k 36 't 4 ■& T*T~' I v4 ANNOUNCING AUDITIONS for r/7e Good Woman of Setzuan by Bertolt Brecht September 8, 8 p.m. Fallout Theater 144 Blocker Please prepare a two minute monologue. Callbacks will be held on September 9. Questions? Please contact the Theater Arts Office at 845-2621. Administrative Assistant Our Bryan/College Station office seeks an assistant, full or part-time, for word processing, office coordination, and other support duties. Previous clerical experience helpful. Full time position offers salary and full benefits including medical,| dental, and vision insurance, 401k and semi-annual performance/salary reviews. EOE. To apply, please call our main headquarters: Universal Computer Systems, Inc. 1-800-883-3031 http://www.ucs-systems.com Monday • September 8, Weather Outlook i WEDNESDAY i THURSDAY Thunderstorms Partly cloudy High: 86° High: 87° Low: 73° Low: 65“ Council Continued from Page 1 begin participating in alumni actii ties to help them make the transitil from students to former students.i 04 th Yl Make Tracks Over Winter Break! 16ik_ H—Kjl/ljtlJL C-q., P d TupljcLq- STEAMBOAT VAIL/BEAVI TFLLURID TOLL FREE INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS 1 »800*SU NCH AS E ski the web at www.sunchase.com Nobody Does Ski Breaks Better! Jcist Smoke Cigars & Cigarettes Mike and Tausha Penny Managers • Premium Cigar Selection • Copenhagen $2.75 • Great Prices on Cigarettes Contemporary Waterpipes and accessories * Aggie owned and operated • Fountain Drinks 1405 W. University Dr. (409) 846-4046 Between the Kettle & University Towers Surgeons General Warning Peggy Philpot, council adviser, said many non-traditional seniors want to participate in University activities before they graduate, but do not want to be tied down to an organization. Ivers said the council is designed to be flexible for those who will not be able to participate for more than a semester but want to be involved. Melissa Love, council treasurer and a senior accounting major, said the council will provide older seniors a connection to the University. "Once we finish the four-year mark, we begin to feel separated from A&M,” Love said. "This (the council) will help us stay connected and will help us make the transition from students to former students.” Philpot said many of the students wanted to start networking with alumni to get contacts for jobs and to “This will help us stay connected and will help us|[0X3S make the transition from edllCat students to former 1 Texas a&iv .land the Tex ■m will host DEAD ZIP COUNCIL TREASURER Jnse of com students.” MELISSA LOVE fbnal-trade e< The council has several activinf planned. The organization willh J n f 9 staff several Association of FonrM? T t + - % internatioi Registratic 9 a.m. in the |m Library W Jternational Apt. 12 at W Students events, including tours! the Clayton Williams Alumni Cel ter, organization of class reunio| and helping with the tailgate pa held before football games. An informational 'neeting^ ,- Dead Zip Council will be held Se:M J . ' , m .con- ono r> liudents and " !i Ian 10 at 5:30 in 308 Rudder. Wrestling Continued from Page 4 Tobac< OUANTUJVt COIV:260-cows TUTORXKG/STUPY PACKETS —vow nc n . u * u , U •. , I TEXARKAf Some people may be out of the loop when it comes to the current ^ t mtorm state of pro wrestling. Most of the old WWF now appears on theWCW K urt tod ^ Hulk Hogan is a bad guy and the Macho Man sells meat by-products., WWF has a self-proclaimed tough “s.o.b” in Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin should be a favorite at A&M since he is always threatening to open a can of “whoop ass” on his opponents. NORTHGATE ON UNtV. DR. (NEXT TO CD WAREHOUSE) OPEN 2-1 OHM, SUN.-THUHS. oroanic: CHtMXSTRV 101/102 BXOLO&Y 113/114 PfJYSXCS/MATH ACCT..GEOLOOr.PSYCHOLOOY.«OCIOI.OOY TUTORXNG(Grou P & Individual) LAB/STUDY PACKETS tfOTES/OLD gp compame lawyers vowc The WWF also has Cactus Jack a.k.a. Mankind a.k.a. Dude Love, agrE toba who has more personalities than Sybil on speed. S B er g ojng Whereas wrestling used to be aimed at kids and people who didn't ^ ‘ : H know any better, it is now aimed increasingly at young adults. ■ ad j in Te Pop cultural icons Jenny McCarthy and Dennis Rodman have been:y ai| volved in wrestling events. Other pro athletes have also stepped into| ■. Dan ring. One of the reasons San Francisco linebacker Kevin Greene wa$ffi||y re p r esen from the Carolina Panthers was his desire to wrestle. Olympic weight L saicj outs lifter Mark Henry recently signed a 10-year contract with the WWF. ■ Texas Atto Nonetheless, wrestling is truly a global phenomenon, with compe: ^| t , ra | es a g re tors coming from Japan, Mexico and Europe. The U.N. should take nc L| nt and | jke The world would be a better place if disputes could be settled in a stee c cage match. Assist Wresding is tackier than fly paper sitting out during a Texas summer,a® wresders know it. When the announcers talk about how important this ingers matchistotheworld, viewers know they aren’t taking it seriously. On the; other hand, football announcer, A1 Michaels, seems to think the risinganc|. , , J* setting of the sun depends on Emmitt Smith’s obtaining a first down. T The bottom line is television should never be an intellectual pursuit,P this is where books come in, but television can always be brain candy. r j ^ j ! b . Pro wrestling is among the best candy around — it’s too sweeeeet! Re- ' 1 member if you’re a pro wrestling fan, you’re a fan for life. er life, a brc H “In our of istance \ Travis Irby is a senior journalism ma]^ ^'/(lien -it had a hi: WITH Northwestern Mutual Life Tin' Quite Company hll|»:/\v\% w.Norlhweslern.Mulual.t Fall/Spring iNTERNSHiPSiiiity which t |ecent mont The retin jney said Me [counseled t [ton woman she becam< cide. 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