i f anted P'ion lechnician E’nts, and bui |"'y and vin/h Will train j ; ; kiesday • November 25, 1997 I — The Battalion ealth fDA approves new obesity drug eridia does not pose risk of heart valve damage, officials say stgale Biologc ions, •Custody Job Line a :al Sales & Pales corresp, i pie with skills ar plan equal |exas Digital, 5 1 1)764-8650 , FT during Immanent, ti nlable, ^□WASHINGTON (AP) —The Food Looking for ujd Drug Administration approved | h month 0 (taifcW ^ rsl new obesity drug since a ban r first two weeks* two popular diet remedies left ly^ y^p-irweight Americans clamoring for — but the new medicine poses ijerious risk, too. SKnoll Pharmaceutical’s Meridia tohMi« moc j erate ly e ff ec ti ve ” a t helping [tients shed pounds — in studies, lylostabout? to 11 more pounds Ian mere dieters, the FDA said pnday. But Meridia can cause increases I blood pressure and pulse rate (at may endanger certain patients, He FDA warned. I “We still have some concern,” id FDA’s Dr. James Bilstad, who ged doctors to rigorously check tients’ blood pressure and pulse and to prescribe it only to the se- ijusly obese. “This drug should litbe used for those who want to se simply a few pounds.” But the FDA said Meridia does it appear to pose the risk of heart Ive damage that forced Septem- ir’s ban of the nation’s most pop- ardiet drugs, Redux and fenflu- mine, the “fen” in fen-phen. The agency approved Meridia iturday night over the objections fits own scientific advisers, who ilied the drug too risky. But because of Meridia’s side ef- cts, no one with poorly controlled ypertension, heart disease or ir- igular heartbeat or who has sur- ived a stroke should use the drug, leFDA cautioned. And it is only for teseriously obese, as measured by body mass index — the relation ship of weight to height — of 30 or greater, such as someone who is 5 feet, 6 inches and weighs 185 pounds. Knoll pledged Monday to edu cate doctors and patients to use Meridia responsibly. “We are going to actively discourage cosmetic use of this medication,” said Carter Eck ert, president of Knoll. But Knoll cannot sell Meridia for a few more months. The Drug En- r Sales Befi I Trips and a CLE |Today!l be I8yi |shols$2« Imale Bow!: (ids puppies $250 Pte Meridia Use FDA cautions patients with these conditions: hypertension heart disease irregular heartbeat history of stroke moderate obesity HELEN CLANCY/The Battalion forcement Administration is deter mining how strictly to control pre scriptions, after the FDA determineu Meridia could pose a small risk of addiction and recom mended limiting refills unless pa tients first return to a doctor. Some 58 million Americans are overweight, and obesity experts welcomed Meridia as a desperately needed option — particularly after September’s ban of Redux and fen fluramine. “It’s great news for dieters,” said Dr. John Foreyt of the Baylor Col lege of Medicine. But Foreyt said he hoped Sep tember’s diet-drug scare had con vinced dieters that Meridia is only for the seriously obese. “It’s not to be used willy-nilly,” Foreyt said. Plus, Meridia “will not help in the absence of changing your diet and being a little more active.” Consumer activists urged Meridia users not just to see a doc tor for regular blood pressure tests, but to check themselves regularly with an at-home blood pressure monitor. “If you catch a rise, you can stop it” by simply stopping the drug, said Lynn McAfee of the Council on Size and Weight Discrimination. “Peo ple have to be responsible about this.” Meridia, known chemically as sibutramine, works a little differ ently than fenfluramine and Redux did. They fooled patients into feel ing full by boosting production of a brain chemical called serotonin. Meridia, on the other hand, slows the body’s dissipation of the sero tonin it naturally produces. But doctors don’t know why Meridia would raise blood pressure — especially if patients lost weight. On average, Meridia patients’ blood pressure increases two to three points and their pulse speeds up four to five beats a minute. n ) master m, Jlh ren< Callks |ibdmv nenls. commission lacks use of dietary labels WASHINGTON (AP) — Makers of di etary supplements should use science to Jack claims that their products actually lelp people’s health, a presidential com mission said Monday — but it backed off 11 forcing companies to submit evidence to the government. Ultimately, consumers will have to do their own homework before buying sup plements to make sure they’re not wast ing their money, the Commission on Di etary Supplement Labels concluded. “It behooves the public ... to do a fair amount of investigation on their own,” said panel chairman Malden C. Nesheim, pro fessor of nutrition at Cornell University. The commission issued its final report Monday on how a 1994 law should be im plemented. It recommended that nutri tional claims be “supported by scientifi cally valid evidence.” It urged manufacturers to make that evidence available publicly, but commis sioners dropped a recommendation in their draft report calling for companies to submit a summary of evidence to the Food and Drug Administration. Industry officials complained that the law does not require them to submit this information, Nesheim said, and they said disclosing it could help their competitors. He said consumer groups also com plained that it could look like companies had some sort of FDA approval when, in fact, they did not. Responsible companies will supply the information to consumers who ask for proof that their products actually work, Nesheim said. “Informed and interested consumers ought to start asking for that,” he said. The law requires manufacturers to as sure dietary products are safe, and it spells out what claims can be made on labels and how these claims must be backed up. But it allows manufactures to sell these products without any outside experts or scientists evaluating them first. Under the law, the FDA acts only if trouble is sus pected. The report is now in the hands of Don na Shalala, the secretary of Health and Human Services, who has 90 days to de cide whether to propose the recommen dations as formal rules. The commission also recommended: —The FDA be given more money to identify and investigate supplements that pose hazards. “There must be a strong and reliable enforcement system,” it said. —Dietary health claims on the labels of supplements should be based on the same “significant scientific agreement” that is required for conventional foods. The industry consider establishing a scientific committee to review labels. The FDA establish a panel to review herbal products that companies wish to market as preventive and therapeutic. —Specific guidelines for the content of labels including warnings when appro priate and guidance on using terms such as “stimulate” and “promote.” The FDA had no comment on the re port Monday. Experimental brain cancer surgery shows potential NEW YORK (AP) — An ex perimental treatment that tricks tumors into swallowing poison has shown promise in brain cancer patients. The therapy shrank tumors by at least half in nine of 15 pa tients. In one of those patients, the cancer disappeared for five months before reclining; in an other, it was gone for nearly two years before returning. “We haven’t cured anybody, and it’s not likely we can at this point” because it’s too early in the treatment’s development, said Richard J. Youle of the Na tional Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The small study, which was designed to look for side effects rather than test the treatment’s effectiveness, is reported in the December issue of the journal Nature Medicine. In an accom panying editorial, Dr. Robert Martuza of the Georgetown Uni versity Medical Center called the result impressive but stressed that it must be confirmed by fur ther work. Nearly all the cancers in the study originated in the brain, rather than migrating from else where in the body. About 18,000 Americans are expected to get cancers arising in the brain this year; less than half will be of the types treated in the study. The patients had recurring, growing brain cancers that had n’t been cured by standard ther apy. The experimental treatment took advantage of brain cancer’s appetite for iron. To attract iron, tumor cells sprout chemical hitching posts that grab trans ferrin, a substance that shutdes iron in the brain. For the treatment, re searchers yoked molecules of transferrin to molecules of diph theria toxin. The toxin was al tered so it would not harm nor mal cells, but it would still poison cancer cells that sucked it in with the transferrin. Child psychologists urge special treatment for sister of Iowa septuplets DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — When Mikayla McCaughey got a peek at her tiny brothers and sis ters in the intensive care unit, she saw only a lot of babies — not seven instant rivals for Mom my and Daddy’s attention. For the first 21 mondis other life, the family revolved around Mikayla, then the only child of Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey. But before Mikayla turns 2, four little brothers and three sisters— all born last Wednesday — should be home from the hospi tal. “I tell my patients that it would be like a husband bring ing home a much younger, very attractive woman and telling his wife, ‘Look at how beautiful she is, how warm and wonderful. Now I expect you to love her and be nice to her,’” said child psy chologist Alice Sterling Ho nig of Syracuse University. Child psychologists say the McCaugheys must be careful not to get so busy with the septuplets that they ignore Mikayla. Nancy Segal, a psychology professor at California State Uni versity-Fullerton and director of the school’s Twin Studies Center, said litde research has been done on the effects of multiple births on older siblings, but mishan dled relationships can lead to re sen Unent, withdrawal and anger toward the parents and brothers and sisters. “What happens is that people in their great excitement at a multiple birth begin to lavish at tention on the multiples and re ally tend to exclude that older child,” Ms. Segal said. McCaughey said last week that his oldest child was thrilled when she first saw the family’s new additions. “I brought her down yesterday and she just kind of sat there in my arms and said; ‘Baby! Baby!”’ he said. But the McCaughey family has said that Mikayla does not yet understand that the seven babies are her parents’ and that they eventually will come home. Six were in serious condition Monday; one was in fair condi tion. The family has made sure to focus attention on Mikayla and involve her when gifts are given, said her aunt, Michele Hep- worth, who has cared for Mikay la since Mrs. McCaughey was confined to bed nine weeks into the pregnancy. When the family was given a new van, Mikayla’s name was written on the side along with those of her brothers and sisters. When Gov. Terry Branstad stood with the family to talk about do nations for a new house, he had a stuffed Winnie the Pooh for Mikayla. “She’s going to be a wonder ful big sister,” Ms. Hepworth said. “She loves to play with baby dolls all the time, cradles them and puts them to sleep.” High Quality Dependable . Brakes ^ Meineke Price! meineke* Discount JVlufflors • 90 Days Same As Cash • No Annual Fee CREDIT CARS^I ATM Cards Accepted www.meineke.com Open Mon - Sat 8 am to 6 pm Bryan 408 S. Texas Ave. 775-0188 (Corner of 30th St.) Free Vndercor Inspection &• Estimate Exhaust • Brakes • Shocks Struts • C.V. 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