The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 13, 1997, Image 12
The Battalion ampus Thursday • November 13,: Thursday TAMU Navigator Christian Fellowship: There will be a general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 110 Koldus. Call Mark Day at 260- 9082 for more information. TAMU Women’s Lacrosse Team: Practice will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Zachry fields. Anyone is encouraged to join. Experience is not neces sary. For questions call Monica at 694-6915. Graduate Chapter of Intervarsity Christian Fel lowship: A Bible study and fellowship for grad uate and non-traditional students will be held at 7:30 p.m. Come view our web site for more information and for directions to the fel lowship. Also, for more information contact Jen nifer at 845-9163 or Mark at 764-1552. Fellowship of Christian Cowboys: A Bible study and fellowship will be held at 7 p.m. at the Pearce Pavilion. Everyone is welcome! Contact Andy or Jay at 825-2716 for details. Texas A&M Women’s Rugby: Practice will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at the rugby pitch by the bonfire site. New members are welcome and no experience is necessary. For details, contact Janina at 764-0493. Texas A&M Rugby: Practice will be held at 6 p.m. at Penberthy Intramural Fields. No experi ence necessary to participate. For more infor mation, contact David at 694-9221. Alpha Phi Omega: A meeting on the Boys & Girls Club Service Project will be held at 5:30 p.m. in 133 Koldus. Catholic Students Association: Mass will be held at 12:05 p.m. in the All Faiths' Chapel. Texas A&M Women’s Ultimate Frisbee: We will meet at Simpson Drill Reid from 5-7 p.m. New members are welcome and encouraged. No ex perience is necessary. Call Jenny Johnson at 847-0254 for more information. TAMU Gymnastics & Cheerleading Club: Prac tice will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Reed 307. Call Cyndi at 693-6698. Aggie Speleological Society: A general meet ing will be held at 8:45 p.m. in Francis Hall 202. The outdoor trip to Whirlpool in Austin* discussed. Call Jen at 693-6624 for deli MSC Film Society: A free showing of “AS car Named Desire” will be held as part:) Film on Video Series at 7 p.m. in chemistry. The movie will be prefaced tj j ture from Dr. Oscar Giner. For more i contact Maria at 845-1515. Lutheran Student Fellowship: An ESLc be held at 7 p. m. at 315 N. College! College Station. For more information,c Rev. Richard Manus at 8466687. COLLEGE PARK 6 THEATRES 2080 EAST 29TH STREET BRYAN, TX MOVIE TIME GUIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS VALID FOR MONDAY-THURSDAY NOV. 10-T3, 1997 MONDAY NIGHT IS KTSR STUDENT NIGHT 2 FOR I ADMISSION FOR STUDENTS WITH CURRENT ID GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE (PC) 7:00 9:30 WISHMASTER (R) 7:25 9:50 MONEY TALKS (R) 7:15 10:00 CONSPIRACY THEORY (R) 7:00 9:40 COPLAND (R) 7:20 9:45 NOTHING TO LOSE (R) 7:30 10:00 BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30 pm MONDAY through THURSDAY graduation Texas Aggie Basketball VS. North Melbourne Exhibition (Men) Tonight 7 pm Tickets: 845-2311 TACO BIEK-C Saturday, November 15 th Opening Act: The Nightshift SILVER WINGS, Hwy. 105 Tickets: $12/Advance $ 15/Reserved Tickets available at: Silver Wings, Brenham Marooned, College Station (409) 836-4836 Coming on Nov. 26 ■ David Kersh MSC Film Society pftesenfs . . . Ford Fest Sunfi re Some Other Car $400 Bucks of Incentive* Zero Incentive Hot Looks Great Performance Drives Like a Shoebox Looks Like a Shoebox Land Big Job Interview After Interview L Raises Working Two Jobs Summer Home Living Back With Parents Uiel :e r lieSoif wersl VAClf Pete liadmil "eteorJ ®5lsl Texa^ lograr ss fron Duisiar dm Thell ative Le 90S Col ike Mol > Educe The a\i to have! (Stem a I =tool st| Texas! toncellJ 'st year’ m to | k&l ;ooi Due tol ays, tick! aisity of] aon sale Ticket! T for sel ants, No" 5 for sol lr freshr[ Nobel Prizes Friday, Nov. 14: Raiders of the Lost Ark 7p.m Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 9:30p.m. Only $5.00 for Both Features /// Poster Sale between the movies!! & a free-stuff giveaway!!! Saturday, Nov. 15 : Air Force One 7&9:30p.m. Tickets: $3 or $2.50 in advance at the MSC Box Office Ail films shown in Rudder Theatre Complex. | Questions? Call the Aggie Cinema Hotline (847-8478). t Persons with special needs call 845-1515 within 3 days of the showing. Website: Join Bowling Team yiswr- wr Excitement wr Rapture wr Bliss mr Boring w' Dullsville Miss 1= O IM T I A C® FINALLY. A REAL SET OR WHEELS YOU CAN REALLY AFFORD Call 1-800-SUNFIRE ©1997 CM Corp. All rights reserved. Always wear safety belts, even with air bags. 'See your participating Pontiac dealer for details on the $400 College Graduate purchase incentive. GM reserves the right to change or withdraw this offer. AFRAID OF OVER-STUDYING?? TAKE A BREAK! WATCH HARD ROCK LIVE PRESENTED BY PONTIAC SUNFIRE SUNDAY 8 P.M AND 1 A M MONDAY 8 P.M., SATURDAY 5 P.M. ALL TIMES EST/PST. ONLY ON VH1. 116 Texai “stssiil Fui cured t Nations! ’ok 'tonal r "to.ap-tl