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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1997)
V4 MSC Barber Shop Serving All Aggies! Cuts and Styles All Corp Cuts $7. Regular cuts start at | 846-0629 Open: Mon. - Fri. 8-5 Located in the basement of the Memorial Student Center S The Battalion TATE Monday • September 15, Mond UT’s past, Hopwood create perception problei "Choose a job goii love, and you will never hove to work a day in gour life." £onfucius Welcome to The Summit Group. As a rapidly growing sytems integrator and consulting firm, we provide dynamic solutions lor clients in a variety of industries. And we're looking for talented individuals like you to join our team. If you are looking for challenges, benefits, rewards - and opportunities for rapid advance ment - look no further. Here you're not managed; you're involved. Your opinions and ideas are not just tolerated; their solicited. And your professional growth isn't a gamble; it's a guarantee. AUSTIN (AP) —The University of Texas’ past and its future are visible from Student Government President Marlen Whitley’s office. The view includes the imposing main tower, which remains the cen ter of administrative activity and power for a university that has strug gled for decades with racial issues in higher education. Whitley, just the third black to rep resent the 48,000 mostly white stu dents at Texas, is perhaps the clearest sign of hope for the future. One of his first missions as presi dent was to tackle the school’s rem nants of racism and the new contro versy surrounding the affirmative action-ending Hopwood case. In a letter to all black students accepted at the university for the fall semester, he asked that they see past UT’s his tory and current inconsistent mes sages, and accept the offer. “As an African-American stu dent with an extremely bright fu ture, you are needed here,” he wrote to the 344 students. As of mid-July, 164 blacks had heeded his plea and proceeded with plans to enroll. That’s a 38 percent drop from the 266 who en rolled last year. Final numbers will be released Monday. One black student, freshman “We were making a lot of improvement and Hopwood has thrown a wrench in that.” TERRY WILSON ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, UT PUBLIC AFFAIRS Jean-Paul Daemen, said the decision to come to UT wasn’t easy. “I knew a lot of people who went out of state because of the {Hopwood) decision,” he said. “I almost didn’t want to come. I wanted to go to some place calmer... outside ofTpxas.” The decrease in minority enroll ment is the predictable result of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ rul ing last year in the Hopwood case that tlie university can no longer use race as a factor in admissions and schol arships. The U.S. Supreme Court al lowed the ruling to stand. Whitley says the university hasn’t done enough to counter the damage, especially in light of a past in which university regents fought to keep blacks out of the school. “I don’t think just saying that this is a law and we’re going to have to deal with it is enough,” he said. “I don’t really see how that would foster a sense of communi ty, especially one that students of color would feel acclimated when they come to campus.” In 1954, the year the Brown V. Board of Education decision out lawed separate educational facilities for blacks, Texas accepted its first black students into its undergradu ate program. The school changed its mind a week later. It would be more two years before blacks could enroll. They were greet ed with separate dorms and restric- t ions keeping them offvarsityn In the years since, UTtri undo some of the damagel acting affirmative action pc that raised minority enrol But even then, according study published before the wood decision and coauthos Terry Wilson, minorities UT as aloof and insensitive, Wilson says iheHopwooAq at a critical moment. In 1992, four white student the l JT School of Law afterthc plications were rejected. ( I lopwood and three otherscl that the school’s affirmative; policy discriminated against; because it accepted minoritie lower test scores, The court rulings abolish; policy came last year. “We were making a lot provement and Hopmot thrown a wrench in that,’’sai son, associate directoroftt fice of Public Affairs atUI “All the negative publicityhs the university.” Tech regents consider stricter entrance requiremen Senior Dian< day’s game e Sopl Visit us at Then stop and see us at the Career Fair on September 17. We will also be holding an informational meeting on November 11, and conducting on- campus interviews on November 12. ,IH E- SummitGrdup -I N C tfoe way we work. LUBBOCK (AP) —Texas Tech’s regents are con sidering sweeping changes in admissions and re tention policies that would tighten entrance re quirements and deny admission to more than half of those who apply. More than 30 recommendations are before the Texas Tech University Board of Regents for a vote at its November meeting. Proponents say they hope the changes would, within five years, draw more than 80 percent of the student body from the top 25 percent of high school graduating classes. Marty Grassell, director of new student rela tions, said the proposals would present Texas Tech with an ambitious challenge. “If they’re not realistic, they’re certainly worth aiming for,” he told the Lubbock Avalanche-Jour nal for a story in Sunday’s editions. Not everyone is so enthusiastic. “I don’t want to make this an exclusive univer sity that excludes people based on just one criteri on,” said professor Arturo Olivarez Jr., vice presi dent of the Faculty Senate. The proposals go right to the heart of what Texas Tech wants to be, said Gene Medley, longtime ad missions director. “What is Texas Tech all about?” he asked. “Do we want to give students more opportunity or do we want to give less opportunity? If it’s ha: j get in, then we’re saying we’re an institute caters only to the finer students.” Among the proposals are recoinmendao t within five years: — Disqualify for admission li igh-school- from the bottom half of their graduating; with SAT scores of 950 or less and allowpro al admission for those from the second q. their graduating class with an SAT belowd — Disqualify freshman men fromf- a fraternity during their first semester : bly extending the prohibition to fre women and sororities. Your Message l icit Place your ad on an aerial banner! Great for advertising for your student organization- Book your message now! Ot c A F E T E R I Good food-fnm goodyeapfe . Q: uiet I tv scrib TeaWs goad The sop been descr coach G. Cu I one year of * calm her ter 10 % Discount w/ student ID Every evening after 4:15 ' bomestyle meals • wide variety * fresh ingredients Store Hours: 10:45-2:30, 4-8 M-Th 0:45-8:00 Fri, Sat, Sun Post Oak Mall 694-0090 Store Hours: 10:45-2:30,4:15-8.' 10:45-8:00 Sat&S 4401 S. Texas Ave. 846-3729 “I have a ing to work said. "Wher bad call I r Coach G. J [Connorl sa in the game Beingsct experience 18-4 season her average eri had nc standout gc Tastyea ’ gle biggest i top 20 team Just brin Card or ( student I below to If you’re and wou exclusive apply for 1-800-9' reT/^V’e CfiAfc^ AffljAX The Peat of five m be prevk this yea Americai Intramurals Pre-Season Flag Football Flag Football 0 Racquetball CoRec Two Pitch Softball Tennis Golf (Match Play) Registration Sept. 8-16 Sept. 8-16 Sept. 8-16 Sept. 15-23 Sept. 15-23 Sept. 15-23 Ultimate Adventures with tamu outdooors Intramural Officials Wanted Clinics & PavAVeekend Trips Windsurfing Fundamentals Intro to Rock Climbing Kayak Roll Solo Canoe Horse Back Day Trip Date Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 30 Oct. 2&4 Oct. 4 Registration Sept. 8-23 Sept. 8-23 Sept. 1 5-29 Sept. 15-29 Sept. 15-29 Applications for S[X»rt officials positions will lx? taken at the following meetings. Indoor Volleyball Sept. 22, 7:00pm, room 281 Flickerball Oct. 6, 7:00pm, room 272 Certified Personal trainers Wanted ACSM, ACE, A FA A, Cooper Institute Certified accepted For more information please call DeAun Woosley 862-3995. Climbing Daze Sale Beginning Sept. 17-22 up to 30% of existing inventory of shoes, harnesses, carabiners, chalk bags, ropes, and rope bags. Extended Trips Thanksgiving Break: Canoe the Rio Grande, Big Bend Backpacking New Mexico Winter Break: Backpack Copper Canyon, Mexico Canoe the Everglades, Florida Carribean Trip to Cozumel, Mexico Aquatics Registration • GPR for the Professional Rescuer Sept. 1 -15 Wed., Sept. 17 • Basic SCUBA Diver Course Sept. 1-17 Mon.-Fri., Sept. 22-Oct. I • Community First Aid and Safely Sept. 15-Oct. 7 October 9 _ • Advanced Adult Learn to Swim Sept. 1 j-Oct. 8 M,W&Th, Oct.13-29 • Basic SCUBA Diver Course Sept. 1 r >-Oct. « Oct. 13-17, 20-22 Open water training Oct. 25«,26 • Rescue SCUBA Diver Course Sept. 15-Oct. 22 Oct. 27-30, Nov. 3-7 Open w.jter training Nov. 7&B Feature Programs Every Tues. & Thurs. beginning Sept. 23. Level 1: 6-7pm or 7-llpm Sept, t S-Oct. 7 Sept. 15-Oct. 8 Taekwondo* Every Mon. & Wed. beginning Sept. 22. 6:30-7:3()pm in room 303 *5 week session for $20, Rec Members only please Sept. 15-Oct. 8 Beginning Jitterbug & Two Step Every Tues. & Thurs. beginning Sept. 23, 8:15-9:45pm For Rec Members 8 classes are $20/$30 for non members S P O Hi' Nov. 26-30 Sept. 8-Nov. 10 Nov. 26-30 Sept. 8-Nov. 10 Sport Clubs Ian. 2-10 c Sept. 8-Dec. 2 Ian. 9-18 Sept. 8-Dec. 2 Jan. 11-15 Sept. 8-Oct. 31 • Men's Soccer v. Southwest Texas Sept. 20 TBA • Women's Soccer v. Sam Houston Sept. 2 I J.UOpm ® Men's Rugby v. Southwest Lousiana Sept. 20 noon-2.30 • Men's Volleyball Tryouts Sept. 15-1 7 in G. Rollie White Coliseum, 7:30-10:00pm For more information please call 845-7826. Start Smart FREE! Mondays 5:30pm. Room 304 A "how-to-do" 30-40 minute session on each aerobic activity (slide, step, hi/low, etc.) or on the weight and fitness room cardiovascular or strength machines. For Informatu Call 845-782‘; Coming Soon...F.R.E.S.H. Start Total Wellness Program Program begins Oct. 7&8. Come take advantage of a program that helps you manage Fitness, Recreation, Education, Stress Management, and Healthy Living. For more information on these programs call DeAun 862-3995. Or Visit OUR HOMEPAGf htti’://recsports.ta*‘ PICK r> P American