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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1997)
The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day AUTO COMPUTERS iHiSiii DJ MUSIC The Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, professional/ ex perienced. Specializing in Weddings and TAMU functions. For the best call 693-6294. FOR RENT NMl : 1 2Bdrm. duplex, on shuttle, fenced yard. No pets. $435 &bills. 693-8534. 2Bdrm. studio apartment on wooded lot. Approx 3blocks from campus in Northgate area. Gas &electric. $450.00 +bills. No pets. 693-8534. 3bdrm/2bath, 1,450sq. ft., next to SWValley pool, $875/mo. Available 6/31 /97. 693-0201. Available now or for August. Pre-leasing 1 bdrm/1 bath, all bills paid, Northgate area. United Realty. 694-9140. EXPERIENCED SHEETROCKERS and PAINTER HELPERS needed. Aggressive work ethic necessary. Will work with school schedule. 775-7126 Heartburn Study Do you suffer from heartburn symptoms? Call for details. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 In Your Home? Research sites are needed for a 14 Day In-Home flea control study. We provide Free indoor flea control in exchange for your cooperation. Please call Granovsky Assoc, at 822-3069. Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an addtional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. 1987 Dodge Dakota pick-up, good stereo+ speakers, am/fm, cassette, new rails, tires, wheels, seat, etc. Must seell $2,850/o.b.o. Call 764-7839. 1992 Pontiac Grand Am, cd, automatic transmission, cruise, etc. Must Sell!! $5,000 a.s.a.p. 695-9273. 1992-Maroon Eagle Talon, 2.0-liter, fully loaded, excellent condition, 59,900mi. 693-1455. Cars for $100!!! Seized & Sold locally this month. Trucks, 4x4’s, etc. 800-522-2730, Ext.#3782. •"#10 DCMT HJil flliPI I Available now; December ending sublease. Treehouse I 1 bdrm/1 bath. $465/mo., negotiable. 694-9251 Bryan duplex. 2824 Forest Bend. 2bdrm/11/2bath, fire place, green house window, no pets. $550/mo. 731-8951. BED AND BREAKFAST Romantic Victorian B&B get-away. Plus gourmet candle lightdining. "The Famous Pink House Gourmet B&B ". 364- 2868. 486DX Tamunet, Windows 95, Microsoft Office, 14 4 mo dem with monitor, keyboard, mouse $450 Please call 694- 8252. CPU only: P200, 3ghd 16x cd, 32m ram, 2m vid, lOObt or 56k, 3.5, case: $999. Call Paul at 764-5792. Macintosh LC475 with color monitor, keyboard and stylewriter printer. Lots of software. $900. Please call Christine collect at (281 )583-9590. Pentium computer, 1.3GB-HD, 12XCDROM, 16MB-RAM, 33.6-Modem, sound &speakers, 2MB-video, 14"-monitor TAMUNet setup, 1-year warranty. 133MHz$965. 166MHz $995. 846-7186, upgrading. FOR SALE 1/2 carat marquise engagement ring. Asking $1,000. Beautiful! Must see! Call 694-3655. 30 foot RV, set-up for student living, includes: storage shed, w/d. $4,000. 776-6203. Boss dorm fridge (large) on sale now! Complete with Smashing Pumpkins sticker-don’t let it get awayl! $85. Bill, 823-8375. Buy kegs for big fall parties!! Two shells, two taps plus trashcans for the unbelievable price of $100. Bill, 823-8375. Drafting table with matching stool and parallel bar $100. Centurian Grand Lemans 10-speed road bike $85. Call Mike at 696-5787. VIP Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with recurrent genital herpes for a research study of an investigational oral medication. A current herpes outbreak is not necessary. Up to $400 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complete this study. VIP Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with history of recurrent fever blister/cold sores for a research study with an investigational oral medication. Individuals that qualify and complete the study will receive up to $400 for their participation. AN ACTIVE FEVER BLISTER IS NOT REQUIRED TO QUALIFY FOR THIS STUDY. PLEASE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION. For more information, call: VIP Research,Inc. PARKWAY APARTMENTS 1600 Southwest Parkway, College Station 2bdrm/2bath Now Available Special 112 OFF deposit & $100 OFF September rent FOR SALE Sealy queen bed $200. Black desk with printer stand $100. Bookshelve$60.0.B.O. All less than 1 year old. 693-4512. HELP WANTED C.Sta. fourplex. 2408 Blanco. 2bdrm/1 bath, studio style, on shuttle, no pets. $410/mo. 731-8951. College Court. Great location, 2/1, shuttle, microwave, some utilities paid, intrusion alarm, pool. $439/mo. 823- 7039. Cowboy Country. Stalls & Duplexes for rent. 10 min. from A&M. Lighted arena. (409)778-4600, (409)778-7531. FULL-SIZE WASHER/DRYER! 2bdrm/1bath, shuttle, mi- crowave, intrusion alarm, $459/mo. 589-3779. In the country, 3bdrm/2bath mobile home w/deck and car port. Some utilities furnished. $575/mo or room for 2-hors es for $650/mo. Enough room for 3-students. 8-minutes from campus. Available now 779-7193. Mobile 3bdrm/2bath, 14x80, private property, fenced, ap pliances, carpet, nice. Available 8/15. $475/mo. 778-7064. Select from economy to luxury 1,2 and 3-bedrooms, apart ments/fourplexes. Bryan and C.Station. Available now or pre-lease starting at $315. Some with all bills paid. Unit ed Realty, 694-9140. Sonnenblick Apartments. Large 2/1, 884 sq. ft., 5-clos ets, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm, pool, covered park ing. $459/mo., w/full W/D $479/mo. 691-2062. Southwood Valley 2bdrm/11/2bath four-plex, ceiling fans, yard, shuttle, pets ok. $525/mo. 695-8110. Car wash and detail business looking for 1 -employee from 8a.m.-5p.m., Mon.-Fri. 1-employee weekends only. Apply at Talent-Tree In Galleria Village. College Grads/ Students- Fastest growing company In America comes to C.Sta. needs quality, motivated people to help with local expansion. PT/FT. 268-2232. Lynntech, Inc. Part-time Receptionist- Secretary for local R & D firm. AM available only. Good verbal and written communication skills, Computer experience a must. Send resume and hours available to: Joy Caldwell, Lynntech, Inc. 7610 Eastmark Drive, Suite 105, College Station, Texas 77840. E.O.E. ( National firm expanding. 15 openings available. Above av erage pay. Flexible around summer school. Scholarships available. 696-7734. National Homebuilders seeks estimator trainee. Send re sume: 1200 Soldiers Field Drive, Sugarland, Texas, 77479. Part-time help wanted, experience preferred, Villa Maria Chevron, at Villa Maria and E.29th in Bryan 776-1261 Part-time minor maintenance and make ready for apart ments. 691-2062. Quality Sales People. We have Full and Part time evening telemarketing positions available immediately. $7.00 hourly base pay + bonuses. Flexible schedules. Apply in person at: IMS, 700 Univ. Dr. E., Ste.104, C.Station (behind Gold en Corral). 691-8682. Reading this will bring you an extra $140/month CASH. In a gentle, easy way. You lie back In a soft chair, get a pin prick & you're free to read, study, talk or dream. 60-min utes & you’re up and away, cash in hand, smiling. The Plas ma Center. 4223-Wellborn Rd. 846-8855. 700-Untverslty Dr. E. 268-6050. Teacher for Montessori Classroom. Full or part-time. Call 696-1674. MOTORCYCLE 1984 Honda Shadow 700, 20k miles, $1,500 O.B.O. Call 764-1511. Honda CBR600F3- 3,400 miles, excellent condition, $5,200 O.B.O. Call 693-2135 PETS i lNg|v tvs ' .J1 ps . if! Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. REAL ESTATE Upscale Condo 2bdrm-l.5bth, new paint, all appliances, ceiling fans, new a/c, 1050sqft, yard. $48,500. 823-2112. ROOMMATES 1-or-2 roommates needed. 2bdrm/2bath. 1,00+sq.ft. Call Travis or Mandy at 694-4439, after 5:00p.m. Female roommate needed for 2bdrm/21/2bath pool-side condo with w/d, garage, on bus-route, $400/mo. utilities in cluded. 694-8771. Female roommate needed starting mid Aug.-Sept. Large 2bdrm/2bath apartment. Great location. Approximately $280/mo. Misa, 696-9484. Male roommate wanted. 7/4-8/30, $125/mo.+1/2 bills. Call 268-2662. Need roommate. 2bdrm/2bath on ranch, work for rent ne gotiable. 695-8110. Room for rent, $ 175/mo +1/3 utilities. Non-smoking male preferred. 823-0381, after 7:00p.m. or leave message. Roommate needed by 7/1/97. $237.50/mo. +1 futilities. Own room. Neill, 696-8198. Roommate needed starting mid-August/ September. 2bdrm/11/2bath fourplex, w/d. $260/mo.+1/2-bills. Call 695-1495. Roommate wanted for quiet country home between C.Sta. and Caldwell. Petso.k. (409)272-2235. Wantedll! A male roommate to occupy a large 3bdrm/2bath brand new duplex with w/d- will have own room. $230/mo. +1/4-utilities, beginning August, 1997. Call Gene for more details. (409)885-6250(0), (409)992-3257(E). mj&msmmk SERVICES AAA-Texas Defensive Driving/Driver’s Training. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M- T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm), Sat(10am- 2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations-Bank. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Carlson Craft wedding invitations and accessories. 20% discount. The Invitation Lady. 693-6294. Word Processing- Fast service, 65-70wpm. Reasonable rates. Ev’s Typing Services. 693-6294. lnf#M I HE# Need 1-graduation ticket for Liberal Arts ceremony in Au gust. 695-9603. Need graduation tickets for 8/15/97 at 7:30p.m. Will pay!! (409)272-2227. • Covered Parking • On Shuttle • Ceiling Fans # 2 Pools • Volleyball & Basketball • Mini Blinds • Laundry Facilities • Water/Sewer/Trash Paid • Clubroom •Extra Large Closets HARDWARE SUPPORT STAFF College Station Facility Universal Computer Systems, Inc. seeks individuals with excellent communication skills to fill entry-level support staff positions within our field service department. Our representatives deal with clients regarding problems and coordinate details leading to solutions. Basic computer skills are a must. Available shifts are 8-5 or 10-7, Monday through Friday. Part-time positions are also available. We offer salary plus full benefits including full medical, dental and health insurance, 401k and semi-annual performance/salary reviews. Non-smokers only. EOE. To apply, please call: Universal Computer Systems, Inc. (409) 846-1213 http ://www. NEW! Local Radio News from the newsroom of campus and community news 8:04 a.m. Monday through Friday during NPR Morning Edition on KAMU-FM 90.9 College Station / Bryan Now on The Battalion’s web page A 24-hour, multimedia news service for the Internet from The Associated Press • A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news report combin ing the latest AP stories with photos, graphics, sound and video. - Headlines and bulletins delivered as soon as news breaks. http://bat-web. tamu. edu ‘T" The Battalion Nation Wednesday 'July2,155 Automobile industry make last-ditch lobbying effort Groups argue air bags are beneficial to consume! \A WASHINGTON (AP) — Au tomakers and insurers appealed to the Clinton administration Tuesday to drop a plan to allow consumers to deactivate auto air bags. The interest groups asked Office of Management and Budget offi cials not to allow the air-bag deacti vation rule to go forward. Federal regulators at the Nation al Highway Traffic Safety Adminis tration proposed the change earlier this year in response to the public outcry over deaths caused by de ploying air bags. Industry groups argue air bags are beneficial for the vast majority of people. The devices have saved more than 2,000 lives, according to government estimates. Sally Katzen, head of the OMB section that is reviewing the agency rule before it becomes final, and her staff met with the automakers, deal ers and insurers, as well as con sumer groups and air-bag supplier TRW Inc. “You have (automakers), air bag suppliers, insurance groups, consumer groups all saying the same thing — air-bag deactivation is wrong,” said Barry Felrice, di rector of regulatory affairs for the American Automobile Manufac turers Association. The interest groups want the government to allow deactivation only in special cases, such as a child with a medical problem who needs monitoring in the front seat. They believe the government’s traf fic safety agency should continue to grant waivers allowing air bags to be disconnected on a case-by-case basis. “We’re against (allowing) broad- based deactivation” of air bags, said George Parker, a vice president of the Association of International Au tomobile Manufacturers, who at tended the meeting. “There are a lorall (the ml few legitimate reasons to do ill NHTSA ought to make thosedi sions on an individual basis,’’ OMB officials declined to disc the meeting. Several industry representaii saidOMBoiTicialshadalargenuit! ons of questions about cutoff switches The government is consideii allowing cutoff switches to stalled in cars already on the roaif 16111 give consumers the flexibility turning the air bag on or pending on who is inthefrontsti iipp So far, nearly 15,000 peoplehn iosp written NHTSA requestingperai tsst sion to allow their mechanicsti connect airbags. The devices have been blaiiitoup for the deaths of 40 childrenandi gain fants and 27 adults, according! slud| government records. Mostofthm killed were not using safety straints such as seat belts or Wfteacl to use them properly. tancl nakel California releases sex-offender notification records on CD-ROM SAN DIEGO (AP) — A CD-ROM with detailed in formation on 64,000 sex offenders, made public Tues day by a new California law, confirmed an old suspi cion for one San Diego grandmother. She typed the name of the stepfather of her four grandchildren into the computer at the sheriff’s office and found that the man her former daughter-in-law married had been convicted three times of raping a girl under age 18. “I said, “What if he’s a rapist?’ and sure as hell, he was,” said the grandmother, who declined to give her name. She said she and her son, who has custody, will use the information to wage a visitation battle with the mother over the three girls and a boy, all under age 10. California's compilation of the CD-ROM is one the most aggressive attempts yet to keep people informed of sex offenders in their midst. It is part of the wave of state and federal laws that followed the 1994 murder of 7-year-old Megan Kanka by a repeat sex offender living in her neighborhood. Civil libertarians and criminal defense lawyers who oppose the notification laws warn of the danger of vigilantism or harassment of sex offenders who have already paid their debt to society. “People go berserk over this issue,” said Elisabeth Semel, a San Diego attorney with the National Asso ciation of Criminal Defense Lawyers. The CD-ROM lists the names and ZIP codes and in many cases includes photographs of 64,000 people in California who have committed a broad range of sex crimes since 1944. That irks Michael McGlinn, an at torney for two men who he says are rehabilitated and should not be part of the registry. One is a 63-year-old gay man arrested in the 1950s for having oral sex with another sailor in a parked car, and a youth counselor convicted of having consen sual sex with a teen-ager. “I’m upset about California’s Megan’s Law,” McGlinn said. “It’s much loo broad, it’s ridiculous,)! least in some other states, the notification require' merits are a lot more selective and only apply to cer tain offenders.” Donald Balch, a father of a 4-year-old daughter and a 4-month-old boy, said he stopped by the sher iff’s office Tuesday to look at the database because he doesn’t think people can be too cautious when it comes to their kids. “When I pulled up my ZIP code, there were 98 peo ple on it,” Balch said. ”1 was a little surprised.” He said he also never would have guessed how “regular” the 1 Thl aticl :ost When I pulled up my ZIP code, there were 98 people on it.” Donald Balch Father convicted sex offenders looked. He didn’t recognizeany. Addresses are listed only for about 1,600 “highrisk" offenders, who have two or more violent sex-crime convictions or one violent sex offense and atleasttwo violent non-sex offenses. California Attorney General Dan Lungren has ac knowledged that the CD-ROM contains outdated or incomplete information on thousands of the sex of fenders. About 40 percent of the state’s convicted of fenders have not registered, he said. At least one lawsuit already has been filed to chal lenge the open-records policy as unfairly punishing those who already served their time. ither lewsf max,] Pictui norite Thl Researchers find link between menstruation, ovarian cancer Di WASHINGTON (AP) — The risk of ovarian cancer is directly relat ed to a woman’s lifetime number of ovulations, or menstrual cycles, according to researchers who found that bearing children and birth control pills provide protec tion from the disease. A high number of ovulations can increase by nine times the chances of producing cells with a genetic flaw that often leads to ovarian cancer, said Dr. Andrew Berchuck, professor of gynecologic oncology at the Duke University Medical Center. A statistical link between the number of ovulations and ovarian cancer has been known for some time, but the new study suggests the reason: A high number of ovula tions increases the chances a tumor suppressor gene called p53 can be mutated, Berchuck said. “We show that in women with ovarian cancer there is a very strong association between having a lot of ovulatory cycles and an alteration in the p53 gene,” he said. “The major ity of ovarian cancers have this p53 mutation and these mutations oc cur because of ovulation.” Anything that lowers the num ber of lifetime ovulation cycles thus reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, Berchuck said. “If you have one baby, it decreas es your risk by about 13 percent,” he said. “If you have three babies, your risk is about half that of women who had no babies.” The study also clearly shows that birth control pills, which control ovulation, protect against ovarian cancer, he said. If the pill is taken for a year, it gives a 10 percent protec tion, while its use for five to 10 years cuts the risk in half. Nursing a newborn also reduces the number of ovulations. The study will be publish Wednesday in the Journal of theh tional Cancer Institute. In an edito: al, Dr. Alice S. Wh i t temore and DrT lerie McGuire of the Staii University School of Medicine tf® the information could create new< search possibilities about a deat' cancer that is still poorly understch Ovarian cancer is diagnosed about 27,000 American womeni nually, most of them nearagei About 15,000 women die ofthedi ease every year. The disease is only one-sixth common as breast cancer, but it far more lethal. Only about 30 pf cent of ovarian cancer patients sh vive five years, compared to 70 percent of breast cancer patieiii) No reliable screening exists, Berchuck noted. As aresrf the disease is usually discovered!! eve MCAT LSAT If you took the test today, how would you score? Come find out. Take a 3 1/2 test, proctored like the real thing. Receive an analysis of your test-taking strengths and weaknesses. Get strategies from KAPLAN teachers that will help you ace the real exam. Don’t miss out on this risk-free opportunity. Saturday, July 12th MCAT @ 10:00 AM LSAT @ 1:00 PM KAPLAN Center 707 S. Texas Ave. #106E Call now to reserve your seat! 1-800-KAP-TEST BRAZOSTRADER .antiques & collected: ■” 1 Browse in our store for a different shopping experience! Bargains Galore! • M - F 10 a.m. - 5 p-tn- • Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sundays by chance 210 West 26th St., Bryan (409) 770 If You Have Something To Sell, Rememt* The Battalion Classifieds Can Do It Ca/i 845-0569 asl