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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1996)
Page 6 • The Battalion • Monday, July 22, 1996 Downey arrested again LOS ANGE LES (AP) — Actor Robert Downey Jr. was arrested again —the third time in a month — for walking away from court- appointed drug rehabilitation. Downey, 31, who received an Academy Award nomina tion for the 1992 film Chaplin, left Exodus Recovery Center on Saturday morning, said Los Angeles County sheriff's Deputy Britta Tubbs. Downey was being held Sunday on $250,000 bail. After he was discovered missing, staff called authorities and the judge who ordered Downey to undergo treatment as a condition of his release on bail issued an arrest warrant. He was arrested that afternoon when he returned to the rehab center. Booked for allegedly violating bail conditions, Downey faces ar raignment Friday on charges stem ming from his June arrest for alleged possession of crack, powder cocaine and tar heroin and a concealed .357- caliber Magnum in his vehicle. Downey's second arrest came Tuesday night for allegedly trespass ing and being under the influence of a controlled substance. He was found sleeping in a neighbor's Mal ibu home. Arnold resents being compared to Simpson NEW YORK (AP) — Tom Arnold resents ex-wife Roseanne comparing him to O.J. Simpson. Arnold is particularly upset about abuse allegations Roseanne made against him in the June issue of Ladies Home Journal, where she compares their failed marriage to that of Simp son and Nicole Brown Simpson. "We did not have a perfect mar riage, and I am not a perfect hus band. But as far as the violence goes, it never happened," Arnold says in the July 21 is sue of TV Guide. In the Journal story, Roseanne said she felt she "would be dead if I stayed with Tom" Arnold de nies Roseanne's charges of physi cal abuse. "I said many stupid things; I did many dumb things," Arnold said. "But her comparing herself to Nicole Brown Simpson, who was brutally murdered, is ... it's an abomination. Simpson was acquitted last Octo ber of murder in the fatal stabbings of his ex-wife and Ron Goldman. Goldberg: Ode to restroom differences LONDON (AP) — It's a sister act in the women's room but men keep a low profile in the gent's, ac cording to Whoopi Gold berg. Goldberg told reporters this weekend that she's plan ning a book called Life Ob servations — and she says there's no bet ter place to start observing than the bathroom. "Women can sit together quite openly with the stall toilet door open and talk," she said. "Men go into the bathroom and they look around. If there's not another man in there they can just stand and let it fly. If anoth er guy comes in — it stops. "They don't look at each other." The same sharp differences are true at home, said the Oscar-winning star of Ghost and Sister Act. "A woman goes into the bath room, does all she has to do and makes a tiny mess," Goldberg said. "A guy goes in and shaves, there's water everywhere, the tow els are messed up and there's hair everywhere." Goldberg said her book, to be published next year is "about why don't we know the answers to these questions." Brown, Houston find romance on beach LONDON (AP) — Paradise ap parently can cure celebrity mari tal blues. Bobby Brown and Whit ney Houston rekindled their ro mance with a second honey moon on a Caribbean is land, a British newspaper re ported Sunday. Photos in the Sunday Mirror showed the top pop singer and her rapper hus band hugging and frolicking with their daughter Bobbi on the island of Saint Barthelemy, a French-con trolled territory among the Leeward Islands. The four-year marriage got rocky when Brown was arrested in Atlanta for alleged drunken driving in April, accompanied by a young woman. He has been charged with assault in the past. Brown scored hits in the late 1980s with "My Prerogative" and "On Our Own." Houston's chart toppers in clude "I Will Always Love You." Cl N EM ARK THEATRES MOVIES 16 HOLLYWOOD USA BRYAN-COLLEaC STATION Hwy 6 Bypass C Hwy 30 764-7582 MOVIES BELOW ARE FIRST-RUN $:5. r »0 MATINEES EVERY DAY BEFORE 6PM AH IK I,PM AIWI IS $ r .. Ill/Cl Ml DKIN SINIOKS 1.1. FLED(R) 11:15 1:35 3:55 7:00 9:50 WELCOME TO THE DOLLHOUSE 12:50 3:00 5:10 7:20 9:30 MULTIPLICITY (PG-13) 11:00 1:30 4:10 7:15 10:15 *KAZAAM (PG) 11:15 1:40 4:15 6:50 9:45 •COURAGE UNDER FIRE (R) (on two screens) 1. 1:15 4:10 7:15 10:15 2. 1:45 4:45 8:00 10:45 •INDEPENDENCE DAY (PG-13) (on three screens) 1. 11:30 3:00 6:30 10:10 2. 12:00 3:25 7:00 10:35 3. 12:30 3:55 7:50 10:50 THE NUTTY PROFESSOR (PG-13) (on two screens) 1. 11:45 2:45 5:30 7:55 10:25 2. 11:15 1:30 4:55 7:10 10:00 THE ROCK (R) 11:05 2:00 4:55 7:50 10:55 STRIPTEASE (R) 11:00 1:30 3:55 7:30 10:15 THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME (G) 11:30 2:05 4:20 7:05 9:30 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 7:45 10:25 HARRIET THE SPY (PG) 11:35 2:10 4:45 TWISTER (PG-13) 1:35 7:05 LONE STAR (NR) 11:00 4:20 10:45 r * NO PASSES OR SUPERSAVER ACCEPTED We re on the Internet. Our WEB address is: ^ 'A ADVERTISERS: WANT TO REACH MORE THAN 40,000 RETURNING A&M STUDENTS? Ads in our annual Back-to-School issues on Friday, Aug. 30, and Monday, Sept. 2, can chalk up extra sales for you. Make an educated move and reserve your space today! DEADLINE AUG. 23 For rates and reservations, call 845-2696 The Battalion 103 years at Texas A&M University Old Cars. New Cars And Classic Cars meineke Discount IVIuftiers Keeps Cars Of All Ages Like New. Bryan 408 S. Texas Ave. 775-0188 (Corner of 30th St.) EXHAUST • BRAKES • SHOCKS STRUTS • SPRINGS C.V. JOINTS* TRAILER HITCHES FUFF Undercar Inspection S’ Estimate OPEN MON- SAT 8AMT0 6 PM meineke 8 Discount Mufflers $10 OFF Why Pay For | Inspections I & Estimates I At Meineke® Expires 10-15-96 • Meineke® Bryan ^ They’re FREE! Otters vaW I ho ugh 10-15-96 al Meinaka* Bryan location. No! valid wKh any other ofer or warranty work. Must pesenl ooipon al lime ol estimate. All Parts Does not apply to labor. One Coupon Per Vehicle Expires 10-15-96 • Meineke* Bryan O Meirmke- 1996 Quartet Continued from Page 1 Alfonso A. Soto, secretary of the Venezuelan Student Association and master’s student, said he hopes people can learn from the performance. “We want the quartet to perform here because it is one of the best ways to let people know about your culture,” Soto said. “These types of events start the flame of interest among people in this community, and at the same time it allows Venezuela to show case some of our talent and culture.” Marta Fontes Sala, who plays the viola inti quartet, said the group’s goals extend beyor: performing. “Our goal is to study, research and spm: chamber music to every corner of the world »4 can,” Sala said. Luis Enrique Vargas, who plays cello in tj-rT quartet, agreed. .t “We are trying to be an example for those youngsters who are about to start a dream, a wo for their country, a work for the world and tl world of music,” Vargas said. The performance will be tonight at 7 p.m.j Rudder Theater. Tickets can be purchased at MSC Box Office for S3. H.E.A.T Continued from Page 1 Authority. ... It [is] intended to reduce auto theft.” Gonzales said there are 345 participating police stations in Texas with 29,854 people regis tered in the program. Although DPS does not have exact numbers of stolen cars re covered through the H.E.A.T. program, Uniform Crime Report ing says auto theft is down 7 percent from 1994 to 1995. Gonzales said he believes the program is at least partly re sponsible for the decrease. “ATPA (Auto Theft Preven tion Authority) has a lot to do with the ‘Watch Your Car’ cam paigns,” he said Kretzschmar said he has seen several students and A&M employees with the stickers on their cars. “It’s been a very positive, very well-received program,” Kret zschmar said, “Several years ago. before H.E.A.T., individual ritie had programs like this, but on at cal level ... with different stickes It’s been a pretty good program.’ Walling said Bryan police pir viously implemented a prograr called T.R.A.Ps, but wheni stolen car left the city the stidi ers did not mean much to othe! police officers in the state. “Any officer in the state ofTexs; will stop a car with a H.E.A.1 sticker on it,” Walling said. Walling also added ml H.E.A.T. vehicles have everbeej stolen in Bryan. By Amy Pr< The Battai . Advisers conducted i Rembershi »rs did not V MSC pol a grade-poi each previo I Chris V ■SC and and speec said the C< the loss of Ethernet Continued from Page 1 have to do is get the software from Computer In formation Systems for the TamuNet; then all they’ll have to do is install it on their computers.” McCauley said those who do not have access to Ethernet will lose out on the speed and utility of the system. “Students without Ethernet will be able to ac cess some of the information as those who do, just 200 times slower,” he said. “The two big things students will gain is access to the World Wide Web and electronic mail.” Aaron Bawcom, a senior computer science e jor, said the Ethernet has become popular natiocj wide, and incoming students often want to knowi the University offers Ethernet access. “The first question incoming students ask A ‘Who’s my roommate?’ The next question is, Dos; the university have Ethernet?’,” Bawcom saii! “A&M began thinking about getting the Etherna system when a student opted for a university thm had Ethernet over A&M. In a petition filed by tit} residents of Appelt Hall, 100 percent of thosj asked said they wanted it.” Bawcom said anyone interested in the Etherne; can access either of A&M’s home pages on the Intel net at: http^/ or http//api pelt.dorms.tamu.edq/ETF/. Letterman signs new CBS deal PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — The Late Show with David Letter- man will stay on CBS past the turn of the century under a new agree ment, network officials an nounced. Al though Letterman made noises about leaving the show in 1999 — it has slipped behind LETTERMAN Dole nears final decision on tax'Cut proposal WASHINGTON (AP) — Bob Dole is nearing a final decision on a major tax-cut proposal as he completes one of this year’s most-await ed political manifestos, his economic package. The prospective GOP presi dential nomi nee, who has promised the plan by the end of the DOLE NBC’s The Tonight Show with Jay Lena in the ratings — he re portedly has renewed vigor. CBS still must grapple with a third-place showing in the primetime ratings that has funneled fewer viewers into late-night. month, is said to be still ponder ing the size and nature of the tax cut itself. Currently, there are two lead ing rival versions, say those close to the process: a Rea- ganesque across-the-board tax cut of as much as 15 percent; and a repeal of the tax hikes of both 1990 and 1993. Dole, a longtime deficit hawk, is known to be suspi cious of large across-the- board tax cuts, despite their obvious political appeal for Republicans. Aides suggest ed he was looking hard for alternatives. That gives more impetus to the tax-repeal proposal, which would effectively return federal income taxes to their 1986 lev els and brackets. Dole already has said his tax plan would be “fairer, flatter and simpler” than the current system, and that a postcard form would essentially replace the 1040 for most filers. That borrows on some of the popular themes sounded by his GOP rival and flat-tax advocate Steve Forbes. Forbes predicted that the GOP candidate will offer a tax cut that will be “sub stantive and I think it will be dramatic.” Asbestos ren [struction of i ;dence halls l August Graduates Join the 12th Man Foundations “New Grad”Program ♦ First years membership FREE (a $100 value) Additional benefits include: ♦ An insulated 12th Man mug or 12th Man Calling Card ♦ A 12th Man lapel pin ♦ An option for priority seating at Aggie games ♦ A 12th Man window decal ♦ A personalized 12th Man donor card ♦ A subscription to the Sports Hotline Sign up with the 12th Man today! Come by the 12th Man Foundation office Koldus Building, Room 109 FOUNDATION SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS Gal By Melissa N The Battalk tud the Scii on s eve the The lobby the vis as the Benz The Benz Ge tember 1984 the HFSB. Jim John Benz Galle School of Fk gallery is fo when they go “It’s open the building Friday from I we give spei ends,” Johnsc Johnson s displays and gallery from t Presently, special exhib Film By Tauma Wi The Battalio Rudder Fou tnally free of i On Wednesda things will chi when you tho safe to go back tain, the MSC'