The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 30, 1995, Image 6
PARTY Madonna triumphs after tragic experience Sponsored by: KBTX-3 gj| BEAT THE HELL OUTTA t.u.! AGGIE BOWL WATCH E- REGISTER TO WIN! AGG]E B0WL PACKAGE Includes: 2 Tickets, Transportation and Hotel Accomodations Drawing Each Thursday Prior to Game Diet or Caffeine Free Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Mug Root Beer, Reg. or Dr. Slice, Hawaiian Punch or Additional Quantities. 12 Pepsi 2 For $5 $4 99 Pack 12 oz. Cans With $10 Additional Purchase. Limit Four 12 Packs Per* Customer. New Crop California, Seedless Sunkist Navel Oranges Tree Ripened & Hand Picked Texas Grapefruit Ea. 10 oz. Bag Rold Gold Pretzels or 6 oz. Bag' Lay’s Potato Chips 12 Pack 12 Oz. Non-Ret. Btls. Genuine Draft Reg. or Light,, Miller Light “Ice” or Miller Lite Beer 24 Pack 12 Oz. Cans Keystone or Keystone Light Beer 12 Pack 12 Oz. Non.-Ret. Btls. Bud or Ea Kroger 2104 S Texas Ave. College Station 2412 Texas Ave. S Bryan TOUCHDOWN AT KROGER FOR ALL YOUR TAILGATE NEEDS / ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY: Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale in each Kroger store, except as specifically noted in this ad. If we do run out of an advertised item, we will offer you your choice of a comparable item, when reflecting the same savings or a rain check which will entitle you to purchase the advertised price within 30 days. Only one vendor coupon will be accepted per item. RIGHT TO LIMIT RESERVED. COPYRIGHT, 1995. THE KROGER CO. Specials effective Wed., Nov. 29 thru Tues., Dec. 5, 1995 LONDON (AP) — Madonna says she was raped many years ago, soon after moving to New York City and that the experi ence made her a “much stronger person.” The super lives there now, doubt the theft was the work of true fans. “Heal Elvis fans are the most respectable, middle-American, de cent kind of people,” Snider said. He said he found a stump where the box should have been Sunday. He reported it missing Tuesday and has to get a new one for mail. star who oozes sex in concert, videos and books denied in an inter view with New Musical Express that she blurs the line between rape and sex ual fantasy. “I have Reynolds educates as part of punishment Madonna been raped, and it’s not an experi ence I would ever glamorize,” she told the British music magazine in the Dec. 2 issue. Madonna’s book Sex includes a photo of her in a Catholic school girl’s uniform, being attacked by two boys. “In my photograph it’s obvious ly completely consensual,” she said. “Everybody wants to do it. I have a smile on my face because I am having a good time. I suppose it’s not really a rape fantasy if the woman wants to do it.” She said she was raped by a stranger. She didn’t give a year. “I don’t want to make it an is sue. I think that I’ve had what a lot of people would consider to be horrific experiences in my life. But I don’t want people to feel sorry for me because I don’t,” Madonna said. CHICAGO (AP) — Mel Reynolds spent Election Day tu toring fellow prisoners as voters selected a candidate for his va cant seat in Congress. Reynolds, serving five years for having sex with an underage campaign worker, was assigned to help inmates study for their high school equivalency diplomas. The former Rhodes scholar who once boasted of having “four or so” college degrees now spends his days tutoring from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Then he’s free to pursue what ever he wants to,” said Nic How ell, a state corrections spokesman. Reynolds arrived last month at the Vienna Correctional Center in southern Illinois. In the first step toward replac ing him, voters selected Jesse Jackson Jr. in Tuesday’s Democ ratic primary. Jackson, son of the civil rights leader, will face Re publican lawyer Thomas J. Somer in the Dec. 12 general election. someone stood up to takes thing out of the bin and ’ luggage tumbled out, Packwood in the chest. “You could really heart gasp,” said Michael WalkerJ Vancouver, Wash., who was s i ting across from Packwoodi; first-class. “He grabbed hisctitj and leaned back. He r looked terrible.” Flight attendants found i tor. Packwood had the wit| knocked out of him but wasc wise OK. ■ , , Wyden had gone tothetf [ S , stroom and missed the wholi E - thing. Y He and Packwood chatted b- ^ in the flight, but the subject net:; L n came up. L t T don’t think he knew iLiiiug^ my bag,” Wyden said. "It’sn t ake amazing world.” | ost Packwood resigned fromtl; Senate amid allegations of sexc: «j and official misconduct. ^ ] Writer switches from i g e iJ Leno to Letterman »p. Packwood hit by falling luggage Presley's desert mailbox stolen PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP)— Mail to Elvis Presley’s desert hideaway will temporarily be stamped “Return to Sender.” Over the weekend, someone swiped the wrought-iron mailbox from the home the king leased from 1966 to 1977. Suspicious minds, such as Mark Snider, who PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Bob Packwood is still taking his lumps. This time, he was hit with luggage belonging to a guy who wants his old job in the Senate. It happened Tuesday on a flight from Portland to Chicago. Democratic Rep. Ron Wyden had rushed onto the plane and stuffed his luggage in an over head bin a few seats from the former Republican senator. About 10 minutes after takeoff, NEW YORK (AP) - Jjj Leno’s former head writeris changing sides in the late nigfc television wars, Daily Varietj reported Wednesday. Joseph Toplyn, who was head writer for the Tonight Show With Jay Leno until recently, was to to be named Thurs day to that job with Late Show With David Letter- Leno visit tod; man, Daily Variety reported. He will begin work nextpPr month, the industry trade per said. It will be a return home ol sorts for Toplyn, who wrote for Letterman’s old Late Night show at NBC from 1983 to 1990. He I has written for In Living Colot i ^ and The Larry Sanders Showfr^' as well. l e ® T Hal ] brou \ / A+ Tutoring Aggie Finals Christmas Special! ACCT229, ACCT230, & MATH 151 tutoring sessions have been reduced to $7.00 each day. 725 B UNIVERSITY DRIVE 260-2660 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Mon Tues Wed Thur Dec 4 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7 CHEM FINAL PRAC 101 CH 13 CH 14 EXAM FINAL 1-3 PM REVIEW EXAM CHEM FINAL PRAC 101 CH 13 CH 14 EXAM FINAL 3-5 PM REVIEW EXAM RHYS FINAL PRAC 218 CH 14, 15 CH 16 EXAM FINAL 5-7 PM REVIEW EXAM CHEM FINAL PRAC 101 CH 13 CH 14 EXAM FINAL 7-9 PM REVIEW EXAM RHYS PRAC 201 CH 20, 21 CH 22 CH 23 FINAL 9-11 PM EXAM CHEM PRAC 102 CH 30 CH 31 CH 32 FINAL 11 PM - 1 AM EXAM RHYS 208 1-3 PM, 5-7 PM, or 9-11 PM MATH 151 * 3-5 PM, 7-9 PM, or 11 PM -1 AM Mon Dec 4 TEST 1 EXAM REVIEW TEST 1 EXAM REVIEW Tues Dec 5 TEST 2 EXAM REVIEW TEST 2 EXAM REVIEW Wed Dec 6 TESTS EXAM REVIEW TESTS EXAM REVIEW Thur Dec 7 PRAC FINAL EXAM PRAC FINAL EXAM Final Review for Biology 113 by Roanna Sunday 12/3 3-10 p.m. $25 w/review package. Choos« the time most convenient for you. BUSINESS Mon Dec 4 Tues Dec 5 Wed Dec 6 Thur Dec 7 ACCT 229 * 1-3 PM or 7-9 PM REVIEW CH 1-8 REVIEW CH 9-12 NEW MATERIAL PRAC FINAL ACCT 230 * 3-5 PM or 9-11 PM EXAM 1,2 REVIEW EXAM 3, 4 REVIEW NEW MATERIAL PRAC FINAL FINC 341 * 5-7 PM or 11 PM -1 AM EXAM 1 REVIEW EXAM 2 REVIEW EXAM 3 REVIEW, NEW MATERIAL PRAC FINAL Choose the time most convenient for you. FINAL EXAM TICKETS GO ON SALE SUNDAY DEC 3rd, 4 - 6 PM