The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 24, 1997, Image 6
n <_J XS.r t n i_j 11 f3 <I> WORMILEiramfflT laWi'SM, MS!) I, Wf at the student Rec Center Register Feb. 24-27 REGISTER AT: REC CENTER FEB 24 3PM-6PM & FEB 25-27 4PM-8PM RUDDER FOUNTAIN - FEB 25-FEB2710AM-2PM •At All proeeecis go to Sheltering Arms-A- THE YOGA > W INSTITUTE 1^ AND 1 VJ BOOKSTORES EST.1974 725 E. VILLA MARIA BRYAN FOR CLASS INFO 822-2246p Specialties Photography 3514 East 29th St. Bryan, TX. 77802 (409) 260-9016 Black & White Same / Next Day Film Processing Ask about our other services • Color film processing • Custom color enlargements • B & W custom enlargements • Commercial / Portrait studio • Engagement / Bridal / Wedding M - F 9-6 • Sat 10-6 or visit our web-site A A « R C A r RosJcruoan QRDER. • Discover Ancient Knowledge that you can test and apply immediately in your life. • Develop your inner wisdom and strengths. • Enhance your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. • Attend an Informational Meeting Thursday, February 27 7:30 to 9:00 p.m., Room 102 College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive The Rosicrucian Order is a world-wide educational and philosophical organization. It is not a religion and does not require a spe cific code of belief or conduct. Rosicrucian studies can help you develop your inner abilities. V. MORE INFO: Karen Hall 589-2920. Visit AMORC Web Site: FAX us your Classified Ad 845-2678 Include Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express Number and Expiration Date for FAX orders The Battalion 015 Reed McDonald Bldg. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday Call 845-0569 for more info Tf)MU &ki Club Came, ski i&ith as on Spring Sreak Keystone • ft re e ke n rid ye • ftrapahoe ftasin Includes: • Transportation • Lodyiny • out of S day lift ticket • free instruction fall 693-0279 or come 6y our cuhicfc in Koldus Venezudan Student Assoc. & Mexican Student Assoc. J) Present: J) Latin American Soul ^ Performed by. ^ Piedemonte fivm Venezuela & Ballet Folklorico Cdestial Folkbric Music and Dances from Latin America I Rudder Theater Tuesday Feb. 25 th at 7 pm Tickets at M5C Box. Office Adults $ 5, Children $ 2. 50 Sponsored by yf Student Activities Association of Former Students Jordan Institute ROLL CALL SWADKUiVlS - V2NT.) WMJRViNY L-l l,i:AI> I Al.LdKAPKS Squadron 15£ led the Corps of Cadets to a record 2.(5067 cumulative grade point average In the fall se mester. “This is the best that the Corps has ever done,'' according to Colonel Don Johnson, Deputy Comman dant. Commanded by Cadet (ireg Moore, an Agricultural Economics major from Wills Point, Squadron 12 post ed an average of 2.9115 with 4i cadets. Company E-l followed Squadron 12 with an average of 2.8421 with 79 cadets. Company E-l is commanded by Cadet .Joe Currin, an Industrial Distribution major from Alvara do, Texas. In third place is Company V-l posting an av erage of2.8021 with 37 cadets. Commanded by Cadet Craig Martin, an Industrial Engineering major from Round Rock, Company V-l serves as an unit for those students who reside off campus. Currin explained the success of Company E-l as “.../ have dedicated upper classmen to make the best environment to studij. How ever, it is the freshman who have made the most of this environment." Currin was explaining that Company E- 1’s thirty-five freshmen posted above a 2TXXX) GPA. Each' of the 32 Corps units compete for awards given on Parents’ Day in Uic Spring. Listed are the top ten academic units for the 1996 Fall Semester: Squadron 12 Company E-l Company V-l Squadron 13 Squadron 17 Company K-1 Squadron 16 1J Company, Band Squadron 2 A Battery', Band 2.9115 2.8421 2.8012 2.7650 2.7507 2.7407 2.7317 2.7280 2.7148 2.(5(575 MASC in COMPANY E-3 I.UADS MARCHING COMpinrnoiv Mascot. Company I£-2 currently leads the Corps of Cadets in the year long marching competition. Com manded by Cadet Todd Sullivan, a Petroleum Engi neering major from Galveston. Company E-2 serves as a home for Reveille, Texas A&M’s mascot. The Aggie Band and 28 other Corps Units compete in the drill competition at each football game, march- in and review. Units ore graded on appearance and ex ecution of'drill movements. The final results of the competition are one of several military disciplines eval uated for the Hochmoth Award given on Parents’ Day. This award recognizes the top military unit. As of the end of the fall : ten units in marching: Place Unit 1 Company E-2 2 Company V-l 3 Company G-l 4 Company K-2 5 Squadron 12 ester, these are the top Place Company G-2 Squadron 8 Squadron 2 Company A-l Company D-l Remaining in the competition are a review for th6 SCONA delegates in February and the Military Week end Review in March. PARSON’S MOUNTISP CAVALRY PLACES SECONO Tlie Parson’s Mounted Cavalry initiated its parade season by placing second in the Bryan-College Station Christinas Parade on Dec. 1. The parade kicked off the holiday season for the community. The Cavalry participates in a number of parades and livestock shows during the spring. The troop recently made a trip to Ft. Worth where they rode in the Ft. Worth Livestock Show Parade and participated in the grand entry for the rodeo. Additional trips are sched uled to Houston and Laredo. The Cavalry is composed of ninety-six sophomore, junior, and senior cadets with in the Corps of Cadets. The cadets manage and train with twenty-seven horses and two mules. IRISHMAN I,LAI )L RSI I IP TRAINING The Corps of Cadets has implemented a comprehen sive leadership program aimed at preparing the fresh man class for various leadership positions next fall. The program is under the direction of Cadet J.D. Williams, a Political Science major from Palestine, Texas, Cadet Danny Feather, on Economics major from Menard, Texas, and Cadet Joe Currin. The program will span the entire semester and will cover various top ics including: Leadership bij Example, Sophomore Rules and Responsibilities, Building Respect, Counseling, and Mentoring. ft w s ra Monday • February2fi ► What's Up? Monday Men’s Lacrosse Club: There will be a practice session from 4-6 p.m. at Roadrunners: There will be a 3-4 mile run for runners of all levels. Meet at 5:30 p.m. in front of G. Rol- II Circolo Italiano Di Tamu (Italian Club): There will be a general meet ing at 7:30 p.m. in 111 Koldus. For a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Reynoic: ical Building Main Lobby.Oril Ross will speak on “studies! erosderosis in geneticallyiri the Zachry fields. Everyone is wel come, and no experience is re quired. For information, call Todd Hendreks at 764-8561. Women’s Lacrosse: There will be prac tice from 4-6 p.m. at the Zachry fields. Beginners are welcome. For more in formation, call Monica at 694-6915. Aggime: Everyone is welcome to at tend a free Japanese animation screening from 7 to 9:30 p.m. on the 6th floor of the Evans Library (LRD). For more information, call Arthur at 846-7048. Officers’ Christian Fellowship: A Bible study focusing on "How can I be a Christian in the Corps of Cadets or military?” will be held at 8:30 p.m. in the DaSheil Room of the Sam Hous ton Corps of Cadets Center. For in formation, contact Tara at 847-1081. TAMU Women’s Club Meeting: There will be a program by Danny Morrison of Epicures Catering from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Brazos Center, 3232 Bri- arcrest Drive in Bryan. Dance Arts Society: The second showing for the spring semester will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 268 Read. For more information, call Lori White at 694-1661. Sigma Tau Delta: There will be a guest lecture in the Career Center at 8:30 p.m. in 145 MSC. For more informa tion, call Nancy Kerns at 693-6198. TEAC Texas Environmental Action Committee: There will be a general meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 202 Francis Hall. For more information, call Jen nifer Trombley at 847-5165. TAMU Pre-Pharmacy Society: Dr. Jerry Rape will be speaking on the directions of clinical pharma cy at 8:30 p.m. in 501 Rudder. For more information, contact Kali at 696-8398. Phi Beta Sorority: Registration for the second annual Arrow Spike sand volleyball tournament will be held at the Rec Center from 3 to 6 p.m. The tournament will be Saturday, March 1. All proceeds will benefit Sheltering Arms. For more information, call Stefny Sutton at 694-8512. Housing Continued from Page 1 Sasse said, in the press release, that the study of current housing condi tions was needed before a plan could be created for the future. “Now we know what we’re up against, and we can devise a way to deal with it,” he said. The study rated 14 percent of A&M housing in good condition, 70 percent in fair condition and 16 percent in poor condition. Karen Fisher, director of facilities and operations for the Residence Hall Association and a junior zoology ma jor, said the study ranked problems to determine which were most urgent. She said the study was necessary. “The survey needed to be done,” Fisher said. “We knew there were a lot of problems.” She said the residence halls are generally in good condition, com pared to other universities, but need to be improved. “It is a lot easier for [the Depart ment of ] Residence Life to handle it now because the problems have been prioritized,” Fisher said. “Now at least they know where to concentrate.” Bowen said housing deficiencies will become a problem if the advice is ignored. The Department of Res idence Life expects to complete a plan for housing renovations later this year. '7 r 25EJ Uni\^&rsity r CDri\/e FOR THE WEEK OF FEB 24-27 TICKETS GO ON SALE SUNDAY 4-5 PM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING MON Feb 24 TUES Feb 25 WED Feb 26 THUR Feb 27 CH CH CH CH 9 CHEM 5-7 PRAC TEST 101 PM 5&6 6,7 7,8 CHEM 7-9 CH CH CH PRAC 107 PM 6,7 8 9 TEST CHEM 9-11 CH CH CH PRAC 102 PM 17 17,18 18 TEST Dr. Soriaga RHYS 11PM- CH CH CH PRAC' 218 1AM 5 6,7 8 TEST BUSINESS MON Feb 24 TUES Feb 25 WED Feb 26 THUR Feb 27 ACCT 7-9 PART PART PART PART 230 PM 1 II III IV FINC 9-11 PART PART PART PART 341 PM 1 II III IV FINC 11PM- PART PART PART PART 341 1AM 1 II III IV lie White. For more information, call Dao at 260-2441. Tuesday Men’s Lacrosse Club: Practice will be held from 4-6 p.m. at the Zachry Fields. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. For details, call Todd Hendreks at 764-8561. Aggie Toastmasters: Our weekly meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m. in the MSC. Check screens for location. Woman’s Water Polo: There will be woman’s practice from 8-9 p.m. at the Rec Center. This is a new team, and no experience is necessary. For details, call Kaori at 693-6397. Hispanic Student Discussion Group: There will be an informational dis cussion group for Hispanic/Latino(a) students who have an interest in coming together to talk about issues that affect them from 5-6 p.m. in 146 MSC. For information, call Dr. Juan Riker at 845-4427 ext. 134 or Dr. Emily Santiago at 845-4551. Roadrunners: There will be a 3-4 mile run for runners of all levels. Meet at 5:30 p.m. in front of G. Rol- lie White. For more information, call Dao at 260-2441. Men’s Lacrosse Club: Practice will be held from 4-6 p.m. at the Zachry Fields. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. For details, call Todd Hendreks at 764-8561. Women’s Lacrosse: There will be prac tice from 4-6 p.m. at the Zachry fields. Beginners are welcome. For more in formation, call Monica at 694-6915. Aggie Lutherans: Treehouse will be held at 7 p.m. at Our Saviors Lutheran Church. For details, call 693-5137. Study Abroad Programs Office: There will be an informational meet ing to promote the Italy Spring ’98 program from 1-1:45 p.m. in 358, 161 Bizzell Hall West. Career Center: There will be a job search for PhD’s at 5:30 p.m. in 410 Rudder. There will be a Salary Negotiation seminar at 4:30 p.m. in 308 Rudder. more information, call Rachel at 847- 2457 or email TAMU Forestry Club: The Forestry and Natural Re§ources Career Fair will be held from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Horticulture/Forest Science Building Atrium. Companies from the Forest Products Industries and government agencies will be pre sent to answer questions about Forestry and Natural Resources. MSC Great issues: Everyone is wel come to attend a general meeting to discuss “Yell Leader Run-offs ... Why the big fuss?” at 8:30 p.m. at Co- pasetic Cafe in Northgate. Society of Women Engineers: Elissa Ellis will be speaking on the MBA pro gram at 7 p.m. in 342 Zachry. For more information, contact Tiffany Rogers at 694-0170. RHA Facilities and Operations Com mittee: We will have a discussion on the Law/Puryear area at 5:45 p.m. in 709 Rudder. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Karen Fisher at 847-0075 or Aggie Raptor Rehabilitation Associ ation: There will be a general meet ing at 8 p.m. at the Raptor Center on Turk Road off of Agronomy Road. For more information, call Henry Garcia at 775-6611. Society of Professional Journalists: There will be a meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. in 301 Reed McDonald to focus on in ternships, resumes, cover letters, and employment opportunities for journal ists. Guest speakers will be Diane Bowen, editor of Insite magazine; Dan Balcar, assistant managing editor of The Eagle; and Dr. Douglas Starr, professor of journalism. For more information, call Sean Chaffin at 764-7464. Psychology Club: There will be a gen eral meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 108 Psy chology featuring John Gardino speaking on graduate school admis sion. For more information, call Ce leste Falcon at 764-9730. Graduate Student Organization: A College of Medicine Symposium in cluding a poster competition and guest speaker will be held from 9 tact Behyar Zoghi at 845-I2J more information. International Business Assc:^ Dr. Jon Alston will speakabo.j cultural differences at 7:30:1 103 Wehner. Muster Committee: We will k| ing a greeter informational'! from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. 1 Koldus for anyone interests! I coming a Muster Greeteronte|[ Applications can onlybepfej the informational meeting. | Business AdministrationScci meeting on how to "Dress':! cess” will be held at 7p.m.I Wehner. Everyone is welcorrl tact Heather at 847-2129or!i 693-5090 for more inform3!:[ MSC Cepheid Variable:A meeting to discuss upcora grams will be held at8:30:j 501 Rudder. Contact the(:| Variable office at 845-15^ more information. Pi Beta Phi Sorority: Regist r I the second annual Arrow Sp’:I volleyball tournament will be ® Rudder Fountain from 10a."|[ p.m. and at the Rec Center 8 p.m. The tournament will be! day, March 1. All proceeds is Sheltering Arms. For more infori call Stefny Sutton at 6948512 Overseas Development Ni meeting for anyone intereste: temational development issues held to discuss organization 8:30 p.m. in 401 Rudder. Conff at sywulka@tamu.edufordetci TAMU Scuba Club: A genei ing to discuss this semeste: and Spring Break will be held: p.m. in 110 Koldus. Contaci 1 847-0244 for more informal: What’s Up is a Battalion m lists non-profit student events and activities. Items: submitted no later than thrsi advance of the desired run® 1 plication deadlines and notices: 1 events and will not be run in Up. If you have any questions call the newsroom at 845131 Reward Continued from Page 1 Detective Bill Wade, who is in charge of the investi gation, said the drawing has prompted some people to contact UPD and offer possible suspects. “People have seen [the] composite everywhere,” Wade said. “We have had four concerned citizens call in and give us names and license plate numbers. “However, when the victim was shown pictures of the possible suspects, she didn’t recognize any of them, so we haven’t had any new developments." The man made a threatening phone call to dent on Oct. 23, 1996. The victim then saw the unidentified stalker in the bushes outside of her sorority housen< Oct. 28, 1996. He was seen once again onOct.31' in a classroom. The student last saw the man at Bonfire on Novi The man has made several other phone calr woman, including one this semester. Anyone with any information regardingtheiri ual is asked to contact the UPD at 845-2345. Technology Continued from Page 1 Scarcella said the conference has given him the chance to talk to oth er educators. “I met and spoke with many other teachers,” he said, “and we have exchanged information about the different things we are doing in our classrooms.” The conference also included a presentation by Marilyn Fowler, a science specialist with the Texas Statewide Systematic Initiative. She discussed the design technology and engineering for America’s Chil dren Program. Terrance Raster, a technology teacher in the Tyler School District, said the program is great for preparing elementary-age children for the world in which they will work. “This program brings technology down to the grade-school level,” he said. “We have seen third-graders us ing x-acto knives and building bridges. It is all so neat.” Kristine Abrahamson, a junior elementary education major, said she works with kindergarten chil dren who use technology programs. She said it is amazing to see what children can master in kinder garten, let alone what they will be able to do as third-graders. Greer said the conference targets classroom teachers all over Texas. “We want to provide them with insights as to where the technology program is going and give them strategies for their classrooms in the future,” he said. Abrahamson said technology programs help young students stay ahead. “This kind of technology will be beneficial to [elementary] students because they will start at a younger age to learn this technology so they will be one step above the rest,” she said. Shooting Continued from Pagel ‘T’d been out thereabout minute when I heard"! thought to be firecrackers. David Robinson, a tourisi England. “Then everyone^ 1 ed panicking.” Empire State Buildingspokj Howard Rubenstein said sfj cameras filmed the gunman® an escalator to the elevatorer® after heboughta ticket in thef floor lobby. “He had a long coat and was under his coat. You couli it,” Rubenstein said. Theta/! turned over to police. Visitors buy a ticket in and ride elevators to these® deck. They are not routinel) jected to metal detectors orsr® es of personal belongings. AT MHNIME* YOU'RE NOT GONNA PAY A LOT... BUT YOU'LL GET A LOT. Bryan 408 S. Texas Av©, 775-0188 <Com©r of 30!h SI.} EXHAUST* BRAKES * SHOCKS STRUTS«SPRINGS C.y. JOINTS - TRAHER HITCHES fftfF Vndtsrcw fy*tp*ciUm & fjrttmatr _ • m tneineki Discount Muffler; $10 OFF All Parts! Does not apply to ia*x» One Coupon Pm Vehkfe Why Pay Fir Inspections! & Estimates At Meineke 1 They're FRtfc OPEN MON- SAT 8 AM TO 6 PM !Exp«f«rs » Me*wke* Bryan j PROFITABLE NUMBER! 845” B 0563 The Battalion Classified Adverts