The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 20, 1997, Image 2
Don’t Worry when an accident or sudden illness occurs CarePlus is open when you need them 7 days a week with affordable medical care. CarePlus Family Medical Center 2411 Texas Ave. and Southwest Parkway A 1 1 The Battalion- At Ease Thursday • November 20, Campus Calendar 696-0683 10% A&M student discount Wednesday CIS: A short course on how to use Netscape, ph, and ftp will be held from 12 to 2 p.m. in 1002 Teague. Register for the course at TAMU Women’s Lacrosse Team: Practice will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Zachry fields. Anyone is en couraged to join. Experience is not necessary. For questions, call Moni ca at 694-6915. Student Counseling Center: There will be a discussion session for in ternational students from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. in 104 Henderson. Group is for international and do mestic students who wish to inter act and share their cultural her itage and to learn about the Aggie cultures. Different topics will be discussed each week. For more in formation, contact Dr. Gisele Lin at 845-4427 ext.145 or Dr. Carlos Orozco at 845-4427 ext. 144 the Taking the PRINCETON REVIEW February LSAT? How’s YOUR LSAT score? 409/696-9099 800/2REVIEW WWW.REVIEW.COM By Quatro Courses start January 3rd! Call NOW! # 7 Point Average Increase # 46 hours In-Class Instruction ^ Satisfaction Guaranteed # Free Ex i ra Help # 4 REAL, Full-Length LSAT’s Given Under Test Conditions # IOAddfuonal REAL LSAT’s # Computer Analyzed Score Reports # Maximum Class Size of 15 Canterbury - The Episcopal Sta| Center: Holy Eucharist and dinm be held at 6:15 p.m. at 902 ( Bush in College Station. Contac!!l Crawford at 696-0774 for detafe] Texas A&M Women’s Rugby: tice will be held from 6 to8p. the rugby pitch by Bonfire site, members are welcome, andn perience is necessary. Contact na at 764-0493 for details. Texas A&M Rugby: Practices held at 6 p.m. at PenberthyIs: mural Fields. No experiences essary to participate. Formoi? formation, contact David 694-9221. Ewe Hall THE PRINCETON REVIEW c Princclon Rcvk-w is i«.i iKS(»i;iiHe«l wuh Princcioii nor I.SAS. AH Majors! Don't miss your chance to spend Summer Session I '98 in ITALY WHAT COURSES WILL I TAKE? You will take a total of two courses (6 hours), consisting of the following course: ARTS 350: Arts and Civilization Prof. Joe Hutchinson or Prof. Paolo Barucchieri AND PSYC 489: Special Topics in the History of Psychology: Psychology and the Renaissance Prof. Dave Woehr OR POLS 322: West European Politics and Government Prof. John Robertson Simel & Lewis For more information, Contact: Prof. Joe Hutchinson 337 ELAC 845-0584 E-mail: Office Hours: MWF 3:00 - 4:40 pm Thursday 11:00 - 12:00 or by appointment Prof. Dave Woehr 209 PSYC 845-2097 E-mail: DWJ@Psyc.TAMU.Edu Office Hours: Thursday 8:30 - 9:30 am & 11:00 - 12:30 pm or by appointment Prof. John Robertson 2096 Bush/Academic West Bldg. 845-2511 E-mail: Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 9:30 - 10:30 am Thurs 2:00-3:00 pm or by appointment Study Abroad Programs -161 Bizzell Hall West ■ 845-0544 Hurry! Spaces are Limited! Weather Outlook FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Sunny High: 73° Low: 45° Sunny High: 74° Low: 50° Sunny High: 75 c Low: 53° Have You Ever Imagined Dr. Southerland as Alex Trebek? We did. Friday, November 21,1997 MSC Flagroom 12 p.m. Come watch two fellow Ags and a faculty member fight it out at MSC Political Forum’s take on the popular game show. Prizes will be awarded to the winning contestant. If the faculty member wins, a drawing will be held among audience members for the prizes! So, stop by on your way to class and watch the battle of the brains. widesSprecuj with TODD SNIDER 1& THE NERVOUS WRECKS a*** $p- MM m v®. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 - rterict t mecffer ITifffMffi f COMMUN.CAT.ONS ' AT BAYOU PLACE 520 TEXAS AVE. • DOWNTOWN HOUSTON TICHETS s 16 Tbs < AmericanAiriines PAC E ENTERTAINMENT P THE PREFERRED CARD OF T/CKerfyiAsrep, 409-268-0414 • BLOCKBUSTER MUSIC FOLEY'S • FIESTA • RANDALL'S ■ . Online: Alpha Phi Omega: A meeting on Bluebonnet Service Project w held at 5:30 p.m. in 133 Koldui Aggie One-Wheelers: Practicew held at 6 p.m. in front of theta mic Building. No experience neo sary. Beginners welcome. Catholic Students Association;: dent-led Bible study will be held$ p.m. in 502 Rudder. Catholic Students Associai Hot topics will be discussedfra 6 to 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Studs Center Library. L H Fol edi "It perl ikedl lucal Fid geisl Taf nikl Catholic Students AssociatiouNeJome man Fellowship: A meeting will held at 7:15 p.m. at St. Mary's dent Center—Main Room. Reformed University Fellowship: Bible study will be held from 8:30 9:45 p.m. at 110 Koldus. Forded contact Greg at 693-2985. By Mell ) Texas A&IVI Zoological There will be a guest lecturers! p.m. in 100 Butler. Dr. LynnRuoff- overview of comparative mammalia: anatomy.’’ For any questions, call# isa Campbell at 691-6417. iv pa I Fori i sch (I li, a| uringj :hool| Vtl p iron legral Societf idle, i I Texas A&M Sports Car Club: The: will be a general meeting at 7 p.m, chool I :Mii| Worl orare [ lirectd M its) “Wei min cam! 510 Rudder. “Pop your hood"dinnefpcha| to follow. Call Dean at 822-9798for more information. TAMU Women’s Water Polo: Pracfa will be held a 8 p.m. attheRecre ation Center pool. No experience nec essary. For more information,contad Athena at 694-8904. Campus Calendar is a Battalion service that lists non-profit stn dent and faculty events and actir ities. Items should be submittei no later than three days in advanct of the desired run date. Applia tion deadlines and notices are ml events and will not be run in Cam pus Calendar. If you have an! questions, please call the news room at 845-3313. John Collins '97 invites you to... SMITH FIREARMS/ WICKSON CREEK GUN RANGE 409-764-9230 409-589-1093 (M Located 4.1 Miles East of Hwy 6 on Hwy 21 MTRF 3 PM - Dusk SAT & SUN 9 AM - DUSK Rifle & Pistol Range Skeet Praclicf "WE BUY GUNS!!" ESTATE SALE 11/23 Contact range for more info Helen Clancy, Editor in Chief Brad Graeber, Managing Editor Erica Roy, City Editor Matt Weber, News Editor Chris Ferrell, Sports Editor Aaron Meier, Lifestyles Editor James Francis, Opinion Editor Dave House, Photo Editor Quatro Oakley, Graphics Editor Chris Stevens, Web Editor Dusty Moer, Web Editor Mandy Cater, Office Manager News: Hie Battalion news department is managed by students Texas A&M Univeisity in die Division of Student Publications, a unirf the Department of Journalism, News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2WI; E-mail:; Website: http://bat-web.tamu.e(ti Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsoistiipJ endorsement by Hie Battalion. For campus, local, and national ds- play advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845- 0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and oite hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each fa* A&M student to pick up a single copy of the Battalion. Mail sub scriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semes ter and $17.50 for the summer. To charge by Visa, Mastetf, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall spring semesters and Monday ttii# Thursday during the summer session (except Univeisity holidays aid exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid at College Station, D( 77840. Postmaster: Send address changes tote Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M tlnrt College Station, D( 77843-1111. F’&f Bra; ban! Way Whei c hanl u sua ' s ext °ther