The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 25, 1997, Image 4
GEORGE OF THE IUNGLE (PC) G.l. JANE (R) MONEY TALKS (R) AIR BUD (PC) SOUL FOOD (R) MEN IN BLACK (PG-13) We’re now located at College Station Easterwood Airport. Learn to fly the Cessna Pilot Center Exclusive Integrated Flight Training System at United Flight Systems, t/ie experienced flight school. BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30 pm MONDAY through TUESDAY Private thru advanced training Aircraft rental, Pilot Shop FA.A. approved 141 school VA Eligible Benefits United Flight Systems, Inc. Easterwood Airport College Station, TX 409 260-6322 |phom : for tt The Administration of Texas A&M University cordially invites you to a celebration to begin construction of the Child Care Center Monday, December 1 11 a.m. Intersection of Hensel Drive and W-X Row Behind University Student Apartments Texas A&M University College Station, Texas Rain Site: Floriculture Field Lab Intersection of Hensel Drive and W-X Row Been lookin' for help on grades? your prayers have been answered! r . Question: The week of November 30-December 4 Acci 229/209 Finals Cash Flows Tue Dec 2 7pm-1 Opm Part I Wed Dec 3 7piti-I0pm Part 11 Thu Dec 4 7pm-10pm Acct 229\209 Financial Statement Analysis Monday December 1 8pm-Upm Acct 327 Test Review Mon Decl 5pm~8nm Biol 113 Finals Part I Mon Dec I 6pm-8nm Part II Tue Dec 2 0pm-8pm Partlll Wed Dec 3 6ptn-8t*m Part IV Thu Dee 4 Opm-Spm Earn 322 Part l Mon Dec 1 9om-12am Part 11 Tue Dec 2 9pm-l2am Fine 341 Finals Parti Mon Dec i 7pm-9ptn Part 11 Tue Dec 2 ?pm-9pm Part 111 Wed Dec 3 7pm-9pm Part IV Thu Dec 4 7pm-9pm Gene 301 Johnston Part 1 Sun Nov 30 8pm-llpm Part 11 Mon Decl 8pm-U pm Gene 301 Price Part I Tue Dec 2 8pm-ltnm Part 11 Wed Dec 3 8pm-U pm Math 151 Test Review Sun Nov 30 7pm-1 Opm Test Review Mon Decl 6pm-9pm Math 152 Test Review Sun Nov 30 lOpm-lam Test Review Mon Decl 9pm-12am What is the closest country to the U.S besides Can- ' ada and Mexico? (First 5 to call with ans wer get free review!) Last week's answer: A horny toad is a lizard. Answer appears Thursday 846-TUTOR (8886) 4.0 AGO V TT- ns G.uxntjJi Tiu iA SUL P.a.’ikujuxij.. lifrin Texas A&M University Tickets Go On Sale Sunday At 12:00 p.m. 4.0 and Go is located next to Kentucky Fried Chicken and Lack’s Furniture across from Kroger's and McDonalds on Southwest Parkway and Texas Call 846-TUTOR (846-8886) Look for our ads in the Batt on Mondays &Thursdays at Jj&ve $ Students take to the Net in search of romaa By Travis Irby Staff writer teve,” a senior history major, was surfing the Net looking for some games to play— instead, he stumbled into the wicked game called love. “I had no intention of trying to meet someone,” Steve said. “But I was searching around and ran into this girl, and we started talking.” People across the country have abandoned the bars and clubs traditionally used to meet people. Looking for love, these roaming romantics have tak en their search to the next frontier- cyberspace. There are stories of good and bad occurrences when it comes to Internet love. On the national front there have been stories of rape, abduction and murder, re sulting from an electronic encounter gone bad. Others say they have found their true love on the Net. Supporters of Internet dating say it allows the user to truly get to know someone. Whether it be a chat room or dating service, Net- borne romance is picking up steam. “Joe,” a senior business analysis major, recently signed up for a dating service on the Internet. He said he filled out a questionnaire and posted a personal ad. “It was not a big deal, it was very similar to some thing you’d put in a newspaper,” Joe said. “If a person is interested in you, they can e-mail you.” Joe said he has already gotten a response, and the two are communicating electronically for now. “If it goes well, things might open up a little bit,” he said. The Internet seems to be subject to the same rules of dating as anything else — encounters are usually not planned. Steve said he and his happened-upon cyber compan ion carried on the electronic dialogue for several months. “Things were going very well, eventualiyshe| me to come to New York and see her." Sieve sai bad a lot of fun, and tilings ended up getting roral Unfortunately, the distance took its tollonil lationship. "It was just too far and too hard to keep in 1 Steve said. "If she was closer, 1 think it could ha' ly worked out." Still, Steve said lie has no regrets when! his accidental romance. "I might try looking for someone, but it takesal time, and I’m busy,” Steve said. “But I don't thii bad way to meet people.” “Tina," a senior marketing major, spends hours on the Net, so she was not surprised whaj met someone. T was in a chat room, and 1 just started talking guy” Tina said. “We hit it off, and he was closel got together.” However, Tina said the magic on the Internetd translate to reality. "In person, it was different. You know, theren spark,” Tina said. "We got along well and talked! there wasn’t the attraction you need minkrittol next level." Some students do not view the Internetasai place to pick up a date. Rudy Bendixen, a senior computer sciencef said there are just too many unknowns in cyberspi “I just couldn’t do it, you never see the personyo talking to,” Bendixen said. “You don’t know ifthe) telling the truth about themselves. “I surf the web a lot, but I don’t think I’d findmysi mate there.” Still some are content to try their luck with no ini mation other than a modem and a username. Joe said he looks forward to meeting his potential!) her sweetie. “If things go well, that’s great. If not, ojh well.’ 1 said. “There is always the bar." Royers’ Continued from Page 3 Royer said it is a family business consisting of her parents, three brothers and herself. “My brother is the kitchen manager,” Royer said. “He does a lot of the cooking. He has trained everyone. My youngest brother lives in Round Top and takes care of the cafe there. Me and my oth er brother Todd run this restau rant. My dad runs the front of the house and is the man in charge. We can get sick of each other be cause we see each other everyday, but we still hang out because we are a very close family.” In 1988 Royers’ Cafe in Round Top was named the best country cafe in Texas. Royer said the award and many factors have helped the cafe be come more popular. “We have had many articles written about us,” Royer said. “RoundTop is also a tourist area, so people found out about us be cause of word of mouth.” Royer said they have not done a lot of advertising, but the business is going well in College Station. “We chose College Station be cause it is bigger than Round Top, but still a small city,” Royer said. “We did not want just an expensive restaurant, we wanted (the restau rant in) College Station to be for everyone with something on the menu for anyone.” Royers’ is housed in the same DAVE HOUSE/The Bafh Royers’ Cafe is located at the corner of Southwest Parkway and Texas Aw building as the failed restaurants Pasghetti’s and Pelican Landing. Royer said she doesn’t think their closing will have an affect on her family’s business. “People have asked us why we chose a location where two other restaurants have failed,” she said. “But we are not them, and we have something that will work.” Royer said people often recog nize her from many of the family publications. “We have a family newsletter, and each family member has their own section,” she said. “It started with a mail order catalog, and it just became a newsletter. We also have a cookbook called A Relation al Odyssey. It has recipes but is about relationships and the people who have helped us along the way. It is a fun cookbook and a great read. People have said they have bought the cookbook and sat down in one day and read the whole thing.” Royer said she has been able meet many people through thee The Royer family was able play a part in the dedication ofi George Bush Presidential Libn “We catered for the library ication,” Royer said. “We heard mors that he was coming night, but the Secret Service nen came to do a check. But then, Secret Service did come. “The people who were dinf when they (the Secret Servijf) came did not leave until Preside! Bush came in at 8 p.m. I was ing around the dining room t ing they (the customers) have been here forever, and when he call then they all left.” Hons said the family makes the restaurant because they have stayed together. “I can’t put my finger on what makes the restaurant unique Everybody just enjoys the experi ence,” she said. Junior E-Walk • Class of 1999 Today: At Bonfire Site! Pictures with Elephants 10am - 5 pm Bungee Run, Obstacle Course, Moonwalk 10:30 - 2:30 pm Walk Begins 99 Minutes after Noon and Clayton Williams jr., '54 Speaking at Kyle Field After E-Walk Bash Texas Hall of Fame 8:00pm - 1:00am $ 3 Cover for All OPEN TO ALL MAJORS) Greece/Turkey Study Abroad Summer Term 1 IS Follow Ulysses, St. Peter and Alexander the Great on an odyssey through Greece, the Aegean Sea, and the sites of Turkey. Visit famous sites of preclassical, Hellenic, early Christian and Islamic civilizations. We leave from Houston May 20, 1998. Earn 6 credit hours! Courses will be offered in The Arts and Civilization and Design Communication. * m fiiiil For more information contact Dr. Charles White, 425 ELAC, 845-7859. or visit our web site at