10 m JB The Battalion World iiesday • Febman Ft. Hood to send 3,000 ground troops to Persian Gt AL-JABER AIR BASE, Kuwait (AP) — The Pentagon is sending up to 3,000 U.S. ground troops to the Persian Gulf region “to discourage any creative thinking” by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. At the same time, Sec retary of State Madeleine Albright ruled out any massive military inva sion of Iraq. “The admin istration does not agree with those who suggest we should deploy hundreds of thousands of American troops to engage militarily in a ground war in Iraq,” Albright said in a speech in Washington. Saddam The latest deployment of U.S. ground forces was disclosed by a senior military of ficial traveling in the region with Defense Secretary William Cohen. He said up to 3,000 troops from Fort Hood, Texas, will be sent to Kuwait over the next 10 days or so to help defend Iraq’s southern neighbor. “The purpose is to ensure the security of Kuwait,” the official said, speaking on con dition of anonymity. “It’s to discourage cre ative thinking on (Saddam Hussein’s) part.” Although Cohen had not formally signed the deployment order, a Pentagon official said Monday “the forces have been re quested and that request is being consid ered and processed.” Theywilljoin 1,500Army troops who have been using Ml-Al tanks, armored Bradley troop carriers and other vehicles during a scheduled exercise in the desert emirate. The armored vehicles were stored in Kuwait after the 1991 Persian Gulf War and have been used repeatedly by U.S. troops in training exercises. Cohen flew about 50 miles outside Kuwait City on Monday to visit the this desert air base, which is surrounded by the broken and bombed-out remains of con crete bunkers hit by U.S. strike aircraft in 1991 after the Iraqi invasion. “You are the best and the brightest Amer ica has to offer,” Cohen told the the crowd of mostly U.S. Air Force men and women. “You are great warriors and diplomats.” Walking through the crowd, the former senator from Maine told the young men and women, "It’s important to look at your faces “You are the best and the brightest America has to offer.” William Cohen U.S. Defense Secretary so when I sign a deployment order 1 take inn account those faces.” The defense secretar spent nearly an hour handii; medallions posing for photoi “We’re locked and loaded, Coning, a deputy commandei; ties with ilu* Ohio Nation i turned out to hear Cohen "Just. Buck Buckingham, an Fl* Denver due to return homeir his unit from the Colorado Ns said he would be disappoint action was (irdered after hem "Not that we want warn I ingham. whose jet is armedn infrared missilesdesignedtt 1 and armored vehicles. | “We’re trained to protet I States, and we want to be at we re trained to do." Aid arrives for quake victims RUSTAQ, Afghanistan (AP) — The first desperately needed aid trickled in Monday for earthquake victims in Afghanistan's mountains — on trucks where roads were passable, on donkeys where snow and ice were too deep. Survivors slowly walked out, with stories of whole families lost. Frozen bodies were strewn across devastated towns and vil lages, many still unburied after Wednesday’s 6.1-magnitude quake crumbled hillside homes of mud and brick or buried them un der landslides. Rescue workers say as many as 5,000 died in the quake and a se ries of ruinous aftershocks. One girl wept as she tried to re count how her entire family of sev en was crushed under the rubble of their home in the northeastern vil lage of Khojah Khirat. “It’s so painful, so painful,” 7- year-old Bahrish whispered, her eyes brimming with tears. “I don’t know if I have any rela tives left.” The patients lay in darkness on the building’s dirt floor — the clin ic’s power had gone out. 13 dead following El Nino fed floods TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — Soldiers and rescue workers scraped away mud and debris Monday after El Nino- fed floodwaters roared through a bor der shantytown, killing 13 people and forcing hundreds to flee their homes. Three teen-age girls were killed af ter fast-flowing mud swallowed their family’s car at the foot of the eastern shantytown of Mexico Undo, or Beau tiful Mexico. Swirling floodwaters dragged an 18-year-old girl from her house to her death. Some 500 people took refuge at shelters because their neighborhoods were buried in mud, water and debris. North of the border. Californians took advantage of a break from the storms that have battered the West Coast for a week. They cleared roads, cleaned catch basins and drains and rebuilt sandbag barri cades. Sunshine bat’i California, which saw.; rain in some areas. Forecasters saidth was expected to blow;; north Monday night,r; the bad weather hitte^ Washington state. But California was; drying up. Seven-look with a six-foot-high tide: Clemente beach home; 100 feet of sand at fr: SUMMER JOB! are now being accepted for the College Station Summer Day Camp Are you looking for a fun and exciting job this summer that is both challenging and rewarding? Are you a bard working individual that has experience working with children ages 5-12? If so, the College Station Summer Day Camp is now accepting applications until February 27th. The Camp is 10 weeks long and offers a variety of games, art, and field trips. There are two all day camps ages (5-8) and (9-12) and a half-camp, may be picked up at 103 Timber Street #4. Any questions call 764-5430. ^Sweeten Your Valentine’s Day! Let your Aggie know you care. Order a Special Occasion treat for your Aggie today! \\ \H/, ’ .> * S''"’' • - ^ ~ * + • ^ 'n I ' • 4 ‘Carrot Cake -4 V i V # Chocolate Cake German Chocolate Cake White Cake •Balloon Arrangement * * •Cookie Basket •Giant Cookie •Healthy Taste Basket | Visit the Department of Food Services Catering, MSC Rm. 117 | or Call (409) 845-1118, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CST, Monday - Friday Takina the GftE in April? Reason number 1 to sign up For Hie Princeton Review. Personal Attention You’ll work in a class with 9-14 other students who are at your level. You’ll be taught by a smart, well-trained tracher. And if you need extra-help, you’ll get it; there are no hidden Fees. You deserve evei? advantage. This could be your ticket into grad school. THE PRINCETON REVIEW (409) 696-9099 (800) 2REVIEW Scuba Lessons Free Discover Scuba Every Thursday Night Spring Break Trips: Cozumel March 16th - 22nd $795 Flower Gardens March 16th - 18th $395 Classes: Feb. 16th Feb. 20th Mar.. 6th aradise Ca]l ' 696-DIVE Indoor Poo Texas Ave. Kroger Shopping Center v3 (xiWdiriey A/2!) Te6. J at “Your Favorite Store” VV?cks‘n’St?cks Post Oak Mall • 696-2557 Major credit cards accepted AGGIE RING ORDERS THE ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS CLAYTON W. WILLIAMS, JR. ALUMNI CENTER DEADLINE: February 11, 1998 Undergraduate Student Requirements: 1. You must be a degree seeking student and have a total of 95 undergraduate credit hours reflected on the Texas A&M University Student Information Management System. (A passed course, which is repeated and passed, cannot count as additional credit hours.) 2. §Q undergraduate credit hours must have been completed in residence at Texas A&M University if your first semester at Texas A&M University was January 1994 or thereafter, or if you do not qualify under the successful semester requirement. Should your degree be conferred with less than 60 undergraduate resident credits, this requirement will be waived after you graduate and your degree is posted on the Student Information Management System. 30 undergraduate credit hours must have been completed in residence at Texas A&M University, providing that prior to January 1, 1994, you were registered at Texas A&M University and successfully completed a fail/spring semester or summer term (I and II or 10 weeks) as a full-time student in good standing (as defined in the University catalog). 3. You must have a 2T) cumulative GPR at Texas A&M University. 4. You must be in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. Graduate Student Requirements If you are a May 1998 degree candidate and you do not have an Aggie ring from a prior degree, you may place an order after you meet the following requirements: 1. Your degree is conferred and posted on the Texas A&M University Student Information Management System; and 2. You are in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. However, If you completed all of your course work prior to this semester and have been cleared by the thesis clerk, you may request a "letter of completion” from the Office of Graduate Studies no later than December 5th. The original letter of completion, with the seal, may be presented to the Ring Office in lieu of your degree being posted. Procedure To Order A Ring: 1. If you meet all of the above requirements and you wish to receive your ring on April 16, 1998 , you must visit the Ring Office ne later than Wednesday. February 11. 1998 between the hours of 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. to complete the application for eligibility verification. 2. If your application is approved, you must return and pay in full by cash, check, money order, or your personal Discover, Visa or MasterCard (with your name imprinted) Qfi later than Friday, February 13, 1998 between the hours of 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Men’s 10K-$321.00 14K -$423.00 Women’s 10K - $199.00 14K - $222.00 Add $8.00 for Class of ‘96 or before. The ring delivery date is April 16, 1998. 1st Gener Hear Tim Cassia Associate Athletic Direct for Football Operations speak about recruiting a other football related top Wednesday, Feb. 11 @ 7:00 in MSC 22 121M AN FOUNDATION Any Questions, Comments, or Suggestion Please contact us at student ©tvvcllllinian.lai Visit our webpage at www-1 S2thman.taiiin ontelongei Valentine’s Special 24 kt. Gold Dipped Rose 1/5 ct Diamond Pendant 1/2 ct Diamond Earrings Seiko and Citizen Watches fyoi] *gb| {Toil Rcr 6ei- a | f yoi 5 acic /S th; fc a H -Plac l you tfron f Yoi fiyotl You , )C fyo.l 3or s Westgate Shopping Center Post OakVillagi 4323 Wellborn Rd. 900 Harvey Rd Bryan, Texas College Station, (409) 691-2019 (409) 696-1451 Student ID required for ad prices 1 d ni ’bin s ’h),| 3e h)il ■fycu s a ] a el&r srsi ( J ie v\ 1 >ne . \\ ! tf y