The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 10, 1997, Image 6

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Thursday • April 10,
Decision urged on
welfare privatization
► Phil Gramm pushes
White House to
quickly approve
welfare privatization
in Texas.
eral government’s consideration of
a ground-breaking proposal to
place Texas’ welfare operations in
the hands of private industry is tak
ing too long for some Texans, in
cluding Sen. Phil Gramm.
The Clinton administration had
promised Texas a decision by
March 31 on what amounts to the
most far-reaching welfare privati
zation plan yet advanced by any
state. Failure to meet that deadline
drew the ire of Gov. George W. Bush
and now has prompted Gramm to
wade into the fray.
Amid signs that decision-making
on the politically sensitive issue has
been bumped from the Department
of Health and Human Services up to
the White House, Gramm fired off a
letter Wednesday to White House
chief of staff Erskine Bowles.
“The state of Texas has been ex
pecting a positive decision on this
plan for several months, and I un
derstand the approval is currently
being withheld by your office," the
Texas Republican wrote. “I urge you
to approve the (Texas Integrated
Enrollment Services) project with
out further delay.”
Noting that labor leaders have
been lobbying the White House
reject the proposal, Gramm add-:
“I certainly hope that you will
permit anyone to inject politicsim §
this policy decision.”
The Texas request places I
White I louse in a delicate situafe
forcing the administration tok
ance the concerns of its labor®
stituency against President Clintii
promise to give states newflexili
to craft their own welfare reform
Bowles informed the govern
Wednesciay, after Bush had cal
him unsuccessfully-three times
as many days, that a decisioniscJnior
“soon,” said Bush spokeswomi iurc|
Karen Hughes.
“Soon in Texas apparently doeslReia|
mean the same tiling as soon inWas dies
ington,” said Hughes, terming il fere
governor “frustrated and somevt to fii
incredulous” about the delay.
HI IS spokesman MichaelKhftac
fen said the White House haste wistl
involved in discussions over;®hin|
Texas proposal since early on,
part because the plan cutsacnjso
several federal agencies.
“We are very optimistic thatftig
will be able to provide a decision
the state imminently, but thedtifdli
sion-making is still under m
Kliarfen said Wednesday. Th|
Texas wants approval fromil ovei
feds to establish a plan intended the |
provide one-stop shopping fort
sistance ranging from foodstami } cs
and Medicaid to the Temporary)
sistance for Needy Families
gram, which replaced Aid to Fan
lies with Dependent Children.
Defense may step in
on voting-rights cast
fense Department will intervene if
necessary in a West Texas voting-
rights case challenging the right of
military personnel to vote in local
elections when stationed elsewhere.
Defense Secretary William Co
hen pledged the federal interven
tion in a letter to Rep. Henry Bonil
la. The San Antonio Republican
made the letter public Wednesday.
“The Defense Department and
the Justice Department have agreed
that our service members should
not be held to a different standard
than other absentee voters, and that
the Justice Department will prompt
ly participate in the case should it
appear necessary to protect this im
portant interest,” Cohen wrote.
Bonilla termed Cohen’s pledge “a
step in the right direction.”
The victories last November of
two Republicans in local Val Verde
County races prompted lawsuits
questioning the validity of some
mail-in ballots cast by out-of-town
military members.
At issue is whether military per
sonnel and their dependents, some
of whom have never lived in Val
Verde County or have been absent
for years, should have the right to
vote in local elections.
Eight hundred mail-in ballots
cast almost entirely by military^
sonnel and their dependents*
credited with giving the two Reps
Means victory in local sheriff afi
county commission races.
A federal judge has barre&te .
from taking office until rest'’ I
questions are settled inastatei#
filed by the Democratic losers#
election against the Republican®
ners. In addition, a federal
protesting the election hasbeenH
The winner in the county 0
missioner race, Murry KacheU
nounced last week that he wonts vital
cept the post, following lingeriij
con troversy over his past mem's Sar
ship in the Ku Klux Man.
Texas has a flexible definitioni
residency that depends largely®
the voter’s intent. Servicemembe S t r(
can apply for a mail-in ballot byso|
plying a Texas address for a placet'
voter plans to return to someday
Mail-in ballot users canvotet
local elections without aews]
owning property at that address®
even being registered to vote inti*
county under current state law.
Under a bill by Rep. Hugo Berk 1
ga, D-Corpus Christi, militaryp®
sonnel would have to be register®-
to vote in a county in order tot®
ceive a full ballot that includes lot®
and statewide elections.
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for tHe Jatf of 1997
Marko Alanis
Jennifer Opland
Armita Anari
Rene Pace
Peggy Chang
Simmi Patel
Jason Daaboul
Meredith Reaves
Cheesta Daftarian
Richard Rychetsky
Lisa Hagler
David Seghers ;
Nathan Harris
Mandy Shaw
Mister Hunt
Wendy Slovak
Adam Kristoff
Bill So A
Dan Mallory
Trey Thompson
Partha Mukherji
Kim Wells
Tracie Multer
Jason Zimmerma 11