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Eric Dickens Class of’01 Texas Aggie Volleyball & Houston 7 pm Tonight G. Rollie White TACO ESSECL; Campaigns reflect poorly on freshmen p Study In Greece. Austria, or the UK ^ throufih Beaver College "kj:' / / come to r ' /> OUERSEASDAY \ J MSC. MAIN HALLs ,/ OCT. 9. 10:00 - 2:00 . „ Or meet with the Beaver College 1 ^ Representative from 3:30 - 4:30 ini Room 404 Rudder Study Abroad Programs 161 Bizzeil Hall W*. 845-0544 As the class of 2001 completes its initiation into the practice of class elections, I personally cannot help but reflect on the pathetic and undignified way in which most of the campaigns were run. With countless names on the bal lot, what’s a fish to do? A tough question that I fear most of my classmates answering wrong. Vot ers are so uninformed of a candi date’s credentials that it’s scary. To win over an electorate of thousands, candidates provided the least amount of information they could get away with and re lied on simple name recognition. By flaunting the brightest colored poster with their name and maybe even a slogan splashed amply across the front, the candidate can get what he wants without having to tell the voter anything. Do you think Craig Woods would have ever gained as much support had Tiger never been born? Consider the case of Candidate X. X has slapped his flyers and bill boards all over Southside with some clever motto like “X marks the spot - VOTE 4 X.” Along comes a voter who wants to be a good Ag and participate in class elections. He has decided that X would make a good VP because, besides those informative advertisements, his friend’s girlfriend’s brother told him that X was a cool guy. So along with the votes of hundreds of other good Ags, X wins. Forget that he only wants the position as an ex clamation point on his resume and Christian hypocrisy evident in letters homophobe and swore that I would never have a gay friend. My love for my friends and the fact that I truly care about people as a whole made me realize how much in error I had been, and he is still one of my best friends. With the attitude of the general public being much like that of Grotheim and Hendrick, who would honestly choose to be gay? I know my friend sure wouldn’t. Don’t pray for homosexuals to “convert” and become straight. Just accept them for the people they are. They deserve that. Jeff Cardwell Class of’99 rose from the dead, showing^ power over death, and offers!; giveness, cleansing from unri| eousness, and eternal life to| who will accept it. Otherwise! will not tolerate anyone. Hundreds of thousands of ^ Promise Keepers met to thanll for His forgiveness and to helf each other change their ways order to better live for God support their families. I thou| this was newsworthy. Steve Graduate m*' In response to David Grotheim’s and Aaron Hendrick’s Oct. 7 Mail Call letters: As I read the statements that Grotheim and Hendrick made in their letters, I was somewhat be mused. Their intent to “clarify” the supposed “misconceptions” and “inaccuracies” of the columnists' columns were done so with mis conceptions and inaccuracies of their own. First of all, Jesus Christ was not crucified for being perfect or sinless. Did he die for the sins of mankind? Well, that’s up to you to decide. The Romans crucified Jesus Christ because his religious teach ings presented a threat from the oppressed masses to the stability of the pagan empire which the Ro mans had built. Secondly, Christianity, as a whole, is the most hypocritical re ligion to ever exist. I do agree that the Bible speaks out against homo sexuality. However, it is my under standing that one of the Ten Com mandments states, “Thou shall not kill.” I guess Moses forgot to put: “Unless it’s in the name of God,” afterwards. Remember the Cru sades from history class? Chris tians even managed to get children involved in that one. Third, homosexuality is not a choice. I am straight myself, but a very good friend of mine “came out” to me during the last Christ mas break. I had previously been a Promise Keepers coverage absent sex Hating sinners r _ _ iartm( Bible s rnessag(empt< Monday, I opened the Battalion looking for coverage of, among other things, the Promise Keepers gathering in the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday. This was one of the largest gatherings of people in the history of the nation, if not the largest, and the largest collection of people worshiping God together since certain gather ings of the nation of Israel in Old Testament times. Instead, I read seven articles (out of about sixteen total articles in the whole paper) covering “Coming Out Week” and homosex uality in general. Several of them seemed to paint Christianity as the enemy of “tolerance.” I suppose that’s fair because The Bible teach es that God is very intolerant to ward sin. This includes what the Bible calls immorality (any sex out side of the marriage between a man and a woman), hatred, lying, stealing, murder, envy, greed, and speaking ill of others. Things that hurt ourselves and those around us. Things that separate us from God. God will not tolerate sin and demands punishment for disobe dience from His creation. Fortunately, God also loves us in spite of our sin and put the pun ishment on Jesus when He died on the cross. Three days later, Jesus In response to Michael ScM :ur ' Oct. 6 column: 6 After reading your column 1 man have been left with the feelinp es c a that you hold a wrong impresp^Q j of Christianity. The The essence of Christianir.j E ark that God loves people, butG;^ ^ hates all sin. Acts ofviolencLJ| cruelty which some peoples j^e claim to be Christians ptactic® nec j are obviously not in keeping in( ; ss the love that God teachesusi^sayi have for one another. Howeve® The Christianity, the Bible isconqhe we ered to be truth, and, in both nan’s Old Testament and the NewlfB No lament, the Bible very clearly||red states that acts of homosexua.^ are wrong. IV Yes, the primary messageol. the Bible is love. If we choose ^* we can receive God’s love and® The giveness for everything we do Itmoric wrong in our lives by believiiimn se Jesus. The only condition forcStpel E is that with the help ofGod,vmt. 4 have to try to turn away from E-Sev sin in our lives. According to (and M Bible, all sin does includehoitWhich sexuality, but it also includesl stL| d er ing, cheating, stealing andha$ onstr In conclusion, there is noeij Tex < cuse for hating people, butthif 5 ® 06 '' titude of disagreement withh:^ als mosexual acts is Biblically baslx 6 at KimbeW- Class m Abo studer the de JT"*’ steel t ass of h zalez, ffiode ned va . —i iZctClCttct C