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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1997)
ro®/ . INC ENGINEERS Representatives from Input/Output, Inc. will be interviewing at the Career Center on Tuesday, September 30, 1997. Input/Output is the world leader in seismic data acquisition products with manufacturing facilities in Texas, Ireland and the Netherlands. Our growth and new product ideas have resulted in job openings at our Stafford, Texas headquarters in software, analog and digital design. New graduates work with experienced professionals on all aspects of the engineering process, from conceptual design through manufacturing integration and field test. For more company information, see and literature in the Career Center. Contact : Mark McAllister Fax: (281) 575-7653 C The Battalion AMPUS Monday • September 15,19$ The Immortal by James HP ■ : . 04 th YE ilia ■■ ' Sr - ' ISC he ifatii What the hell are you? In phot Impossible. The Bodaati Revolution ended 25 years ago! Kaus Morteen quashed the uprising. I am Gyges - Arch General of the Bodaan J A program |hical aspec i will be pr hat Issues 62 MSC. I Speaking ; i Donnis Bs Lblisher of t lation Eagle Jthe Texas > lurnalism ai Is of Univer: Then it hasn't ended. / Who won? continued next /ridoy loderc ittles Panel Continued from Page 1 Ricardo Gonzalez, coordinator of Admission Services, encouraged A&M volunteers to help recruit po tential students at events such as Aggie Kickoff, which brought more than 300 Texas high-school stu dents to campus last weekend. “We try to get them on campus, and the campus sells itself,” Gon zalez said. During the workshop, Marcus Stevenson, discussed differences of di versity issues at A&M and Boston Col lege, where he attended law school. He said Boston College’s ronment is more accepting A&M of different ideas becaust) its more diverse student body. However, Stevenson said ipating in Multicultural Services! grams as ExCEL and Southwes Black Leadership Conference pared him for diverse environ® MAKE A DIFFERENCE Peace Corps 'The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love' [OVERSEAS OPPORTUNIl IhS Challenging 2-year assignments in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Eastern and Central Europe, Pacific Islands and the Caribbean. Must be U.S. citizen, in good general health, 18 years of age or older, with relevant 4-year degree or work experience. Training, round-trip transportation, medical, dental, and living allowance provided. • (800) 424-8580 Weathei | MEXICO Cl earthqual juthwestern onday and : [faying in th< damages v I The quake i. and was bxican stat< [abed appre juth-southe; lismologistJ ] Mexico’s s (id the qual< de 5.2. Outlook™’'.' TUESDAY Partly cloudy High: 94° Low: 74 WEDNESDAY Partly cloudy High: 94 Low: 75° I HOUSTON ( s rejected a )up’s reques ed congres Houston a The group, tment bro bied for th |the district ee-membei ges last ye re change: In the Monc nd that vote led needles: wn so close r which the iwn anyway. zKakbeki Your 2 Engagement Ring Custom JezOefry Headquarters 2205 Lpngmire Suite F • 695-1328 Financing Available 9 pre deral Fall/Spring Internships WITH Northwestern Mutual Life® The Quite Company http:/www.NorthwesternMutual.c 1 Fortune’s “Most Admired” Company 1 “America’s Top Internships” - one of I997’s top ten intership programs ■ “Jobs 96” -Insurance sales compensation averaged $50,000 per year. Increasing to $70,000 after 10 years. In fact, 20% of all insurance sales agents earned over $100,000 in 1996 ' Full-Time Positions for ‘97 graduates Austin/College Station (512) 327-3868 San Antonio (210) 490-3133 Houston (281) 583-4330 treehouse apartments • Call for Manager’s Special • Best Location in town, Walk to class! • Clubroom • Computer Lab • Covered Parking • Adjacent to campus, take George Bush Across the R.R. tracks, First left. 409-696-5707 Vi COLLEGE PARK 6 THEATRES 2080 EAST 29TH STREET BRYAN, TX MOVIE TIME GUIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS VALID FOR MONDAY-THURSDAY SEPT. 15-18, 1997 CON-AIR (R) LOST WORLD (PG-13) BATMAN & ROBIN (PG-13) GONE FISHING (PG) SPEED 2 (PG -13) WILD AMERICA (PG) BOX OFFICE OPENS FRIDAY AT 6:30 P.M. With the Sprint FONCARD™ you get the power to call nights and weekends for only a dime. For details, come see us at the canHms bookstore or caa 1-800-510-7606 Sprint http://bal 0 °k up wi 0r ial news ir e, AP’s : tews servii