I <>| 01 Ihom for tf vl( I JkJTI Learn to ^et the job you actually want at JobDirect’o JobPnVe: One of life’s unfortunate realities is that after col lege you have to get a job. Some argue you might even want a career. And to make it easier. Visa’s sponsoring JobSirect’s JobPnVe. The Job Drives pur pose is to help students entering the job market succeed in getting the jobs they want. JobDirect’s JobPnVe will roll into town via a technology bus that has fifteen laptop computers equipped with sophisticated Internet technology to connect candidates with job opportunities. Also at the bus, you’ll learn the skills to help you put togeth er a resume that stands out, interviewing skills that will get you the job, and you’ll even get some tips that will help you use credit responsibly. So stop by the JobPnVe. After all, it’s been said <30% of success is just showing up. VISA J o b D r e c t . c JobD\recte> JobPnVe \e coming Thursday, Pecember 4th. www.rankit.com www.iobdirect.com Hhcij agai[ whe teis a Too bai uld ha tthe in dless si: dsome 'hands Flubbe, nded PM ug Walke M, It 409-( FO| The mos Retniitii| A varietyl Candid <1 NewsleuI Fax or Ei| Internet, Hieater Art I Presents