The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 12, 1997, Image 1

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    Texas 4 & M U n i v e r s i
i '
See extended forecast, Page 2.
|n to visit Dallas
icruitment trip
|A&M President Dr. Ray M.
ind Texas State Senator
lest will talk to African-Amer-
jJlHispanic students and
(its in Dallas about oppor-
[30tonight in Moore King
JUnited Methodist Church
i,Bowen, West, admissions
sand financial aid repre-
iwill answer questions
("students and parents,
n'strip is part of the Univer-
npaign to increase the erv
lof African-American and
1 students at Texas A&M.
lops consider
^tless Fridays
NGTON (AP) — Aiming to im-
ittolic unity and penitence,
in's bishops are considering a
Imeatless Fridays, a practice
Vtbeen mandatory since the
ersofthe National Confer-
iatholic Bishops pro-life com-
erethe proposal originated,
lating meatless Fridays
“Catholics a way to publicly
eir penitence on Ridays —
! Bible says Jesus suffered
lion the cross.
3we need to return to that,
|ebroadly, we’re studying the
; of Friday as a penitential
(tow do we better call our-
aobserve it," says Cardinal
flaw of Boston, chair of the
trie, fat intake
irtant in diet
Important to watch both
|and fat intake when trying to
Wat diet is'a high-calorie
itcontains the most calories
Whan any other macro nu-
fcarbohydrates, protein and
I's market has been flooded
Wat, high-calorie foods, and
fare starting to notice extra
peven though they thought
heating healthy.
Isomers tend to eat more
/are eating the low-fat
Iffood, simply because it is
(■Although it is low fat, any-
jexcess is going to be stored
leone's body as fat.
jstpeople do not think it is
fetoeat an entire bag of reg-
lato chips in a sitting. But,
(have a tendency to do that
Pbaked potato chips. Many
|just need the facts so that
Wake the craziness out of
pH a healthy diet.
h Education Center is
ISBeutel Health Center if
|fequestions or additional in-
ion needed on this or other
id*! 1
,u ■.
U.S. optimistic for vote against Iraq
Staff and wire report
Declaring that Iraqi defiance has
reunited the GulfWar coalition, U.S.
and British diplomats asked the Se
curity Council on TYiesday to slap a
travel ban on Iraq and warn of “fur
ther measures” unless it cooperates
with U.N. arms inspectors.
But the resolution did not include
the threat of military force should
Iraq continue refusing to rescind its
Oct. 29 order to expel American
members of the U.N. weapons in
spection team.
The draft also omitted a warn
ing of “serious consequences” be
cause of opposition from the
French and Russians.
U.S. Ambassador Bill Richardson
said the council would vote on the
Hammer time
resolution Wednesday and he ex
pected “near unanimity” among the
15 council members.
“This resolution is going to be
passed tomorrow,” Richardson
said. “And we think it sends an un
mistakable signal for Iraq to com
ply immediately.”
Allison Astorino-Courtois, a
Texas A&M political science pro
fessor, said President Clinton’s
plan of action depends on the vote
of the U. N.
“I think Clinton is taking a very
prudent course,” she said. “His plan
is ‘We’re prepared to use force, but
we’re going to wait and see what the
U.N. does.’”
Council sources, speaking on con
dition of anonymity, said several
members would try before the vote
to persuade the Iraqis to rescind the
decision against the Americans.
Britain’s acting U.N. ambassador,
Stephen Gomersall, said there were
“diplomatic efforts by a number of
members of the council with the Iraqi
government at this moment.”
“We hope to hear positive news
from that tomorrow,” Gomersall said.
“But as of now, the intention is this
resolution will be voted on around
noon tomorrow.”
The resolution would ban Iraqi of
ficials who interfere with U.N. in
spectors from traveling abroad, con
demn Iraq for its expulsion of
American inspectors and suspend
further reviews of economic sanc
tions against Iraq until the inspectors
certify that Baghdad is cooperating.
The Security Council imposed the
sanctions in August 1990 after Iraq
invaded neighboring Kuwait.
“The coalition has reunited itself
because of Iraqi behavior,” Richard
son said. “We believe that there’s
strong unanimity and consensus on
the council that Iraq’s behavior has
been unacceptable.”
Despite the strong rhetoric,
U.S. and British diplomats
worked throughout the day to
polish and sometimes weaken
language in hopes of a unani
mous vote. The French raised
questions about the timetable for
reviewing Iraqi compliance.
Threats of force were deleted from
the resolution in hopes of winning
support from Russia, France, China
and other nations anxious to resume
lucrative trade links with Iraq once
sanctions are lifted.
Egypt insisted on language af
firming the territorial integrity and
of Iraq. The
council sus
pended its con
sultations for
about 90 min
utes while the
quested para
graph was in
serted into the
final draft.
Iraq issued its
order to expel American inspectors
after five council members—France,
Russia, China, Egypt and Kenya —
abstained on a resolution last month
threatening a travel ban.
bier sleeping aid is
g popularity on
p campuses as a
pape drug.
See Page 3
fexas A&M Volleyball
is set to host the Texas
(toms tonight.
See Page 7
On: New liquid drug
i$es helpful treatment
fining alcoholic behavior.
See Page 11
hp with state and na-
■ flews through The
JAP’s 24-hour online
imp sum'll
l , 1
ROBERT MCKAY/The Battalion
Andre Cruz, a junior business major, helps build a wood and cardboard shack to raise awareness for
Habitat for Humanity Tuesday. Student groups will help build more shacks Wednesday as part of an
all-night event.
Bone marrow donors
sought for drive today
By Julietta Jordan
Staff writer
Corps of Cadets Company C-l and
the Scott and White Marrow Donor
Program are holding a bone marrow
registry drive today from 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. in Lounge B on the Quadrangle.
The National Marrow Donor Pro
gram Registry is a worldwide database
of names and blood profiles of potential
marrow donors.
Debbie Mabry, coordinator of the
Scott and White Marrow Donor Pro
gram, said the drive allows students to
register with the program.
Jeff Strauss, commanding officer of
C-l and a senior construction science
major, said the outfit will help potential
donors with paperwork.
Mabry said people on the registry
may never be asked to donate marrow
because matched are hard to find.
Strauss said when Texas A&M stu
dents register, they will be on the registry
for the rest of their life.
“You’re eligible forever — not just
while you are in school,” he said.
Benito Flores-Meath, Class of’83 and
a College Station resident, is a member
of the National Marrow Donor Program
Registry who was chosen as a marrow
donor in January 1997.
During the day surgery, he was put
under anesthesia while the marrow was
taken from his hip.
The procedure left only a bruise on
his hip.
Flores-Meath said he encourages
A&M students to become members of
the registry because it gives them an op
portunity to help other people.
“I would do it again in a second,”
he said.
At the bone marrow drive today,
two tubes of blood are taken from the
donor. Tests are run on the blood, and
the results are entered into the reg
istry. If the tissue type of. the donor
matches a patient’s type, then the
donor may be asked to give bone
Aggies raise money to
help injured classmate
By Colleen Kavanagh
Staff writer
Two years after a car
accident left a Texas A&M
student paralyzed from
the waist down, Jennifer
Jackson, a junior business
major, is preparing for a
surgery that may give her
movement and function
in her legs to her knees.
Jackson, who is from
Van Alystne, Texas, may
be able to walk with the
assistance of braces after
the surgery.
Jackson leaves Friday
for Argentina where she
will have nerve-graft
surgery that is expected
to restore some feeling
below her waist.
Surgeons will take
nerve tissue from her leg
and reattach it to her
spinal column, hoping it
will grow and allow signals
to travel along the spine.
Patty and Steve Jack-
son, Jackson’s parents,
heard about the surgery
from a couple they met at
Baylor Medical Center.
Jackson’s parents re
searched the surgery and
contacted Dr. Karl Kao
who will operate on Jen
nifer Nov. 21.
Jackson said that one of
her friends who had the
surgery done this summer
is in rehabilitation.
“My friend is doing
better after this surgery
than they ever expected,”
she said. “Doctors told
him he’d only regain feel
ing down to his thighs,
but he has movement in
his toes. It has given me
hope that the surgery will
help me.”
Jackson said that be
cause the surgery is con
sidered experimental and
not covered by insurance,
she will have it in Argenti
na where medical costs
are lower.
Jackson also said that
if the surgery was per
formed in the United
States, the surgery was es
timated to cost $300,000,
and in Argentina, the cost
is $40,000.
Jackson’s parents
planned on paying for the
surgery from their sav
ings, but people in Van
Alystne raised the money
for the Jacksons.
Pat Morgan, office
manager of Grayson-
Collin Electric Coopera
tive in Waco, was in
charge of the donations.
On Nov. 1, the Van Alystne
community hosted a
benefit sale, bake sale and
a silent auction.
Please see Injured on Page 6.
PMC carries on proud military tradition
By Rachel Dawley
Staff writer
When the horse branches of the U.S. Army were dis
banded in 1943, Texas A&M bid farewell to its mount
ed cavalry But in 1972, three members of the Corps of
Cadets helped revive the horse cavalry, beginning one
of the most visible traditions of the University.
The first cavalry program at A&M was founded
in 1919 as part of a program to commission reserve
officers into the cavalry branch of the Army. At its
peak in 1942, the cavalry had 500 members.
The unit thrived until 1943, when the Ar my’s cav
alry units became obsolete because of the intro
duction of mechanized warfare.
Fifty-three years later, Coi. Tom Parsons, com
mandant of the Corps and Class of ’49, gave his
blessing to revive the organization. Parsons solicit
ed a $10,000 grant from the Association of Former-
Students and Parsons’ Mounted Cavalry (PMC) was
named in his honor.
Today, the cavalry continues to be a part of the
Corps of Cadets and a visible representation of the
history of the University. The group has grown to
100 members, who are volunteer sophomore, ju
nior and senior cadets.
PMC represents A&M in different parades, and
the cadets fire the cannon during yell practices and
home football games.
Paul Simone, commanding officer of PMC and
a senior agricultural development major, said the
cavalry participates in activities across Texas to
promote A&M and the Corps.
“We are a part of the Corps of Cadets, a group
that emphasizes leadership and training,” Simone
said. “PMC is probably one of the best ways to do
that. We develop leadership skills, a good work eth
ic and time management. We represent the Corps
and the University.”
Last month, PMC members participated in the
40th Anniversary of Clayton Williams Jr.’s work in
the oil industry. The group traveled to Williams’
home in Alpine, Texas.
“Mr. Williams is one of the biggest contributors
to A&M and the Corps of Cadets,” Simone said. “He
recognized our unit and invited us out there.”
RYAN ROGERS/The Battalion
Members of Parsons’ Mounted Calvary fire the cannon following an Aggie touchdown
during Saturday’s 38-10 win over Baylor University. The calvary is made up of 100
PLEASE SEE PMC ON Page 6. volunteer sophomores, juniors and seniors from A&M’s Corps of Cadets.