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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1997)
ptember 10, Wednesday • September 10, 1997 L The Battalion IFESTYLES Dyiri lias spawned the music videos,"] d “Flutter,” have ountryMusicTelev a business in son> ram said. “It’s i )e known as a con .aid he enjoyed ret st album. Earle) was great, whole process to use my whole] to town.” itics have groups the “alternativect lent. t to be called ‘ak me off,” Ingram; m country is sop ime of it’s unlisterii le called country nnativetothat- Now on The Battalion’s web page lTV a most extraordinary store in bryan/colleqe station A 24-hour, multimedia news service for the Internet from The Associated Press • A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news report comhin- Irideo S " >neS WiU ' P " 0l0S ’ 8raphics ’ sounl1 • Headlines and bulletins delivered as soon as news breaks. ■'kll windchimes . cellic art • niahtliqhts museum reproductions ^ the tr m, a manager at rooned Records, is just good all-aid nn said.“He’salotl); r country; that’sfors: aid Marooned •opies of Ingram ek. od start for him «Studies reveal that college students tell about two fibs each day Administrative Assistant Our Bryan/College Station office seeks an assistant, full or part-time for word processing, office coordination, and other support duties. Previous clerical experience helpful. Full time position offers salary and full benefits including medical,| dental and vision insurance, 401k and semi-annual performance/salary reviews. EOE. To apply, please call our main headquarters: Universal Computer Systems, \nc. 1-800-883-3031 By Michael Schaub Staff writer D eborah Kashy, assistant professor of psy chology at Texas A&M, tells a story about her favorite lie. . A young woman told her current boyfriend oing all the rightfe le broke up with her previous boyfriend after who will play He le caught him lying. /s tonight with [ The only problem was, she was lying about the d he is excited tort: /hole thing. The reason: so she could emphasize Ration. pa her new beau the importance of honesty. Station was the K It is an ironic example of what has become r really comeoutiln everyday fact. People lie, and that seems to e said. “I’veahva be the truth. I Kashy co-wrote a paper on lying in everyday ■fe for the Journal of Personality and Social "‘sychology. People avoid “little white lies” in their relation ships with close friends and family, Kashy said. “When people tell really serious lies, those tend to be very much told to the closest people in their lives,” she said. “People tend to tell every- “EverydayuesarenTTn^an^ fair’ lies, but more like ‘You look really great’ or ‘I did well on that test’ lies.” DEBORAH KASHY ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY roctor ! and Breakfast 08 East Gregg Calvert, Tx. 364-3702 "We interviewed 77 University ofVirginia stu dents and 70 people from the community,” ashy said. “They had to fill out a questionnaire after interacting with someone. If they inten- "ionally tried to deceive somebody, they had to icord what lie they told and how serious it was.” The study revealed that lying was universal, but aore common among certain demographics. “College students lie more,” Kashy said. "College indents tended to tell about two lies a day, while ie community members told about one a day.” While college students were more dishonest . . . , ^ ,|ian their townie counterparts, the reasons for t»P internships on.of their lies were similar, Kashy said. "When you lie in everyday life, you’re saving ,ooo pv, y Mr . incre«i«,. fcce, [or] saving somebody else’s face,” Kashy v'Y^Tt's cl f ai d. “Everyday lies aren’t ‘I had an affair’ lies, but 1996 more like ‘You look really great’ or ‘1 did well on Itlons for 97 ^rtidiMtes .1 , , ,, ,. „ mat test lies. e 8 e Station (5 1 2) 32 7-386! itonlo (210) 490-3133 vu.n (281 ) 583 4330 day lies to people they’re not close to — to ac quaintances and strangers.” However, Kashy said that is not always the case. “With the exception of mothers, people lie to mothers a lot” she said. “One student reported that he told his mom he didn’t drink beer at col lege. We classified that as an ‘outright lie.’” Although women and men seem to lie the same amount, research has shown people tend to lie to women more casually than they lie to men, Kashy said. “When people lie to women, they tend to plan it less seriously," she said. “They’re less afraid of getting caught. They’re more likely to think that women believe them.” And lovers, take note: People are more likely to lie to their boyfriend or girlfriend than they are to their spouse, Kashy said. But lying tends to become less common as people get older. “Older people do tend to lie less,” Kashy said. “The older you get, I guess, the less you care. They figure they earned it.” Kashy said although serious lies can have se rious ramifications everyday lies are not neces sarily destructive. “Lying in everyday life is not a moral issue; it’s a fact of everyday interaction,” Kashy said. “It’s a matter of keeping social interaction go ing smoothly. I’m not trying to say it’s good or bad or whatever, but when we lie in everyday life, it’s to make life a little more pleasant.” The Rev. Michael Sis of St. Mary’s Catholic Church said lying can spiritually harm people. “On one hand, it erodes their self-image, their trust in their integrity, their relationships,” Sis said. “Spiritually, it violates the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness to thy neighbor.’” Lying also has some practical drawbacks, Sis said. “It just gets you in trouble,” he said. “It makes you work too hard. You always have to be think ing of ways to cover up your lies.” Anne Wichman, a junior psychology major, said she agrees. “It tears down your integrity,” Wichman said. “Small lies add up to where you don’t trust any one or even yourself.” Sis said he frequently counsels people who have a problem with their own deception. “People view truth-telling as part of their self dignity,” Sis said. “It’s part of the ongoing project of maintaining self-esteem.” Sis said he agrees with Kashy that everyday lies may not be as bad as more serious falsehoods. “Some lies are worse, definitely,” he said. “Not all lies are created equal.” OMEGA PHI AT PM A NATIONAL SERVICE SORORITY Informational Meeting Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. in 145 MSC Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. in 231 MSC Come see how you can help us help others! For more information, call Rebecca @ 822-9090 ZT WORLDWIDE GROUP BUILD YOUR OWN COMPUTER!! 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