The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 03, 1997, Image 12
Student Intern Opportunities Food and Drug Administration Center for Biologies Evaluation and Research (CBER) Outstanding Students in Biology, Microbiology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Statistics, Pharmacology to conduct regulatory biomed ical research in vaccines, blood, and therapeutics. Location: Bethesda, Maryland Stipend: $2500 for 10 weeks. No housing provided. Application Request: Food and Drug Administration CBER 1401 Rockville Pike, HFM-3 Rockville, Maryland 20852 Attention: Connie Williams (301) 827-1278 FAX: (301) 827-1301 Wednesday November 5 After a decade of recording and performing, JACK0P1ERCE has amicably decided to part ways. From their early days at Carney’s to the last five years of headlining venues like the Aggie Final, Texas A&M has been one of the countries biggest supporters of JACK0PIERCE. Cary Pierce and Jack O’Neil have decided to say thanks to their friends in College Station with a very special show consisting of an early all-acoustic set followed by their traditional full-band show. On Nov. 5th, in the intimate setting of Shadow Canyon, COLLEGE STATION WILL EXPERIENCE A DECADE OF JACKOPiERCE... One ninht only! Mels availaifg at Marooned R< Dixie Chicken and Mrs or cad 1-8Q&-333-7188 Shadow Canyon C The Battalion ampus Monday • November 3, Sk . By Quati 3 SWTtMMTAt OU LUG..,, WKfc WCAKm rounf MCA&T OfcS mm tonvwt! Mhhnttxx pG kCoi Joundt liani lidhir tma festal |ia's l pwit bn’s 3 tO Litioi Limited time offert BRING THIS COUPON AND SAVE! EYE EXAMS For your FREE EYE EXAM (for eyeglasses only) see the doctor next door or bring in your prescription and a receipt from any independent eye doctor and get up to $40 deducted from your prescription eyeglass purchase 30 eyeglasses Save 30% on your eyeglasses when you choose from our ENTIRE STOCK of frames and our most popular lens styles and options. SEE OPTICIAN FOR DETAILS. Cannot be combined with any other offer, vision care plan, or Value Right package. Offer expires January 3, 1998. Post Oak Mall 764-0735 “Eye exams where permitted by law. *EYE EXAMS • VISION CARE PLANS - ONE DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE Adoption Opf/c&/ ! Continued from Page 1 i Prospective parents must turn in references and biographical letters that birth parents can read. They also must attend monthly meetings that prepare them to raise a child. She said she helps about 15 Texas A&M students find adoptive parents for their babies each year. One of the students Lucas worked with was Kelly. Kelly said she and Lu cas became good friends during her pregnancy. Lucas gave Kelly letters and refer ences to look dirough. Kelly said that when she found out she was having a girl, she knew which family she wanted to adopt her baby. “I had certain qualities I was looking for in a family,” she said. “I wanted to give my little girl to peo ple who were financially set so the mom could stay at home, and I did n’t want them to have any natural children. I didn’t want my daughter to ever feel different.” Kelly said she was picky wh4n she chose a family for her baby, but she found parents who matched every thing she wanted for her baby. “A letter this couple had written kept grabbing my attention,” she said. “I read it, and I loved them.” Lucas set up a meeting for Kel ly and the prospective parents, and they immediately hit it off. e had a tairy tale adoption with the level of openness that both of us were comfortable with.” ‘KELLY’ TEXAS A&M STUDENT They began to discuss plans for the baby’s future. “One of my big concerns was that not only was I giving up my child,” she said, “but I was giving up my par ents’ grandchild. I wanted my par ents to get to know my daughter.” Kelly asked the adoptive mom to be present at her baby’s birth. “Since she was going to be rais ing this baby,” she said, “I figured she should see her child come into this world.” Kelly said she spent the hours with her baby holding 1 bonding with her. “I knew if I kept her any lo would be harder to let go,” sf “But when I looked at her, i kn “ ”'D0I was the right thing for her. 1 kn would be happy and that 1 ha< the right decision.” Kelly and her parents hav< a lot of time with the baby. Ijp. tended the baby’s christenir c< has even baby-sat her. !|q| “I had bonded with her p so much,” she said. “We had®] tale adoption with the le 5 * ne l openness that both of m comfortable with.” I Kelly said she encourage parents to look into their optic to explore the concept of oper 5 tion. Her decision to rule ou tion was because she did no d < how it would affect her in ter she said. Kelly said she was^Wl abortion would tear her aparfecrj “This is something that wil ne me for the rest of my life,” sh'^ f “The decision was not an eattM but I get to see my daughter g ~ D| incredibly happy.” I SgenT QeP<~ C&KC&& Ultimate Adventures withtamu Outdoors | T(vrTnAlv/llinAIC . D I Aquatics registration FeaturePrograms 1NTRAMURALS Registration _ A ^ Cr-MOA nh/or-murso net. 1-N0V.4 Golf Lessons Clinics & Dav/Weekend Trips Date Introto Rock Climbing Clinic Nov. 15 Caving Day Trip Nov. 15 Extended Trips Thanksgiving Break: Canoe the Rio Grande, Big Bend Nov. 26-30 Backpacking New Mexico Nov. 26-30 Caribbean Trip to Cozumel, Mexico Jan. 11-15 Registration Oct. 27-Nov. 12 Oct. 27-Nov. 12 Sept. 8-Nov. 10 Sept. 8-Nov. 10 Sept. 8-Oct. 31 Kyle Field Ramp Romp Weightlifting Sports Trivia Registra tion Oct. 20- Nov. 18 Nov. 3-11 Nov. 3-11 For more information about these programs please call 845-4511. The Last Ramp Romp of this Millenium! _ . , ^ For more informationoi Kyle Field Ramp Romp VIII please call Dean Ekere November 22 sportClubs Aquatics • Advanced SCUBA Diver Course • Adult Learn to Swim • Stroke Improvement Clinic • CPR for the Professional Rescuer • Introduction to Platform Diving For more information on these programs please call Dean Ekeren 862-3224. Registration Oct. 1-Nov. 4 Oct.l5-Nov. 4 Oct.15-Nov.17 Oct.15~Nov.l7 Nov. 1-19 TEXAS A&M Check out our flyers for more details on any of our programs. or For More Information Call 845-7826 or Visit Our Homepage at SPORTS Registration October 20 - November 18 Pick up Registration forms at the Member Services Desk in the Student Recreation Center. All Texas A&M Students, Faculty/Staff and Bryan/ College Station Community Members are welcome to participate. • Gymnastic Tumble-off in 307 Read 3:30-6pm, Nov. 9 Night Safety Use the Student Recreation Center in the evenings for a safe workout in our extensive facilities and diverse programs. The Indoor Jogging Track, Weightroom, Courts ancfSwimming Pools offer many options for your informal recreation needs. Golf Lessons : November 3, 5, 10, & 12, 6-7pm, Penberthy Go Range. Rec Members: $25. Non-Rec Members: *Rec Members only please. For more information o these programs please call DeAun 862-3995. o Free Healthy Living Lecture Seri November 5 - Calories, Calories, Calories! • Just when you thought you were doing the right by watching your fat intake, calorie counting is bark a vengeance! Bring the food labels from your fav foods and you will be shown what to look for to enst healthy, balanced diet. Presented by Emily Lazt graduate student in Human Nutrition. Lecture is 5:30 to 6:30 pm in Rm 281 Rec Center. Members Bryan/College Station are welcome. For more infon please call DeAun 862-3995.