The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 09, 1997, Image 16
THE LEGENDARY IMPORT 750ml 80° $ 16" BACARDI 1.75ml 80° $ 16" Jam, 750ml 03a»(JKH $g-99 Bryan 1851 Briarcresc Dr. MIDOiy 750ml 42 ege Station 2205-A Longmire <TtT> Otorona Extra 6 Pk. $ 1 /i 99 ^ 2414B S. Texas Ave JL i sale good 10'9 to 1041 owner - Jerry Joyner Class of ‘53 longnecks $4.99 O The Battalion PINION Thursday • October 9, Mail Call Private matters not public business PROFITABLE NUMBER! The Battalion Classified Advertising In response to the recent Mail Call on homosexuality: I knew when I picked up a copy of Monday’s Battalion that Mail Call on Tuesday would be quite interesting. What I was not prepared for was the overwhelming response from people claiming to be Christian. And for the record, I don’t know what Bible Aaron Hendrick uses, but mine says: “These were the waters of Meribah, where the Israelites quarreled with the Lord and where he showed himself holy among them” - Numbers 20:13. Perhaps something that most people don’t realize is that there are 576 different actively practic ing Protestant denominations in North America alone. This means without even reaching into Catholicism, Mor- monism or various other reli gions, there are at least 576 differ ent interpretations of the exact same book. I will readily concede that there are places in The Bible that refer to the wicked. Now what defines wicked is of ten left up to the translator. This is why we have the New International, New World, King James, The Living Word and so on. When comparing all of the wording of these Bibles, they are very similar but not exactly the same. Hence, the meaning and inter pretation is not always the same. The thing to remember when dealing with any issue one does not necessarily agree with is simple. One certainly has every right not to agree with someone’s opin ion or actions for any reason, not just religious. But with that right comes cer tain responsibilities that as adults is necessary to follow: If someone is not directly harming you or so ciety in general, then keep your nose and your comments out of their business. And I refuse to believe any thing that takes place in privacy and security of one’s home is contributing to the degeneration of society. Lastly, for all you Christians out there: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Gwen Chapman Class of ’99 Columnists abuse influential positions ANOTHER SOCIAL EXPERIMENT BROUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR FRIENDS AT THE STATI0N@S0NY.C0M TM DERWEAR! JOIN THE COLLEGE JEOPARDY! ONLINE™ TOURNAMENT AND SWEEPSTAKES From Early American Literature to Hungarian Composers of the i800s, the College JEOPARDY! Online Tournament and Sweepstakes has a category for every well-rounded college mind. Just answer the questions. We'll calculate the scores. Play the Tournament or enter the Sweepstakes each week to win great Sony prizes. Best three overall scores compete for a 199B Pontiac Sunfire, Grand Am or Grand Prix! So put down that mug and start studying, genius. The College JEOPARDY! Online Tournament and Sweepstakes. Only at The Score Tonight! FIND YOUR OWN COLLEGE PAGE! Presented by Also in part by Y RONTIAC Sprint The Station @ sony. com come on and play’ f No purchase necessary. The College JEOPARDY! Online Tournament and Sweepstakes are open to legal U.S. residents 18 years of age or older who are full-time college students. All entries for the Tournament must be received by 7:00 AM (ET) on 11/10/97. The Sweepstakes will be conducted weekly from 9/1/97 to 11/10/97. Void where prohibited. See Official Rules posted at for details on eligibility. College JEOPARDY! Online is a trademark of Columbia TriStar Interactive. The is a trademark of Sony Online Ventures Inc. In response to Donny Ferguson’s Sept. 30 column, "The Booh Tube:’’ I am proud to be an American. I am proud to call the most pros perous nation in the world my © 1997 Sony Online Ventures Inc. home, but more importanftj am proud of what makes its Our country fought mac I brave fight, on the battled in the hearts of men toestal place where every man, J JH less of race, color or creedrpfT' enjoy certain rights. Oneofi rights is freedom of speech— And here on campus, right has manifested itself® form of our newspaper,It™ Battalion. As a freshman, I begamJ^ ingThe Battalion in an effc^Q del make sense of this new, cot ^ Q er ing campus. (he rev That didn’t last for long or p S 0 f ( n’t because I didn’t feel the r |»j- exas to keep up with campusev,football but because I could nolonc| gchwa read The Battalion withow f the Am coming infuriated. Itwasn 3 xas. He helpful source of informati am War. a biased attempt of certainilSchwa talion writers to exert often .S. Milite founded opinions upontkj sands of Aggies. As a matter of fact, 1 hadi given this “newspaper”as glance until last weekwherj read an article in whichontj writer tried to conveythejtK^ oriTial C-SPAN. ifter tf ijita >rm< Accompany 29sm I suppose it wouldn’tkil!|"^® rsit y of us students to partakeir,:fe.. 10 ^ minutes of C-SPAN, infaciB^^ commend the writer as it ir.:r tually benefit some studen; I lowever, I received noneo: benefits because, forallthe there may have been inthe |K Vlce pi cle, I held nothing but coni ji rs an( j t for the author and the insu,:|g Garage upon poultry science majr p-he de beling us as drunkards. KlOth r Yes, I am a poultry'sden 37 t being jor, but everyone in campus |lollege should be insulted-insultec( cause this author has abuse: position of authority to ignorant opinions about agej of people of whom hehaslii no contact with - insultedbrlTie As: cause our Battalion has bee ents will nothing better than agossi] each It seems to me, thatperl Bj near tf once a victim of ridiculeforlfenter. enjoyment of C-SPAN, this4; Djhas thor has targeted others wit ® xas A&h same immature namecallir: [>ot!)a| l ga thought we left behind in gr^ Per per school. Mvailabli Actually, in my opinion,pir'' 16 P ar find more obnoxiousdrunbei 0le C-SPAN. I hear Ted Kennedv : « lutes pi regular. Jessica M Class >nve |The 4th ler Ye weeke ler yel is A&l\ misunderstood/" 1 lijner yell In response to Michael Schc^ Oct. 6 column: I am deeply offended tfe you would slander Christia.' with your column. My suggestion is thaty# should actually read theBiH (HH before you say that we twist j| rc | 0 f qj passages around. Your article is incorrecu several points. “We earn God’s love." loved us first, it pains him' we sin against him. “Christianity tells studei that Goci hates them,God what they do, God hatesthf way he made them.’’ If God ed us so much, why did J die for us? “Not even God can heal This is just outright wrong can save anyone, provided are willing to receive him. Jesus Christ is the Lordoi transformation. He canta anyone who receives him mold him into the imageof Lord. However, their hearth he completely devoted toh ing God. Michael, if you are learn about Christianity,Id willing to talk to you. WilbC ClassU , Be Iowa Christian messa night Y iers an \t9 a.n iers wil in the £ as Cent e mem blood lAnthon )6th St 13 A Accomp0 iaturda} 2 sign* ' The Battalion encourages letterstc'L itor. Letters must be 300 words or les-‘ AlV 3 fa O C elude the author’s name, class, am 1 number. mdefStc The opinion editor reserves the n# Qfsfba 11 1 letters for length, style, and accuraQ may be submitted in person at 013k. Donald with a valid student ID. Letters' be mailed to: The Battalion - Mail Call 013 Reed McDonald Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-1111 Campus Mail: 1111 Fax: (409) 845-2647 E-mail: BattStamvml.tamu.^- For more details on letter policy, pfeasG . 845-3313 and direct your question to JIVIID© D opinion editor. ^Wi )ok up tional Wire