The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 09, 1996, Image 5
The Battalion • Tuesday, July 9, 1996 • Page 5 ' Deeds (Matt- y), who beet. local legend Jearance in If Barits to findt; i who killed li . 3 heroic histor^ of these pastl li rough a seu 1 y' a variety of:)’ kes us backij *vith no fadet >s to exist in is one of the! s in the moviJ 3 about our : j io with it. St| ory as a we::j[ some hidetb past and ottu Dne Star, Pael MTV branches out with second channel Trump tops political leaders in speaker fees NEW YORK (AP) — The Don ald’s talk is certainly not cheap. The New York Post reported Monday that entrepreneur Don ald Trump is getting a net $80,000, plus first-class ex penses for two, to fly to Mel bourne, Aus tralia, next year to give a 45- minute keynote address. The topic is “Ingre dients of Sue- TRUMP cess.’” Trump’s fee tops those com manded by retired Gen. Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger and various ex-presidents and moti vational speakers. Powell, for ex ample, is thought to get $60,000 per appearance. The Washington Speakers Bureau made the approach to Trump at the request of ICM Australia. It says up to 10,000 business owners and managers may attend the seminar. Butthole Surfers concert ends on sour note CORPUS CHRISTI (AP) — A concert by alternative rockers the Butthole Surfers ended on a sour note when lead singer Gib- by Haynes got ticked off. When an audience member threw a wristwatch at him, in juring his hand, Haynes told the 5,000 fans to “shut up and go home.” He angrily yelled at the unidentified watch-slinger and challenged the rest of the audi ence to physically punish anyone they saw throwing anything. The four-hour concert Satur day at the Texas Sky Festival Park also featured the Rev. Hor ton Heat and the Toadies. Before leaving the stage, Haynes called Corpus Christi a city of “white trash" and said he didn’t care if people refused to buy the band's newest album. KISS Continued from Page 3 an rowdy but influential band deserves better than the sad state of affairs presented by its loyal army Saturday night. I want to feel like I’m 18 for ever just as much as the next person, but I don’t want to act like an 18-year-old forever. In fact, I remember not wanting to act like an 18-year- old when I was 19. So I guess listening to drunk old men scream obscenities at trashy women and fight over whether “Deuce” or “Detroit” would be played first pushed me over the edge Saturday night. KISS was cool in the '70s, but in the ’90s, they’re basical ly old men in tights and make up. And so are their fans. For about the same amount of money as attending the KISS reunion tour, you could practi cally go to New York and see the same thing every day. And that’s what I recommend you do if you want to listen to loud music and see lots of fire. Besides, the drinks are cheaper. NEW YORK (AP) — MTV is creating a new channel aimed at providing videos for slightly old er viewers in order to carve a niche in the next generation of cable TV, industry observers said Monday. M2: Music Television, a 24- hour service, debuts Aug. 1 in as few as 1 million homes, mostly home satellite systems. Selling M2 to cable systems begins next week, MTV said. “You’ll see a lot of these channels launching over the next couple of years,’’ said Derek Baine, a cable analyst for Paul Kagan Associates of Carmel, Calif. “Everybody’s gearing for an increase in channel capacity.” Baine said the cable ventures of MTV’s parent company, Via com Inc., also include MTV’s previous spinoff for older rock ers, VH1, as well as kids’ Nick elodeon, Nick at Nite, TV Land, and Showtime Networks. Lone Star Continued from Page 4 hide themselves from it. Sam’s ex-wife Bunny (Francis McDormand), for instance, has had her share of emotional prob lems. But instead of facing them she buries them in Texas foot ball teams. Another figure of Sam’s past is his teenage love Pilar (Eliza beth Pena). When Sam and Pilar “Viacom has a lot of lever age with their other channels for doing package deals,’’ Baine said. As MTV’s mirror image, M2's logotype is a “2” embedded in an MTV logo as seen from behind. Its “free form” music video playlist will aim for the elder part of MTV’s 18- to 24-year-old core audience, MTV researchers said. Critics of the original chan nel say it now offers too many game shows, news programs and documentaries. M2 also will be the first ca ble channel to provide 24-hour Intercast service, a supple ment that displays M2 video, text and graphics on personal computers equipped with spe cial circuitry. “They’re starting small and trying to build up an image, a got- ta-have-it mentality,” said ana lyst Jill Krutick of Smith Barney. “If it’s done well, they should be expanding their audience.” reunite, their old feelings rekin dle and they fall in love again— only to have her mother Mer cedes (Miriam Colon) reiterate the spite she always had for their relationship. Sayles says history is always looming, and it draws the bor ders between countries, states and societies. Like any mystery story, the key to Wade’s death is exposed at the end — but it is the sur prising revelation made be cause of this discovery that is important. Dixie Theatre 106 S. Main St., 822-0976 Located in Historic Downtown Bryan For private parties call Willie at 822-3743 Drink Specials • Music • Pool Tables 18 and older welcome THURSDAY 7/11 OPEN DATE Call Willie at 822-3743 to book vour PRIVATE PARTY! FRIDAY 7/12 OINEMARK THEATRES Pushmonkey w/Beef Jerky Rock $5 SATURDAY 7/13 Jack Ingram with Max Stalling c/w 10/advance tickets available at Marooned Bothers, $10/door MOVIES 16 HOLLYWOOD USA I BRYAN-COLLBaE •TATION Hwy 6 Bypass ^ Hwy 30 764-7592 MOVIES BELOW ARE FIRST-RUN $3.50 MATINEES EVERY DAY BEFORE 6PM Af'TCR (.I'M ADULTS S.T.. r .(l/CHIll)Kf N .V SINIOKS S I. .11 •INDEPENDENCE DAY (PG-13) (on three screens) 1. 11:30 3:00 6:30 10:10 2. 12:00 3:35 7:00 10:35 3. 12:30 4:05 7:30 10:50 •STRIPTEASE (R) (on two screens) 1.11:00 1:30 4:00 7:20 10:25 2. 11:20 2:00 4:40 7:40 10:45 THE NUTTY PROFESSOR (PQ-13) (on two screens) 1. 11:45 2:45 5:25 7:45 10:26 2. 11:15 1:30 4:40 7:00 10:00 csSSSi) ( -L •THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTHE DAME (G) (on two screens) 1. 11:30 2:05 4:40 7:00 9:30 2. 11:10 1:30 4:10 6:30 9:00 t * i THE CABLE GUY (PG-13) 11:45 2:30 4:50 7:45 10:20 THE ROCK (R) (on two screens) 1. 11:00 1:40 4:35 7:35 10:35 2. 11:05 2:00 5:05 7:55 10:56 LONE STAR (NR) 11:00 2:00 5:00 8:00 10:45 t J MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) f .rrtwn 11:20 1:40 4:45 7:45 10:25 TWISTER (PG-13) 11:05 1:35 4:10 7:15 10:00 DRAGONHEART (PG-13) 11:35 5:00 10:30 EDDIE (PG-13) 2:00 7:25 Phenomenon Continued from Page 3 Phenomenon may sound a bit hokey; that’s because it is. But while it is an unbeliev able and cheesy love story, it is also a great escape, which is needed every once and a while. After all, good movies don’t al ways have to mirror reality. And though Phenomenon may have no basis in reality, its mes sage is one all people can relate to: if we can all locate the rab bits in our garden and set them free, we have the ability to grow as people — to live, learn and help others. us your Classified Ad 845-2678 Include Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express Number and Expiration Date for FAX orders The Battalion 015 Reed McDonald Bldg. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday Call 845-0569 for more info We’re on the Internet. Our WFB address Is: * NO PASSES OR SUPERSAVER ^ ACCEPTED ON THIS FEATURE Costa Rica $249* Guatemala $259* London $329* Paris $369* Frankfurt $439* •Faaii mi iach WAT no* Houston baud on a iounoti* rmcham. Paui oo not WCtUO* r 104(At TAXIS CX PfCl TOTAUNO SriWUN $3-5-45, OlfSNOINO ON MfTMATtON l DtfMTUM CHMOCS TAX) D*KUY TO KMttON OOVUNMINTt. CAU KM IANS TO OTHit WOftlOWKK MSmAPONS. EURAILPASS GIVEAWAY!!! Call to order your Eurailpass from us and WE’lJ. FAX YOU AN ENTRY FORM IT) WIN A FREE 1st Class Flexepass GOOD FOB 15 DAYS WITHIN 2 MONTHS. We sell Student/Youth Tickets that ALLOW STAYS UP TO ONE YEAR. Our European tickets can be CHANGED FOR ONLY $25 Call for a price TO YOUR CITY TODAY!!! • We have great car rental rates for Europe. • We can get over 30 different types of Eurailpasses to you in 24 hours via Feaex. Travel ^ Council 2000 Guadalupe St. • Austin, TX 78705 512-472-4931 HTTP VAVWW. CILL.O liC./THAV E L. HTM WE ARE EURAIL EXPERTS! CALL US! bum is rics to i ton adm^ ; Making J md allusit: out meloi .1 tones iroject gi' ,: l adds d 7eness at moody lied by 1 Break M ould be no 1 ' -nts-eveo cmi Braxto 11 her nf Tjiet v< Intramurals • Fitness • Sport Clubs • Outdoor Adventures SPORTS Sail/SCUBA Dive in the Bahamas! Sail & SCUBA the beautiful Bahamas with TAMU Outdoors, Aug. 17-23. Register now. Come swim the crystal Carribean waters! TAMU Outdoors sseani SCUBA Class JutrUOl. 23-26, 27, 2« Schlitterbahn July 20 Kayak Roll Clinic JufV 23 Rock Climbing Clinic Day Canoe Tri| I Windsurfing Class, I August 3 ^ Now-Julyl 5 Now-Julyl 7 July 9-22 July 9-22 July 9-23 July 9-31 3heck flyers lor dates and lees. .>re information call lAMU >ors xcd# 4.5 -45 \ 1, \ Outdoor ‘band Volleyball Beach too far away for a good game of volleyball? Not anymore. Play Intramural Volleyball and r (£ Spike the hell outta Summer in the Rec Center Backyard! Surf, Sand, Sun and Fun. Softball Hit the dugout with your buddies f exciting game of Summer Intramural Softball! Register your team today at the Rec Center! Fun t Fitness At The Rec P/ay with the best Relax to the max Fitness with flare Friends with attitude Sweat your socks off StretCh\ou\ imagination Bring your I.D. Card for the time of your life right here on campus. Weight Room Orientotion Learn about cardiovascular training, muscle strength, endurance, & flexibility. Learn how to set up your own program to tone your body and lose or gain weight. Demon strations of Cybex & resistance machines. FREE! Register' at the Rec Center today! Aerobic (limes Rec Sports offers 65 aerobic classes to choose from each week. Including hi/low, step, box aerobics, hip hop, tone-N-tighten, water aerobics, combo classes, interval aerobics, four step and many specialty classes. Some classes are free to Rec Members so check us out. Get your class infer- Vy mation at the > N ▼ / Rec Center // today! L Golf Lessons Learn to golf or improve your swing at this beginner/ intermediate clinic july 9, II, 16 & 18 from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Classes will be held at Penherthy Golf Range located west of Olsen Field. Class is taught by Larry^ Godferyjr. See flyer for details. Register at the Rec Center ^@7/ today!