The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 18, 1997, Image 1

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    nber 17
Texas A & M University
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■Q look at J
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:104 th year • issue 57 • umges
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See extended forecast. Page 2.
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iwtybMiour to feature
iesip,ojhancellor’s house
uence," Gil The City of College Station Holi-
ie reasoninly Home Tour will feature three
o thiniMlIege Station homes including the
;ed House, the Texas A&M Univer-
assistantd y System Chancellor’s residence
aunty Rape i George Bush Drive,
tkaboiitin The tour is Dec. 6 from noon
30 p.m. ft 4p.m.
Information about the history
id architecture will be provided at
le houses, and local florists will
Ip with the holiday decorations.
Texas A&M and Bryan-College Sta
in choral groups will provide music.
The two other houses featured
the tour are at 204 Pershing and
15 Lee Street.
The house on Pershing was built
1938 and is College Station his-
irical marker 39. The house on
Bush promotes cultural exchange
nre you.
it tee pron
at abou
the noi
?d States
U.S., allies consider offering humanitarian aid in exchange
for agreement to allow U.N. weapons inspectors into Iraq
10! ;ewas built in 1935 and is histori-
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) —
! The United States and it allies are
; considering allowing Iraq greater
access to humanitarian assis-
; tance if Saddam Hussein agrees to
| permit U.N. weapons inspectors
! to return to Iraq, an administra
tion official said today.
The official described the plan
as a “little carrot” designed to give
; Saddam an incentive to ease the
current crisis over U.N. inspec
tions and help the Iraqi people at
the same time.
He outlined the proposal to re
porters who accompanied Secre
tary of State Madeleine Albright
here on an official visit tonight.
Without mentioning this diplo
matic avenue, President Clinton
said today that any effort to peace
fully resolve the U.S.-Iraq standoff
would be backed by “our strong
military capabilities.”
“We cannot rule out any op
tions,” Clinton said during an
appearance at a Wichita, Kan.,
job training center. “The bottom
line is, we have to understand
that it’s essential that those in
spectors go back to work. The
safety of the children of the
world depends on it.”
U.S. officials have been in
touch with British and French of
ficials on the issue. Disclosure of
the proposal comes at a time
when the United States has been
prodding Russia and France to
use their influence to encourage
Saddam to reverse course.
In New York, Nizar Hamdoon,
the Iraqi ambassador to the Unit
ed Nations, said his his govern
ment has complained often
about the U.N. oil-for-food plan,
which provides most of the hu
manitarian aid.
il marker 40.
flan sentenced to
-18. The:
rareer de:
by \isia
md bnsii
m',“'ft lie for Liberty murder
rtheast Hj LIBERTY, Texas (AP) — A jury de-
berated less than 15 minutes
BA and la fo nc j a y before deciding on a death
ils includi: gntence for a man convicted of
kl NewVu jiiinga college student.
H/'Weliat R 0r b er t Brice Morrow, 38, was
ninistralii o Unc j guilty Thursday in the 1996
|it in eta iea tj n g an q slashing death of
ayuiiM jsa Allison.
Itheschof Allison, 21, who attended the
j (Diversity of Nevada-Las Vegas,
3ek, Heni) abducted from a car wash in
|up of slii' Liberty when she was home for
southwe^ S p r i n g break.
les to tom DNA blood evidence in a vehicle
[bools. > ec | Morrow to the crime,
underbira j^g victim’s body was found
hagemaif sMe Trinity River on April 4,
1 Arizona, 1995 ghe was the daughter of
travel to f ormer Liberty City Councilman
jitGifr- fthael Allison.
felly AFB awaiting
ision by Boeing
SAN ANTONIO (AP) — The city
old learn next month whether the
aingCo. of Seattle will bring more
[fan 500 aircraft-maintenance jobs
^facilities at Kelly Air Force Base.
Boeing’s decision depends on
iliether considerable improve-
|dnts are made to an existing base
Ingar, Navarra Williams, chairman
ifthe Greater Kelly Development
|rp., was quoted as saying in Mon-
fey'sSan Antonio Express-News.
Kelly, one of the city’s largest
nployers, is to close in 2001.
The Greater Kelly Development
Drp., formed by the city last year to
develop the base, held a two-hour,
Bosed-door meeting Sunday on the
pest discussions between Kelly of-
Kials and Boeing executives.
Ifthe two sides reach an agree-
|ient, Boeing could bring more than
OO jobs to San Antonio by spring,
Williams said.
The talks are down to negotia-
[ionsover lease rates, Mayor
Joward Peak, who met with Boeing
facials last week, said.
By Robert Smith
Senior staff writer
Former President George Bush
said yesterday that the Eisenhower Ex
change Fellowships promotes in
ternational relations and that the
United States should take a strong
stance on the Iraq weapons inspec
tion crisis.
Bush, who is chair of the Fellow
ships program, spoke outside of the
George Bush Presidential Center
Monday afternoon.
The Eisenhower Exchange Fellow
ships has brought 19 Chinese fellows
to Texas A&M as part of a two-month
program designed to give them an
understanding of American society.
“I think this kind of program can
create great understanding be
tween countries,” he said. “We
know now that given the problems
that we face, the more understand
ing we have — no matter what our
differences — the better it is.”
The Eisenhower Fellowship con
ference marked the first conference
held at the George Bush Presiden
tial Libraiy.
“This is really a first for having
this high level of representation
from China... and for them to have
a feeling for our country, I think it’s
important,” he said.
Bush arrived in College Station
Thursday for the conclusion of the
fellowship program.
After speaking about the Eisen
hower program, Bush answered
questions about the Iraq weapons
Please see Bush on Page 9.
Stars: Texas
A&M astronomy
students explore
the universe
at the Physics
See Page 3
ormer Heisman Trophy
winner John David Crow is
Homoting his new book.
See Page 7
ohnston: Architecture of
ampus buildings fails to
Wlect A&M’s rich past.
See Page 11
Nk up with state and
pional news through The
^e, AP’s 24-hour online
1e Ws service.
Child care
center work
set to begin
By Amanda Smith
Staff writer
Construction on the Texas A&M Child Care
Center may begin Dec. 1 once the contract is
approved by the University president, vice pres-
identand chancellorof theTexasA&M System.
Mary Miller, the chair of the Child Care
Center advisory committee and associate vice
president of administration, said she expects
that the lowest bidder, R.M. Dudley Corpora
tion of College Station, will receive the con
tract. The company submitted a bid of
$904,000 for construction of the child care
center last week.
“If we accept the bid of R.M. Dudley Cor
poration, then they will be awarded the con
tract,” Miller said. “My expectation is that
they will get the contract. Everything is ten
tative, but construction may start shortly af
ter Thanksgiving.”
The center is scheduled to open in Fall 1998
to serve faculty and students at Texas A&M. It
will be located on Hensel Drive adjacent to the
University Apartments, which houses students
who are married or have children.
John Sodolok, the assistant director of the
University Apartments, said the child care
center will provide an additional child care
option for student parents.
“I think that it is great that the child care cen
ter is being added,” Sodolok said. “I can speak
for our graduate students, and there are a large
number that are parents and students.”
The facility will serve 118 full-time and 40
part-time faculty members and students.
Miller said that the facility will provide an op
tion for students going to school part time.
“The child care center will provide some
thing a little different than most anywhere
else,” Miller said. “[For example], a student
may bring in a child for a two-hour class. I
think that it will be convenient for students.”
Mike Garnica, a mechanical engineering
major and a resident of the University Apart
ments, said his wife has stayed at home to
raise their one-year-old son.
“My wife could have probably gone to
school,” Garnica said. “It will be nice for stu
dent parents to have the child care center.”
The slots available will be distributed on a
first-come, first-serve basis unless the num
ber of applicants exceeds the available spaces,
Miller said.
“We will hold a lottery if there are a greater
number of applicants than spaces,” Miller
said. “Some students may not have an oppor
tunity to apply as early as other students.”
Please see Center on Page 9.
Stand and deliver
RYAN ROGERS/The Battalion
Former President George Bush speaks at the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship conference Monday afternoon at the George Bush
Presidential Center.
Texas A&M University System school
first to receive flawless accreditation
By Colleen Kavanagh
Staff writer
The Baylor College of Dentistry became the
first dental college in the United States to be re
viewed by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Accreditation and not re
ceive any recommendations for improvement.
The college, a member institution of the
Texas A&M University System was evaluated
by the commission this month.
Peter Cohen, associate dean for Academic
Planning and Development, said the visit was
the finish of a two-year self study, where facul
ty members identified areas that may not be in
compliance with commission standards.
“We have three programs that were evalu
ated: predoctoral, dental hygiene and the ad
vanced education program for graduates,” he
said. “In 27 years of evaluating programs, this
was the first time the commission didn’t rec
ommend any changes.”
Cohen said the predoctoral program was
the second college to be evaluated under new
standards set by the commission.
“The first program was evaluated a couple of
weeks before we were,” he said. “That didn’t give
us any time to get feedback from them. The eval
uation rewarded the faculty for their hard work
and preparation, and other schools have already
asked what the magic numbers were.”
Dr. Thomas Hasegawa, associate dean for
clinical services at Baylor College of Dentistry,
said the college chose to be evaluated on the
commission’s new standard.
“Choosing to go with the new standard
meant we had to change the way we used to
prepare for the evaluation,” he said. “There
were a broad variety of standards such as pa
tient care and quality of semces that we were
measured against.”
Hasegawa said the college received
funding from the Baylor Oral Health Foun
dation, which helped make improvements
for the accreditation.
Cohen said the accreditation program en
sures the quality of education at a college and
makes sure that processes are taking place in
a school program where data can be gathered
and improvements can be made on its own.
Please see Flawless on Page 9.
Teleconference addresses issue of campus safety
By Jenara Kocks
Staff writer
A national teleconference presented by
the University of Vermont yesterday focused
on increasing awareness of crime on college
campuses in the United States.
The conference was sponsored at Texas
A&M by the Office of the Vice President of Stu
dent Affairs and the Department of Student
Life, and it was televised in 292 Rudder Tower.
Ron Klinger, a graduate student in the
Department of Student Affairs administra
tion and higher education program, said
the teleconference, which was broadcast at
colleges throughout the United States,
showed that many campuses encounter
crime problems.
“At a campus as big as A&M you’re going to
have some bad apples in the bunch,” Klinger
said. “We’d all like to say we live by the Aggie
Code of Honor, but not everybody does.”
Klinger said the teleconference gave exam
ples on how other colleges handle crime issues.
The biggest issue a five-member panel
“At a campus as big as A&M,
you’re going to have some bad
apples in the bunch.”
and a moderator discussed was federal laws
about campus crime.
S. Daniel Carter, vice president of Security
On Campus Inc., who was interviewed dur
ing the conference, said that questions about
whether administrators are trying to hide that
crime occurs on their college campus were
raised by Campus Security Act of 1990.
Dr. Dennis E. Gregory, a panelist and as
sistant vice president for student develop
ment and student life at Francis Marion Uni
versity in Florence, S.C., said a university
would hurt itself if it covered up a crime.
“If a crime occurs and the university cov
ers it up and the person commits a crime
again, the university is opening itself up to a
lawsuit,” he said.
Sgt. Betty LeMay, a crime prevention spe
cialist in the University Police Department,
said the Campus Security Act of 1990 was a
milestone in crime reporting. She said college
administrators do not want to hide crimes;
they just do not want to alarm students.
“[Campus Security Act of 1990] freed
everyone up, if everyone was going to do it
(report crimes),” LeMay said. “It made a
standard for everyone.”
Lemay said A&M has been very proactive
with crime prevention. She said students can
find crime statistics from UPD in at least three
ways. A brochure called “Commitment to
Your Safety” has violent-crime statistics in it
as well as crime-prevention services such as
escort services. UPD compiles monthly crime
statistics that are available at Evans Library or
by calling UPD.
The most recent law concerning campus
crime is the Accuracy in Campus Crime Report
ing Act of 1997, which proposes making uni
versity judicial proceedings for students open
to the public and media.
Gregory said the act should not make ju
dicial proceedings public because it deals
with the violation of the school’s code of con
duct and the proceedings are not compara
ble to court trials.
Please see Safety on Page 9.