The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1997, Image 1

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    )er 9, fe
Texas A & M University
lakes it'
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See extended forecast. Page 2.
FRIDAY • OCTOBER 10 • 1997
, Onec:
ipus, sif
;d it
i per, Til
General to review
aTi&dets for march-in
lew,cor |^. Q en . j^Qp^gg Schwartz will
eihe reviewing officer for the
,rlon & o|ps of Cadets’ march-in before
eel the , e j e xas A&M-lowa State Universi-
iptisev,football game Saturday.
no lot? Schwartz is commanding general
dthouifthe Army’s III Corps at Fort Hood,
twasn axes. He is a veteran of the Viet-
ormati am War.
certain! Schwartz graduated from the
rt often .S. Military Academy in 1967.
pon tho|;|
ie class of ’87
t, 1 ham
:k when
lich out
>vt l ie 17 formally will dedicate their class
ift after the Texas A&M-lowa State
l n l f Diversity football game Saturday.
take ini
he gift is three sculptures de
in fact
icting various stages of Aggie Bon-
re, a tradition at Texas A&M since
he sculptures, created by Fred
110110 ddickes, Class of ’52, are in the
a 1 rassy area between the home of
111111 ie vice president for student af-
ltconit airs and the University Center Park
ie insui:
arage near Spence Park,
niajc. fi-,0 dedication event is part of
d s ' ie LOth reunion of the Class of
sdencigy, being celebrated this weekend
ampus i College Station,
abused. ■ .
io,w jssociation to serve
'toilajitas at cookout
iltedbfj fhe Association of Former Stu-
asbeccents will host a tailgate party be-
gossip:3re each home football game this
atperfealtnearthe Clayton Williams Alum-
ulefoiHi Center.
ythk- [Fajitas will be served before the
ersmiiexas A&M-lowa State University
e calliB l)( rtt> a d game tomorrow. The cost is
idin^ 'S per person, and a cash bar also
. available.
MThe party will begin three hours
afore kick-off and it will end 30
ennedvfB’utes prior to game time.
rmer yell leaders
nvene for reunion
he 4th annual Association of
rmer Yell Leaders Reunion is
| weekend, with more than 100
eryell leaders returning to
xas A&M.
After a dinner Friday night, the
Bieryell leaders will march to
el ^'"'fidnight Yell with the student yell
baders and the Aggie Band,
dedi! ^t 9 a.m. Saturday, the former yell
hristffiaders will have a mixer and a meet-
igpn the Sam Houston Sanders
thatyo-jorps Center. The president-elect and
theMiree members of the association’s
twisloard of directors will be selected.
Jlood drive to
ve." Gci
, ir |Bcur Monday
A blood drive will be Monday at
student Anthony’s Catholic Church, 600
, God:•• 26th St. in Bryan,
Shades of the
same color:
students claim
to be more
informed about
the world.
See Page 4
f lo. 13 Aggies to battle
Classi , ° ^ ,
he Iowa State Cyclones
n/M/i iaturday at Kyle Field.
? signer
See Page 7
Students should
inderstand etiquette of
'f ootball seating.
: 013^4 ^ ^ «
ettersr See Page 9
look up with state and
lational news through
he Wire, AP’s 24-hour
in-line news service.
A&M hosts Academic Convocation
By Robert Smith
Senior staff writer
Texas A&M will host its first Academic
Convocation in 21 years at 1:30 this afternoon
in Rudder Auditorium.
Dr. Ronald Douglas, executive vice presi
dent and provost, said the convocation
should interest everyone at A&M.
See Related Column, Page 9
(dicates gift
lembers of Texas A&M’s Class of
“It (the convocation) will be an opportu
nity for everyone to get together and to cele
brate academic excellence and the faculty’s
achievement,” he said.
Dr. Ray M. Bowen, Texas A&M president,
will speak on the University’s “Vision 2020”
program and will announce new endow
ment programs.
The Vision 2020 project was passed by the
Board of Regents last week. The project outlines
the University’s goals for the 21st century.
Dr. William Perry, associate provost and
dean of faculties, said he encourages every
one at A&M to attend the convocation.
“I think everyone should take the oppor
tunity to hear from the president and see
what he has to say about it (Vision 2020),”
Perry said.
The convocation is the first time Bowen
has spoken on Vision 2020.
Bowen will announce the the University’s
plans for a $25 million donation by A&M
graduate Harvey “Bum” Bright. Bright’s do
nation was announced at commencement
ceremonies last May.
Douglas said Bowen will announce $15
million of Bright’s gift will be used for Corps
of Cadets scholarships and $ 10 million will be
used for faculty chair programs.
Douglas also said a $10 million endow
ment will be set up for student scholarships,
with $5 million coming from profits made by
the Texas A&M Bookstore.
Perry said the convocation is a chance
to express A&M’s optimism for its future.
“It will be a celebration of who we are as a
community,” Perry said. “It will give people an
opportunity to get excited about the future di
rection of the University.”
Perry will lead a faculty procession at the
convocation ceremony.
There will be a luncheon before the con
vocation at Rudder, and the A&M Symphon
ic Band will play during the convocation. The
convocation will be televised on KAMU-Xtra,
Channel 18.
Curtis Childers, A&M student body presi
dent and a senior agricultural development
major, said students should attend the convo
“This will give the students a chance to un
derstand what the faculty does,” Childers said.
A&M hosted its last academic convocadon
in 1976, the University’s centennial anniversary.
Douglas said the convocation will become
another A&M tradition, and he anticipates the
convocation will become an annual event.
“I, along with others, decided that it would
be a tradition worth having,” he said.
The beat of a different drum
ROBERT McKAY/The Battalion
Nathan McFall, a senior environmental science major, and Hutch Butler, a senior recreation park and
tourism science major, performed an informal drum jam outside the MSC Thursday. The jam was in
association with MSC Town Hall.
Fans experience
lodging troubles
By Benji Cheng
Staff writer
Jean French, a clerk at the Super 8
Motel in Navasota, is amazed by the
Aggies willing to stay the night in
Navasota to attend football games at
Kyle Field.
Although French has family mem
bers who attended and played foot
ball at the University of Texas, she
said she admires, if not always un
derstands, the spirit and devotion Ag
gies have for their football team.
“I always think those Aggies are
crazy,” French said.
Patty Sears, manager of tourism,
sales and services at the Bryan-Col-
lege Station Convention and Visitor’s
Bureau, said local hotel rooms always
are booked during football weekend^.
“You know how those Aggies are,”
she said. “Some of those folks have
been coming to football games since
they graduated.”
The bureau can help visiting fans
find places to stay in out-of-town lo
cales, such as Navasota, Caldwell,
Madisonville and Hempstead, Sears
said. She compared the impact of a
football weekend on Bryan-College
Station to that of hosting a major
“It tells you that football in Texas is
big business,” Sears said.
Richard McElroy, reservations
manager for the College Station
Hilton and Conference Center, said
the Hilton turns away about 200
callers inquiring about room vacan
cies for big games, such as those
against Texas and Colorado. He said
the Hilton is booked for all remaining
home football games.
McElroy said football weekends are
a boom for businesses in the Bryan-
College Station community.
“The amount of money football
games bring here is tremendous,”
McElroy said.
French said things always are a lit
tle crazy at the Navasota Super 8 Mo
tel during football weekends. She also
said the Super 8 is booked for re
maining home football games.
“We can always tell when there’s a
football game in Bryan-College Sta
tion,” French said.
Sears said finding a place to stay may
be more difficult after Reed Arena opens
or if the College Station Hotel and Con
vention Center is not approved.
Since hotel rooms for high-profile
home games tend to fill up a year or
more in advance, Sears said people
should call to reserve hotel rooms as
soon as possible.
Help in finding hotel rooms during
football weekends is available from the
Bryan-College Station Convention and
Visitor’s Bureau. The bureau can be
reached at (409) 260-9999.
Transportation officials suggest alternate game routes
By Jenara Kocks
Staff writer
Texas A&M football fans can get the
green light when coming to or leaving foot
ball games if they use the “Go with the
Green” traffic plan.
Certain lanes of traffic are given more
green time at certain intersections to move
cars more quickly away from Kyle Field after
football games.
Tim Lomax, research engineer with the
Texas Transportation Institute, said Go
with the Green maps, which show the best
departure routes, are posted at Kyle Field,
local hotels, the A&M Athletics home page
and the Bryan-College Station Metropol
itan Planning Organization (BCSMPO)
Web page.
“We won’t prohibit you from driving
where you want to,” he said. “But we are go
ing to tell you where the green time is so you
can go with the green.”
Lomax said the red, yellow and green
See Map Page 2
times of traffic lights are inefficient when
dealing with a big crowd.
“If everyone is coming from three differ
ent directions, the light gives green time
equally to each direction,” he said.
Lomax said by using the Go with the
Green plan, certain lanes of traffic may be
given up to two minutes of green time.
According to the BCSMPO Web page, the
Bryan District office of the Texas Department
of Transportation with Texas A&M and the
cities of Bryan and College Station first
worked together to develop a plan to regulate
special event traffic in 1995.
Lomax said the organizers hope the program
will improve the tr affic flow in the area around
the stadium, make Wellborn Road safer for
pedestrians and keeping traffic from clogging
the construction on Texas Avenue.
Please see Routes on Page 2.
Forum presents women’s issues
By Amanda Smith
The second Women’s Leadership
Forum will present issues relating to
women in leadership roles from 11
a.m. to 2 p.m. today at the Clayton
Williams Alumni Center.
More than 100 students are ex-
E ected to attend the forum, featuring
eynote speaker Dr. Christine
Townsend, an agricultural education
professor at Texas A&M.
Laura Baggett, MSC Leadership
Development vice president and
an electrical engineering major,
said the forum will provide stu
dents with a chance to learn about
women as leaders.
“Our keynote speaker will dis
cuss leadership as an art,” she said.
“I really hope that students gain a
new perspective on women’s lead
ership. There haven’t been that
many opportunities to talk about
women’s issues [on campus]. It is a
good opportunity to talk about
women’s concerns and issues.”
Following the presentation by
Townsend, a facilitator will give small
groups a topic to discuss relating to
women leaders. Each group will have
one or two former students leading
the discussion.
“The former students and the
University have been very support
ive of the Aggie Women’s Leader
ship Forum,” Baggett said. “It is a
good opportunity for students to
meet with former students.”
Jennifer Vohac, Class of ’87 and a
Ph.D graduate student working on
occupational progress and career
planning for former Big 12 players,
said she looks forward to meeting
with undergraduates at the forum.
Vohac serves as assistant athletic di
rector for athletic career services, an
on-campus organization that helps
student-athletes find jobs.
“I hope that the former students
can covey some of the elements of
leadership,” she said. “I am excited.
These ladies have stuff to teach us. I
have been out of school for 10 years
and a lot has changed.”
The event is sponsored by the
MSC Leadership Development, the
Association of Former Students, the
Student Government Association
and the Houston Reveille Club.
Dean Clark, the MSC program
adviser, said representatives from
campus organizations will attend.
“Basically, the networking was
done through organizations such as
Student Government, the Resi
dence Hall Association, the Coips of
Cadets, Off-Campus Aggies and
other organizations that have ex
pressed interest,” Clark said. “Stu
dents do not have to be in an orga
nization [to attend], but it helps.”
Last spring, about 110 students
attended the first Women’s Leader
ship Forum.
“It went great,” Clark said. “We are
looking to develop this into a day
long event and then possibly into a
full conference.”
irr tire
Jven^tt stance
See Related Feature Page 3
Open every Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m.
to dusk, the 23rd annual Renaissance Festival
runs through Nov. 16