The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 18, 1997, Image 14
Friday Page April 18,1 CraftMasters’ Mall “A Year Round Arts and Crafts Show” 1857 Briarcrest Drive • Bryan Over 170 Sooths of Handcrafted Items • Ceramics • Woodcrafts • Needlecraft • Aggie Commemorative • Stained Glass Coins • Baby Items • Collectibles • Floral • Aggie Items Arrangements • Wearable Art • Jewelry Shop early for your Graduation & Moth er s Day gift ideas. Mon.- Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. til 8 p.m. Stop by and get that perfect gift for any occasion. 776-0870 < MSC COMMITTEE FOR THE AWARENESS OF MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURE 0£S:[ cmhc fO COME JOIN US ATTHE SPRINC '97 CINCO PE MAYO qV F FAJITA COOK OUT O 'FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1997 -O' 0 5-7 PM (SERVING TIME) HENSEL PARK - AREA 2 $5 STUDENTS/$6 NON-STUDENTS $3 CHILDREN UNDER 10 S/ c * TICKETS WILL BE SOLD THE SITE FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MITO ESPINOZA @ THE STUDENT . PROGRAMS OFFICE @ 845-1515 Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. We request notification three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our abilities. Lady Ags barely get by Sam Houston ByNicki Smith The Battalion It took nearly five games for Sam Houston State University (13-29) to figure out how to beat the Texas A&M Softball Team (30-23)—well almost. The Lady Aggies defeated the Lady Kats four times this season and were prepared to add two more to that list last night at the Lady Aggie Softball Field, but this time around the Lady Kats were not so quick to give in to A&M. Not only did the Lady Kats sur prise the Lady Aggies with two- nine inning games, but they were able to hold the Lady Aggies score less until the bottom of the ninth inning in the first game. The only run came when junior Trina Solesbee reached second base Tim Moog, The Battalion A&M freshman pinch runner Emmie Melancon runs into SMSU third baseman Katrina Emerick and is tagged out during last night's game. off a throwing error made by Lady Kat third baseman Katrina Emerick. Then, A&M sophomore Kamie Johnson stepped-in to pinch run for Solesbee, stole third base, and scored the only nan of the game off a single to left field by junior Amy Schmaltz. Head Coach Jo Evans predicted the Indy Kats were going to play tough. “We know that Sam Houston has three or four aggressive hitters who can hit the ball well,” Evans said. “In order to win, we had to play hard, keep the intensity level up and not play to other team’s levels.” In the second game, Sam Hous ton jumped ahead scoring four runs off base hits by the fourth inning. It took a home run from Solesbee to spark the Lady Aggie offense in the bottom of die fourth inning, and the Lady Aggies were able to tie it up by the bottom of the fifth inning at 4-4. Four innings later, the score re mained at 4-4 until freshman Jamie Smith won the game scoring freshman Angie Long off a base hit to left field. The win marked the sixth against Sam Houston this season and increased the Lady Aggie win ning streak to eight games. The Lady Aggies will have little time to enjoy their wins over Sam Houston as they resume Big 12 Conference action on Saturday at the Lady Aggie Softball Field m against 17th-ranked Oklahoi State University. Currently, OSU has an oven record of 28-16 while standingft in the Big 12 with a record of4-5. Despite being ranked abi A&M, the Lady Aggies are24 for the series which ranksasil third highest number of wins OSU’s opponents. Evans said the Lady Aggies happy they are playing OSU at horn “Right now we have agoodir: ning streak and our pitching looking really good,” Evanssai; “All facets of our game areattlij peak right now.” On Sunday, the Lady Aggiesu have to face seventh-ranked Unii? sity of Oklahoma (43-13) and the 15! Big 12 Co-Player of the Year JIM® Evans said the team will have! look out for Most andherstylti pitching. “She is probably the bestpiiilY] erin oui ronfiTona'aiHloneo:::^/ | best in the nation,” Evans “ We need to be our best at theph , this weekend but since we be® T| them in the fall we have a lot confidence to play them now.' This weekend’s doubleheade will close out A&M’s eight home stint but the team will non sume playing action until m Wednesday.against the Univet ofTexas-Arlington. Keens Continued from Page 9 “He’s pretty skinny and about a foot tall. He was kind of shaggy at first, but we cleaned him up — made him more clean cut to fit our image.” Habib, complete with his own Aggie uniform covering his wiry, coat hanger body and Copenhagen — lid eyes now offers support to all bullpen pitchers. The players have joined in his ninth-inning, two-out ritual of holding their hands out in a “meditation position” and bounc ing up and down in order to sum mon Habib’s power. Once the would-be final batter has two strikes on him, the players chant “Haaaaaaa... ” until the pitch smacks that catcher’s mitt, when they all yell "-beeb!!!” This sum mons the makeshift Jobu’s power and induces a lazy fly ball, groundout or strikeout. Interestingly enough, Keens possesses an alter- ego on the mound, a polar opposite from his locker room shenanigans. Assistant Head Coach/Pitching Coach Jim Lawler says Keens has as much presence on the mound as any pitcher on the team, which is an invaluable “His attitude is, Tm coming after you and I’m go ing to make you beat me.”’ Jim Lawler A&M pitching coach trait for a hurler usually asked to slam the door on opponents. “He’s a real closer,” Lawler said. “Robert plays the role and gets him self focused. On the mound, he has the presence of a closer. His attitude is, Tm coming after you and I’m going to make you beat me.’” Unfortunately for Keens, opposing teams did beat him early in the year, in cluding Baylor, who j won on a ninth-in- ■■■■■■ ning grand slam off him. As the season progressed, Keens re-evaluated his practice regimen and focused on getting his arm to recoverc quickly after outings. Inthej few weeks he has beenci pitch in the late innings ofcm games. Statistically, keens been as steady as theycom&p ing a 3-2 record with ;i 3.86EE 16 appearances. “I got to a point whereIi throwing a lot and 1 felt like ran kind of leveled offbecauselM getting enough rest and things it takes to getmyarmbai shape,” Keens said. “NowIVeffi some time off and I’ve gotteni routine where J fee)inorecDik that l have the stuff that an 5 people out. I’ve gotten! dence back.” Uh-oh, better steerc locker room. ASINO 1997 13 April 18th 7:00'Midnight 2nd Floor MSC Tickets $5 Presale $7 Door Back To Vegas Aggieland, U.S.A. Parent's Weekend Come work for the NEW Battalion! No EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! r.Rj feotal Pii'kul Oliy 11 asrnj 013 Reed McDonald Building • Telephone (409) 845-3313 • FAX (409) 845-2647 Deadline Extended to: Wednesday by 4:00 □ Summer □ Fall Name: Number of hours vou will take: Ml Phone Number(s): Expected graduation (semester): ■ Major: If you have another job. what is it? j 1 Classification: How many hours per week? i Will vou clan to keen it it hired? Please check the position(s) for which you are interested in applying. If you are interested in mon 1 than one position, number them in order of preference with I being your top choice. 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