BE A PART OF ONE OF THE BIGGEST CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS The Residence Hall Association has positions open Financial Development Director Social Director Technology Director Service Director Applications Available in the RHA Office in Koldus Due October I 7 th For more information call 845*0689 Produced by Mountain Top Productions Written by Celeste Bedford Walker Presented by MSC Black Awareness Comm. & Texas A&M Univ. Corps of Cadets hi mib Mjjiij Muj'jjjuUuu jtea imp:// Date: October 15 Time: 7 PM Place: Rudder Theater Office located in the Rudder Complex. For more information please contact the MSC Black Awareness Comm, at (409) 845-1515. : J.Ll WJM Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. We request three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our abilities. Bivinl.. Ilowoll IW7 O The Battalion 'PINION Monday • October 13,11 A Swift satire of abortior Partial-birth abortion vetoed; America could benefit from fetal wof TH ' W ith re- spects Jonathan Swift’s satire, “A Modest Pro posal”: Once again, partial-birth abortions are being threat ened by a near sighted Con gress, with a very real chance of overturning President Clinton’s imminent veto. If partial-birth falls, other classes of abortion cannot be far behind. Apparently, the abortion indus try needs another support to pro tect it from the resurgent fascists- prolifers, and the perfect support is the food industry. It is not likely that the abortion rights campaign will continue to hold the high ground unless it can get more money behind it. A mul ti-million dollar medical industry is backing abortion rights now, raking in the dough at a few hun dred dollars per abortion, but fed eral safety regulation is imminent if another source for lobby money is not found. Enter the food industry. Five million units a year of the most tender flesh are being thrown in the dumpsters of abor tion clinics when they could be marketed as another food source. The justifications for such an industry are inarguable. First, it would boost the econo my enormously. Not only would it create an enormous prepackaged food and restaurant industry but it would also give respectability and an enormous surge to the whole abortion industry. Instead of being a burden, sud den pregnancies could be a boon, much like a Christmas bonus. The food industry could prob ably cover the medical costs so well that the government could save all that money used for funding clinics. This economic stimulus pack age would also do wonders solving the problems of our economically and sexually prejudiced society. One can only imagine the respect that women would gain as the prized producers of this delicacy. A chicken on a farm spends no time at all on its egg, but to nour ish and grow a fetus for nine months, the healthy kicking assur ing you of its quality, is a skill de serving of professional standing, women only of course. Also, impoverished women could exit the ranks of poverty through their wombs. Of course, the sperm donor should be picked specifically for the type of fetus the woman is trying to grow and sell. This idea is the missing piece in the puzzle of world affairs. It would produce fewer people, more food, a robust economy (es pecially in those fast-reproducing third-world countries) and happi ness (since the child families keep can be picked well and bestowed with all their parents’ attention and resources). The only hitch stopping this beautiful industry from becoming a reality is the old-fashioned revul sion most people have for institu tionalized cannibalism. These people should be canni balized themselves if they cannot progress with humankind. Besides, we are already practicing what they have the arrogance to condemn. Abortion maintains the produc tivity and rightfully extravagant lifestyles of the American people, feeding them with what would have been feeding the fetus. This is cannibalism in every way but the actual consumption of flesh. The proposed system is still legally dangerous, but Clinton’s veto of the fetal tissue testing ban stood up a couple of years ago, de- JOSHUA Hill columnist Mail Call Myths plague message of NOW In response Donny Ferguson’s Oct. 8 column: As members of The National Organization for Women, the com ments made by Ferguson showed a lack of research on his part. The National Organization for Women does not support the Promise Keepers, not because it is a Christian organization, but because it does not recognize the rights of women and their autonomy. Ferguson mentions that NOW has “waged an anti-Christian carq^ paign against the Promise Keep ers” when in actuality, NOW is in clusive of all races, religions, sexes and sexual orientations. NOW ex cludes no one. The problem that NOW has with the Promise Keepers is that they make all of their decisions, and the wife has no say in that fi nal decision. Although the Promise Keepers claim to promote racial harmony, their leaders have been known to make racial comments regarding Uncle Tom as a role model and slavery as redemptive. NOW simply will not support such an organization. Apparently there are many misconceptions about NOW. It is not a militant, ultra-radi cal, hate group who wants to dom inate the world. NOW simply wants equality for all. spite being on a legal “tighl The Partial-birth abortion much the same procedureas procedure to obtain fetal bn sue. The baby is carried totw».. and partially delivered, butplOllCG out feet first leaving the head ji„x ■ inside the birth canal.ThesljW*^ then collapsed inside thebinHiree Ur canal before it can be pullen ree Texas four inches to legal personifies after« Americans would nothaway mot go nearly as far to pluck the© Universi of the womb for shish-kebai The UPD and hied thighs. (proximate The supporters of thebarftat' 011 S P ( partial-birth abortions arevd* i n Dune? till after the next electiontotrjp 013 override of Clinton’s veto, rpo [ im eo It is the responsibility of JS P ect ^ sible Americans to tightfor(j® ravate ^ right to cannibalism, bothin| sense we enjoy it today and® 0 * t0 cure-all fetus consumptiono;’ri! rni1:y ^ near future. . Think it over. You might! .A, t [ take a look at your nephewsJ W| . )tt sa cousins, and even yourowni|k re cuU Imagine how well you could.^, their bodies to enhancevou[|B7 i3tt After all, we have the power ;rs su ff er control our lives; they do no T|-| e cau have that right. In deter Joshua Hill iso &*; itory ilumr Kell, Texas Ac Q, uny will be ost Amerit accompanied by 1 sift’s “ Fror ss, at 8 tc The Battalion encourageslettefstjjllarrisor itor. Letters must be 300 words or lesiijg nrograi elude the author’s name, class, ar::. number. ImOVie The opinion editor reserves the r, arajevo. letters for length, style, andaccuracvi “FrontI may be submitted in personat013 nJ^joonr Donald with a valid student ID. Letters'™ P ^ be mailed to: Clas The Battalion - Mall Call (6 from A< t 013 R A^ Donal ( d He disai Texas A&M University H . iission to College Station, TX 77843-1111 Campus Mall: 1111 Fax: (409) 845-2647 Cuny wa orps of C Corps E-mail: Batt@tamvmltamu.edt|j “Ted” ember rity will ths thr Mi/ay to t ■Valley, r oviding c d their fa ■he prici d mailing ased for ^e^ibers v Qk in De LUBBOC judicial ii ental hea fflsday if grees with Wt monr Austin-b iharis last are stand ’ -" “ Itate Hosp ^^Kilfill the iH fi ettlement TP ving Li exas A& chedule Cent* I I I A I NTRAMURALS Flickerball Pickleball Badminton Table Tennis Wrestling Registration Oct. 6-14 Oct. 6-14 Oct. 6-14 Oct. 13-21 Oct. *13-21 The Last Ramp Romp of this Millenium! Kyle Field Ramp Romp VI11 November 22 Registration starts October 20 Ultimate Adventures Clinics & Dav/Weekend Trips Kayak Roll Clinic Windsurfing Trip Full Moon Canoe & Campout Kayak Open Practice Session Backpacking Trip Kayak Roll Clinic Horseback Day Trip Backpacking Trip with TAMU Outdoors Check out our Fivers for Details on our Exciting Programs zexasa&m For Information Call 845-7826 Extended Trips Thanksgiving Break: Canoe the Rio Grande, Big Bend Backpacking New Mexico Caribbean Trip to Cozumel, Mexico Date Registration Oct. 14 Sept. 29-Oct. 13 Oct. 17-19 Sept. 29-Oct. 14 Oct. 18-19 Sept. 29-Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 6-20 Oct. 25-26 Oct. 6-20 Oct. 28 Oct. 13-27 Nov. 1 Oct. 13-27 Nov. 1 Oct. 13-27 Nov. 26-30 Sept. 8-Nov. 10 Nov. 26-30 Sept. 8-Nov. 10 Jan. 11-15 Sept. 8-Oct. 31 Aquatics • Rescue SCUBA Diver Course • CPR for the Professional Rescuer • Introduction to Spring Board Diving • Advanced SCUBA Diver Course • Adult Learn to Swim • Stroke Improvement Clinic • CPR for the Professional Rescuer Registration Sept. 15-Oct 22 Oct. 1-27 Oct. 1-27 Oct. 1-Nov. 4 Oct.15-Nov. 4 Oct.15-Nov.17 Oct.15-Nov.17 Feature Programs American Taekwondo Every Mon. & Wed Oct.27, 6:30 - 7:30 pm in room 303. 5 week session for $20! f mer ^ "ggert M aro Jitterbug & Two-Step for Intermediate d 3 ' 1 , r~. ^ -T-. ^ r- on r>m lfl For more information on these programs please call Dean Ekeren 862-3224. Every Tues. & Thurs. 8:15 - 9:30 pm in 8 Classes for only $20 per couple! • i -i o o r~ sl Thurs. begi' 1 ' 1 Iffines tkrvjeig fate hor Ffee Healthy Living Lecture Series Yoga : Levels 1& 2 Every Tues. & Thurs. ^ Oct.28 , in room 303. Level 1 '6-7pf^ Level 2: 7-8pm. 5 week session for 5> Or Visit OUR HOMEPAGE AT SPORTS Ultimate Payment Plan Register now and pay later. Ask for details. For more information please call 845-4511. October 15 - Easy Weight Loss: Clear up easy weight loss misconceptions and learn why weight loss takes more than a quick fix. Bring questions and weight loss goals to discuss. Lectures are from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in Rm 281 Rec Center. Members of the Bryan/College Stationare welcome. For more information please call DeAun 862-3995. Rec Members only please. For more inf° rrnS programs please call DeAun 862-3995. S^ort Clubs • Ultimate Frisbee Tournament @Polo Field 11am-5pm, Oct. 18 http://l ok up tional re, AP i/vs ser