The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 23, 1997, Image 4

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S. Padre Is. " 119
Matatlan "" 299
With Air
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Now Showing:
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Now You Can Drive
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Welcome To
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Authentic European food so good
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The pastel sunlight streams in through tall,
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Your spirits soar. Your palate rejoices.
You’ve found palate nirvana and you can
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Open for lunch 11 am.to2:30pjTL,
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This is how it should be. This is how it is.
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January 23
Dah-Veed, a rock band from
Austin, is playing with Kasey Crowley
at the Dixie Theatre at 8 p.m.
The MSC Cephid Variable is pre
senting Manga Entertainment’s
Ghost In the Shell at 7 p.m. in 201
January 25
The Ruthie Foster Band, a blues
band from Bryan-College Station, is
playing at Fitzwilly’s at 10 p.m.
David’s Gate, an alternative band,
is playing at Sweet Eugene’s House
of Java at 9:30 p.m.
The MSC Forsyth Center Gal
leries are showing an exhibit from
the Bill Runyon Collection from 8
a.m. to 8 p.m.
Billy Pritchard, a comedian and
sing-a-long artist from Europe, is per
forming at Chelsea Street Pub and
Grill at 9 p.m.
Bobby Shilling, an acoustic gui
tarist from Bryan-College Station, is
playing at Fitzwilly’s at 10 p.m.
Sneaky Pete, a sing-a-long artist
from Bryan-College Station, is per
forming at the Cow Hop at 9 p.m.
January 24
Citizen Lane, a blues band from
Austin, is playing with Fysher at the
Dixie Theatre at 8 p.m.
The Gary Delz Power Trio, a
blues/rock band from Marble Falls,
is playing at Fitzwilly’s at 10 p.m.
The Derailers, a country and west
ern band, is performing at 3rd Floor
Cantina at 8 p.m.
Jazztop. a rock band from Bryan-
College Station, is playing at the Cow
Hop at 9 p.m.
The MSC Film Society is showing
Vertigo at 7 p.m. and Top Gun at 9:30
p.m. at Rudder Auditorium.
The MSC Forsyth Center Gal
leries are showing an exhibit from
the Bill Runyon Collection from 8
a.m. to 8 p.m.
Superband Wasteband, an alter
native cover and original band from
Bryan-College Station, is playing at
Sweet Eugene's House of Java at
9:30 p.m.
Lewis, a pop/alternative band
from Bryan-College Station is playing
with Kid Fantastic, a pop/alternative
band from Bryan-College Station.
The MSC Film Society is showing
Top Gun at 7 p.m. and Vertigo at 9:30
p.m. at Rudder Auditorium.
The MSC Forsyth Center Gal
leries are showing an exhibit from
the Bill Runyon Collection from 12
p.m. to 6 p.m.
Ninja outpaces Metro, Evita
dies dominated the box office,
with two new releases capturing
the top spots during the four-day
holiday weekend.
Beverly Hills Ninja, the Chris
Farley martial arts spoof, took in
$12.2 million in its debut to take
the No. 1 spot, according to figures
released Tuesday.
In second place was Metro, Eddie
Murphy’s turn as a police hostage
negotiator, which debuted with
$11.4 million in ticket sales, accord
ing to Exhibitor Relations Co.,
which tracks movie grosses.
Evita, the Golden Globe-winning
musical starring Madonna, placed
third with $8.9 million, followed by
The Relic at $7.9 million.
The figures are for the four-day
period that included Monday’s fed
eral holiday honoring the Rev. Mar
tin Luther Kinglr.
Jerry Maguire passed the $100
million mark in its sixth week. The
Tom Cruise sports agent love story
was No. 5 with $7.5 million for a to
tal of $102.8 million.
The top 20 movies at North
American theaters Friday through
Monday, followed by studio, gross,
number of theater locations, re-
Continued from Page 3
Ferguson was determined at first
not to come to A&M as a result of
the pressure from her family.
“I even considered going to t.u.
just to rebel against them,” she said.
’’After a year here, though, I decid
ed for myself that I loved it and
wanted to stay.”
Choosing to attend Texas A&M
ceipts per location, total gross and
number of weeks in release:
1. Beverly Hills Ninja, Sony, $ 12.2
million, 2,112 locations, $5,786 av
erage, one week.
2. Metro, Buena Vista, $11.4 mil
lion, 2,001 locations, $5,703 aver
age, one week.
3. Evita, Buena Vista, $8.9 mil
lion, 923 locations, $9,662 average,
$23 million, four weeks.
4. The Relic, Paramount, $7.9
million, 2,128 locations, $3,720 av
erage, $19.9 million, two weeks.
5. Jerry Maguire, Sony, $7.5 mil
lion, 2,286 locations, $3,288 aver
age, $102.8 million, six weeks.
6. Scream, Miramax, $7.3 million,
1,904 locations, $3,858 average,
$59.4 million, five weeks.
7. Michael, New Line, $6.9 mil
lion, 2,325 locations, $2,999 aver
age, $72.5 million, four weeks.
8. The People vs. Larry Flynt, Sony,
$3.8 million, 1,233 locations, $3,091
average, $13 million, four weeks.
9. Jackie Chan’s First Strike, New
Line, $3.6 million, 1,344 locations,
$2,680 average, $10.8 million, two
10. 101 Dalmatians, Buena
Vista, $3.19 million, 1,528 loca
tions, $2,089 average, $129.8 mil-
in his family’s footsteps has proved
rewarding for Brian Madeley, a
fourth generation Aggie, and a
freshman zoology major, who is a
member of Company E-2 in the
Corps of Cadets. Madeley said he
has formed a new bond with his un
cle since joining the Corps.
“He tells me ‘good bull stories’
from his days in the Corps, and I tell
him mine,” Madeley said.
Ferguson said A&M taught her
what family life is all about and has
lion, eight weeks.
Cosby show draws
high Nielsen ratings
NEW YORK (AP) — The “Cosby"
show drew its fourth-highest rating of
the season in its first airing since the
slaying of Bill Cosby’s son, CBS said.
Reports from Nielsen Media Re
search’s top markets showed that
"Cosby” had a 12.7 rating and at
tracted 20 percent of the audience
watching television at the time
Monday night.
The week before, Cosby had an
11.4 rating and a 17 share, CBS said
CBS opened and closed Monday
night’s episode with a tribute to En
nis Cosby. A picture of Cosby’s son
flashed at the end with the message,
“my hero, my son.”
In the episode, Cosby’s character
tried to win a million-dollar prize by
shooting a basket from half court.
An episode about crime in the char
acter’s neighborhood was original
ly scheduled, but the network re
placed it.
Cosby will return to work on his
situation comedy Monday, CBS said.
provided a bond between her and
her family.
“Since I’ve been at A&M, I feel
like 1 have more in common with
my family,” she said.
Normand felt he would be
breaking family tradition by not at
tending Texas A&M.
“My father didn’t really pressure
me into coming to A&M,” he said,
’’but I had no desire to go anywhere
else. I felt I wouldn’t be complete if
I didn’t become an Aggie.”
Kicking old sty!
to the Boone-
No more Mr. Nice GuyforPatft
To keep the fans from node'
the squeaky-clean singer is
something new: recording Ira
al music hits.
“I said to some studioim
‘What do you think I could do
haven’t already done 10times
would get more than a yawn?
62-year-old Boone said.
The answer was “In a Metal
No More Mr. Nice Guy,” a 12-
bum due out next week includnt
Halen’s "Panama,” MetallicaV
Sandman," Alice Cooper’s‘Mo
Mr. Nice Guy” and Led Zeppf
"Stairway to Heaven."
Olympic skater
faces DWI charg
i£H! HooT
Champion figure skater Okss
Baiul, who faces drunken dr
charges, was traveling nearly!
mph when she ran her Mercedes
the road recently, police said.
She also still had thesmeltfi
cohol on her breath more to
hours after the crash, police sat
an affidavit made public Tuesday:
Baiul said she rememberedlos
control of the car, “but that she
not remember much else about:
accident," the affidavit said.
The 19-year-old Olympic $
medalist was charged with recta
driving and drunken driving in theJs
12 accident, which left herwito
scalp and a concussion. She
scheduled to appear in court Moffl
She had a blood-alcohol
.168 percent, according to a
report obtained by The Associait
Press. The legal limit for bloodalci
hoi in Connecticut is .10 percental)
the legal drinking age is 21
A passenger, fellow l
skater Ararat Zakarian, saidheto’t
think the accident happened beem
the sale
she was drunk, "but because shelf
very emotional," he told Time in
Jan. 27 issue. “There was a Mad:
na song playing and she loves Mao:
na: She was like performing, she»
getting into it."
Whoopi's sorry
for escort incider
NEWARK, NJ. (AP) - A fur
thing happened on the way to the
augural, so Whoopi Goldberg do:
ed to apologize.
She got a little help from Maryle
and Delaware state police in trave
from New York to Washington, D.C
arrive on time Sunday for pre-inai
ration festivities. But New Jersey
her to go it alone,
saying it wasn’t
Goldberg had
n’t requested the
escort — that
was done by one
of the inaugural’s
organizers. But
she called Gov.
Christie Whit
man’s office any
way Tuesday to say she was sorry
any misunderstanding.
“She was concerned that she
be seen as someone who was:
manding special attention,”
ernor said.
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