mbe^LI \AR' i at Freema* | open tottiei need a ridel' at 696-131 ibPiaycn (04 th YEAR • ISSUE 61 • 10 PAGES |o8 Ruddeil Ire informai \ 1 m M. 75 TODAY TOMORROW COLLEGE STATION • TX See extended forecast. Page 2. MONDAY • NOVEMBER 24 • 1997 FilmonV:| jr a guests: 3iochen 1 informatii L515. Iday Igriculture official present seminar I James R. Lyons, under secretary agriculture for natural resources d environment, will present a semi- Jr entitled “Critical Issues in Natural fosse Tear! jsources Management: Implica- 4 to 6 p.m ms for National Policy” at 4 p.m. bne is erica )V . 24, in 292 Rudder Tower. Inotnecessi Lyons directs the policies and bat 6946 ipervises the activities of the U.S. rest Service and the Natural Re- e Appretpyrces Conservation Service. I free Anir pns Librart For more na-s ^ad holiday service Members of the Campus Minis- rs Association will lead an All-Uni- rsity Thanksgiving Service at 7:30 m. today at All Faiths Chapel on the xas A&M campus. Rev. Mark Crawford, director of anterbury House, will give a sermon rout Thanksgiving. It will be an interfaith service with lusic, prayers and scriptures. All students are invited. Pilots, colleagues join search for prof |'s Rugby: |i 6 to8: onfire site, ime, andi pry. Fords 4-0493. Imeeting will be I Jus. lampus Ministry to pociatiofi: from iofic Cfii Sore offers loan to exas air force base Team:: SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Vice Presi- 10p.m.: entAI Gore visited San Antonio /lainRom unday to honor retiring U.S. Repre- iiitative Henry B. Gonzalez and to kllowship: ffera $35 million lifeline to Kelly group W if Force Base. 15 N. Coli "Nothing honors Congressman li. ForniM ionzalez more than a diligent de- Rev. Rr tnse of San Antonio’s economic in vest,” Gore said Sunday. The federal funds, a low interest (Theretufanfrom Housing and Urban Devel- :30p, pent, will cover the estimated ost of upgrading Kelly’s C-5 hang- support shops and ramp to need cofake them acceptable to aero- orksfiopl space companies considering mov- OBYatoi Agto San Antonio, ley ate lea lease coo lm. in 6 or (ASA OKs shuttle tetellite rescue try Battal [profit CAPE CANAVERAL, Ra. (AP) — As- onauts aboard the space shuttle olumbia will attempt a daring satel- App'il an( j a( | a rescue — the first in 5 1/2 years submil ' uncler a plan a PP rovecl b Y NASA ! rival oSunday after considerable study. More than anything, the space es’grjisnoy wente to avoid a collision. The q bwly spinning, 3,000-pound satellite Juld do serious damage if it struck >e shuttle or the two spacewalkers firing Monday night’s salvage effort. Mission operations representative bb Castle told reporters the risk of collision is “very, very small.” We feel very confident that this going to work,” Castle said at a iws conference. “The crew is life capable of doing this. The fly- ig tasks of bringing the orbiter up lose to the tumbling spacecraft, I , are very doable.” The $10 million reusable science lellite, called Spartan, has been mbling out of control since Friday, len Columbia’s crew released it, saw wasn’t working and then failed to re fer it with the shuttle robot arm. en tertu i n m en t ‘When You’re a Jet’: MSC OPAS brings legendary musical ‘West Side Story’ to Texas A&M. See Page 3 A&M Men’s Basketball iam used new up-tempo style |j owin season opener vs SFA. See Page 7 opinion iter: New-look Barbie shows rporate attempt to improve ersity product realism. See Page 9 online ://battalioii.tamu.edu lo ok up with state and na- hal news through The r' r e, AP’s 24-hour online By Robert Smith Senior staff writer Civil Air Patrol (CAP) officials said Sunday they have geographi cally narrowed the search for a Texas A&M professor who has been missing since Nov. 13. Norman R. Tilford, an A&M geol ogy professor, flew out of Coulter Field in Bryan Nov. 13 to meet a group of A&M students in West Texas. Maj. Trip Jacks, a CAP mission Review honors cadets coordinator, said the CAP sent 21 “sorties,” or flight missions between College Station and Georgetown to search for Tilford. Jacks said the (3JAP narrowed the search area after “looking at the time of night lie took off, people saying they heard low-flying aircraft and radar data.” In his single engined, maroon- and-white Cessna 180, Tilford de parted Courter Field at 7:30 p.m. to meet a group of students on a field trip in Van Horn, Texas. The stu dents called the airport the next morning and reported Tilford had not arrived. Jacks said the CAP sent 34 aircraft, including 74 sorties and 172 person nel, to search for Tilford Saturday. Jacks said the CAP dispatched rescue missions from New Mexico, Arkansas and Oklahoma Saturday and Sunday to search for Tilford. Tilford’s family and colleagues helped search for Tilford last week end, Jacks said. Officials said crew flight search should exceed 600 hours after Sunday, covering over 7,600 square miles along a route extend ing 383 miles. CAR a volunteer organization, be gan searching for Tilford Nov. 15 af ter the Air Force rescue Coordination Center reported Tilford missing. “We sent those out just in case he took a wrong turn somewhere along the way,” Jacks said. The CAP will send more aircraft and personnel out today and plan to continue searching for Tilford until he is found, he said. More than 340 CAP pilots, ob servers and supporting staff have joined in the search for Tilford. Colonel Orlan Scott, mission coordinator, said, “Many helpful tips, leads and helpful informa tion have been provided in the past few days by concerned com munity members.” Taking the stage By Rachel Dawley Staff writer The review was an opportunity to showcase the Corps of Cadets to the University. Maj. Gen. M.T. “Ted” Hopgood, Corps commandant, served as a reviewing officer. Danny Feather, Corps com mander and a senior economics major, said the review was a chance for the commandant to re view the troops and give out awards. Outfits are judged on their uni son, the appearance of their uni forms and organization between lines. The outfits are ranked ac cording to how their performance at each march-in before football games and the review. The results are compiled at the end of the year and the outfit with the most points is awarded a streamer for their guidon, the out fit flag. During the review, seven se nior and eight junior cadets re ceived the Woofer Cain Boot and Saber awards for outstanding achievement. The award is pre sented to the top cadets in the Corps each year. David Shwiff, brigade comman der and a senior English major, was one of this year’s Cain Award recipients. “The award is a big honor,” he said. “It is handed out to top cadets. We watched last year’s winners and hoped to be up there too. It was very humbling.” The awards were named for Woofer Cain, Class of ’13, and are sponsored by a foundation bearing his name. The awards include scholar ships ranging from $500 to $1,500 for each cadet. Please see Review on Page 6. BRANDON BOLLOM/The Battalion Lindsey Alexander, a junior general studies major, and Ninaad Vaidya, a sophomore business administration major, perform the song “Seven Seas” Saturday night at Rudder Theatre for the Indian Students Association Talent Extravaganza. Grudge match University of Texas defeats Texas A&M in inaugural flag football game Sunday By Colleen Kavanagh Staff writer The University of Texas won the first intramural flag football show down Sunday, defeating Texas A&M 2-1 overall at Penberthy In tramural Fields. The competition, sponsored by AT&T, included three games: womep, men and coed. The school to win two of the three games gained possession of a traveling trophy for the year. James Welford, director of intra murals at the Recreation Sports Center, said the games between the two teams showed the rivalry be tween the schools. “They had fun out there,” he said. “The rules don’t allow for a lot of con tact, so the game relies on the ability of the players to pass and run quickly.” Welford said the event was a co operation between A&M and the University of Texas, and he said he hopes AT&T will sponsor the com petition next year. “If we play again next year, we will play in Austin, where the foot ball game is,” he said. “The prize is a traveling trophy, so the winner keeps it for a year.” Cheryl Ettinger, a member of the A&M coed team and a senior kine siology major, has been playing flag football intramurals for two years, She said she would like to compete again next year. “This game was exciting because it was against Texas, and it was a competitive game,” she said. Antoinette Swanson, education marketing manager for AT&T, said one of the goals of the competition was to bring the two schools to gether for friendly competition. “This was a good opportunity to enhance the recreation departments and to reinforce our commitment to education in the state of Texas,” she said. “These were key goals, and we are going to evaluate the outcome of the competition to decide whether or not to have a second annual flag foot ball competition.” Welford said he hopes more sponsors like AT&T will come for ward to sponsor similar competi tions in other sports. Gatorade quenches its curiosity with tour of campus 6 Ws service. Michael Drake of segment on A&M DEREK DEMERE/The Battalion Gatorade tours the Texas A&M campus in the Gatorade Hummer Sunday in preparation for a for the ‘Big 12 Showcase’ television show. By Erica Roy City editor Texas A&M student will show representatives from jL JkGatorade and Fox television around the A&M campus today to film parts of the University. Texas A&M will be highlighted on the “Big 12 Showcase” Fox tele vision show this week. Gatorade has a three to four minute segment on the show. Michael Drake, the “Gatorade guy” and a junior physical therapy major at the University of Texas, travels with a camera man in the Gatorade Hummer to different schools in the Big 12 conference. Gatorade chooses a student from each school to escort Gatorade and Fox television around the campus. Drake said hosts are chosen by an application process. “They (the students) show us what makes their campus unique or great,” he said. Drake and Jason Ewing, the camera man and driver of the Hummer, spent the weekend tour ing College Station. Drake said he and Ewing try to find the most interesting parts of the city and the campus before the Fox television crew arrive. Chelsi Conway, a senior market ing and management major, is the student host from A&M. The group will meet with the Corps of Cadets at 5:45 a.m. to par ticipate in morning drill. Fox televi sion will meet the Gatorade group at 10:30 a.m. at the Student Recre ation Center to film a student climbing the rock wall. Conway will ski down Mount Aggie at 11:15 a.m. At 1 p.m., the group will practice with the A&M Polo Team. Conway said she will bring the Gatorade guys to Bonfire site, the MSC and Kyle Field. She said she wanted to show Fox television and Gatorade that Aggies are a big family. “[I want to] show them different things that symbolize our tradi tions,” she said. The tour of Big 12 schools be gan Aug. 26 in San Antonio, the site of the Big 12 championship game. The University of Texas, the University of Nebraska, the Uni versity of Oklahoma and Kansas State University are some of the seven schools that have been highlighted on the show. The show with footage of A&M will air Wednesday, Friday and Sat urday on Fox television.