The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 21, 1997, Image 4

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The Battalion
Tuesday • October 2]
Continued from Page 3
Tarter also said people need to consider the serving
size of the caffeinated drinks they consume.
“A regular dosage of coffee is about 5 oz., which is
about what we consider half of a cup,” Tarter said.
“Some places offer big bowls of coffee, which are al
most the size of soup bowls.”
Matthew Brown, manager of Sweet Eugene’s
House of Java, said he has noticed an increase in cof
fee sales.
“I do not think it is due to caffeine addiction,” Brown
said. “There has been an increase of awareness of espres
so drinks and an increase in gourmet coffee drinks.
“An espresso is about a 2 oz. shot of coffee,” he said. “It
has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. The
bigger mugs that are used for coffee are about 11 oz. to 22
oz. The amount of caffeine in one mug would equal 300
mg to 600 mg.”
According to many researchers, unless taken in abun
dant amounts, caffeine cannot cause an addin:
Nikki Roths, a sophomore business major,
alized she was drinking too many soil cirinksait
ed to quit.
“I would always joke around with my friends:
a caffeine addict,” Roths said. “1 don't start mydf
a Coke, but I have to have one during the day:
least two to three Cokes a day, and whenever!,
have to order a Coke.”
Roths said she recently noticed this overcons
of soft drinks.
“I noticed this summer that I wasdrinkin:
Coke,” Roths said. “I had two in the morning
lunch, one when I got home and one for din:
not healthy. Now I try to stock my place with
cause I will not go out and get somethingtod
will be forced to drink whatever is in the room
Roths said the caffeine does help herthi
late hours.
“If I have to study, then I will go out andgei:
Roth said. “When it is one o’clock and I have:
cannot get to sleep, and I will be wired thewhos
Continued from Page 3
“I don’t really have any health
problems from it, really.”
Bartlett has attempted to quit sev
eral times, but each time found him
self going back.
“I tried to quit because I thought
about why I smoke and couldn’t
think of any reason why I should and
waste my money,” Bartlett said.
“There’s really no advantages to it. It’s
a big turnoff for girls.”
The desire to have something to
do with his mouth and hands has
outweighed the desire for nicotine
each time, Bartlett said.
“I’m not really addicted to nico
tine,” Bartlett said. “I’ve never had
problems when I don’t smoke. I’ve
never gotten sick over it. It’s the habit.
It has nothing to do with my head. It’s
social. I don’t smoke by myself.”
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From the Aggie Kickoff to the Aggie Final and the shows in between., spanning a
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Delta Gamma would like to congratulate
our new members on their initiation
Jenny Adcock
Mcleah Allen
Katie Bader
Emily Baldwin
Lorrie Ball
Amy Bauman
Katie Bone
Jenny Breaux
Jennifer Chain
Brooke Crum
Emily Davidson
Mica Doane
Amanda Ellison
Allison Erwin
Jennifer Fitzgerald
Sally Fowler
Shannon Francis
Maren Garibay
Rebecca Green
Sarah Guerra
Traci Hanson
Ingrid Herman
Betsy Kyle Herring
Saralyn Jones
Brandy Kennard
Danalee King
Laura Knowles
Carolyn Lambert
Marla Lehman
Elaine Liao
Skye Mansfield
Koren Marley
Lindsey Maxwell
Amber Mayo
Laura McRea
Jenny Michalsky
Lauryn Miller
Jennifer Mullen
Marcia Murchinson
Jill Newton
Lily Paquett
Amy Powers
Meghan Scharbauer
Lori Sims
Shawn Smart
Casey Smith
Jennifer Smith
Kristin Snyder
Jennifer Steffen
Sarah Steinhorst
Wendi Stone
Andrea Theriot
Amber Thompson
Tara Tunnell
Ashley Wall
Jennifer Wallis
Elizabeth Wickett
Kristi Zorn
The American Cancen
recognizes that the ha:
ten the hardest aspectij
ing to overcome.
They suggest chant:
habits that trigger
smoke, such as aftereatinJ
ing coffee and takingbrd
perhaps the greatest aidrl
tempting to quit wouldbei:|
the habit of chatting andli
with friends who smoke.
was e
kan radr
he albu
longs of
1. Karen, I called. They said
you left the country. Wheret]
I miss you! John
2. John, I'm in Scotland,wail
for Dowell. I love it! Sonryltl
say goodbye! Karen
3. Karen, What about us?\L
about me? What about the rail
that I bought you? John
4. John, I'm sorry, but itrei
a great job! I'm a Field End
Trainee, working offshore!!^
P.S. The ring turned green!
Iharry him
an effort
jm herse
to a new b
5. Karen, Will Dowell hirer;* No or
Will they send metoScoil. with her f
Do the Scottish men really Frank Sin
skirts? John wpuld dar
6. John, 1 don't see you won quotes a S
in the field! You’re more o; gay ing. He
office type. Sorry, Karen, ff Taraboi
P.S. They’re kilts you idiot |yj ar) ^ e ^j r
7. Karen, You don’t evenknot|
al zed in tf
I could be a good Field Engine
cerpt said
What is Dowell looking for!
an affair ir
“He fel
8. John, Dowell hires mohik.
adaptable engineers, who if J
hands-on-work. You won’tevi
change the oil in your car! M
9. Karen, I'll let Dowellderiil
Where do I sign up foranintetj
Can you put in a good worrlfe
10. John, Submit your resumfj
Placement Center ASAPoratif
Dowell’s information meeting|
10/22/97, interviews on
Please don't tell them youk
Enid Advenisemeot
Dude Thu!
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Located in Historic Downtorf
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