The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 23, 1996, Image 9

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Page 9
September 23, 1996
ixth-ranked Aggies stay unbeaten
By Nicki Smith
_ The Battalion
lost to tops;*
)r of Old Dominio-Bt is like General Patton said,
second round. Bye me a handful of Aggies
larlos Tori will re:S i will win a war.” This state-
3 qualifying touir;Bnt was proven true this week-
egin on Tuesday.!® at the Aggie Soccer Com-
3rs will advanceMx as the Texas A&M Soccer
of the competitiofBm defeated the University of
gin Sept. 29. Brida Gators, 2-1, in an all-out
.B between two of the nation’s
gs surptip ten soccer teams.
Ort ' nl ° Suntla y s g ame > the
srs 7 OU’iMies were ranked sixth nation-
with an overall record of 7-0,
ile the Lady Gators were right
ilnd with a 5-0 record and a
8 ranking.
\&M Head Coach G. Guerrieri
Ithe Lady Gators were the Aggies’
ghest match-up of the season.
“They are an extremely athletic
m that is deserving of a top-
i ranking,” Guerrieri said,
tey do a good job of double-
ming all over the field. They
also a much taller and physi-
team than we are.”
Physical or not, the Aggies
led their four-game, two-week
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23-7 victory ovt
i completed 17
le first half as G
17-0 lead against
nished No. lintt
and was in the
n in front of 1,035 fans, the
gest crowd the Aggies have
in all season.
Senior forward Yvette Okler said
crowd was the motivating fac-
throughout the entire game.
“All of the people just got us
jing," Okler said. “We all just
irted playing with our heart
owing that we had to win.”
With the crowd in mind and a
rfect opportunity to score less
igir Jan five minutes into the game,
nior forward Kristen Koop put
eAggies ahead.
The shot came after Koop beat
larging Lady Gator goalkeeper
nPattishall to the ball and got
eshotpast Pattishall.
Stew Milne, The Battalion
A&M senior forward Kristen Koop drives past Florida goalkeeper Michelle Harris to attempt a shot
on goal during the second half of A&M's 2-1 victory over Florida.
The goal put the Aggies up 1-
0, and would be the only goal ei
ther team would score for the
next 20 minutes.
Okler said the scoring
drought was attributed to a good
Florida defense.
“They had to start hitting and
pushing us to get us going,” Ok
ler said. “They are very tall and
kept the ball in the air a lot. We
had to work on keeping the ball
on the ground and keeping our
intensity up.”
With 25 minutes left in the first
half, the score was tied at one
apiece as Florida scored off a cor
ner kick that got past freshman
goaltender Melanie Wilson.
For the rest of the half, it was
all defense for both teams as each
tried to break loose to get the ball
to its respective offensive players.
The Aggies were successful at
getting three open-netted shots,
two from senior forward Bryn
Blalack and one from Koop. All
three came up empty by either
going wide or over the goal.
Okler was able to shift the mo
mentum as she scored the win
ning goal with 1:48 left to play off
ady Ag tennis impressive at A&M Five-Way
1 m
ie same year,
er’s sacrifice fly ii> :
ig made it 3
dded a run-scoi
ion’s RBI si:
oduced Califorfli
jers will playll|
nes in Oakland,!
to close out the
i with four
Rony Angkriwan, The Battalion
ly Aggie team captain Nancy Dingwall takes a swing at the A&M
e-Way tournament at Pebble Creek Country Club on Saturday.
By Sara Duesing
The Battalion
The Texas A&M Women’s Ten
nis Team breathed a huge sigh of
relief after completing its first
competition of the fall season.
The Lady Aggies, young and
inexperienced with three new
freshmen, faced Rice University,
the University of North Texas, the
University of Southwestern
Louisiana and Texas Christian at
Pebble Creek Country Club as
they hosted the A&M Five-Way
tournament this weekend.
A&M Head Women’s Tennis
Coach Bobby Kleinecke said he
was pleased with his team’s per
formance, especially in the sin
gles competition.
“Both [junior] Monica Rebolledo
and [sophomore] Monica San
Miguel competed really well,” Klei
necke said. “They gave it their all
and performed as if this were the
spring season.”
Kleinecke also said he and his
team were going to use this first
tournament as an opportunity to
learn about themselves and to get
all the nerves out of the way.
“I was really pleased with the
chemistry between the girls,” Klei
necke said. “This was all about get
ting used to competing again.”
Rice proved dominant and
captured first place. The Owls
captured the No. 1 and No. 2 po
sitions in the singles “A” compe
tition. But senior team captain
Nancy Dingwall finished third
after Julia Mertins of USL with-
ros hitless until 1
allowed only of
438th homerser
and the cro« :
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■“We have no
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a pass from Koop. It was Okler’s
first goal since the game against
Vanderbilt University Sept. 6.
Guerrieri said the home-field
advantage is what gave the Aggies
their winning goal.
“We are now 28-1 at home, 4-0
at home this season,” Guerrieri
said. “Our crowds are getting big
ger, and for us the crowd is good
for one goal with us.”
The Aggies will embark on a
five-game road trip this week,
facing Big 12 foes Iowa State on
Friday, and 12th-ranked Univer
sity of Nebraska on Sunday.
drew due to injury. Two other
Lady Aggies finished in the top
10 including Rebolledo, who fin
ished sixth after falling to Rice’s
Jennifer Velasco 7-6, 6-1. A&M
freshman Lisa Dingwall took
ninth after beating USL’s Katia
Antropova 3-6, 6-3, 6-1.
“We worked really hard and
no one gave up,” Rebolledo said.
“We have a few things to work
on, though.”
Kleinecke said he is certain his
team will progressively improve
and stressed the importance of
feeling dominant on the court.
“We’re going to practice on
being more aggressive,” Klei
necke said. “In doubles, the girls
have to get used to their partner
and we also need to start cutting
off the returns. We got what we
expected (this weekend) and I’m
extremely pleased with the ef
fort and the attitudes that these
girls showed.”
In the B singles competition,
the Lady Aggies finished strong
as San Miguel finished second
after losing to Rice’s Jessica
Gagnon, 7-5, 3-6, 6-3 in the fi
nals. Freshman Kathryn Scott
finished third after defeating
Rice’s Vessie Ivanova, 6-4, 6-4.
“We had a lot of close match
es,” Rebolledo said. “We didn’t do
bad, but we plan to really do bet
ter next time.”
Next time for the Lady Aggies
is Sept. 28 at the ITA Invitational.
“We will continue to work
hard,” Kleinecke said. “We’re just
young and it takes time.”
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