The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 06, 1997, Image 1

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    Dei 3,19!
Texas A & M University
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See extended forecast. Page 2.
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irst Cut draws record-high attendance
i Mitchell, a sophomore mechanical engineering major, takes down a tree
fCrocker Hall at First Cut early Saturday morning.
&M renames
milding to honor
brmer president
By Karie Fehler
The first trees for Aggie Bonfire
fell as Texas A&M students partic
ipated in First Cut Saturday and
At cut site near Hearne in Mil
am County, students cut down
trees that will be used to build
Bonfire, set to burn Nov. 27.
Workers from residence halls,
Corps of Cadets outfits, Women’s
Bonfire Committee and Off-Cam
pus Aggies volunteered time and
support for Bonfire.
Brad Weber, a crew chief for
Dunn Hall and a sophomore poul
try science major, said First Cut
ran smoothly.
“It was a long day, but every
thing went fine,” he said. “There
seemed to be a lot more people in
the woods this year. We were real
ly motivated by the big turnout.”
Weber said the best part of
First Cut is the motivation and
camaraderie of students.
“We were really proud of our
fish,” he said. “They cut down a
dorm log and got it out of the
woods by themselves — that’s
usually the tractors’ work.”
Jennifer King, a Bonfire co
chair for Hobby Hall and a sopho
more education major, said Hob
by’s partnership with Moore Hall
at cut was productive.
“It is so cool to go in there and
see how full the woods are,” she
said. “There is virtually no space
for all of the trees. When you
leave in the afternoon, you can ac
tually see your progress.”
Ruth Wallace, a freshman psy
chology major from Hobby, said
she enjoyed her first time at cut.
“I had so much fun,” she said.
“We got a lot of people together
and it was neat to surround a big
tree. We each took 10 power hits
and had races to cut down trees.”
Hart Hall and Krueger Hall
both set hall records for highest
attendance and most logs pulled.
Andrew McDow, a crew chief
for Hart and a sophomore agricul
tural economics major, said he
was proud of the two halls.
“There was lots of motivation
to come out to cut and I think it
worked,” he said. “Things went
pretty much the same as last
year, and we really made some
progress. I’d really like to thank
everyone for workihg so hard —
it’s really hard work, but it’s
worth it.”
d next M
By Jenara Kocks
[The 63-year-old Administration
ilding has been renamed in honor
Dr. Jack K. Williams, president of
M and the Texas A&M University
item from 1970 to 1977.
The building is at the end of the en-
Jnce to campus on New Main Drive.
The Texas A&M Board of Regents
proved last month A&M President
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1,3 tRay M. Bowen’s proposal to name
ebuilding the Jack K. Williams Ad-
inistration Building.
“He had a distinguished career,”
Aven said.
“We decided he should be recog-
:ed on campus for that career.
Bowen said Williams was president
of the University during the period of
its greatest growth. He said A&M had
an enrollment of 10,000 students when
Williams became president, but more
than 20,000 students at the end of his
Dr. Kenneth H. Ashworth, former
commissioner of the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board, said
he worked with Williams when
Williams was the first commissioner
of the board from 1966 to 1968. He
said Williams was a good president to
follow A&M President Earl Rudder.
“He added degree programs and
built the academic reputation of the
University,” Ashworth said.
He said Williams helped start some
of the first doctoral programs and lib
eral arts degree programs at A&M.
“I knew him as a man of high in
tegrity, and he was very caring with the
students,” Ashworth said. “His great
concern was maintaining the quality
of programs at A&M.”
Williams also is credited with ex
panding Evans Library and its collec
tion, creating the Texas A&M Univer
sity Press, recruiting National Merit
Scholars, attracting the Institute of
Nautical Archaeology and bringing in
the Navy ROTC as a part of the Corps
of Cadets.
Please see Building on Page 6.
Slippery when wet
ROBERT MCKAY/The Battalion
Darren Williams, a senior business analysis major and a member of the Texas A&M Waterskiing Club, practices his slalom technique at Century
Ski Lake Saturday afternoon. Williams will travel with the club to compete in the slalom event at nationals. The club defeated the University of
Texas to earn their place at nationals, the first time in its 23-year existence the team has reached the national competition.
Coming Out Week
Groups promote sexual tolerance during annual event
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DAVE HOUSE/The Battalion
Coming Out Week will be hosted by Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Aggies
By Brandi Ballard
It’s Coming Out Week at Texas A&M,
and a full calendar of events has been
planned by Gay Lesbian Bisexual Aggies
(GLBA). This annual event coincides with
National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11.
The purpose of National Coming Out
Day is to encourage lesbian, gay and bisex
ual people to “come out of the closet” and
declare or affirm their sexual orientation.
Nancy Tubbs, a graduate student in
Student Affairs Administration in High
er Education, said National Coming
Out Day commemorates the 1987
march on Washington D.C. for lesbians’
and gays’ equal rights.
Parents, Families and Friends of Les
bians and Gays (PFLAG), GLBA, Rainbow
Christians, Allies and the Gender Issues
Education Services all work together to
help gay, lesbian, and bisexual students
take that next step in coming out.
These organizations provide speakers
and resources during Coming Out Week.
“Coming out is a process, not a single
event,” Tubbs said.
Michael Moore, a graduate student in
computer science, is the president of
Rainbow Christians.
“We’re a support group that deals
with religious issues of gays, lesbians and
bisexuals,” Moore said. “You can be gay
here and it not be an issue.”
Please see Coming Out on Page 3.
Students seek aid
for wounded dog
after hit-and-run
By Amanda Smith
The rescue of Marlin, a 3-year-old Great Pyrenees in
jured in a hit-and-run accident, is a modern-day story
of the first Reveille.
Two Texas A&M students saw the wounded dog in
Marlin, Texas as they were returning to College Station
fromTexas Stadium, where the A&M Football Team had
played the University of North Texas.
Ryan Wiley, an educational kinesiology major, and
Robert Roubion, a MBA operations graduate student,
said Marlin was bloody and malnourished when they
stopped to help him.
“As we drove by, we saw this big white dog,” he said.
“His face was bloody, so we decided to turn around. We
were kind of scared to move the dog because it was ob
vious that his left front leg was broken. I cut a piece of
carpet out of the bottom of the trunk and used that like
a stretcher.”
Marlin now is recovering at the Kingdom Animal
Hospital in Bryan. Dr. Renee Lara, a veterinarian at the
hospital, said Marlin is eating well and recovering from
operations on a fractured jaw and broken front leg.
However, Marlin needs orthopedic surgery on his leg.
“He has a splint on his leg right now,” Lara said. “It
may heal, but it will take a longer time. We have done
like $400 to $450 worth of work in supportive care, X-
rays, splints and sedative treatment. We are trying to find
a foster home for Marlin.”
The Texas A&M Small Animal Clinic is the only hos
pital in the area with orthopedic specialists who can per
form the operation.
Please see Dog on Page 6.
Beat the Hell Outta Stress
Day: SCS hosts program to
help students cope with
See Page 4
The Texas A&M
Football Team
moves into Big
12 South
driver’s seat with
16-10 victory
over Colorado in
See Page 7
Voss: Homosexuality should
not be a determining factor
in individuals’ rights.
See Page 9
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