The Battalion Friday • October 3, 1997 Superintendent suspected of misusing funds DALLAS (AP) — Investigating allegations that superintendent Yvonne Gonzalez bought some of the furniture for her apartment with school funds, FBI agents searched her residence this week, according to several media reports. A bed and other furnishings were removed during the search on Monday, The Dallas Morning News reported on Thursday. Neither the FBI nor the U.S. attorney would comment. The search warrant was sealed, and none of the sources would or could disclose its contents, the newspaper said. But the sources acknowledged that the FBI is looking into allegations the superintendent purchased some of her fur nishings with school district money, the newspaper reported. Gonzalez, who is on paid administrative leave, could not be reached Thursday. Her attorneys did not immediately return tele phone messages left at their offices. Sources close to her said she was looking for canceled checks to prove that she paid for the fur niture from personal funds, the newspaper reported. Gonzalez has been on leave for two weeks, after the school board tabled her offer to resign in the midst of a lawsuit filed against her by Matthew Flarden Jr., the dishict’s chief financial officer. Harden sued her for alleged sexual harassment and official misconduct. In his lawsuit, Harden described Gonzalez’s eight- month administration as one beset by paranoia, public misrep resentation and a campaign to eliminate administrators viewed as disloyal opponents. Ms. Gonzalez has denied any wrongdoing. She has said that Harden is trying to discredit an internal investigation that has un- :overed wrongdoing in his division. School board president Kathleen Leos said she knew little ibout the latest allegations. If Gonzalez reimbursed the school for furnishings in her apart ment that were bought with school funds “then it was done with he approval of the chief financial officer,” Leos said. “If it is not appropriate, then how did it get past the inter- tal auditor and the chief financial officer?” Leos asked. She said she has no plans to move up the meeting, scheduled or Oct. 10, in which the board is to discuss whether to accept the superintendent's resignation. Trustees said Wednesday they were shocked at the latest tur n of ;vents. The board was apparently told at the end of a meetingTUes- lay night of the latest allegations leveled against Gonzalez. Board secretary Bob Johnston informed the board that a ocal news station was reporting that the FBI had searched Gonzalez’s apartment. “Our chins dropped, needless to say,” said trustee Jos Plata, vho has been a strong supporter of Gonzalez. “I don’t see any reason why someone would have to go thr ough >ur purchasing department to do anything personal. 1 do look for ward to getting down to the bottom of this,” Plata said. g” be be Today jlevvho s hose bi: live to be At Luc I 1 Brown Modern aisesbis Browr ;onsideri istriches “Bisoi jere bef lies were a roi hem bu ilains bi. There he Unit here we ion biso rfien t lunters 1 lison in rere less Looki Imerica ’reiss sa: Election 1 Continued from Page 1 For the Class of’01,23 stu dents ran for class president. A mandatory meeting for all candidates will be at 6 p.m. Sunday in the Gover nance Room of the Koldus Building. All campaigning is suspended until the meet ing, Troy said. Run-off candidates for other positions are: Class of ’01 vice president: Amber Giles and Brian J. Youngblood. Class of ’01 treasurer: Brandon Schlaffer and Mark Lowery. Class of ’01 secretary: LeaAnne Heath and Melissa Diane Ramer. Class of ’01 social secre tary: Carrie Moore and Brian Schlaffer. Class of’01 historian: Eliz abeth Boyd and Wesley Sto- baugh. Bonfire Continued from Page 1 King said the. social aspect of these hall traditions also helps keep spirits high. “Hobby pairs up with Moore Hall for Bonfire, and this helps you meet a lot of people,” she said. “We are all veiy excit ed about First Cut this weekend and can’t wait to show our support.” Cut will be Oct. 4-5 at the Hearne cut site in Milam County. Leaders Continued from Page 1 LaSondra Carroll, the MSC Black Awareness Committee chair and a junior journalism major, said leaders can learn the importance of structure from the Corps. “Looking from the outside, the Corps may seem strange,” she said. “But put in perspective of what a set structure can do causes you to think more about planning and creativity. This is applicable to organi zations outside of the Corps.” Most people in our business want you to get life insurance. (We want you to get a life.) Come and learn how a career with us can be more than just a job. Information Session: at the Memorial Student Center, Room 292A on October 21, 1997 at 7:00pm and interviews on October 22, 1997 Call Sheryl Lyssy, Ag. '86 at 281-583-4336 Northwestern Mutual Life" The Quiet Company"’ Copyright 1996 The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Milwaukee, Wl. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE,* Join us for food, games, contests, music, prizes, live entertainment, and fun. Publication Title The Battalion Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (Required by 39 USC 3685) 2 Publication Number issue Frequency daily Monday Through Friday dunn $ the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Th during the summer session (except university holi da ’ 3. Fliing Date 9-29-97 Number ol Issues Pubtisbod Annually irsday 180 s and exam periods) Complete Mailing Address of Known Office ot Publication (Not printf) fStraef, c/fy, county, state. and ZIP*4) 015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A§M University College Station, Brazos County, TX 77843-1111 8 Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher (Not printer) (same as above) Contact Person Francia Cagle 409/845-2614 M. Callente 97 at the Academic Plaza (in front of the Academic Building) October 4, 1997 11am - till ? - ponsored by the Hispanic Business Students Associati< 9 Full Names and Complete MaiUng Addresses of Publisher. Editor, and Managing Editor (Do not leave blank) Publisher (Name and complete mailing address) Division of Student Publications (same as above) Editor (Name and complete mailing address) Helen Clancy (same as above) Managing Editor (Name and complete mailing address) Brad Graeber (same as above) ©ATTAUGN Helen Clancy, Editor in Chief Brad Graeber, Managing Editor Erica Roy, City Editor Matt Weber, News Editor Chris Ferrell, Sports Editor Aaron Meier, Features Editor April Towery, Entertainment Editor James Francis, Opinion Editor Dave House, Photo Editor Quatro Oakley, Graphics Editor Joey Schlueter, Radio Producer Chris Stevens, Web Editor Dusty Moer, Web Editor Mandy Cater, Office Manager Staff Members :ity- Asst. Editor: Jenara Kocks; Joey Schlueter, lobert Smith, Rachel Dawley, Karie Fehler, Rachel Jeorge, Amanda Smith, Brandye Brown, Courtney iee, Colleen Kavanagh. Sports- Asst. 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