News Page 5 Wednesday • April 16, 1997 {ally Lontinued from Page 1 The main discussion concerned ledate rape drug, Rohypnol, and :s effects. Hostetter said women involved the night-life scene should be Jareful and never leave their |rinks unattended. "You shouldn’t accept drinks om anyone but the bartender,” e said. “You can’t trust anyone.” Hostetter urged women to go out in groups for safety. Lemay said UPD has seized drugs such as Rohypnol in the past. “Another common drug is liq uid ecstasy,” she said. “If mixed with alcohol, it could kill you. Peo ple think this drug enhances their sexual performance.” An audience member said she knew of a fraternity that once added liquid ecstasy to punch at a party. The audience had the opportu nity to question the panelists about violence against women. TAMU NOW led the march around campus following the pan el discussion. Participants chanted, “No more rape, no more violence, no more victims, no more silence,” and, “Women and men unite, take back the night.” April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. NOW sponsors “Take Back the Night” each year all over the country. fontinued from Page 1 "We’re telling the young people across the state that hey don’t have to do good in high school to go to col- [ge,” said Corte, who tried unsuccessfully to amend the Jill to require universities to automatically admit stu- Bents who score high on standardized tests. ■ Morales, who ignited a furor among minority groups lien he said the Hopwood ruling must apply to all public niversities, called Rangel’s measure a good compromise. “It would really be helpful in terms of addressing the fcllout of the 5 th Circuit decision,” he said. “The bill would tjeconstitutional and would withstand a legal challenge.” Al Kauffman, regional director of the Mexican Amer en Legal Defense and Educational Fund, which rep- Iwe Hall iGini l&M. loin 1 resents minority interests in lawsuits against the state, also praised the measure. “It will allow students from all around the state to at tend Texas colleges and universities,” he said. The Senate passed a similar bill last week. Rangel’s measure still faces final approval by the House before heading to the Senate for consideration. Another bill also attempting to diversify colleges and universities won final House approval. That measure would require colleges and universities to admit a certain number of undergraduates through open enrollment, meaning the only requirement for ad mission would be a high school diploma or the equivalent. The bill’s sponsor said it targets students who make good grades but fare poorly on standardized tests or who had to work through high school to supplement their family’s income. By JED i IT'S leu... THIS * JOST To cer (fa a tmr ? tjoue? SPie^ Peeps By Michael v^ppoigfc Vi nfrtr You DcalY look uke ifrmtir. In . * By Quatro HAVE YOU NQTICE.P THAT ALL THE \AK)S\C NOWADAYS TOST SUCKS?! YEAH' AND WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH ALL THE CARS TODAY ? ALL THE NEW MODELS LOOK EXACTLY YOU’RE TELLING ME? I, FOR ONE, HAVEN’T HEARD A DECENT TORE FOR MONTHS. SEEMS ORIGINALITY IS A THING OF THE PAST, SOYS. KiNPA SPOOKY HOW EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER ACCOMPLISHED HAS ALREADY BEEN PONE BEFORE DY SOMEPOPY ELSE. J COULD'VE SWORN I HEARD THAT EXACT! SAME THING THE OTHER PAY.. v j£. W/AfaLQ6lK TO ft ft April. 24 ER Auditorium TICKETS ON SALE NOW at the WISC Box Office or by phone at 845-1234 with. Special Guest to be Announced csssssassa^rsaf all seats reserves i o ticket limit TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY WATCH by SEIKO . Someday all watches will be made this way. A Seiko quartz timepiece officially li censed by the University. Featuring a richly detailed three dimensional re-creation of the University seal on the 14kt gold-finished dial. Electronic quartz movement quaranteed accurate to within fifteen sec onds per month. Full three year Seiko warranty. All Gold $285.00 2-Tone $265.00 Leather Strap $200.00 DOUGLAS JEWELRY 1667-B TEXAS AVE. COLLEGE STATION, TX 77840 Class of “75 * Mail Orders Welcome 1-409-693-0677 A!'a >iiV SPEND YOUR SUMMER BY THE BEACH Need to take some courses, but can't fit them into your Fall schedule? Consider Summer School at Texas A&M University at Galveston At TAMUG: • Learn in a small classroom environment • Register for courses by phone • No application required • Texas A&M credit for all courses taken • Study on the beach! Come talk with a TAMUG representative at the MSC on April 2, 1 997, or call the TAMUG Student Relations Office at 800-850-6376 about how you can register for classes and have a great summer at the beach!! DanedTo Rock T