The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 01, 1997, Image 4
VOTE!!! Today Sam - 6pm MSC, Evans Library, Wehner, Kleberg, Blocker, Zachry, Duncan, Commons, § Underground L The Battalion IFESTYLES Wednesday • October 1,1997 Dunking Continued from Page 3 “I dunked my ring in one of those huge bottles of Gatorade," Scheer said. But not all students are ready to give the treasured pitcher of beer the heave-ho. Lisa Beaumont, a senior psy chology major, said she has a special place in her heart for fermented hops. “I like to think of beer as my friend,” Beaumont said. “Dunking my ring in anything else just wouldn’t be the same.” A&M students have many dif ferent beliefs and there seems to be a place at the table for ring dunkers of all types. It really boils down to the old phrase, “To each his own.” If stu dents want to dunk their ring in liquor, they have numerous op tions. If not, they have just as many non-alcoholic methods to use. Wedne? People in the News Ivana Trump single again Dreyfus names favorite flicks Largest Ever! Co-op Career Fair Monday, October 6 Tuesday, October 7 ABB Vetco Alexander Engineering Bayer Corporation Celanese Cryovac DSC Communication Electric Scientific Industries Entergy Operations Fidelity Investments Fourth Dimension Design H.B. Zachry HEB Grocery Company Halliburton Ingersoll-Rand Co. Marathon Oil Company NASA - JSC National Instruments Nortel Owen Healthcare, Inc. Sperry-Sun Drilling Tandem Computers Texas Instruments The Software Group The Trane Company Union Carbide Universal Computer Systems ABB Lummus Global Advanced Micro Devices ARCO Chemical Company Central Intelligence Agency City of Houston - Public Works Dow Chemical Ethicon Flowtronex International Freese & Nichols Grant Prideco Houston Industries (HL&P) HP-Convex Division IBM International Paper Lockheed Martin Vought Lyondell-Citgo Refining M&M Mars Mobil Oil Corporation Motorola New Holland Incorporated Occidental Chemical Solar Turbines Soltia-Division of Monsanto Southwest Research Sulzer Intermedics, Inc. Tel labs Operations, Inc. Tellepsen Corporation U.S. Space & Rocket Center UFE Incorporated Valspar Corporation Zachry Engineering Center Don’t Miss it! NEW YORK (AP) — Ivana Trump is sin gle again. The Czech-born socialite was granted a divorce from husband No. 3, Italian jet setter Riccardo Mazzuc- chelli, on Monday after 22 months of marriage that had a stormy end. Two months ago, Mazzucchelli, 54, boasted to the National Enquirer: "I dumped Ivana.” Ivana Trump, 48, issued a state ment thanking the judge for making her divorce happen quickly and qui etly — no details of a settlement were released. “Everything looks great for my chil dren and me,” she said. “I am ready for an exciting and fulfilling future.” Dreyfus MILWAUKEE (AP) — Richard Dreyfuss says he is asked to name his favorite film so often that he no longer answers. “OK. ‘The Good bye Girl’ and ‘Mr. Hol land’s Opus,”’ he grudgingly told the Mil waukee Journal Sentinel. Dreyfuss said he was especially pleased with how “Mr. Holland’s Opus” seemed to inspire school dis tricts to increase their spending for music programs. “I walked around the country and was amazed at how I had affected peo ple so much with that film,’ he said. Fuhrman to pen new book STAMFORD, Conn, (AP) — Mark Fuhrman, the former Los Ange les police detective who gained notoriety in the O.J. Simpson murder trial, is writing a book about the un solved 1975 murder of a Greenwich teenager. Fuhrman is investigating the muij der of 15-year-old Martha Moxleyas a follow-up to his best-selling "Mur der in Brentwood” about the Simpson: Fuhrman case, The (Stamford) Advocate and the Long Island, N.Y., newspaper Newsday reported Tuesday. the YOU DEMAND POWER, SPEED, AND MOBILITY. Power Macintosh* 6500/275 32/4GB/i2XCD/Multiple Scan 15AV L2/Zip Drive/Ethemet/Video In/NTSC Out/Kbd Now $2,666 (or $5o/montfi)** before-rebate $300 cash back* $200 cash back* to o <r+ I Power Macintosh* 7300/200 32/2GB/i2XCD/Multiple Scan i5AV(not as pictured) L2/Ethemet/Kbd Now $2^426 (or $46^rxxith)** before rebate $100 cash back* Power Macintosh* 5400/180 i6/i.2GB/8XCD/Built-in display/Kbd Now $1,527 (or $29/month)** before rebate Save another $50 cash back* Color StyleWriter 4500 Now $319** before rebate ro <r+ •-o WANT SOME CASH TO GO WITH THAT? Now is the right time to get an Apple Power Macintosh or PowerBook. Because in addition to getting the computer that lets you do more than you can imagine, you can save big time. For a limited time, students are eligible for special cash rebates. *This is a limited time rebate coupon offer. See your Apple campus reseller today for complete details. Microcomputer Center Located in the Texas A&M Bookstore Monday - Friday Sam - 5pm 409/845-4081 1 origination Computer Loan has an loan amounts, state and Interest Is variable based on the Prime Rate as reported on the 5th business day of the month in me wan btreet jol .._ - - r - . • . . 8-year loan term with no prepayment penalty and is subject to credit approval. Monthly payments may vary depending on actual computer system prices, total d local sales taxes and a change in the monthly variable interest rate. 61997 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac. Macintosh, loan amounts, state anu local saies taxes auu a ihciiibc u> me mwiiuny ---- a - ■ - •• . • ro u-,,„ PowerBook. Power Macintosh and StyleWriter are registered trademarks of Apple Computer. Inc. OneScanner and QuickTake are trademarks of Apple c °^P u r |® r ; offer valid from July 12, 1997 through October 10. 1997. while supplies last and subject to availability. Void where prohibited by law. See participating reseller for further rules and details. All Macintosh computers are designed to be accessible to individuals with disability. To learn more (U.S. only), call 8oo-6oov8o8 or TTY 800-755-0601. FRIENDS OF THE STERLING C. EVANS LIBRARY S™ ANNUAL FUN RUN DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF WAYNE BRYAN 1955-1997 Aggieland Cycling S Fitness OCTOBER 11, 1997 • 8:00 am The 5K Run and I Mile Fitness Walk will begin in the parking lot of the Ocean Drilling Program Building on the West Campus of Texas A6M, College Station, Texas. EARLY ARRIVING PARTICIPANTS WILL RECEIVE T-SHIRTS, FANNY PACKS S KOOZIES Age Groups are I 9 and under; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60 & over. Prizes for top 3 in each! Entry fees if registered prior to October 3, I 997 are $8.00 for students and $ I 2.00 for nonstudents; after October 3, I 997 $ I 2.00 for students and $ I 5.00 for nonstudents Drawing for: Spring Break Trip for 2 to Cancun (airfare S hotel) • Cannondale Mountain Bike • Hill Country Weekend • Random Drawing AND MANY MORE! SPONSORED BY: HEB Pantry Foods • Centex Construction Company • KTSR • AGGIE 96 FM • WTAW Dean & Mary Ellen, Carlton Class of ‘49 • Aggieland Cycling & Fitness • 12 ,h Man Foundation TAMU Athletic Department • Phoenix Manufacturing • A.G. Edwards • Optima Systems, Inc. 5k Run Mile Fitness Walk Student Name: Zip:— Address: Sex: Phone: Age:— Adult T-Shirt Size: Please make checks payable to : Friends of the Sterling C. Evans Library Return Entries to: Wanda Roberts, P.O. Drawer 45, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Or register via E-Mail @ Graduating Seniors Are invited to attend an Information Session With the ARCHON GROUP Company Overview Archon Group, a majority-owned subsidiary of Goldman, Sachs &. Co., is a full service commercial mortgage loan and real estate investment management company with over $10 billion under management. Co Positions Available Financial Analyst positions available for Dallas Headquarters, as well as regional offices in Houston, Washington DC, and Los Angeles. Principle Lines of Business Portfolio Management Development/Value Enhancement Structured Finance Partnership Accounting/Loan Servicing Participating Investments Real Estate Asset Management Loan Asset Management Acquisitions/Due Diligence Environmental/ Structural International Asset Management Session Information Date: Wednesday, October 1, 1997; 6:00 Location: 504 Rudder Business Casual On Campus Interviews: Wednesday October 22, 1997 Archon Group, an equal opportunity employer, does not discriminate in employment on any basis that is prohibited by federal, state, or local law.