The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 30, 1995, Image 4
(Jle *7exa& ^(utn^e Four Person Best Ball $100/player $50/student Shotgun Start @ 11:00 a.m. Sp ecial appearance by JEFF MAGGERT PGA Tour Winner and Former Texas A&M Golf Team Member Entry Forms Available at the TAMU Golf Course. Call 845-1723for Additional Information. “..Travolta Delivers A Heartbreaking Portrayal...” ■TIME MAGAZINE “Extremely Powerful. Superb Performances By Travolta And Belafonte. Provocative And Profound.” “Travolta Proves Again He’s An Actor You Can’t Take Your Eyes Off.” -Jeannie Williams, USA TODAY “Fresh, Smart, Funny And, Ultimately, Deeply Moving...” -Michael Medved, SNEAK PREVIEWS, PBS TV ■Jeffrey Lyons, SNEAK PREVIEWS and ABC WORLD NEWS NOW “Travolta Is Absolutely Electric. He’s Terrific.” -Norman Mark, NBC CHICAGO “Travolta’s... Performance Adds Credibility To A Provocative Fast-Paced Movie.” -Bruce Williamson, PLAYBOY Him Miurs BUBDIN iMDOl Hwi . r p HmiM I, Hf.t. Piotoi R !i£ihS RYSHER and STARTS EVERYWHERE DECEMBER 1 i 1 • Please cut out and complete this application • l The Battalion i 013 Reed McDonald Building • Telephone: (409) 845-3313 • Fax: (409) 845-2647 | • Battalion Staff Application • Sixteen Deluxe, a psychedelic rock band from Austin, is performing on Northgate Saturday. The quartet released Backfeedmagnetbabe this year and was voted the best new band in the '94-'95 Austin Music Awards. Lewis, an alternative band, and Half-Life, an alternative band, are opening. Thursday Freudian Slip, the A&M improvisational comedy troupe, is performing in Rudder Forum at 8:30 p.m. Jack Ingram, a country and western performer from Dallas, is performing at the Dixie Theatre. Jerk, a rock band from Houston, is performing at TheIj The Killer Bees, Karan Chavis, Ruthie Foster andEl Shorts, rock, blues and reggae performers, areplayhi at 3rd Floor Cantina. Ty and the SemiAutomatics, an alternative band,is performing at Fitzwilly's. Gals Panic, a punk / ska band from Austin, is playing on Northgate. The band established a name for itself when it performed two songs in the 1995 release of Universal Studios' The Underneath. The band released a 19- song album Gals Panic titled / Think We Need Helicopters in May, and it debuted no. 1 in Austin's Tower Records local Top Ten Sales chart. MU330, a rock band from St. Louis, is also performing. The band released its debut album, Press, in February 1994. Not It!, an alternative band, is opening. Friday Marcia Ball, a rhythm and blues performer from Orange, is performing at 3rd Floor Cantina. Fletcher, an alternative band from Denton, is performing at Sweet Eugene's House of Java. Mike Fowler and the Neon Cowboys, a country and western band, is performing at The Texas Hall of Fame, Kinky Friedman, a country and western performer from Kerrville, is performing at the Dixie Theatre. Peeping Tom, an alternative and rock band, is performing at The Tap. Saturday Big Apple Trio, a jazz band, is performing at Sweet Eugene's House of Java. Ruthie Foster, a rhythm and blues performer from Cause, is playing at 3rd Floor Cantina. Gary P. Nunn, a country and western performer from Hanna, Okla., is playing at the Dixie Theatre. Sunflower, an alternative band from Austin, is performing at The Tap. Wooden Ride, a classic rock band, is performing at Fitzwilly's. Alpha Phi Alpha and MSC Town Hall are presenting the Def Lip Sync Jam, featuring comedian JoeTorryif Rudder Auditorium at 8 p.m. Name: Expected graduation (semester): If you have another job, what is it?: Phone number(s): How many work hours per week? Major: Will you keep it if hired as an staff member? Classification: Is your GPR over a 2.0? YES NO Number of hours you will take in Spring: YOU MUST ATTEND TEXAS A&M TO APPLY Circle the staff positions in which you are interested; number them in order of preference: • Writing positions No journalism experience necessary - we’re looking for ANYONE who can write ! City desk - (front page news, features): News reporter _ Aggieufe- (features, entertainment): Feature writer/reviewer _ Entertainment columnist _ Opinion - (columns, editorials): Columnist _ Editorial Writer _ Editorial Cartoonist _ Sports - (sports news, features) Sports writer • Design, Photo & Graphic positions Good with computers? Got siyle? APPLY! Night News desk - (editing news stories and laying out news pages): Copy editor News page designer Graphic artist Strip cartoonist Section Designers - (copy editing and laying out pages for certain sections): Sports designer Aggielife designer Photo desk - (photo features, news and sports photos): Photographer _ Assistant editor positions City Aggielife Sports Opinion Photo Please answer the following questions — use additional pages if necessary: 1) Why do you want to work at The Battalion; what do you hope to accomplish? 2) What qualifies you for the position(s) for which you are applying - list any work, class, campus or other experience, along with anything else you want us to know about your abilities, goals and interests. 3) Critique the section(s) in The Battalion for which you are applying - what do you like, what could be better, what could be changed, what do you think is bad? Please attach samples of your writing, designs or photos — submissions can include papers, short stories, or anything you think might display your talents. The Battalion is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to diversity. All A&M students are encouraged to apply regardless of age, gender, race or sexual orientation. All applications are due at The Battalion office at 013 Reed McDonald Building on Dec. 1 by 5:00 p.m. I I The Good The Bad The Ugly See that doughnut in the middle? All sweet and slick. Watch out— it’s loaded with sugar and fried in fat. Consider the armadillo on the right — the ugly one with the french accent; made with just enough flour to hold the shortening together. Discover the goodness of a Bruegger’s bagel. Made of only natural, wholesome ingredients like high gluten flour, fresh yeast, and pure barley malt. Go with the good. -1 Get 3 free bagels for no dough at all. BRUEGGER’S BAGELS Baked FBESH "Totally, completely obsessed with ftcsh ne ^.. M 1703 Texas Ave. — Culpepper Plaza Mon-Sat: 6:30 am-7:00 pm / Sun: 7:30 am-5:00 pm Not valid with any other offer. One£er customer please. Offer expires 12-5-95 _ CBlpj