The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 27, 1998, Image 3

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iy • March 27, 1998
The Batta
NxNG Band Briefs
Street Cryers
■ a debut album pro-
by Sex-Tom Petty and the
breakers drummer Stan
i and engineered by Rob
s who has worked on al-
by U2, Weezer and Sheryl
Grand Street Cryers cer-
has some good support
musical career,
med in August of 1995, the
featu res members of veter-
dlas bands who came to-
r searching for a new direc-
i music.
| and Street Cryers plays are-
1 |k-rock with an occasional
try beat put in the mix, em-
ping more on songwriting
nusical tones,
nstantly touring and writ-
ew [songs, the band will
its way to North by North-
playing at Fitzwilly’s out-
Saturday at 8 p.m.
)m a Grand Street Cryers’
release, Tim Locke, the
s primary songwriter, said,
“I write all the time. I have about
120 songs, and maybe half of
them are good.”
Locke said, apart from the to
tal band aspect, he enjoys writing.
“It’s better than jogging or lift
ing weights,” he said.
Although it would most likely
be considered a young-and-up-
coming band, Grand Street Cryers
is well on its way to a lucrative ca
reer in music.
From Dallas to College Sta
tion to wherever the wind will
take it, the band is sure to liv
en up the stage with diligently-
written lyrics and flowing mu
sic melodies.
from staff reports
Independent rock band Steam
roller will be making tracks into
Northgate Friday at Fitzwilly’s.
For over four years, this
Austin-based band has been
playing shows and touring
through Texas.
Some places Steamroller has
traveled to play are Arkansas,
Colorado and Mississippi.
The band’s style of grooving,
electric rock stems from the
band’s two singer/guitarists,
Kevin Dodds and Michael
McLellan; they have played to
gether since they were 12-
years old.
In July of 1995, the band re
leased a self-titled debut album
on its own music label, Red
wood Records.
Andy Langer of the Austin
Chronicle said, “Steamroller’s
songwriting shows a surprising
ly mature knack for lazy groves
and jangly guitar dynamics.”
In May of 1997, Steamroller
released its second album,
Cabin Fever.
Within one week of the al
bum’s release, its sales made it
the No. 2 best-selling local al
bum at Austin's Tower Records.
Recently, the band won the
HORDE Band to Band Combat
in Austin that will allow them a
playing slot on certain dates
on the HORDE tour the sum
mer of ’98.
With two independent al
bums in its pocket, Steamroller
looks to release a third album
later this year.
For now, the band will bring
its sound to Northgate to partic
ipate in its first music festival.
Dallas rock-band Doosu will
be playing at The Cow Hop on
Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
in February of ’96, the band
won both Regional/Southwest and
National Grammy Showcase com
petitions sponsored by NARAS.
After reaching such top-notch
success, Doosu then landed a
three-song demo recording ses
sion for Columbia Records.
As the band attempted to make
the best of its good fortune, sud
denly the rollercoaster ride came
to a screeching halt when
singer/guitarist Casey Hess had
to take a trip to the hospital for ma
jor open-heart surgery.
Even after months of recovery,
Hess’ heart took on a bacterial in
fection which led him back to the hos
pital once again for more surgery.
Now Doosu is back on track
and ready to rock at The Cow Hop
for the first North by Northgate.
North by Northgate Saturday Schedule
Copasetic Cafe
Cow Hop
Crooked Path Double Dave’s Fitzwilly’s upstairs Fitzwilly’s outside Shadow Canyon
o o
O rp
• Steve,Jon and Kellie
(The Dittfurths)
• Jerid Jackson
• Matt Keprta
• Sergio Herrera
• Michael Hickman
• Jennifer Morgan
•Roy Gene Munse
• Ron Piwko
• Miranda Zent
O m
• Robert Moreno
(12:15 a.m.)
Last Free Exit
Kharma Jet
Slow Roosevelt
Cereal Box Killers
The Spoilers
• Dexter Freebish
Six Mile Bridge
Buck Jones • Grand Street Cryers • Huffamoose
(8:45) (8:15)
Spencer’s Rocket
Reclamation • Memory Dean • Chris Duarte
• Peeping Tom • Drill Team
Reckless Panhandlers
(I 1:45)
Guy Forsyth
(I 1:45)
•American Horse
(I 1:45)
Wan Santo Condo
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Corridor double occupancy $314.00
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* All assignments will be made according to application
dates, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
W“Tf I. £ J
i s
U i
brought to you by
Crooked Path
Friday, March 27
David’s Gate
Throwaway People
Blue Earth
Saturday, March 28
^iflgrthgate Spittoon
Six Mile Bridge
Reckless Panhandlers
Be helpful...get paid...
Join the Reed Arena Crew.
Ushers, ticket takers, stagehands needed now.
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