly individuals for counter help. Apply in person. SW.Pkwy & Tx.Ave. location. Best Jobs on Campus!! The Aggies Outreach Program is Back!! Contact former students to ask for their support of student scholarships and other academ ic programs. Earn $5.75/hr. +bonuses. Work flexible hours while developing communication and negotiation skills. Stop by the Clayton Williams, Jr. Alumni Center for an application or call 862-4764 for more information. Cashier. Part-time or full-time. Flexible hours. Also waitstaff position. Apply Tues.-Fri., 2-4p.m. at Golden Corral. College Station Hilton. Come Join Our Quality Team! Currently Hiring For The Following Positions: -Banquet Servers, -Banquet Houseperson, -Room Attendants, -Night Lobby Attendant, -Housekeeping Houseperson, •Restaurant Servers, -Busser, -Night Auditor, •Reservation Agent, -Buffet/ Banquet Cook, -Buffet Attendant, -Engineering Helper, -Engineer, -Guest Service Agent, -Sous Chef, -Dishwasher, -Dinner Cook, •Pantry, -Sales Coordinator, -Catering Sales Manager, •Bell Person. Apply in person at: College Station Hilton. Human Resources Office. Drug Screen & References Required. E.O.E. Earn $750-$1,500/Week. Raise all the money your stu dent group needs by sponsoring a VISA Fundraiser on your campus. No investment & very little time needed. There's no obligation, so why not call for information today. Call 1-800-323-8454 x95. PERSONAL Are You in a Long-Distance Relationship? Toll-Free 1 800-871-1819. Looking for someone special? Call now! 1-900-407- 7781, Ext.#1021. $299permin. MustbelSyrs Serv- U: (619)645-8434. PETS Adopt: Puppies, Kittens. Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. AKC black lab puppies, 9 weeks old, $200. Please call Amy at 696-2325. AKC registered Shellies, 6 weeks old, all shots, Sire reg istered champion, miniature Revilees, perfect for Easter $150. Please call 268-5611. For sale: Sugarglider, 1 year old, male, $200 O.B.O including cage & food. Please call 847-3672. REAL ESTATE Condo for sale in Villa Oaks West; 2bdrm/2bath w/fire- place, 980sq.ft., on shuttle route. Ideal for students $33,000. Call (817)416-0568. Gov't Foreclosed homes from pennies on $1. Delinquent Tax, Repo's. REO’s. Your Area. Toll Free (1)800-218-9000, Ext.H-1652 for current listings. New efficiency solar house. $36,250 / $350 Free elec- tricity! Townhouse for sale. 2/1/1. 2-levels. Nice neighbor- hood. Backyard on creek. 604-A Cache Cove Bryan Call 822-6094. y ROOMMATES Christian female roommate needed. Own room 2bdrm/2 bat h 4-plex, w/d, big closets, on bus route. 694- F-Roommate needed. $285/mo.+1/2bills. Water paij furnished, w/d, on bus route, great location, no pets' non-smoker. Lori, 695-1856. M/F roommate needed for May. Own bed/bath Li^i 460t eX ’ Fenced back y ard $360/mo. +1/2 utilities. 822- M/F, 2bdrm/1bath duplex, on shuttle route, close to canT raimnhL°M n . on ' sm ° ker Preferred, rent negotiable. Call Mobile Mechanic 693-0726. Roommate needed. 3-bedroom duplex $230/mo. Please call 260-9826. Own room. ROOMMATES Roommate needed a close to campus, ov 5p.m. 694-1595. Roommate needed. Nice studio apartmi 1i/2bath On shuttle 3bdrm/2bath SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Dnvmg. Lot Ticket dismissal/insurance discoc W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) Sal(8am-2 30pm). Inside Nations come $25/cash Lowest pnce a Umv Dr . Ste 217. 846-6117 St (CP-0017). Are credit cards eating you alive'’ help. Financial Fitness Centers, mail: www tinancialtree com Federal Income Tax Prs Evelyn Block. 694-2819 Rays Residential Lawn Se in residential homes. TRAVEL Nicholls State otters accredited programs m able credit in languages & humanities m Mexico, Spain. Ecuador. France, and Ge +yrs low tuition and new sessions begin evi Call (504) 448-4440 for literature. Ski Taos. Red River, and Angel Fire. N Luxury townhouse, sleeps 16 from $140 l night. Call 846-8916, ask for John. Waitstaff needed. Apply in person from Chemistry Tutor for H.S. our home. $8/hr. 696-81 WEIGHT LOSS STUDENT WORK Program. Part-time. Flexible sched ules around classes with above average pay. Scholarships available, conditions apply, training pro vided. Call 10-4. 696-7734. Student worker positions available. Get great sales experience while helping out Texas A&M athletics. Earn up to $5.50/hr. plus bonus. Stop by the 12th Man Foundation Development Ottice at the North end of Kyle field or call 691-8251. Summer Camp Counselors Needed For Premiere Camps In Massachusetts. Positions for talented, ener getic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports including Roller Hockey, all individual sports such as Tennis & Golf, Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities including art, dance, theatre, gym nastics, newspaper & radio. Top salaries, room, board and travel. June 20th- August 19th. Enjoy a great sum mer that promises to be unforgettable. MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118. DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392- 3752. SUMMER INSTRUCTORS. Outstanding 8-week girls' camp in Maine needs female and male Instructors in TENNIS and WATERFRONT including Swim, Canoe, Kayak, Sail, and Riding and Rocks/ Outdoor Living. 'Excellent salary, 'Travel allowance. ‘Tripp Lake Camp, Poland, Maine. Call 800-997-4347 or 888-617-7477, Summer job? Horse internship? Spend this summer on a horse in the Colorado Rockies. R/B, salary, tips. Top rated ranch. Work with the largest saddle horse string In the world. In operation for three generations. Call 303- 442-0258 to schedule an interview for April 1st. For more information, contact Sombrero Ranches, 3300 Airport Road, Boulder, CO. 80301. 303-442-0258 or visit our web site at T-Bone Jones now hiring waitstaff &kitchen staff. Apply in person Mon.-Thurs., 3:30-5:00p.m. 809-E University. No phone calls please! The Cowboy Club now hiring all positions. Apply at 2820 Pinfeather Road or call 775-0494 after 4p.m. Two positions available off campus for Soil Analytical Services, Inc., 415 Graham Road, College Station (approx. 5-miles South .of TAMU campus off Wellborn Road). Full-time Tech with BS in Chemistry or related field. GC experience preferred. And part-time (30hrs/wk) Soils Lab Technician. Call 690-2280. Warehouse help needed Wednesday and Friday all day, Tues.-Sat. full-time, full-time over summer. $6/hr. 779- 7586. We're looking for outgoing, organized, self-motivated workers to join our part-time sales team at Scripture Haven. Summer months and holidays work are a must. Apply in store at Post Oak Mall. LOST & FOUND Lost: black pair of Ray-ban aviator style sunglasses Monday 3/24 in Wehner. Reward!! 694-9438. Reward!! Lost 12-wk old yellow lab puppy around broadmoor. Call 774-1640. Get paid to lose weight weight!! All natural, C Europe!! Jan Debusk loi in 8-months. Jim Lane months. (409)823-7383. Now on The Battalion’s web page A 24-hour, multimedia news service for the Internet from The Associated Press ■ A comprehensive, up-to-Hie-minute rie*s report combining the latest AP stories with photos, graphics, sound and video. John Collins '97 invites you to... SMITH FIREARMS/ WICKSON CREEK GUN RANGE 409-764-9230 409-589-1093 (Range) Located 4.1 Miles East of Hwy 6 on Hwy 21 MON - FRI 3 PM - Dark SAT & SUN 9 AM - Dark Rifle & Pistol Range Skeet Practice "WE BUY GUNS!!" SKEET $4 FOR 25 BIRDS Aggies to Border 0i t: title thisv By COLBjil Sfajjif-j The Texas Ml Team plays host to al Border Olympic; Sunday at Laredo There are 14 teat which will play Saturday and 18o y I he Aggies won.o Iasi year by 12 stirs a nine-under-par was the lowest sco t Olympics since L Texas A&M ser ^el Angel will leadthi ,i e as the highest rar. )e the team at No,20. ■, A&M will face::- tion this yearfrotT; . which won the Bq r five straight times p unseated by the. Other teams in ^ Kansas l exas Fe cc, “'Utc 1 . ei| o “This is a big tout and we just need good start on S I rush man Clay Fuli: 1 I he Border Oh 0- * nci i > mi -oldest : e ,-« Lt>| -thl o isil ;hai the nation. FURTICK Continued fromf But aside from: e lems with the team a t t 1998 TWINE S m: : it Merced" 'Ortiz In 15 games wlthT 52 games with Twins; with Dodgers; mercedwV W-l RHP Brad Radke 2C ^ RHP Bob Tewksbury RHP Mike Morgan' LHP Dan Serafmi' LHP Travis Miller* RHP Rick Aguilera RHP Mike Trombley 'Morgan with Reds;! with Twins; Miller In 139! r ' group of talented pit Cordova, Pat Meares and Ron Coomerarei long, successful caret Radke has the stuffU mate Major Leagueatf The Twins simply i!i'.' pin lungdepthot tion potential to winw will take a lot of f et0 ' th.. Minnesota back acl die essentially dead ;)n c | Important Addii L Mike Morgan; C Jay 1 U) s ,| Big Losses: OF Rk : - st Chuck Knoblauch jityl Robertson. j^ 0 Pf Projected Record fi ec | in AL Central. I SO QC pager . F ,sc j Wiww airtime .jn j Aerial phonesjoldjw^jit EySBBESjMT i lux, \ If You Have Something T° Sr “ an < ;J .'-nglif The BattalweeJ Classifieds Can [ r wo| Call 845-Ofc — n 192 *>.j%**?*^**** >*♦<*»*»** * On sale this week at the MSC Rudder Box MSC CWr*:*:; /X Ctrv K E ^fH§ % 845-1234 or on the net! & Call to arrange for special needs. AggieBucks accepted. ... :om I iluji of tl ~!m Bo jjltM + MSC Wiley Lecture Serie, The Road to ® l * l fllfiai Next Millennium with F. W. de Klerk Fri, Mar 27. I ^ ^ # MSC Town Hall - Caedmon’s Call Sat, Mar 28,7:30? ^ 19; | •fr MSC OPAS — Blue Suede Shoes Tue, Mar 31 VI we| Call for times. irt. J 'Magination Station - The FantastlkS Fri, Apr3^ iJ M in Call for times. •Jfr Class of 2001 - Fish Ball Fri, Apr 3, 9:30 p.m. the m A&l » Ittlj**** ***wkwft»* I J4ftMasters’ r :‘A YEAR ROUND ARTS AND GRAFTS SHOW 1857 Briarcrest Drive • Bryan rd Anniversary Salf^ SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 199T y spmm wms smj£ l Vo OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STOf /prizes all day • $50 Gift Certificate 9 ),e f . 1-3 Mike Connors w/ KTAM live remote am fr 3-5 “Unknown Band” J Come meet the vendors & see our new General ^ i n res Sal - a-«n.- 6 p.m. _ —n07() ' C ^ Thurs. til 8 p.m. 776-HO* 1 iflt S,n P l, y nnd get that perfect gift for any occasion. *