The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 26, 1997, Image 10
Don't miss the calendar card deadlines!!! All-University Calendar: April 16 Fall '97 Semester Calendar: May 8 Cards and instructions are available in Student Activities (125 Koldus), Off Campus/Graduate & Adult Student Services (112 Koldus), and the Student . C( . - Organization Finance info, call 862-4724. Center (217 MSC). For more BryatvCollege Station’s Newest Rock & Roll DANCE CLUB. No Cover for Anyone Tues-Wed d 00 Frozen Margaritas all the time H 00 Domestic Longneck & d 00 Bar Drinks EVERY NIGHT 8-11PM FRIDAY & SATURDAY Ladies Free ‘til 1a.m. Men over 21 V 00 , Men under 21 $ 3 00 OPEN AT 8 p.m. , OPEN TUBS- SAT NIGHT CALL 846-3195 For Info. 103 Boyett across form E-Z MART in Northgate CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., PC. Doctor of Optometry 505 University Dr. East., Suite 101 College Station, Texas 77840 Most Insurance Plans Accepted Serving The Brazos Valley For Over 19 Years CALL 846-0377 FOR APPOINTMENT MONDAY THRU SATURDAY We Have VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES On All Types Of Contact Lenses -- Tinted, Opaque Colors, Disposable, Toric, Gas Permeable, Etc. We beat HMO Prices on Contact Lenses mi ^ Call for Our Current Specials while They Last » CO '°U°< J Q00 TOTAL COST /K M. X. €j After $40 Mail-In Rebate v *12 Pair (4 Multipacs) Freshlopk Disposable N. Clear Contact Lenses By Wesley-Jessen • Exam, Follow-up & FREE Care Kit T\^ ed . s <> e < / $1 OQOO TOTAL COST / -1. After $10 Mail-In Rebate . • 6 Pair (1 Year Supply) Clear Frequent Replacement Contact Lenses • Exam, Follow-up & FREE Care Kit G° xo Ue \ GV' 00 ^ n / $ 1 TOTAL cost -*■ After $30 Mail-In Rebate • 2 Pair Durasoft 2 Color Contact Lenses N. • Exam, Follow-up & FREE Care Kit plus Free Spare n. Pair Clear Contact Lenses Political Fonun MSC Political Forum Presents: Should drugs be legalized for medicinal use? Wednesday, March 26, 1997 7:00 PM in Rudder 301 Speakers: Dr. Jerry Epstein Vice-President for Drug Policy Forum of Texas Ms. Nina Wright Former Director of Partnership for a Drug Free San Marcos Moderator: Dr. James Manhart Professor of Botany, Texas A&M University Check out the web page at: The views expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of MCS Political Forum, the MSC or Texas A&M University. (^v Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. We request notification three (3) working days prior p the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our abilities. Page! Wednesday • March 26, IS I Health Symposium aids career searc By Jackie Vratil The Battalion In the MSC Flagroom Tuesday, students in terested in a health profession investigated pro fessional school options. The seventh annual Health Symposium, put together by the Executive Council of Health Or ganizations, brought in schools ranging from medicine to dentistry to veterinary medicine for students. Tracie Multer, a council member and a senior biomedical science major, said the purpose of the event was to help students decide if the health profession is for them. “This is a service for students planning on go ing into health care,” she said. “Students also can use this opportunity to get to know the different schools, and the schools get to know them.” Amanda Alford, a sophomore biology major, said this is the first year she attended the sym posium, and found it informative. “I found out where the cut lines are and about the application process,” she said. “It (the sym posium) gave me information that I would have otherwise never known.” “This is a service for students planning on going into health care.” there have been students who havealreadvt* accepted and just have some questions.” Carpenter said he wants to show student! Baylor is not as cut-throat as some think. ■ (I "We are very family orientated,” he said 1 * e| do not simply want to !'» u | doctors, we want to:* if physicians.” Mol John O’Brian, execudiM’d rector for the Princeton■ a t| view, said theudmissionrM in [ Dr. Jim Wagner, the associate director for Stu dent Affairs with UT Southwestern Medical School, said he answered a wide range of ques tions at the symposium. “We take large numbers of Aggies every year,” he said. “Last year, they were tied for first (in num ber accepted). That is the reason why we come to ac tivities like this.” Alford said she plans on coming back to future years’ symposiums be cause she viewed this year’s as strictly informational. “When I come back next year or the year after, I plan on making the decision of where I want to go to medical school," she said. Robert Carpenter, a student member of the Committee of Admissions for Baylor College of Medicine, said they come to Texas A&M two to three times a year to speak to students. “I have talked to all ages of students,” he said. “There have been students who want to change to a major within some kind of medical field and sophomores get a head start. Trade Multer Senior biomedical science major used b\ the sehonls |) S i signed to cut downonfe» a ]| ; 'ii piidl si/e. Ilu'i- seii || J ton Review helps piAT students for entrance cm j n | designed to weed yououiMT ‘ l test is out' pi “The tests are said. “We show you how the you and how they try to get you to gueafcJ wrong answer." §; Sl | Carpenter said symposiums like thest tremendously helpful for students. "As the nuinbei ut applic ants increasestM 0 ] year, the job market is slowly thinning,”heiM e ' ymposiums like these help the freshmen ft g hi W'!nit's Up? Wednesday Hispanic Business Student Associ ation (HBSA): The Northwestern Mu- nal workshop will be at 7:30 p.m. in 128 Wehner. Men’s Lacrosse Club: Practice will be held from 4-6 p.m. at the Zachry fields. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. For details call Todd Flendreks at 764-8561. Women’s Lacrosse: There will be prac tice from 4-6 p.m. at the Zachry fields. Beginners are welcome. For more in formation call Monica at 694-6915. Wesley Foundation: There will be an informal worship service at 7 p.m. at 201 Tauber Street (behind Aggieland Credit Union). For more information call at 846-4701. Catholic Students Association: There will be a challenge group at 11:30 a.m. For details call the St. Mary’s office. Fellowship of Christian Athletes: There will be a time of praise and wor ship, small group bible studies and guest speakers at 9 p.m. in the Cain Hall Film Room. For details call Bryan Waller at 693-1226. Life Savers Bible Study: There will be a worship service from 6-7:30 p.m. at All Faith’s Chapel. For more infor mation call 260-9803. Student Counseling Service-Minority Student Walk-In: There will be walk-in counseling services for students of color. No appointment needed. Stu dents seen on first come, first served basis. For more information call Dr. Juan Riker at 845-4427, ext. 134. Texas A&M Fencing Club: Beginners come join the fencing club at 7 p.m. in 267 Read. Call Bobby Thornton at 691-2296 for details. Woman’s Water Polo: There will be practice from 8-9 p.m. at the Rec Center. This is a new team, and no ex perience is necessary. For details call Kaori at 693-6397. Roadrunners: There will be a 3-4 mile run for runners of all levels. r~ TAffl ■ ■ O'rj'ry L\rj \ I Di \ PowiAx PnowcnoNs Pkttsmrs JACK mat am LIVlN 01 R OI> R6L6AS6 pydvRT*! ***- — HIGHWAY 6 %'i S\GVs\ HU SHADOW 1 CANJON w A Saturday April 5 Door/t Open @ 7pm TH SHOWS Tiocns Avababu at Albertsons * Dixie Chicken * ISAarooned or by phone l-800-9d<S-SH0W 4/18 Robert Earl Keen * Hurricane Harry’s 5/7 The Aggie f inal \v7 Jackopterce Meet at 5:30 p.m. in front of G. Rol- lie White. For more information call Dao at 260-2441. Student Counseling Service: There will be a workshop on Study Survival and Learning Tactics from 10-11 a.m. in room 103 of the Learning Skills Center of Henderson Hall. For more information contact the Student Coun seling Service office at 845-4427. Life Savers Bible Study: A study of the necessity of the Holy Ghost, read ing of the book of Hosea and a time of praise and worship will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the All Faiths Chape). Contact Ericka at 823-3653 for more information. Career Center: There will be a Place ment Orientation Seminar at 4 p.m. in 308 Rudder. Career Center: There will be a Salary Negotiation Seminar at 5 p.m. in 308 Rudder. TAMU Fish Club: Fish Co Interna tional will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 302 Rudder. For more information call 845-1627. Aggie One Wheelers Unicycling Club: Everyone is welcome to come and watch or try unicycling at 6 p.m. in front of the Academic Building. No unicycling experience neces sary. For more information contact Antonio at 847-1424. RTNDA Radio and Television News Directors Association: There will be a general meeting fot anyone inter ested in broadcasting, mass com munication or media at 6 p.m. in 301 Reed McDonald. For more informa tion call Missy at 694-4145. Genetics Society and Biochemistry Society: TAMU researchers will be present to discuss possible research opportunities for 485 research top ics at 7 p.m. in 107 Biochemistry. For more information contact Nannette at 260-3078. Golden Key N.H.S.: A representa tive from the Career Center will give a guest lecture on preparing for the job search at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. t; Contact Karri for more inform®o.j at 847-0244. I i l NAEP: Ann Milliken willbespef about environmental engineerinAni consulting at 7 p.m in 104 Pete*^ Free food. For more informatiormi tact Amy at 847-0460. to 1 Texas A&M Softball Club: ThereWni be a general meeting at8:30p.r| 110 Koldus. For more inform3®it| call Greg at 694-2524. Ide TAMU Cancer Society: Peter£»oil from St. Joseph's Regional Crk>i] Center will speak at 7 p.m. Rudder. For more informationcaMo^ Chelle at 846-2639. iarc lido I I.S.A. (International Student AssiU 11 ' ation): There will be a general as$®av| bly at 7 p.m. in 308 Rudder. FormT information call Cristina at 862-9/fsol\| P e ^ TAMU Snow Ski Club: We will haJcor general meeting at 8:30 p.mlphj Mount Aggie. We also will be si’ jud std Catholic Students Association will have a Seder Meal at 6:15 at St. Mary’s Student Center Agnostic & Atheist Student fir# There will be a general meet/ip 11 evolution from 8 to 10 p.Mi28D Zachry. For more information call Jamie Henderson at 26WSG, Chemistry Club: There will be a gen eral meeting at 6 p.m. in2102Ne« Chemistry Building. Texas Aggie Walking Club: There** be a 1-mile walk for anyone in ed at 6 p.m. in front of G. Rollie Colesium. For more information^ Robin at 693-0744. bet, $ Thursday Men’s Lacrosse Club: Practice will I* held from 4-6 p.m. at the Zacl* fields. Everyone is welcome experience is necessary. For dels call Todd Hendreks at 764-8561 Women’s Lacrosse: There will bepfi er j, tice from 4-6 p.m. at the Zachryfif Beginners are welcome. For more formation call Monica at 69469151 ,260-2660 utonnpr 725B University Drive FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 31 - APRILS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING MON TUBS WED THUR Mar 31 Apr 1 Apr 2 Apr CHEM 5-7 CH CH CH CH 107 PM 10 11 12 13 ^ CHEM 7-9 CH CH CH PRAC 101 PM 10 11 12 TEST^ CHEM 9-11 CH CH CH PRAC TEST TANG/WOlf 102 TANG/ WOLF PM 20 21A 21B RHYS 11PM- CH CH CH CH 218 1AM 9 10,11 12 13 ^ MON Mar 31 TUES Apr 1 WED Apr 2 RHYS 6-9 CH CH PRAC 208 PM 30,31 32,33 TEST “RHYS 9-12 CFI CH PRAC - 208 PM 30,31 32,33 TEST BUSINESS NOTE: ACCT 230 WILL BEGIN SUNDAY APRIL 6 ACCT 229 FINC 341 FINC 341 MON Mar 31 CH 9 PART I PART TUES Apr 1 PART WED Apr 2 PART III PART III thuf AeLLi CH 1 2 &REV]^