N The Battalion EWS Monday • October 13, 1997 sixth respt; ; Furman m Tibet ished32nd||| g the tlireSitinued from Page 3 e of 19:0E^: Dealing with a politically just behind {jirged topic such as the Chi- a of 19:09, ese occupation of Tibet, John- ran hard/ton portrays the Tibetans not 3 said in ajplfply as dumb creatures who 3 good exp-fvp easily taken over by Com- re " idnist China, but as a peaceful en were eople unaccustomed to the ter- /ho finistif 3rs of m °dern-day warfare. o finish 75: ret jhnston’s research of Tibet is ex- ns :nd by I :ional. ansive and thorough, showing he traditions of Tibetan Bud- hists without explaining it in a Ir. Roger’s fashion. ROK boys and girls, today we II t63f re &°' n R to learn about Bud- lists. Can you say Buddhists?” past i )irector Jean-Jacques Annaud Hquately guides the film along J\ Voileybai hl w ay, but the movie drags at ;rence rec: i meSi becoming unbearably slow I recora: n( j oft-times boring. Annaud beat h needs to learn there are only so many epic shots of the Tibetan countryside audiences can take. Annaud also caves into the stereo types of the evil Chinese and the innocent Tibetans. At one point in the film, he even dominates the film with red flares as “Red China” massacres the Tibetans. Seven Yqars in Tibet offers an interesting look at the Tibetans, but nothing powerful comes from the film. With thousands of people killed and an entire reli gious order forced to flee, one would think they could find something more interesting to focus on than a tailor asking Pitt to take off his clothes so she can measure him. But then again, a shirtless Pitt is what gets on “Entertainment Tonight” and not some bald 14- year-old with the fate of an entire people in his hands. games, IS srud ano e Aggies Bykora rec: gs while e blocks. I return to he Unives . Rollie p.m. yang Wangchuk and Brad Pitt star in the new movie Seven Years in Tibet Campus Calendar 3(1) 5t. w fairs Monday AMU Women’s Lacrosse Team: Htice will be held from 4 to 6 .m at the Zachry fields. Everyone s encouraged to join. Experience is ot pecessary. For questions call lonica at 694-6915. tggime TAMU Anime Apprecia- lon Club: There will be a free Ani- ie viewing in the LRD of Evans Li- rary (sixth floor) from 7-10 p.m. or more information, contact Bri- nat 847-1835. exas A&M Women’s Rugby: Prac- ce will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at le rugby pitch by the Bonfire site, lew members are welcome and no xperience is necessary. For details, ontact Janina at 764-0493. ilpha Phi Omega: A meeting on the least Service Project will be held at -i:30 pm in 133 Koldus. iter for Academic Enhancement- lemental Instruction (SI): There be an informational meeting on ow to become an SI Leader from p p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in 457 Block er on October 21. For any questions, call the Center for Academic En hancement at 845-2724. TAMU Career Center: A seminar on “The Company Visit” will be held at 6 p.m. in 225 MSC. Catholic Students Association: Song and prayer will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. St. Mary’s Youth Retreat Team: A meeting will be held from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. at St. Mary’s Student Center Main room. Student Y: There will be a meeting for Aggie Friends at 7 p.m. at MSC Flagroom. Call Jason at 847-1584. Campus Calendar is a Battalion ser vice that lists non-profit student and faculty events and activities. Items should be submitted no later than three days in advance of the desired run date. Application deadlines and notices are not events and will not be run in Campus Calendar. If you have any questions, please call the newsroom at 845-3313. ongratulations on your Presentation ■n ic practice flan -covered. ****** *'*i**‘ # ‘ Ashley Joy Anderson uren Suzanne Anderson Amanda Chon Austin Blooke Bailey Byra Beshear Blooke Hendon Blaylock Rslie Lauren Boultinghouse Amber Leigh Bradshaw ■argaret Ann Brown Irah Elizabeth Burkhalter Marsha Marie Byman Lindsay Darlene Camp Meredith Emilia Clark Mary Camille Cole Kendra Michelle Collins Anne Morrison Connally Jennifer Lynn Gotten Jennifer Erica Davis Melanie Nicole Davis Ashley Burford Deaton Rachel Ellen Dillon Leigh Ann Ellis Adrienne Marie Feeney Julie Elizabeth Fishero Brandy N icole Forbes Michelle Loraine Garmon pjasey Lynn Gibson Mary Elizabeth Ginsbach Jenny Renee Hahne Jenni Jayle Hampel Kyla Marie Hill Cari Lynn Hooten Suzanne Jane Hunsley Meredith Lynn Irwin Cory Elizabeth Kenworthy Katherine (Katy) Barrington Kyle Shelley Lee Amanda Lynn Leve Alicia Ann Lippold Kelley Ann Lloyd Marissa Margot Lopez Cara Beth Losada Krista Marie Manderscheild Mandee Kay Meischen Monica Lynn Noto Molly Elizabeth Pigg Adrienne Pollard Julie Kay Quick Jennifer Richards Kimberly Diane Sisson Abigail (Abby) Rae Simdon Beth Anne Spergeon Kimberly Ellen Stansberry Regina Leann Thomas Nicole Lorene Townly Casey Lane Turner Casey Michelle Watford Sunny Kay Wheeler Sheri Elise Whitehurst Taryn Nicole Wilkinson Kappa Pledge Class ‘97 DINNER SPECIAL! Buy Any Entree at the Regular Price,Get a Dessert Sundae JUST Buy any Entree at Regular Price, Get a Dessert Sundae 1253 50< Limit 2 persons per coupon. Not valid with any other offer. Good at participating Swenscn’s only. Tax and beverage not included. Coupon expires: 10/20/97 j Culpepger^lazaj 693^6948 _j Tomorrow! “Confessions of a Faithful Atheist" The Psychology of Atheism Tuesday, October 14th, Rudder Theater 7:00-8:30 p.m. Another Tuesday presentation— "The Religion of Psychology" BSBE 115,4:00-5:30 p.m. Dr. Paul Vitz PROFITABLE NUMBER! The Battalion Classified Advertising