The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 10, 1996, Image 4

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Busi /f
8 a.m.
1 t
Continued from Page 3
Danin placed 5th in the 71-kilo
gram division.
While Danin has had the oppor-
tunity to travel and compete on be-
"My brother would com
pete in the U.S. and would
tell me about the A&M
Judo Team and how good
it was."
A&M Judo Team Member
half of his home country, he will not
be able to qualify to compete for
Ecuador in Atlanta this summer.
“I was not able to go home and
enter the qualifying matches, nor
the Pan-American Games, because
of the school calendar,” Danin said.
“It just kept me from going home.”
The success Danin and the Judo
Team has enjoyed can be attributed
to the help of A&M Recreational
Sports and the team’s fund-raising
The team competes annually in
approximately 20 tournaments
across the state. The money need
ed to travel to the competitions
comes mostly from Recreational
Sports and University funding.
“If it weren’t for the help of Rec
Sports and the school in funding, I
don’t think we would have as good
a team as we have right now,”
Danin said.
“You can see our success in the
number of competitors we have in
vited to the U.S. Open (judo tourna
ment) and other competitions out
side the United States, such as the
Mexico City Invitational.”
The Battalion
To place a classified ad: Phone: 845‘0569 / Fax: 845-2670 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building
8 a,m. ■ 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day
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Professional DJ/MC - Peter Block Specializing in
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Mobile DJ 693-6294
'87 Toyota Supra, maroon, $5,500 negotiable. Call Flfl
Plymouth Sundance '90. a/c, am/fm radio, 81,300 ml.,
nice engine. $2,500. Call (409) 862-9039
1990 Cellca Gf Toyota; red; garaged/looks now; blue
book price $9,900, asking $9,000 O.B.O. Located In
Caldwell, can be seen In B/C.Sta. (409) 567-3317,
|eave message.
Seized care from $175 Porsches, Cadfilacs, Chevys,
BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your Area. Toll
Free 1-B00-698-9778 Ext. A-1652 for current listings.
1989 Jeep Wrangler, red, 6-cylinder, A/C l ots of
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Women 16 years of age and older
If you are experiencing vaginal
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Duplex’s Starting $500 to $550
Fourplexes Starting $400 to $550
Northgate 1/1 all bills pd. $395
Old College 1/1 $290
Close to campus
1bd/1ba & 2bd/1ba or 2bd/2 or 1.5 ba
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If you are at least 18 years old and
have a sinus infection with symp
toms such as runny nose, nasal
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fy to participate in a research
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needed! Flight attendants, ticket agents, reservatlon-
Ists, ground crew + more. Excellent travel benefltsl
Call 1-206-971 -3690 ext. L58551
Alaska Summer Employment - Fishing industry.
Earn up to $3,000 - $6,000+ per month. Room &
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necessaryl (206) 971-3510 ext. A58S54
Museum Educator Teach & administer natural srinneo
programs. Plans, hires, trains, keeps budget &
records. $9/hr. or by experience. Taml 776-2195
Bun p
Sr ILF n
Looklll Why pay rent when you can own a manufac
tured home for less. 2 & 3 bdrm model homes on large
wooded sites ready to move In, 779-2123
Durallner bedliner for a full size Ford s7w.B. $ib0,
VGA computer monitor $100, 12 Inch punch sub In box
$100. Must Sell!! Greg 693-1561
Mint condition sofa newly rouphoistcrod, blue pat
terned $200, negotiable, twin bed w/out mattress $30,
dark wood coffee-table $40. Call 694-8789
'95 mobll homo 16 x 80 3/2 death forces sale, satellite
dish, relocate (713) 821-0312
Psoriasis Study
Full size climb in/sland-up video game - discs of Tron.
$495 O.B.O, 696-2094
Kegerator - all tanks Included, Perfect condition $350
O.B.O. 696-2094
Equity Real Estate Management
Brazos House fipts.
2401 Welsh, C.S. 693-9957
Longmire House fipts.
2300 Longmire, C.S. 693-7741
Yellow House fipts.
SW Pkwy & Welsh, C.S. 696-9492
1BD/1 BA&2BD/1 BA or 2 BD/2 BA APIS.
Duplexes & 4-Plexes - Bryan & C.S.
Our Apartments Are Cleaner
Our Prices Are Better
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Now Preleasing for the fall!
Ask about our leasing policy!
Individuals with psoriasis
needed to participate in a
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Volunteers will be compensat
ed for their time and travel.
Call for more information:
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Continental Airline voucher worth $472 - asking $350.
Good through May 1997. Call 690-6213 or 696-1556
Motorcycle YSR50 for sale - like new, 400 mi., helmet
included, black/yellow $700 O.B.O. 846-7675
4-piece bedroom set, wood, includes: 2 night tables,
dresser, & hutch with mirror. Must Sell!! Asking $90
O.B.O. Kenneth 693-9795
Dresser $45; night stand $25; full size bed $60; JVC
stereo $80; & color T V. $45. Call 696-2662
Keg refrig, full C02 tank, all hoses & taps $300 O.B.O.
Adopt: Puppies, Kittens. Cats. Dogs. Many purebreds!
Brazos Shelter 775-5755
Freell Black Healer mix puppy, approx. 9 weeks old.
Needs loving home. Call 846-8613 for details. Leave
Need part-time cleaners for commercial buildings.
Working hours 5pm-8pm. Hours vary sometimes. No
weekend work. Great for college students, must have
car and phone. Call 823-1614 for appt.
$1,750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For Info
call (202)393-7723
Female ASM roommate needed.
Call for details 846-3376
Free rent S utilities.
1 and 2 Bdrm apartment available now. Ask about our
specials. 822-0472
Prestigious teaching position, must have had Tx. D.L. 5
yrs. +, & college experience. Work evenings &
Saturdays, averages out to $5,00/hr, No DWI'a, Pi's
to, w-aiaa '
TalephunVInterviewer poeion eveReBlil ’ SfRfir.jleye,
evening & weekende work, Contaot IntelllQuest at
268-6307 or come by 702 Unlverelty Dr, Ea. 9ta, 102F
College Station,
SUMMER WOSk,'Tjp to S§,66 starting, F-t/?-t, temp7
perm, available. Internships A Scholarships available
(conditions exist). Training provided. 696-7734
Lose Weightl Needed: 74 people. All natural. Doctor
recommended. (719) 471-6544
Fem. apartment mate / fall, Jefferson Sq. Apts. 2
bdrm/2 ba, security systems, security gates, full W/D,
furnished, $410/mo + 1/2 utilities. Or 2 fem. to share 1
bdrm/1 ba at $235/mo + 1/3 utilities. (713) 493-1588 D,
(713) 827-1251 B,
raommatei'needadrAweeorria' (T btfrm/2‘5a'Tiou«e
w/pool ft pool table; etertlng In August, $210/mo,
Devln/Darln 622-7808
r ChristlanJerriiTe 'rbommafei' neededTo sRare 2
bdrm/2 bath new duplex. $260/mo + 1/3 utilities. Non-
smoker, neat. Barbie 896-1643
Two bedroom apartment south of campus
now. $250.00 696-2038
Helpers needed, aggressive, diverse for construction
Industry, will work w/schedule. 775-7126
Roommate wanted, female, $350/mo + 1/3 bills,
deposit, 3-2, W/D, no pets or smoke. College Sta., Oak
Forest mobll home park (903) 785-0842
Roommates needed ASAP! 4 bdrm/2 ba house
FULL SZ. W/D, 2 bdrm/1 ba, shuttle, microwave, intru
sion alarm, $459/mo. 846-7454
Large 2-1, great location, on shuttlel mlcrowivel Intru
sion alarm, celling fans, $439/mo. 823-7039
Great deifiT 2-1, 884 sq. ft., 6 closets, microwave, ceil-
Ing fans, Intrusion alarm, $459/mo. 691-2062
Need installer salesperson for car audio store. Some
experience required, have own tools. Call 623-0944
$300/mo, bills pd., on shuttle rt. The Oaks. Linda 696-
12B8D, 776-1855E.
Roommate needed 2 bdrm/2 bath for Fall '96.
Inspirations now hiring for summer & fall. Apply at
Inspirations. Post Oak Mall.
Pre-ieaslng nice duplexes/4-plexes for mid-August
$425 to $490. 696^245 _
Walk to class - 2 blocks from A&M on NorthsIde of cam
pus, 2 bdrm/1 ba fourplex, summer specials or fall
lease, no pets, $350 -$450/mo. 696-7266
Bryan 2-TJ72"'4-piex studlo. New carpei, vinyl, W/D
conn., shuttle, water/ sewer pd,, fireplace. $485-$515
Wanted: student to teach medical/dental school admis
sion exam for Kaplan Educational Center. Please call
Free Lifetime Income $$$. Earn’ $ 1,000's/Monthly.
No Investment. No Selling. Save Money! Please visit
website for details:
Haircut models needed. 778-5008
$490/mo. Located on Harvey, 764-8002
Need roommato for Tall arid spring. Own room, partial
ly furnished, has appliances, $250/mo. Call Eric (713)
395-3580 ^
Roommate needed"for fail, 2-bdrm, $230/mo + 1/2 bills.
July & August Free. Cell Martin 823-8149
Chinn Garden Restaurant now hiring all positions.
Please call 823-2816
Spacious, renovated C. Sta. 2/2 4-p!ex, available now
& fall, W/D conn., shuttle, gas & electric. $500/mo,
Select Properties 696-3107.
Walk 1cT carripUsl~NorthgiFe area. Normandy Square
condos - 2 bdrm/1 ba. Available Immediately; also pra-
leaslng for August $575. Purchase option available.
776-3690 or 268-0840.
Make-ready assistant • cleaning/light painting. Aug.
15-29. $5.50/hr 696-1138
Local electrical engineering firm seeking a part-time
student worker (preferably a freshman or sophomore)
w/computer related experience. Knowledge In dBase,
Windows (all). Novell Netware, C++, Lotus, and/or
computer install/repair Is a plus but not necessary.
Send resume to P.O. Box 10047, C. Sta. TX 77842.
MONTERREY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom, 813 sq. ft,
pool, ceiling fans, large closets & kitchens. Pre-leasing
August - $475 - water/sewer paid. 268-0840 or 776-
The Villas of Cherry Hollow - Now pre-leasing for fall a
spacious 2-1 & a 2-1 1/2 studio. Walk to class! 503
CherrySt., C.S. 846-2173
Large 2 bdrrri/i ba apartment now available, on shuttle
route. Excellent for college student or small family.
$365/mo. 1-600-840-9931
NORTHGAfl nice 3/2 or 2/1, all appliances, new car
pet. $500/mo 823-8486, 828-3643
Hoover's Tennis Service. Same-day & overnight ser
vice. Re-strlnglng tennis & racquet-ball racquets. 696-
AAA Texas Defensive Driving & Driver's Training. Lot-
of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal, Insurance dis
count. M-TU(6pm-9pm). W-Th(6pm-9pm), Frl(6pm-
8pm) & Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Next to
Black Eyed Pee. Walk-Ins welcome. $25 cash.
Lowest price allowed by law 111 Unlv. Dr., Sta 217,
846-6117. Show up 30 mlrv early.
Need a diversion? Tour Big 12 on Metropolis BBS.
Live chat! Games galore - MajorMUD, Farwest Trivia,
etcl Free demo accounts! Internet Accassl Call (409)
694-8441 via modem.
Charity Assistance Program. United Charities
Assistance Network (UCAN) humanitarian business
program benefits worthy charitable causes while gen
erating large personal Income. Visit website or receive fax-
on-demand: (703) 736-1600 Doc. #839. Your
Sponsor: A.DIza #409-696-7235
AN typing needs - resumes, dissertations, term papers,
forms etc. 486 computer. Jewel 822-0001
ft n im s» tiT e n
Sublease spacious 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath Colony Apts!
starting Aug. 23rd for 1 yr. lease, $545/mo. (409) 691-
Students who want to lose weight. Metabolism break-
thru. FDA reg. $29.95. V, MC, Disc. & checks. Fast
free local delivery (409)623-3307.
New Olympic events
have become ridiculous
Pat James, The Battalion
Freshman Adian Aguirre and junior
John Nguyen practice their technique.
H ave you heard about the
newest sport to be added
to the Olympic roster?
Ajrmchair frisbee.
This might seem ridicu
lous, but the recent trend in
adding new Olympic events
suggests that anything re
quiring movement will be
come an official event.
While certain sports such as
baseball and tennis have re
cently been approved as official
sports, other poser sports have
attempted to fool the Olympic Committee into
thinking they are real sports too.
For example, ballroom dancing was petition
ing to become a
sanctioned sport.
The American
Heritage Dictio
nary defines a
sport as “a spe
cific diversion,
usually involv
ing physical ex
ercise and hav
ing a set form
and body of
rules; a game.”
Since when
Is dancing a
game? Sure you
compete against
other teams, but there is no game involved.
Tennis and baseball are games. Whether or
not you can dip your partner is not.
Dancing does not involve serious training
like what a track athlete or basketball player
must go through.
While ballroom dancing is an acquired skill,
I’m sure the ancient Greeks were not thinking,
“Hey, I hope ballroom dancing becomes a sport
in the 20th century.”
While some events have been denied the
privilege of becoming an official part of the
games, others actually qualify in the Olympic
Committee’s eyes.
Rhythmic gymnastics is the latest travesty.
Now I know gymnastics has been an event since
the beginning, but why add the rhythmic part?
What is so great about throwing a ball up in
the air, turning a cartwheel and then catching
the ball between your legs.
Sure you have to be talented, but why have
props? This isn’t a beauty contest with a tal
ent portion.
Synchronized swimming — the only skill in
volved is holding your breath underwater for a
long period of time. This is perhaps the greatest
example of how things are getting out of control.
Just because something requires physical ex
ertion does not mean it is an Olympic sport.
With all the new events, we might as well
let breakdancing be the new event of the
2000 Olympics. It requires energy, skill, and
all that spinning sure can knock the wind out
of someone.
The Olympic Committee needs to put its
foot down and
stop the flood
of new events.
The Olympics
symbolize the ca-
maraderie and
unity between
the nations of
the world. This
is what the an
cient Greeks
wanted when the
games began.
The intsnt
was to not lit
differences in re
ligion, creed or
color interfere.
Everyone is equal and everyone is there to
be joined in the spirit of competition.
Instead, the Olympics have become a spec
tacle of how many sports we can cram into a
month-long festival.
The Olympics have become overburdened by
events that no one attends nor cares about. Who
gets excited about tickets to team handball?
The International Olympic Committee needs
to rethink the standards it uses to evaluate
which sports should be incorporated into the
world’s biggest sporting event.
The IOC has already taken the right step by
banning exhibition sports, but it needs to go one
step further.
Don’t allow events which are not traditional
sports. If they really need another one, my sug
gestion is football — at least it’s a sport.
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