The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 09, 1998, Image 4
The Battalion Monday • February idJ Killers Continued from Page 3 So Coburn and Lee now are on the run, and although this may seem like the typical action flick, the cinematography takes care of keep ing the film above other big-budget, computer-graphic-enhanced films. Yun-Fat is Mr. Cool throughout the entire film, clad in a black suit and delivering lines that do not bring memories of the usual one- liners that plague action films. His presence on the screen is smooth and demanding of attention, making this film a great crossover for American audiences. Sorvino, on the other hand, is a go-getter who takes control of every situation she finds herself in. Unlike her previous film roles, as Coburn, Sorvino portrays a no- nonsense woman with gun in hand and underground operation skills that would put most street dealers to shame. Sketeh By Quf WILL RICHARP FINALLY APMlT HE'S THE ILLEGITIMATE LOVE-CH/LP OF ANNIE'S AUNT ANO UNCLE^PROM AL^UQUERQUET ’•Xhhhvv TONIGHT, ON A VERY SPECIAL ’CAROLINE? £ JN1 Kememper when srrcoMFir lal EVOLVE INTO HOKEY SOAP OPEWS’ P* v ! IS iti( litt indJ Billie Continued from Page 3 But the movie is good for bringing back memories of the ’80s and if you’re not laughing at the dialogue, you will be laughing at the clothing. — April Towery F air is fair! Come back to the five and dime, Billie Jean — they don’t make ‘em like you anymore. It’s a film, not a movie. This movie is the absolute apex of empowering ’80s teen cinema. Like Joan of Arc, Sheryl John Lee (Chow Yun-Fat) and Meg Coburn (Mira As for directing, Fuqua drew from technics used in the film Sev en in his desire to create a Taxi Driver for the ’90s. With slick cam era shots and inventive angles, Fuqua pulls off a visual carnival audiences will enjoy viewing. Overall, amidst the camera Crow and Marsha Clark before her, Billie Jean cuts her hair, cops a tough new ‘tude and becomes a media martyr. Set during a hot Corpus Christi summer, no one was al lowed on camera unless they were basted in a glistening top coat of sweet Texas sweat. And just to clear up any ru mors, Billie Jean is not my lover. And the kid is not my son. —Chris Martin I hristian Slater with a water gun is all that can be said (about the infamous The Sorvino) protect themselves in The Replacement Killers. angles, solid acting and stable plot, The Replacement Killers is not a brilliant film. But it has the cinematic ac complishment of being able to pull actors and filmmaking into a complete circle of an entertain ing and well-developed creation. Legend of Billie Jean. Watching the movie just makes you want to scream, “It’s a super-soaker, don’t you realize you’re gonna get killed waving that thing in front of cops!” Then Slater dresses up in drag to pretend he is Billie Jean — talk about one confused kid. Spiked hair, Pippy Longstock- ing ponytails and teenage angst makes The Legend of Billie Jean quite humorous, despite its at tempt to be a drama. Then again, that’s what we like about the ’80s and the films made back then — lots of cheddar. — Janies Francis Ewe Hall te an microprocessor, JJ— CLVSS '5 6QHMA f ACTUkUM, \ |,(v<^ * L Be BothNfcr! \ UEMkDmNErt CHAHCjED Some THIN&S THE IHTEL $v*SJ OK, CUSS, Of EM MOOR TEXTfiOOtNS TOCUAPTfeR. u “Trte rtossuEl’ 1/ s-E By J ow. This js —ick< A /u' 1 ' Tyvk ini CLASS/ /WEiT 0 v »• an War | : 191 mctl Simel & Lewis HeCGuvs. uhat Afie you doing- to ceceEfcATE THIS ueeKT y UHATS 50 5PGCIAL About this UJEBKT URTl hipil call I thenl loyfrf ^ rors| I ora S Well '3thii [ ALCl&PT, NoU ^'jt ev READY Foe L STlNKlkltr ZCA■ ’ . | ^sis on sl[ /Ve’nl :mer[ d ml t give [ 3 att<| week I ifnurdl How to spend your college years he cil rneysj /’aid jmplil ed in [ othsij shotJ by Zed dtht'l onicl i bed old. You d lamel :redi( agai he sU| You should spend your college years wisely. Study hard, have fun, and carry The Associates Visa card. You can get: Ml •A ire w| [the i The ■ § ■ 3% cash back on purchases* Discounts on brand name merchandise No annual fee Credit line up to $2,500 VISA Call toll free1-888-SEND-ONE. "See Rebate Terms and Conditions accompanyins the credit card Associates National Bank (Delaware)