Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1997)
To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ADOPTION COMPUTERS FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED A Warm Sunlit Nursery And An Abundance Of Love Await Your Baby. We Are Jill And Bill, An Aggie Couple. We Are Fully Certified With A Licensed Agency. Call Pam Lucas At The Homes Of St. Mark, In Houston, 800- 543-BABY. Legal/ Medical Expenses Paid Only. ANNOUNCEMENTS SSCASH FOR COLLEGESS GRANTS AND SCHOL ARSHIPS AVAILABLE FROM PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTORS. GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! CALL NOW 1- 800-532-5953. AUCTION Saddles! Saddles! Saddles! Over 60 saddles & tack to be sold at public auction: Wednesday, September 17th, 1997. Bar-T saddlery is closing the doors on its 2 Western U.S. warehouses. This will be the chance of a lifetime to buy name brand saddles & tack at a fraction of their dealer costs making it an excellent time to stock a store or for an individual to buy below dealer costs. There will be saddles by Billy Cook, Tex-Tan, Longhorn, Simco, Texas Saddlery, Cowboy Tuff, Flying H, Saddle King and more. A large selection of show saddles & tack along with bits, spurs, headstalls, reins, breast col lars, halters, leads, pads, ropes and too many items to list. Due to the nature of this sale the terms are as fol lows: Cash, Check (with bank letter of credit), MC/Visa, Discover, AMEX. Place: Ramada Inn, 1502-Texas Ave., C Sta., TX Viewing: 6:30p.m. Auction: 7:30p m Information: 1-800-784-0461. Auctioneer F T. Hutton Txs-07598 AUTO 1989 Nissan Maxima, automatic, leather, sunroof, all power, very nice, $5,700, negotiable. 764-8724 1990 Miata. Excellent condition. One owner. Low mileage. $7,000. 774-7788. 1990 Mustang GT-5.0, new tires, runs great, Kenwood cd-player $7,900 693-2018 1991 Ford Probe, manual, all power, low 40k, $4,000, 260-1868, 691-2679. 1991 Toyota Corolla, 4-door, 5-speed. Excellent gas mileage. Great condition. $4,995. 828-3643. 1994 Elantra, 5-speed, low miles, great condition, $7,000 O.B.O. Call 847-0620. 1994 GMC Jimmy, red/ grey w/leather interior. $16,000 775-9507, leave message. 1994 Mazda MX3, auto, excellent condition, $9,500, 260-1868, 691-2679. ‘82 Honda Civic, automatic, 4-door, lots of miles but in good condition. $900/negotiable. Please call 694-9192. '91-Mercury Sable, V-6, automatic, air bag, ABS, runs well, $2,600/o.b.O. 846-7305. 93 Nissan pick-up. Good condition. $4,800 or best offer. 846-9700. '94 Ford Probe GT, 5-speed, red w/grey interior, 40k miles, PL/PW, cruise, new tires. Fast!! $11,000. 694- 8410. Cars for $100!!! Seized & Sold locally this month. Trucks, 4x4’s, etc. 800-522-2730, Ext #3782. Ford Taurus 1988 78k miles. Excellent condition. A/C, new paint. $4,500. 696-1401 fuen ninn nnPAiccafftT Romantic Victorian B&B get-away. Plus gourmet can dle-light dining. “The Famous Pink House Gourmet B&B". 364-2868 Heartburn Study If you have heartburn Are 18 or older Are in general good health Qualifying volunteers will receive an honorarium of $50 No blood drawn. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5033 Chronic Pain Study Subjects who have had chronic pain for at least three months, have been taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication daily and require additional pain relief are being recruited for an investigative research study with a marketed pain medication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated.. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5033 or 1 -800-681 -8204 SKIN INFECTION STUDY Patients 18 years and older with uncomplicated skin infections such as impetigo, cellulitis, infected hair follicles, wounds, abrasions, insect bites, etc. needed to participate in a research study with an investigative antibiotic. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5033 Athlete’s Foot Study Patients volunteers needed for Research Study of new investigational medicine. Free physical exam, treatments, study medications, and lab tests available for qualified participants. Patient stipend available for qualified participants ages 12 years and above. No topical (prescription or over the counter) treatment in the last 2 wks. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5033 Asp laptop 486 SX/25 PC MCIA slot 9600 fax modem, bag, $250. Please call Andrew at 764-5644 Compaq P.100, 16MBRAM, IgigHD, 15” monitor, Win 95, Office 95, $700. James, 779-8237, Intel 486DX2-66, 2XCDROM, 16-bit sound, speakers, 32-bit video, 120meg HDD, 4-meg RAM, Intel Eithernet card; $200 O.B.O. Please call 691-0356. Large computer desk $50. Good condition. Call 693- 8698 and leave message. Pentium 233MMX $1,195, 200MMX $1,095, 166MMX $1,015, 166MHZ $950, 133MHZ$875, 16MB-ram, 20X- CDROM, 1.3GB-HD, 33.6-V/F/modem, 2MB-video, 14”- monitor, TAMUNet set-up, 1-year warranty, 2 1GB-HD add $20, 3.1GB-HD add $65, 846-7186 upgrading Slap- top. Toshiba color lap top 20mgRAM, 33.6-modem, Win-95, MS-Office, Tamunet, net-scape gold, e-mail. Great for students!! $795/o.b o. Please call 846-9293. Attention Aggies!! Get your $5, $10, $20 phone card at 10% off during September. Beats the hell out of other calling cards. To get yours, call 847-5080 or 847-4480 Cash only please. Bicycles- Mountain, Beach, and, get to class cruisers. All fully reconditioned. Prices determined by accep tance offer. 846-8295, hurry while last. Casio keyboard, 49 keys, memory capability, tone & rhythm selectors. Asking $80, O.B.O. Please call after 7p.m. 695-2765. Catholic Books/Gifts. Byrne's Catholic Bookstore. Northgate, Upstairs. Afternoons. 846-8699. Daybed. Easy to assemble. Good condition. $50. Please call Lori at 694-1116. Dorm refrigerator, 4.2 cubic feet, $75 O.B.O. Please call Heather at 776-9436. Health rider $50, 4 gumball/candy quarter operated candy machines, great way to start business, worth $800, sell for $175. 694-1826. Earn $6-$10/hr. +Bonuses. If You Like To Talk To People And Are Self Motivated, Mature. Hard-working, And Dependable; This Is The Job For You. Work A Flexible Schedule, Approximately 15-20hrs/wk W/Some Weekend Hours. Call David, 8a.m -10a m., (409)696- 0832 To Schedule An Interview. Experienced dental waxer needed. Full-time/ Part-time, flexible hours. 776-7905. FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT. $18K-$72K/yr. +Benefits. Paid Training. For Information On F/T & P/T Positions Call 1-800-585-9024, Ext.#4357. FREE TRIPS & CASH!! SPRING BREAK!! Outgoing individuals - sell 15 & go FREE. Cancun, South Padre, Mazatlan, Jamaica, South Beach, FL. Guaranteed Best Prices. 1-800-SURFS-UP. Great Medical and Social Services Experience! Licensed Assisted Living facility hiring full/part time posi tions: Personal Service Assistants, Registered Nurse, Cooks, Housekeeper. Apply in person: Bluebonnet House, 3901-Victoria Ave., C.Sta. No phone calls. DJ MUSIC The Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings and TAMU func tions. For the best call 693-6294. EM PLO YMENT Fun Instructors or Comedians. $6/hr. Will train. Evenings +Saturdays. College experience TX.D.L. 5- years. No criminal records. 694-2122. NEEDED: College Students. Part-time Job $12.00+ per hour. Contact us DC AIT run ncra ■ 2bdrm/1ba duplex. Fenced, ch/a, w/d connection, $395/mo. On Georgia. HUD o k 779-8480 2bdrm/2ba mobile home, just minutes from downtown Bryan. Set-up on small acreage. Central ac/h. $495/mo. +deposit. 279-2650. Huge 2bdrm/2bath duplex, w/d connection, fenced yard, $550/mo. First month rent free. 2402-B Pecan Ridge, Bryan. 696-1138. Large 2bdrm/1bath, 1,000sq.ft, new carpet/fridge, w/d conn., close to T.A.M.U. $450/mo. 694-1280. Large 2bdrm/2ba 4-plex, quiet, cul-de-sac, w/d connec tions, shuttle, some w/yards. Short term leases avail able. Starting at $475/mo. United Realty, 694-9140. Keg cooler. Large, holds two kegs, ice cold. Two door with taps drains, etc. Must sell! $300/negotiable. Please call 847-5395. Large dorm refrigerator. Used 2 years in the dorms. Good condition, $100. Please call 694-0159. Large white desk with drawers. Good condition. $35 Please call 764-6069. Meade telescope lOin. Starfinder, Dobsonian, acces sories $500. Please call 764-1865. New full size box spring mattress for sale $90 o.b.o. Call Matt at 693-4580. New Hewlett Packard Graphic 48G engineering calcu lator $65/o.b.o. Call Jennifer, 695-2535. Peavey 5150 combo, perfect condition, all tube, great sound, $750 O.B.O. Please call Paul at 260-2496. Sawya Technique road bike $250, negotiable. Good condition. Please call 690-1123 or 690-1173. Sleeper sofa, country blue. Good condition. $100 Please call 693-5746. Tool box and headache rack for Ford full size $400 Solo flex $400/o.b.o Please call 694-6669. FUNDRAISER Are you looking for an activity that may be once and last all year and involves something that most everyone uses? If so. contact Larry at 361 -0158 HELP WANTED Gumby's Pizza hiring drivers, counter help and pizza makers. Flexible hours. Drivers paid cash daily. Apply in person at 107 Dominik (next to Whataburger). HOUSEKEEPER. Busy family needs help with house keeping and laundry. Call 693-8694. Howdy AgsN Short on cash? Looking for a part-time job? Don’t go there!! Come here-to the Plasma Center where you can earn $140 a month donating your life saving plasma $80 in your first two weeks!! Donating plasma is everything you could ask for in a part-time job: minimal time, good pay, no work required, tax free cash!! Don’t delay, call today!! Westgate Biologicals, Inc. 2- convenient locations: 4223-Wellborn Rd., Bryan, 846- 8855. 700-University East, College Station, 268-6050. LOOK!! Back to school part-time work. Flexible around school schedule. Up to $8.25. Scholarships and intern ships available. Conditions apply. Interview now. Start Thursday. Call 696-7734, 10a.m.-4p.m. Lynntech, Inc. Part-time openings for Library Researcher and General Errand Runner Must have dependable transportation, good knowledge of TAMU Libraries and getting around B/CS Send resume and time available for work to Joy Caldwell, Lynntech, Inc. 7610 Eastmark Drive, Suite 105, College Station, Texas 77840 E.O.E. ( To be filled by 9/19. New company in B/C Sta. seeking motivated managers PT/FT. Team work Highly stressed (409)695-9984. P M assistant for chiropractor office Typing required. Apply at 1703 East 29th Street Male roommate needed. 2bdrm/1/2bath duplex. Own room. W/D, fenced yard, bus route. Furnished except your room. $240/mo.+1/2bills. Call Jeff at 693-5313. Office space under construction on Hwy.6 in South C.Sta. Spaces ranging from 250 sq ft. to 800 sq.ft./con ference room and sitting area. Call 693-7830 Quiet, country atmosphere. Large 1-bedroom duplex, fireplace, $375/mo. +bills. No pets. 693-8534. Short term leases available. 1,2,3 bedrooms. Call for information. United Realty, 694-9140. FDR SALE 2-large dorm fridges $60 each, Apple color plus 14” monitor $175, Apple Stylewriter II printer $75, guitar amp $100. 694-1118. 97-Mongoose Hilltopper-SX Mountain-bike, Rock-shock Indy suspension fork, Shimano LX-V-brakes, matt blue color, $600 new, $200 in extras. Asking $475. 696- 8254. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! Part-time work Up to $8 25.03502780 Scholarships and internships avail able. Conditions apply Good resume experience Call 696-7734, 10a m.-4p.m. Attention Students: Want a fun way to make money? Become a character in the 16th century and work in a food booth at the Texas Renaissance Festival. For more information call Debbi (409)297-3274. Auto Mechanic helper needed part-time, with Mobile Mechanic. Call 255-0003. Charli’s sales help needed. Retail experience preferred. 505-University Dr.Ea. 268-9626. Co-ed to assist with domestic tours. 2 days/wk in 4-5hr block. $6.25/hr. Contact Martha, 696-7414. Co-ed to assist with house work/garden on non Aggie game day. Saturdays, 9a.m.-4p.m. Travel necessary. $6.25/hr. Contact Martha, 696-7414. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE - INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION has the following position available at the Facilities Division Headquarters Office located in Huntsville, Texas: PROGRAMMER II - FACILITIES DIVISION, annual salary $26,340 plus benefits. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with 9 hours of computer programming. Course work with Data Base Language such as dBase IV is preferred. **or**High School Diploma or GED and one year of full-time, wage-earning dBase programming experience Applicants must submit a State of Texas Application for Employment to TDCJ Regional Human Resources Office, ATTN: Terri Hall, RO. Box 4011, Spur 59 Off Hwy 75 North, Huntsville TX 77342 by 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 29, 1997. A complete job description and all application forms may be obtained at the above address or by calling (409) 294-6423 or 294-8703. ECONOPHONE, INC A growing international-long distance phone company in Bryan currently has the following positions available: Customer Service Representatives - Weekend shifts available. Servicing inbound calls for long distance and calling cards. Must have previous customer service experience & be able to demonstrate excellent computer & communication skills. Must be outgoing & personable. Bi-lingual/Multi-lingual a plus! Training & Development Specialist - Must possess a HS degree or equivalent. Must have a minimum of 2-3 years of customer service experience as well as excellent communication, phone & computer skills, specifically with Word, Excel & Powerpoint. Must be outgoing, spontaneous & personable. Training experience preferred. A/P & Payroll Clerk - FT 8a.m.-5p.m. Must have 3-5 yrs of payroll experience (Ceridian preferred) and 2-4 yrs experience with A/P. Will coordinate all payroll and A/P responsibilities for 100+ employee office. Competitive pay & benefits provided. If interested, apply to: Human Resources Coordinator, 3833 South Texas Ave., Ste. 130, Bryan, Tx. or e-mail to E.O.E. THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS SMALL TOWN LIFESTYLES WITH BIG CITY OPPORTUNITIES Econophone is a rapidly expanding $100M/year company with headquarters in New York City. If you are interested in working at our R&D facility in Bryan, Texas helping design, develop and deploy a state-of-the-art world-wide Intelligent Network of telecomm products and services AND have skills and experience in any of the following areas, we want to talk to you. • C/C++ • NT 4.0 • Computer Telephony • Visual Basic • Oracle, Sybase, Informix, or MS SQL Server • TCP/IP Networking • DCOM/CORBA • Unix Salaries are open based solely on experience and qualifications. We offer competitive benefits, including 401K, and unlimited growth opportunities. Send resume to: Econophone, Inc. Attn. Human Resource Director 3833 Texas Ave., Ste. 130 Bryan, Texas 77802 Part-time evening work doing commercial office clean ing, Mon.-Fri Call for an appointment 823-5031. Part-time Office Assistance needed for busy real estate office Average work load of 12-16hrs/wk with a time block of at least 3-4 hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8:30-1:30. Position also requires sum mer work, computer skills and reliable transportation for local errands. Apply in person at Coventry Glen Realty located at 1003-University Dr. East in College Station. Partners Food Delivery hiring cooks and drivers. Flexible hours. Apply in person at 113-Walton, C.Sta. Personal trainer to teach eager sixth grader, volleyball, basketball skills, 4p.m.-5p.m., Mon.-Thur. $25/wk. Martha, 696-7414 Photographers needed Will train. Call Photo Systems at 260-8181. QUALITY SALES PEOPLE We have Full and Part time evening telemarketing positions available immedi ately. $7/hourly base pay + bonuses. Flexible sched ules. Apply In person at: IMS, 700-Univ. Dr. E., Ste. 104, C.Station (behind Golden Corral). 691-8682. College Station Hilton Come Join Our Quality Team! Currently Hiring For Part-Time • Security Officer • Evening & Weekend Shifts Apply In Person At: College Station Hilton Human Resources Office 801 University Drive East College Station, TX 77840 Drug Screen & References Required E.O.E. The Dallas JWorning Denis Delivered to your door each morning CALL TODAY: 409-589-3358 For subscription rates. Limited delivery area SAVE $S OFF NEWSSTAND PRICES U,B. Ski’s 10th Annual College Ski Week BRECKENRIDGE IT^ SKI RESORT VaiL /p/rvi. Ski 4 Resorts for the Price of 1! [ Luxury Condos Lift Pass Ski/Snowboard Rentals & Lessons Non-Stop Parties Roundtrip Motorcoach or Airfare and Free Night Skiing! U. Ski “Ski the Net!" 1-800-SKI-WILD Don't Miss Tho Party! (1800 754-0463) Research Scientist. Lynntech, Inc A rapidly growing company developing innovative electrochemical tech nologies for energy conversion, environmental remedia tion and biotechnology, seeks a highly self-motivated individual with experience in immunology and tissue cul ture. Candidate must have M.S. degree in immunology or related discipline. Excellent problem solving and technical writing skills are essential. Send resume and salary requirements to Joy Caldwell, Lynntech, Inc. 7610-Eastmark Drive, Suite-105, College Station, Texas 77840. E.O.E. ( Sign Shop has part-time positions available for students, working in shop & art room. Apply at Signs nowl! 116- A Walton Drive, C.Sta. For information, call 764-8339. SUPERSTAR STUDENTS NEEDED!! Earn $ signing up friends & classmates for our credit cards. Opportunity to advance to campus manager Involving hiring other students. No car required. Must be outgo ing & aggressive!! Flexible hours & great income!! Call Lori at 800-592-2121, X130. TCBY is looking for responsible personable employees, available between 5a.m.-12p.m. weekdays and week ends. Thanksgiving and Christmas a must!! Call 693- 3381 or come by 404-Unlversity Dr. to pick up applica tion. Technician needed. Computer store. Experienced and independent. Part/full time. Call Dan, 846-5454. Universal computer Systems, Inc. Is looking tor can didates to fill our open positions at our multi-million dol lar expansion site In College Station. We still have 40+ part-time positions available. If you would like to gain valuable computer experience with a job that Is flexible enough to accommodate your school schedule and pays $6.00/hr., don’t wait any longer! Call our Recruiting Department at: 1-800-883-3031 NOW!!! E.O.E. UCS hires non-tobacco users only. Check out our Website at to find out more about Universal computer Systems, Inc. Wait-staff $8-$10/hr. average. Flexible hours. Apply Tues.-Fri., 2p.m.-4p.m. at Golden Corral. LOST & FOUND Lost gold figaro bracelet. Saturday's football game Shane. 847-3660 Reward!! MISCELLANEOUS Free phonecardsl! All U.S. calls only 19e/min. For your free phonecard call toll-free 1-888-294-3294 Pin#2434 or e-mail request to Moving in?? Cavitt Corner Used Books & Collectibles also has used furniture, pictures, dishes, decorations, antiques!! 822-6633. MOTORCYCLE 1987 Honda Aero scooter, 50cc, runs & looks good, hel met included, $385 negotiable. Call Roy at 696-0246 for test ride. 1989 Kawasaki KLR250 Enduro. Excellent condition. Garage kept. Please leave message. $1,600, O.B.O. 696-4989. 1991 Kawasaki EX 500, black, $1,700. O.B.O. Please call 694-1717. 88 Honda NX650 Runs excellent Lots of power New front, rear sprocket and chain $990/0 B O. Must sellll Call Sean. 847-5345. MUSIC Songwriling contest Over $1,000 in prizes. Deadline 10/1/97. Contact David, 693-5514 Talented drummer needed for rock/alternative band. Call James, 695-9710. NEEDED Need used bike carrier for car trunk. Preferably single/ double carrier 823-0813, leave message. PERSONAL Dates all over the Statalll 1-900-289-1077, Ext.#9701. $2.99/min. Must be 18yrs. old Serv-U (619)645-8434. PETS Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs Many pure breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Free kittens, 7 weeks old, gray, very cute and playful, please call 694-9059. Miniature Schnauzers AKC, ears/tails done, shots, groomed, health guarantee, white, s/p $250-$300. Please call 567-7209. Two SIMs (single iguana male) seeks caring spacious home. Clean & friendly. $100 O.B.O. Call Preston at 696-9673, evening. Very tamed 4-year old Iguana plus all accessories for sale $50/o.b.o. Please call 694-7031. Weimaraner puppies!! Several colors available. $150- $200. Parents on property. Please call 272-1223. ROOMMATES $175/mo. By campus (Cafe Excel), 2bdrm/1bath, share w/older student, 845-4594. F-Roommate needed a.s.a.p. Own bdrm/bath. September rent free! $285/mo.+1/2bills. 764-4069. Female roommate needed. 2bdrm/11/2bath. $225/mo. +1/2bills. 316-Brentwood. Contact Rufina, 764-6546. Female to share 3bdrm/2bath condo, detached full garage, w/d, lots of space. $500/mo plus 1/2-electric. Call 268-2758. M/F Roommate needed to share 2bdrm/11/2bath. $260/mo. +1 futilities. Call 776-5026. M/F Roommate needed to share 2bdrm/1bath 4-plex Apt. Fall semester. $200/mo. +1/2bills. W/D included. Call Doug, 779-2269. Roommate needed to share 2bdrm/11/2bath. $245/mo. +1 futilities. Shuttle bus. 694-0808. Roommate needed to share Sbdrmfbath house $250/mo. +1 futilities. Jim, 774-7261. Roommate needed. 3bdrm/2bath, w/d, semi-furnished, $250/mo.+1 futilities. Dexter Duplexes. 695-2714. SERVICES AAA-Texas Defensive Driving/Driver's Training. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm), Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations Bank. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Nails - Full set $15. Fills $15. In and out in 30-minutes. The Other Eclipse 696-8700 I pw+wWCIL RAIN FOREST TOURS. Ten-day small group tours in Costa Rican primary rain forest, 4-miles from Caribbean Coast. Conditions semi-primative; Talemancah Indian Region. For information, leave name and return address at: 106037 WANTED Class of '90 Ag seeks two tickets to October 4th Colorado game. Must be in A&M section. (970)476- 9450. Wanted: Students to lose weight. No drugs. Herbs boost metabolism, suppress appetite $29.95. Fast/free local delivery. $$Need$$? You can sell tool! (409)823- 3307. B/C.Sta. WEIGHT LOSS LOOSE 10-100 LBS. Feel great. All natural. Doctor recommended. Money back guarantee. (409)223- 2020. Monday • September 15, b Former Tech Monday official tried ti stop violations imn coni WASH INC HOUSTON (AP) - Tes Tech’s current and formerathle ic directors were among admini trators who disregarded or trit to stop corrections of rules viol tions and errors in player eligibi ity, a former school official says Alfonso Scandrett Jr., form Tech associate athletics direcio told the Houston Chronicle Sunday editions that he tried ale . ing officials that athletes ma; c * er ^ ^ unauthorized long-distance it! phone calls from the Tech athle: office. Scandrett gave the newspape: copy of his memo to Gleason, Tech’s associate athlei;; director for business and pert nel services. In it, Scandrett reported in athletes had been making Ion distance calls from office phoni in February 1996 — 18 monti a net before Tech reported the matti tpened to the NCAA. • Scandrett, who was namedai tom the W1 letics director at Buffalo (N.Y.)Sta College, said he gave former Ik Athletic Director Bob Bockratli copy of the memo, but was adds to be careful about what he writing. When Scandrett viewed by NCAA enforcemeMuch large cc personnel and attorneys repn delation of ci senting Tech in January, he; vided the agency with the ph memo and other documents. ‘They (NCAA investigatorslvf o investigat very interested in the fact that Hi n osecutors 1 said all this stuff, had done meir on all this stuff and no one had lowed up on it,” said Scandrett A telephone number Bockrath, who left Tech in In lestigation 1996 to become athletics directoi the University of Alabama, was a listed and he could not becontac: by the Associated Press. Scandrett’s NCAA interview* part of the Tech athletics pi gram’s continuing investigatk: Formally begun in February 1$ it remains classified as a preliir] nary inquiry, the initial stage o( NCAA infractions case. Gor stru sorters are doting in a t leld of coi /ersy that arnished hi age and th ins his presi ial prospect They )lindsided v Utorney Gei a r nto fund-ra hat could re )f a special j: During th( aaign, Gore c :ats to solicit ions totaling was inteBiarty accour Gore says nany Demo ippointmen cope of thei jrobc could 1000 campai Supporter )ing Gore, an r, of his biggi David Ax< nedia cons aid Gore a wounded, l [tain engine. “A speci; ome closer ine,” Axelrc ^ Privately,: But Tech officials believa t:|„ ec j a ] roS( probe soon will be upgraded to official inquiry in which the univtC, a[ j ^ ‘ . sity must respond to a set ofehargy ‘ ^ j )0 jj ^ pj Jggested th; ins had a fav The school has been plagued other problems. After an error a two men’s basketball players eligibility, the Red Raiders we forced to forfeit their Big 12 code ence victories and withdrew fit NCAA Tournament considerate Tech also has ackncwledg# that seven former athletes, fiveft them football players, obtainij correspondence-course cm from a Bible school scrutite by the NCAA. Scandrett said Gerald Myers, an associate athletics director in 1995, and Marsha Sharp, Ted] women’s basketball coach, ly sought to keep him from sere nizing documents relating to el bility certification for member) the men’s and women’s basketli teams. But Myers, who became athletics director upon Bockral departure and got the job on manent basis in February, said never attempted to keep Scani from reviewing the documents. ice presiden ent for Presi ie campai gr [igGore mor Our Bryan, part-time, support dt time posit dental, ar performat main hea u Aggies Continued from Page 7 A collective sigh of relief clii be felt by the entire A&M team the scoreboard ticked off final seconds of the game andd crowd was sent into an upn The team stormed the field/ dogpiled Pickering. “We just can’t stop smiliif team captain Bryn Blalack si “This was long overdue.” Wilson Continued from Page 7 You must be ed on the Te which is rep 30 undergr; University, p and succes a full-time st 60 undergo University if you do not c ferred with I your degree You must h You must b« for past due you are a Dei prior degre Your degre Manageme You are in c past due fee ■(you have comp Wilson has definitely been: one for the Aggies. Despite herb: liant play, she insists on impro’ ment and has one goal. “I was scored on every gar [last year] and I hated that," 1 said. “I want to work on not ing any goals, maybe not eve! game but not allowing fluke goal and other little goals like that.” The Aggies shutout Big Conference foe, fourth-ranfeftom the office University of Nebraska, Suneb presented to the afternoon, 1-0 and Wilson had & r saves. Wilson has registered three i and-a-half saves thus far this se son. While she played extreme well, Wilson is still hard on hers: to be at her best at all times. “I have been like this with eve: sport I have played,” she said. “ hard not to show emotion becan- I know it is not an individual spe but a team sport but I still think, should have saved that goal.”’ If you meet £ you must visi cation for elic If your applic personal Disi 19,1997. Mi W