The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1997, Image 1
mber 13, i )o1 in Austin t g -6624 for det - '''! Iff howingof^ill held as part® * P-m. in ioi Texas A & M University t r r r T,\ Iffl II f prefaced hj 'more inform ITH YEAR‘ISSUE 55 *10 PAGES mmmm . COLLEGE STATION • TX ^...23 50 TODAY I TOMORROW FRIDAY* NOVEMBER 14 *1997 J-‘ An ESLclaJ l Collegef ormation.i 5687. jxas A&M to host [taduate conference The Program in Foreign Policy cision Making is sponsoring e second Regional Graduate udent Conference today in 15 Academic Building-West. The conference is on decision king of the president of the United ates and the use of military force. The conference is co-sponsored the James Baker Institute at Rice iversity and supported by the De- jrtment of Political Science at A&M. Graduate students from A&M, ice, University of North Texas, Uni- rrsity of Colorado, University of ixas and University of Rochester ill present their research. The con- rence is open to the public. Students asked to ecycle phone books The Environmental Issues com- littee of the Student Government ssociation is asking Texas A&M udents to bring old phone books irrecycling to Rudder Fountain to- layfrom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The committee also is encourag- g students to pledge to recycle ough the Internet at http://www. IHA selected as op Ten Program’ The Residence Hall Association RHA) of Texas A&M University was acted as a "Top Ten Program” at lie Southwest Affiliate of College and iversity Residence Halls SWACURH) conference last weekend. Peter Schulte, RHA vice president fadministration and a sophomore wteorology major, said Texas A&M’s [rogram "Bringing RHA into the 21st focused on the RHA Web steal http://reslife. emits use of e-mail to link A&M Wters with members of other sfiools across the nation. Texas A&M RHA presented its togram to colleges and universi- esfrom Texas, Arkansas, luisiana and Oklahoma. Commissioner wins ducation award The Texas A&M annual Adminis- ative Leadership Institute presented «as Commissioner of Education le Moses with the Golden Deeds ^Education Award Wednesday. The award recognizes educators to have improved the education fstem and lives of Texas public diool students. Texas A&M University System Jiancellor Dr. Barry Thompson, istyear’s winner, will present the 'vard to Moses. I&M-UT tickets |o on sale Monday Due to the Thanksgiving holi- ays, tickets to the Texas A&M-Uni- ersity of Texas football game will a on sale next week. Tickets will be available Nov. /for seniors and graduate stu- ants, Nov. 18 for juniors, Nov. 9for sophomores and Nov. 20 freshmen. lifestyles Brecht’s “Good Woman of Setzuan” presented by Department of Theater Arts. See Page 3 sports k Texas A&M Soccer Team osts SMU in round one of ^ NCAA Tournament. See Page 7 opinion 'ty: Future of NEA could be e cured by the use of private Nations. See Page 9 online ^//battalion.tainu.edit °ok up with state and Vernal news through The ,ir e, AP’s 24-hour online Rudder to host Diversity Conference By Colleen Kavanagh Staff writer The 9th annual Texas Higher Ed ucation Drive In For Diversity Con ference is today from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Rudder Tower. The conference is a call to action for students and higher education professionals* to increase their knowledge and awareness of current issues unique to college campuses. Sandra Mitchell, a 1997 confer ence member and administrative assistant in the Department of Res ident Life, said the conference tar- Poker face gets a variety of diversity issues. “Many people hear about the conference and assume it is just about ethnic issues,” she said. “The issues this year are inclusive, and topics include gender, sexual orientation and disabilities in ad dition to race issues.” Dr. Maura Cullen, a full-time ed ucational consultant and instruc tional speaker, is the keynote speaker. Cullen said she wqnts peo ple to treat each other with respect, even if their differences make them uncomfortable. “The basis of my reflections will be creating a just community and not just a community,” she said. Cullen said the lessons people learned growing up have intro duced the ideas of being fair and just, and she wants to expand peo ple’s comfort zones. “My take-away message is that we are all different, but unfortu nately, not all differences are creat ed equal,” she said. Mitchell said Cullen has worked with residence life issues for six years. Mitchell, a member of Resi dence Life since the conference be gan nine years ago, said the confer ence used to deal with campus life only, but in the last nine years it has expanded to include other aspects of university life. “The conference has grown to include the educational compo nents of residence living,” she said. “A lot of the sessions are in teractive and allow people to ex press themselves. Hopefully, peo ple at the conference will learn more about other people’s culture and why they choose to ac.t or be lieve the way they do.” Students who want to attend the conference can register beginning at 8 a.m. today for $10. Becky Pettit, conference chair and coordinator of diversity educa tion for Residence Life, said faculty from other universities attend to learn ways to make schools more tolerant of differences. “The interesting thing about the other schools is that every year they send a representative,” she said. “Even though someone at their school has already been to the con ference, they consistently have someone getting information and networking with faculty from A&M and other universities.” gr'm Me l i FWnm RONY ANGKRIWAN/The Battalion Phil Crowell, an area police officer, plays video poker as he passes time at the Scrub Pub Thursday afternoon. RHA considers new pet policy By Amanda Smith Staff writer The Residence Hall Association (RHA) supported a proposal Nov. 13 for a one-se mester trial policy permitting hall direc tors to keep animals in their rooms dur ing the spring 1998 semester. Adam Collett, a graduate hall director and an education administration gradu ate student, supported the pilot program. He said that RHA’s support for the pro gram is a positive step for the graduate students who want companionship. “The nature of being a graduate student is that we are more likely to come from fur- ther away (from home),” Collett said. “We don’t have the option of having a roommate unless we have a spouse (living with us).” Roy Erickson, RHA financial develop ment director and a freshman business administration major, said that he antici pates possible problems with the pilot program, including allergic reactions and flea and sanitation problems. David Rickerson, RHA facilities and operations director and a sophomore computer engineering major, sponsored the pilot pet proposal. He said that the proposal must now win the approval of the staff council. “This was essentially a pat on the back from RHA,” Rickerson said. “The propos al has to go through staff council.” If the staff council supports the pilot program, residence hall directors could begin housing pets in their rooms on a tri al basis beginning on Jan. 1, 1998. During the trial semester, three meetings would be held to evaluate the pilot program. Lindsay Thompson, a RHA delegate from Spence Hall and a sophomore general studies major, said that the pilot program will put keeping pets in residence halls in the context of the Texas A&M environment. “It (keeping pets in residence halls) has been successful at some universities and not at other universities,” Thompson said. “If they are going to try it for a semester, then I do not think that it will be a problem. We do not know until we give the program a try.” The RHA Crime Stoppers Committee and Mosher Hall will sponsor Safety Week next Monday through Thursday to promote safety among students living on campus. Kara Wilson, a member of RHA Crime Stoppers and a senior agricultural journal ism major, said that Safety Week includes speakers and activities designed to inform Texas A&M students of safety issues. Please see Policy on Page 5. Aggie Moms to attend Fish Camp By Karie Fehler Staff writer The largest Aggie Moms Fish Camp in history is this weekend at Texas A&M campus, and organizers expect the camp to help Aggie mothers adjust to having their children in college. Helen Wieters, an Aggie Moms’ Fish Camp co chair, said the weekend is planned to resemble the Fish Camp that thousands of A&M freshmen attend each summer. “We try to make the Moms’ Fish Camp just like reg ular Fish Camp because it builds so many friendships and so much unity,” she said. “The only big difference is that we stay four to a room in the Hampton, and the regular Fish Campers stay in cabins.” The Aggie Moms’ Fish Camp is in its fourth year, and Wieters said the camp is consistent with the first Moms’ camp. “We look at what works with this camp, and we see that all of the original stuff was great,” Wieters said “And if it works, why try to fix it?” Wieters said the best part of Aggie Moms’ Fish Camp is learning the traditions and how to cope with having children at college. “If you as an Aggie Mom don’t know anything about A&M and your kid comes home talking about ‘hump ing it,’ you think how vulgar a tradition they have there’” she said. “The camp teaches you what these things mean, and it helps new Aggie moms to feel the 'connection with the traditions and feel good about having kids here.” Wieters said the common bond that the camp es tablishes is unlike any other. “The getting together part of Moms’ Fish Camp is awesome,” she said. “We all know that our kids are the cream of the crop since they are here, and that makes us feel like really great women.” Sue Anderson, a former camper and camp coun selor, said she first went to Aggie Moms’ Fish Camp af ter her son had graduated from A&M to see what he had experienced as a student. “I never understood some of the things that my son talked about and experienced, so I decided to go to the camp when it started,” she said. “It’s amazing how many moms you meet that feel the same way you do and are going through the same things you are. I met so many people that I still keep in touch with.” Anderson said the connection that the camp estab lishes with the University makes the camp special. “You know, once you’re an Aggie, you’re always an Ag gie,” she said. “When you graduate from t.u., you’re just an ‘ex.’ The camp really gives you a sense of belonging and you know that you’ll always be an Aggie Mom — something like this could only happen at A&M.” Helen Halliburton, the camp counselor coordinator, said the camp teaches Aggie Moms that they are not alone in their experiences as mothers of college students. “The best part of the camp is finding out that you’re not alone in having kids in college,” she said. “You can share experiences and find out that ‘hey, my kid is nor mal,’ and it teaches Aggie spirit like nothing else.” Please see Moms on Page 5. A&M students prepare for end of‘Shack-a-thon’ Project to raise local awareness of substandard housing to wrap up with ceremony tonight A service. ROBERT MCKAY/The Battalion Senior business major Andre Cruz helps build a shack Tuesday as part of the Habitat for Humanity Shack-a-thon. By Rachel Dawley Staff writer Texas A&M students braved rain and cold weather this week to promote Habitat for Humanity International with “Shack-a-thon.” Participants constructed “Shack City” Wednesday night at Rudder Fountain and have lived in the shacks for the last two days. Shack-a-thon will end this evening with a ceremony and a tear down of the shacks. Campus groups, including class councils, Freshman Lead ers in Progress (F.L.I.P) and Ag gie Leaders of Tomorrow (A.L.O.T.) bought shacks to pro mote Habitat for Humanity. Chris Akin, a senior envi ronmental science major and a member of Alpha Phi Omega, said Shack-a-thon makes him thankful for what he has in life. “You realize that there is a lot you take for granted, simple things like warmth, heating, housing and a roof,” Akin said. “We often don’t think how lucky we are.” Akin, who spent three nights at Shack City, said the Shack-a-thon increased awareness of Habitat and sub standard housing in the area. “Habitat is a great organi zation,” Akin said. “It is a great feeling to go out to an empty lot and build a house over a period of weeks. A&M students walking by ask questions about Habitat and the Shack-a-thon.” Representatives from orga nizations bought shacks through a bidding process for spots. Each group spent about $200 dollars to buy a shack. Robert Kimmel, a junior mechanical engineering ma jor and a Southside senator, said the Shack-a-thon was a good excuse to get together as a group and camp out, as well as to support the Habi tat group. “It is important for campus groups to show their support for other organizations,” he said. “The funds raised by this go to a super organization. A couple of us will curl up in the cold and get a little wet to support their work in building homes.” Shack City organizers of fered participants games like “spin the bottle” and “Ag- gieopoly,” as well as bands and a talent show. The shacks varied in appear ance, but all were built by orga nization members. Some shacks were made from wood and nails while others were constructed with cardboard and tape. Please see Shack on Page 5.