The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 27, 1998, Image 2
f)edicatert^. ,, . , ^c«J€nsible IF THESE WORDS DESCRIBE YOU Director 8c Assistant Director Positions for 96 IB 9S C SOUTH WESTERN BLACK STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE ARE NOW OPENTTT Please go to the Department of Multicultural Services, MSC 137, or Student Activities in Koldus to pick up an application. APPLICATIONS DUE FRIDAV, APRIL 3, 1998 BY 5:00 P.M. IN THE SBSLC OFFICE in MSC 137. lEI | BC H mam Bm ■ ■ ■■■ I’riday‘Ma w l f -' V Vv ; ^ Fitzwilly’s upstairs wil Dexter Freebish, Drill Team By James Francis Aggielife editor S aturday night, while North by Northgate is in its full swing, two bands will be hoping to make the windows shake and get people in the bar moving in (or out) of their seats. Chris Lowe, bass player for Austin band Dexter Freebish, said he would classify the band’s music as a modern compilation. “I would call it prock, which is pop-rrxk. ’ he said. The band has been together for three years and Lowe said the music festival should help the lesser-known bands in the long run. “It’s a good opportunity to come out and support some bands that aren’t huge yet, but will be soon,” he said. Drill Team, however, will be coming into the festival with its new album released only two days ago. "U's about the Michael Longsaid Drill Team rec South by Southwes “We had a great about 300 to 400 p Both bands c Fitzwilly’s starting' p.m. and Drill Tear pain of love’! . "It’s violenu ently played- a and Longsax show," hesaic eople there.’ an be seen with Dexterb n at Pass the Microphone eniov a hot cup Gop as e lie Gafe opens the mic to local cC: o&G- of l own musicians James Francis aggielife editor North .by Northgate celebrates its inaugural year this weekend, people who go to check out the di versity in rock, coun try, blues, Celtic and the like also should know that bands await ing their big break at stardom will not be the only performers. Copasetic Cafe, located across the street from Disc Go Round and next door to Ma rooned Records, will be holding open-mic performances Friday and Saturday night. There will be acoustic sets of single performers and groups, both local and out-of-towners. From Mark and Scott of Recla mation to Insite Magazine Editor Kyle Littlefield, Copasetic will feature over 21 performances. While there, people should take the opportunity to enjoy the performances and drink some of Northgate’s tastiest coffee drinks —■ there’s nothing better than an acoustic show and cafe mocha to get a person in the mood to cele brate a music festival. So as the rumble of bands con tinue to rock Northgate venues, just remember there place of solace forth' to kick back and tel shop by the narneof Now go out, hittf and have the best Nr Northgate has too Janies From * i X. 1 i nr m jAHk HHE. HHi tTW I lie Hocttl To Stahili tv Africa in the Next Millennium Present this advertisement to the MSC Box Office for special BUY ONE GET ONE FREE TICKET PRICE V y F.W. de Klerk Fanner President of South Africa and Nobel Peat'e Prize Recipient Alan Gelb , Chief economist of Africa for the World Bank Gen. Charles G. Boyd, fornWf Deputy Commander-in-chief U.S. European Command Muna Ndulo , former Public Prosecutor for Zambian government and\ Human Rights Expert Barrie Dunsmore , former Foreign Affairs Correspondent- ABC News Tonight, 8:00 p.m. Rudder Auditorium Tickets Available at the MSC Box Office 845.1234 WILEY 1.1: c: T U r k ylkJIg SERIES Helen Clancy, Copy Chief Brad Graeber, Visual Arts Editor Robert Smith, City Editor Jeremy Furtick, Sports Editor Jeff Webb, Sports Editor James Francis, Aggielife Editor eJEIAirALION Tiffany Inbody, Editor in Chief Mandy Cater, Opinion Et 1 Ryan Rogers, Photo Edit Chris Huffines, Radio Pu 1 Sarah Goldston, Radio P Dusty Moer, Web Editor Aaron Meier, Night News : | Staff Members City- Amanda Smith, Stacey Becks, Susan Atchison, Kelly Hackworth, Suzanne Riggs, Lyndsay Nantz, Jennifer Wilson & Katy Lineberger Science - Jill Reed. Sports - Assistant Editor: Jeff Schmidt; Michael Ferguson, Chris Ferrell, Travis Harsch, Robert Hollier, Al Lazarus, Colby Martin, Aaron Meier, Katie Mish, Philip Peter & Michael Taglientl. Aggielife - Marium Mohiuddin, Rhonda Reinhart, Chris Martin, Leah Templeton, Travis Hopper, April Towery, Travis Irby & Stephen Wells. Opinion - Len Calloway, Adam Collett, John Lemons, Donny Ferguson, Caleb McDaniel, Beverly Mireles, Manisha Parekh, Stewart Patton, Mickey Saloma, Joe Schumacher, Michelle Voss, Frank Night News - Joyce Bauer, Jaclyn® - & Shane Elkins. Photo - Assistant Editor: Brandon t McKay, Greg McReynolds, CoryWli ; Puentes, James Francis & JakeSdiP Graphics - James Palmer, ChadM* 1 Faulkner & J.P. Beato. Cartoonists - Ed Goodwin, John te r Hoffman, Gabriel Ruenes, VictorV)f' Nordfelt and Quatro Oakley. Copy Editors - Leslie StebbinsJc® 1: David Johnston, Martha Gidney.PaT Veronica Serrano. Radio - Andrew Baley, Jody Roe Sth Stuart & Karina Trevino. Web - Anita Tong & Jeremy Brown Stanford & Jennifer Jones. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Department of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; f*; Website: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local a® ri tising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy oflhe Batata.H $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 for the summer. To charge by credit card, call 845M The Battauon (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall spring semesters and Mooda)^ trie summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Second class p Postmaster: Send address changes to The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station,R L|