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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1998)
6 PHI BETA LAMBDA PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS FRATERNITY RUSH SPRING 1998 Jan. 26 informational - 8 PM-10 PM MSC 206 Jan. 28 Bowling Social - 7 PM-9 PM MSC Basement Jan. 31 Square Dance - 5:30 PM-8 PM Still Creek Boys Ranch Feb. 2 * Speaker - 7:30 PM-9 PM Wehner 118 Feb. 4 Billiard Social - 7 PM-9 PM Yesterday’s * Professional attire required Don’t Walk UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. is a stable, privately-held corporation in business since 1970. We specialize in every aspect of sales, support, and development of the most innovative computer system available in our industry. AND WE’RE EXPANDING!!! The following positions are currently available Hardware Support Will involve component level repair of all UCS peripheral equipment at our College Station facility or Help Desk support. No travel involved. All tools and scopes provided. Associate’s degree and related experience is required. Part-time Positions: OVER 40 PART-TIME POSITIONS are available at our College Station facility. No experience is required!! Positions available include data entry, technical trainee, cleaning &C reclamation and support staff. Gain valuable computer experience with a job that’s flexible enough to accommodate your school schedule and pays $6.00/hr. Software Support: We seek bright, outgoing individuals to analyze and troubleshoot software problems for our clients, traveling and non-traveling positions available. Professionalism and excellent communication skills are required and any customer service experience is helpful! UCS will be in room 704 in the MSC building from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., January 20th - January 23. Please stop by our table to speak with representatives or call our Houston Recruiting headquarters: 1-800-883-3031 UCS hires non-smokers only. E.O.E. thanks, bryan/callege station PIZZA (pflPflJOHits Better Ingredients. Better Pizza- Sun % January IStthmghSaurday, January 24® 4 Customer tr appreciation Week One Large One Topping No limit. Carry-out Only. ♦rnstomer pays applicable sales tax. Additional toppings extra. Not valid with any other offers. ou Available at any Huntsville and Bryan/College Station area location. Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. Northgate 601 University ur. 409-046-3600 Post Oak Square Center 100 Harvey Rd., Suite D 409-764-7272 Carry-out Only. o Bryan 3414 East 29th St 409-268-7272 ■riday ‘January23 Microsoft enters settlemei with Justice Departmei WASHINGTON (AP) — Seeking to avoid contempt of court charges, Microsoft Corp. agreed Thursday to let computer makers temporarily offer its latest version ofWindows 95 without easy access to its Internet Explorer software. By entering into the settlement with the Justice Department, Mi crosoft avoided the possibility of being hit with a $1 million-a-day fine by the court. The settlement represented only a temporary vic tory for the Justice Department, as the broader dispute in its antitrust case remains pending in court. The government lawsuit, filed in October, seeks to prevent Mi crosoft from requiring computer makers to preinstall Internet Ex plorer as a condition of licensing Windows 95, the software that han dles basic operations on personal computers and enjoys more than an 80 percent share of the market. The government contends Mi crosoft is using its near monopoly in Windows to muscle into the In ternet browser market, thereby damaging rival Netscape Commu nications Corp. Browsers enable people to view and download in formation from the Internet. Under the agreement, Mi crosoft agreed to let computer makers install Windows 95 but delete the Internet Explorer icons — the pictures that launch a pro gram with a click of a computer mouse — from the computer’s desktop or opening screen. That leaves the Internet Explor er program in the computer, but not visible to the average user. In ternet Explorer files are integrated with Windows 95 to let other pro grams, such as Intuit's Quicken personal financial software, access the Internet, Microsoft said. Computer makers will be able to delete the Internet Explorer files via the "Add/Delete” program that comes with Windows95. The heart of the gove; contempt argument was crosoft didn’t offer co: makers an easy option to: , Internet Explorer usi: "Add/Delete" function, I he agreement, appTrsi U.S. District JudgeTho hi{ field Jackson during a b. irs ing. resolved only part oi l oi antitrust suit in which i st eminent accused Micro ore| olating a Dec. 11 court oi It order requites the com:; of to force computer maki f tl stull Internet Hxplorerso a comiiiIon of licensing! eg^ den s 95 operatingsyste: y jj I he settlement pro\i7 01 opportunity for me s S j. ( ompetition among j < otnpanies for preinsta ^ ’ their software on newpe computers,” the Justice;, ment said. [H ! •Police Beat January 21 Criminal mischief, (Park ing Area 39): Eight bicy cles parked on the north west corner of Cain Hall were discovered with vari ous degrees of damage to the tires. January 20 Supplemental informa tion, abuse of official ca pacity: An arrest warrant was served on an individ ual who had apparently filed a false travel vouch er on or about March 5, 1997. The subject was given his magistrate’s warning and released to the custody of the Brazos County Jail personnel. Misdemeanor theft (Lang ford Architecture Center): A green and beige tackle box containing an assortment of architectural supplies val ued at $177 was stolen from second floor lockers. Misdemeanor theft (Moses Hall): A green 16- speed Roadmaster moun tain bike was stolen from the bicycle rack. Criminal mischief (Lang ford Architecture Center): A first floor room was en tered and a lock on a file cabinet was damaged. Misdemeanor theft (off campus): The victim dis covered her Aggie Bucks account was used without authorization at two off- campus locations. Misdemeanor theft (dor mitory 10): A gray 15- speed Huffy mountain bi cycle was stolen. Fictitious license or cer tificate (Olsen Blvd.): Fol lowing a traffic stop, the motorist accidentally dropped a second driver’s license from his wallet. The subject was found to have two fictitious licenses in his possession. January 19 Criminal trespass (Hous ton Street): A subject who was expelled from the University was ob served on campus. A con dition of his expulsion prohibited him from being on campus. While issuing the Criminal Trespass Warning, the investigating officer was informed the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office held a»: theft for the $.: subject wasara incarceratec nj zos County Ja Misdemeanor (7 Hall): A black a 18-speed Huffr bicycle was sto?' Flq Misdemeanor tlr P Building): The, me l his Citizen Pilot ■. ms l stolen from his ltlo l he was attenc :^ e ' class Novembeh^t is nl Burglary of v# as | versify CenterSd-. t| black vinyl CD:; G( taining 30 cc rnhl a 19" Hitach 'Mltl sionsetanda se glasses were; ifidl the victim's vefeproj “We ^erel Fraternity : Rush Starts Friday, January 23" 10:00 am - 2:00 pm in the MSC Flagrooi Fraternity Representatives will be on hand to answer your questions Please join us Friday Evening for the Spring Semester Kick-Oh @ Rodeo 2000 Killer Bees opening for fax Doors open at 8:00 p.m. Saturday Night Rush Informational College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TAMU CQ tH' For more information call 845-0112