The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 30, 1995, Image 12
The Battalion Classified Ads Office: Room 015 (basemenf) Reed McDonald Building Page 12 • The Battalion 845-0569 Or FAX us at 845-2678 Business Hours Call or visit 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday in Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Deadline 1 p.m. prior to publication I VfSA uSyS; accepted < o LU Ol CO .‘AG.G1E’ .Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Tyson won’t fighi in Hall For Rent For Rent Help Wanted Travel THE HORIZON Housing for students, faculty & visi tors to campus. 'Furnished rooms vWall bills paid 'Reasonable rates *Ff«e shuttle to and from Texas A&M 'Optional meals plans -Short term housing available -Various amenities Call 779-7091 Today! Woodstock condo across from The Tap, 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath, new carpet & paint. 693-9557 Large II bdrm/1 ba, W/D hookup, balcony, pool, tennis, shuttle. S440/mo„ gym. 764-5846. Looking for an apartment? Large 2bdrm/2ba available for suhllease. Pool-side & great accomodations. Call Katy 6196-2630, SbcJun/lba duplex. W/D included, fenced yard, bus rt.. Available Dec. 29th. $500/mo. 693-9990 Sublease 1 bdrm/1 ba., Treehouse Village Apartments, $515/nno., available after Dec. 14th. 764-7286 House ffor rent - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, fenced yard, car port, located 1 mile from campus $625/mo. Call 693- 013J_ Sublease Ibdrm/tba available mid-December through mid-May. Pet-friendly. Doux Chene Apartments $39C/mo. Leave message: 693-1773 Sublea se Treehouse II. 2bdrm/2ba. Next to campus. Jan-May, 1st mo free. Rent neg. 693-4665 GREAT DEAL! 2-1, 884 sq. ft, 5 closets, shuttle, microwave, cover parking, intrusion alarm $439/mo. 691 -2016.2 Sublease 2bdrm/2ba apartment. Good location. On shuttle, S 565/mo, Available Jan 1st. 693-8236 Large contemporary 1bdrm/1ba. Fireplace, raised ceil ing, W/P conn. Krm 696-6372 Spacious 1 bdrm/1 bath apt. for sublease. Available in Jan. $41 l 0/mo + 5200 deposit. Call 696-4471 Apartmemt for sublease. All bills paid. $455/mo. Deposit j) aid. 1 bdrm/1 ba. 696-4653 2 bdrm/'ti ba sublease until May. Move in Dec. 15th. Dec. remit free. $540/mo. Jeff/Todd 823-0320 Large 1 Mrm/1 bath, sublease @ Country Place Apts. Jan-May $410/mo + utilities ($40), shuttle. 691-6252 3bdrm w/l 2 bath w/ fireplace and carport. 2 kitchens, 2 living rooinns & 2 fenced yards. $650/mo 775-6652 Large, niiee 2bdrm/2ba, 1208 Spring Loop. CH/A, bal cony, nevti carpet, 96 ft. from shuttle. Pets w/ deposit. Available Jan. 1st. $535/mo. 731-8563 2bdrm/1 5lba 2-story apt. on University Oaks. Lease ends 8/95 $535/mo. 696-8861 Sublease 2bdrm/1.5ba through August $510/mo. Pets, low utilittes. Call lliana 822-6188 Treehouse I. Ibdrm/lba loft, sublease available mid- Dec - May $420/mo Gas & water paid. Close to cam pus. Call! TS4-7122. Leave message. Sublease 2bdrm/2ba apt. Bus rt. $515/mo + elec. Lin coln Squ.air-e Apts. 764-9092 ASAP HOUSE CAMPUS PROXIMITY (male quarters) fur- nished/ appliances. Master bedroom (sleeps two), also single bedroom. 1-800-813-3262 code 3333. Fax 1- 713-469-1234 University Tower - Garden Double. Sublease for 2nd semester. 19 meals/wk. included. Security, walking dis tance to campus. $425/mo or $2,000 for 5 months. Call (214) 618-2811 or (214) 618-2879, Steve. Sublease, all bills paid, 1 bdrm/1 bath in Viking Apts., January - August, $450/mo. Call Sam 696-9076 1bdrm/1 t»a apartment, 2 large walk-in closets, water paid, near mall, bus route. Available mid-Dec. $400/mo 693-6927 College Main Apartments, Ibdrm/lba, nice, spacious, walking distance to campus. Daytime: 260-6252, Night: 268-8280 Female roommate needed for sublease @ University Tower, spiring semester. 268-4570 Spacious 1lbdrm/1ba. sublease, The Enclave. Available Dec. 15. All amenities. Very nice, safe & quiet. $580/mo. 596-1703 3bdrm/1.5ba house, central H/A, carpeted. No pets , near campirs $650/mo. Call 690-0085. Sublease! 1 Private dorm at University Tower w/ meal plan & much more! Females only! $707.50/mo. Call 268-5629 or (903)778-4417 Sublease spacious 2 bdrm/2 bath ASAP, Briarwood Apts., $52Wmo., on shuttle. 764-8748 3bdrm/2ba Mobile Home, close to campus, $460/mo. Available Jan. 1st. Call Robert (713) 341-0176. Sublease University Tower. Female only, private bath, meals inclwded $1800/sem. Call Kristy 268-4509. Large 2bdir«n/ 1-1/2ba $525 rent, W/D, available Janu ary. Manuell Dr. 4-plexes 693-0551. Sublease available spring ‘96. Efficiency, Treehouse Village. Nln deposit, some free furniture. $435/month (neg.) 696-0926 Treehouse II. Sublease large 1bdrm/1ba. Spring ‘96. $440/mo. Walking distance from campus. Call 696- 0461. Female roommate needed. 2 bdrm/1 1/2 ba, shuttle rt., W/D, Bryan utilities. $250/mo. 731-6477 Sublease tbdrm apt. Bus rt. Perfect for 1 or 2. Kathy 764-8569. Sublease - Available December, 3bdrm/1.5ba. 2-story house, backyard, fence, w/ W/D, bus rt. $750/mo. 764- 5745 Available mid-Dec. 2bdrm/2.5ba, condo, fireplace, W/D, bus rt. $235/mo. Must see to believe. Will pay cable, first months rent. Jennifer G. 693-7946 Sublease Jan-Aug large 1 bdrm/1 ba Courtyard Apart ments. Close campus, mall. Shuttle, pool, $400/mo., $60/mo. savings. Will pay $200/deposit and 1 mo. rent. 694-8086 1 bdrm/1 ba duplex in Bryan, Water paid. W/D hook-ups, fenced yard, on shuttle. Pets allowed. $450/mo. 691- 4679 Sublease available mid-December. 1bdrm/1ba Tree- house Village. Very nice community. Rent negotiable 696-6214 Sublease 2bdrm/1ba beautiful apartment, W/D connec tion. No deposit. Available Jan. 1st $550/mo. 779-2286 HAVING ROOMMATE PROBLEMS? Efficiency at Treehouse Village. Excellent location. Shuttle bus rt. Many amenities. Friendly neighbors. $425/mo. Need sublease until May. Matt 696-2821 Sublease 2bdrm/2ba duplex by Jan. 1st. Large fenced yard, fireplace, W/D connection, $465/mo, will pay deposit. 774-7001 1 bdrm apartment sublease. W/D, shuttie, great view. $490/mo. Cripple Creek Apartments. 696-5337 Sublease 2/1 duplex, bkyard, W/D, on bus route. $550/mo. James 775-5546. Apartment available Jan. 1st, 2 bdrm/2 ba, $710/mo. We will pay $150. Susan (214)270-6596 (day) or (214)681-7011 (night). _ University Commons Apartment available for sublease ASAP. Call Heath, 693-6838. Sublease mid-Dec. - May. 2bdrm/1ba $450/mo. Fur nished. Close to campus. Will pay Dec., 1/2 Jan. rent & deposit. Call 846-2012 ASAP. Duplex for sublease. Lease ends May 31, ‘96. Located off Spring Loop. 2bdrm/1ba, all appliances, fenced backyard, very clean. Please call 846-3224. Cherry Hollow Apartments. A nice 2bdrm/1.5ba stu dio & a large Ibdrm. Recently renovated, 3 blocks to TAMU. 846-2173 Large 2bdrm/2ba, Parkway Circle $600/mo. W/D con nections, shuttle. Call 693-2789. Cottage home, immaculate 1 bdrm/1 ba/garage w/ fire place, bay window, deck. Huge fenced yard. Pets OK. $525/mo 1200 E. 28th, Bryan. (409) 279-5527. Avail able 12/1. Huntington sublease, clean 1 bdrm7l bath, pool, shut tle, laundry room. $440/mo. 696-5386 Sublease spacious 2bdrm/2ba $525/mo. Shuttle, pool, laundry, neighborhood parks. Rio Grande off 2818. Dec. 15th 764-3020. Sublease Willowick efficiency $385/mo. On shuttle route. Available Dec. 15th. Call Tim 694-8855. Ski Northern New Mexico (Red River). Luxury town house sleeps. 17. $125 - $350 a night. Call 846-8905 Sublease - Treehouse Village efficiency. Available Dec. - May 31, 1996. New carpet, shuttle bus route $410/mo. w/no deposit. Dec. rent pd. 696-9982. Large I bdrm, pool balcony, laundry room, near shuttle, w/ sewer paid. $395/mo. 268-0840 Large Ibdrm/lba efficiency apartment. Best floor plan available with built-in desk & bookshelf. Fenced patio, stackable W/D conn., pool, on shuttle. 846-4409 Spacious Col. Sta. 2bdrm/1.5ba fourplex, W/D Inc., some bills paid, shuttle, 846-4409 Bryan 2bdrm/1ba, 2bdrm/1.5ba duplex, fenced yard, W/D conn., some bills paid. Pets O.K. 846-4409 2bdrm/1ba, close to campus, furnished or unfurnished, great for students, Casa Blanca Apts. 846-1413 Special rent offer through Jan. '96. 1, 2, & 3/bdrm apartments available, on shuttle route, 1201 Harvey Road, 693-3014 University Tower - Garden Double, January - May '96, female, parking, shuttle, 19 meals/wk, security. $400/mo, will negotiate. Call 409-268-4438 Wendy, 806-273-2320 Judy Large 2bdrm/1ba, great location on shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm & ceiling fans $399/mo 823-7039 Student Special - Relocate now, be ready for finals. Furnished 1bdrm/1ba apartment $345/mo. Free Nov. & Dec. rent w/ signed lease through Aug. 20, 1996 846- 9196 OPTOMETRIC ASSISTANT Mon.-Fri. 1pm-5 pm Typing required. No experience necessary. Please call 846-0377 for an interview. PART-TIME JOBS Universal Computer Systems is looking for part-time employees to help repair CRT’s, keyboards, & printers beginning in January. NO COMPUTER EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Flexible days/hours- momings preferred. $5.50/hr. To apply, please call our Recruiting depart, at 1-800-883-3031 no later than 12/05/95. UCS hires non-tobacco users only. EOE. ACNE STUDY VOLUNTEERS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 13 AND 30 NEEDED TO PARTICIPATE IN AN ACNE RESEARCH STUDY USING AN INVESTIGATIONAL SKIN PREPARATION. ELIGIBLE VOLUNTEERS MAY BE COMPENSATED. For more information, please call J & S Studies, Inc. 846 - 5933 Computers IBM PC/XT wl keyboard, monitor, DOS, & BASIC $100 764-0863 PowerMac 8100/16/500 CD/ROM, printer, 14" m., loaded, $2„6«0 o.b.o. 694-2557 . 486-33 4 meg ram 220HD 14" VGA& modem, mouse, keyboard, «lio»t printer, pre-installed software $599 260- 9121. Macs & priiraters for sale/lease from $35/mo. Software, repairs, RAkl/HD upgrades. MacResource 775-7703 DJ Music Sound Power Professional DJ Service. Parties/ Mix ers/ Weddimigs Lights/ Smoke/ Karaoke. 696-9754. PARTY Bl'OCK Mobile DJ. Professional, will travel! Specializing in Aggie Weddings, Parties. References Available. I6.33-6294. STARZ Mobile Entertainment. Professional Sound/LigNiing. Church/School Dances, Weddings, Parties. Arayr Occasion. 1-800-435-6065,694-8981. Employment Opportunity '86 Honda Civic 5 spd., standard, 4 dr, very good con dition, great stereo & gas mileage $1,600 o.b.o. 696- 2921 1985 Pontiac Sunbird. Good engine, AM/FM cassette, auto transmission, A/C, 114K, $1,150 o.b.o.!! 693-4124 Bill. '87 Nissan Sentra XE Hatchback. Runs good. Must sell $2,000. A/C. 696-0926 ‘87 Toyota MR-2, 82K miles, sunroof, parts warranty, $5000 negotiable. 268-0678 1988 Honda Accord, o.b.o. 693-5212 Mitsubishi Eclipse 1994, A/C, 5 speed, 30K, $9,500 o.b.o. 694-2557 '88 Tempo, A/C, PS, 5-speed, AM/FM cassette, $2,200 o.b.o. 694-2116 Steve 1995 VW Cabrio Convertible, red/bfk, automatic, AM/FM, cassette, 31K, under warranty, perfect for spring. Call (409)696-9373 '86 Mazda RX-7 GXL, $5,500 846-7069. 70K, 5 speed, loaded $5,095 new tires, great student car COMPUTER SALES UCS is proud to lead our industry in writing the best custom programs available and providing excellent ser vice and support. Our impressive track record for the past 25 years is credited 10 our conservative founda tion and our aggressive, innovative outlook. We seek to hire and train entry level outside sales representa tives for permanent positions. We require a Bachelors degree, profes sionalise and dedication. Our train ing program is 6 months and is salaried. Territory assignments allow considerable potential for long term financial growth. We offer base, com missions., company car and full bene fits. Nom-smokers only. EOE. We will be on campus December 6th. Please call to schedule an appointment. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. 6700 Hollister Houston, TX 77040 1-800-883-3031 713-718-1400 For Sale Star Wars arcade game. Original sit-down version. Good showpiece.,works great. Own the ultimate toy. $800 o.b.o. 268-0618 Single size bed w/ mattress. Great condition. $30. Call Clinton @ 846-8231. Florida Trip! 4 days in Orlando, 3 days on Daytona Beach, & Cruise to the Bahamas for 1 night stay. Can't use trip. Must sell $400 o.b.o. 694-8242 Exchange students must sell by December 10th. 2 beds, 2 couches, TV. table, dining set, and more for just $195. Call 696-3205 Graduation tickets for sale. Negotiable. 696-0213. Ask for Art. Epson laptop computer w/ all programs included. One year old. $700 or best offer. Call Jessica 847-0273. Washer, $75; Refrigerator, $200; twin daybed, $50; matching desk & dresser, $50. All good condition. Call Cindy 696-1917. Leave message. 4 tickets 50 yd. line w/ guest pass $250/ea. o.b.o. 764- 1937 Double bed $100. Great condition. Call Julie 775-5548. Univega 703 Mountain bike, aluminum, front suspen sion, trail & street wheel/tire sets. Sacrifice, $400. Mil- ton 775-4241 JVC hand held camcorder. Like new, hardly used, car rying case & battery pack included. Asking $500. Call 691-8485 Bedroom set, double size bed, head board murial with shelves and mirrors, dresser, desk, chair, asking $400. Call 691-8485 Refrigerator/ freezer for sale. $150. Call 691-4679 Frigidaire, frost-free Wanted: parti-lime work for retail store. Great hours, great pay. Muse have music retail experience 846-6620. National Parkis Hiring - Positions are now available at National Parfts, Forest & Wildlife Preserves. Excellent benefits + bonuses! 1-206-545-4804 ext. N58551 Experienced Sales Person for electronic store. Call Tony (409) B23-0944 CRUISE SHI'PS HIRING - Travel the world while earn ing an excellent! income in the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour Industry, Soatsonal 8 full-time employment available. No experience necessary. For info., call 1-206-634- 0468 ext. C5ffitS57. Ladies Baguette diamond Tennis Bracelet, (9 carats) total weight. Appraised for $13, 250. Sell for $5200 o.b.o. Desperate student needs $$$. Owen 822- 2179. For sale: 3 bdrm/2 ba, 16x80 mobile home, great con dition, '87 Redman (409)779-6534. Cannondale M-300, purple with computer, air pumps, saddle bag, rack and lock. Less than 10 miles total use. $420 o.b.o. Call 693-1561. Cannondale M-800 New w/ Judy SL shock Magura Brakes, Revolver cranks XT/XTR. Rode twice. $2300 invested. Must sell. $1750 o.b.o. 774-0176. Couch 8 matching chair, $250; black entertainment center, $100; kitchen table 8 chairs, $150. Please Call Tracey @ 764-9360 Schwinn side winder 18-speed bike for sale with Shi- mano shift. Paid $250, asking $125 o.b.o. Call Aimee at 775-8071 Adoption Adoption - Engineer Daddy 8 stay-home Mommy’s dream is to share their abundant love, life, laughter with your precious newborn. Please call 1-800-722-3678 about Pam/Alan. Miscellaneous Grants and scholarships are available. Billions of dollars in grants. Qualify Immediately. 1-800-243- 2435 (1-800-AID-2-HELP) Attention All Studentslll Grants offered by major companies. Billions of dollars available. Call 1-800- AID-2-HELP (1-800-243-2435). FREE FINANCIAL AIDI Over $6 Billion in private sec tor grants 8 scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent’s income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F58554. Lost & Found Found silver necklace, bracelet. Call 694-8126 after 5:30. Pay for ad. $25 reward! Lost - Maroon A8M binder during t.u. tick et camp-out in front of G. Rollie White on Sunday (Nov. 26) Mary 694-1165. Lost Nov. 11, blue 8 white puppy from Dick Freeman Arena PM 2818. Reward. Call collect (817) 261-7684 Personals Coed Party Line - Live chat 8 voice personals, LD rates, 18+, **1-809-474-8350** Services Lites -R- Us. Will put up & take down X-Mas lights. D.J. 691-8060 JLW Enterprises - Professional word processing for term papers, resumes, dissertations, etc. 589-2163. Jennifer Wiginton '81 8 ‘90, owner. Concealed handgun proficiency course, $70, call Tar- getmaster Training at 693-3363. Will match local com petitors advertised prices. AAA Texas Defensive Driving 8 Driver's Training. Lot- of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal , insurance dis count. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W (8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm-9pm), Fri (6pm-8pm) 8 Sat (10am-2:30pm), Sat (8am-2:30pm), Sun (12pm- 6:30pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $25 w/ad = $5 off. 111 Univ. Dr., Ste. 217, 846-6117, #1 Choice for Spring Break fofCM5rl2 > eafs! CfHgfS "[PicklSfPpfSilLition* TIO. ULTIMATE IN CCUXCB TKAVEL AND MORE Q)mplete packages startiig at only *329 plus tax 1-800-880-2754 Registered Collie puppies, sable and white, 11 weeks. $300 each. 779-9202 Colombian red-tailed boa. Very tame. Approximately 5 ft. Female, beautiful markings. Heat rock and lamp included. $250 o.b.o. 764-1974 Roommate 1-800-SKI-WILD 1 (800)754-9453 Sales Associate - ladies clothing, accessories, gifts. 20-40 hrs per week. 696-8576 CARPENTER NEEDED full-time. Multiple skills helpful. Leave message at 779-8113. Experienced painter that has carpentry skills needed for X-mas break and spring semester 775-7126 Wanted: Graduate students in physics, biology 8 chemistry to teach MCAT for Kaplan Educational Cen ter. Great wages. Call 696-7737 Waitstaff needed at Deluxe Burger Bar for day 8 night. Apply at 203 University Dr. Earn cash for The Holidays delivering gifts To students! Evening hours. Flexible shifts. The faster you work, the more you earn. Average $8/hr. Call Penny at the Mem ory Box, 696-6472. Immediate opening for temporary payroll data entry person. Must have experience w/ CERIDIAN payroll system. Part-time or full-time. Contact Anco Insurance Human Resources Dept. 1733 Briarcrest, Bryan, TX 77802. Ron 774-6227. Account Manager - Immediate opening w/ an estab lished company for a professional sales or collections individual. Previous collection, customer service, able to lift 50+ pounds, and a clean driving record. Bilingual a plus, but not necessary. Excellent salary 8 benefits package. Opportunity for advancement. Qualified per sonnel should contact: Colortyme, 1300 S. Texas Ave., Bryan. (409) 775-7757 Need live-in immediately. Able to care for lady, must drive. 778-4128. Telemarketing. 20 needed for local radio station pro motion. Hrs. flexible. We train. Daily cash, bonuses. 602 So. West Pkwy #8 764-2003 between 10-4. $Cruise Ships Hiring! Students Needed! $$$ + Free Travel (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii!) Seasonal/Perma nent. No Exp. Necessary. Guide. (919)929-4398 ext. C1023. __ __ Part-time warehouse helpers needed. Work 4-8 p.m., 4 days per week. Start at $4.50/hr. Apply at Jack Hilliard Dist. Co. , 1000 Independence, Bryan, TX. Party Pic Photographers Needed. Call Photo Systems at 260-8181. Company has opportunities in development, testing, and maintenance of several existing Windows-based commercial software tools, as well as assisting in design and implementation of new software tools. C++ or C programming experience required. Exp. w/ Win dows, NT, Borland OWL, MFC, OLE a plus. Full 8 Part- time available. Send resume to P.O. Box 9930, College Station, TX 77842 Holiday Help. Part-time Now & Full-time during Break. Flexible schedules - Will train. Scholarships/ Intern ships available. $7.95 to start. Call 10-4 691-8959 Bills to pay? Aggie Outreach is accepting applications for spring 8 summer employment. Talk to former stu dents 8 earn money. Flexible evening hours, $5.50/hr + bonus. Call 845-0425 or fill out an application at the Assn, of Former Students, corner of Bush 8 Houston, basement level. Need help promoting the circus. Year round work. Flexible evening hours. No weekends. 846-8818 Telemarketers needed now. Come by 4012 Stillmead- ow. Mon.-Fri. 5:00p.m. ready to work. Corner of East 29th. and Stillmeadow behind Oakj Food Mart. Need part-time cleaners for commercial buildings. Working hours: 5pm-8pm. Hours vary sometimes. No weekend work. Great for college students, must have car and phone. Call 823-1614 for appointment. BREAKS JANUARY 2-15, 1996 « 4,5,6 OR 7 NIGHT? Steamboat The Place to Ski *5% TOLL FREE INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS 1'800'SUNCHASE NOBODY DOES SKI BREAKS BETTER! /IS SLI'N OX OKS XUIVS “ 1« IIOUIIS’ BREAK COJ«»MrV* 5 & 7 NIGHT TfciTS SOUTH PADRE ISLAND PANAAAA CITY BEACH DAYTONA BEACH KEY WEST STEAMBOAT VAIL/BEAVER CREEK HILTON HEAD ISLAND * PER PERSON DEPENDING ON DESTINATION / BREAK DATES / LENGTH OF STAY. •i-SOO-StlWCHASK TOLL FPKE INFORMATION & ffESEPVATIONS OR SURF OVER TO OUR WEB SITE AT: http://www.siincliase.oom Ho! Ho! Hola? Christmas break, learn Spanish in rich mountains of Cuernavaca, Mexico. Wknd Acapulco. 2- 6 wks, 0-9 crdts. U.S. accred. $895 up. 1-800-747- 1894. Feliz Navidad! □ New Jersey authori ties rejected Donald Trump's petition. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (A? — New Jersey gambling aufe ities unanimously rejected apt tition from casino operator Dot aid Trump that would haveal lowed Mike Tyson to figl; Buster Mathis Jr. in Convei tion Hall Dec. 16. Today’s vote was 4-0bytlit state Casino Control Commit sion. 2 male roommates needed for 3bdrm/2ba house. 1/2 The Division of Gaming Er, mile from campus. $300/mo. + 1/3 utilities. 696-5441 foTCOITlGnt/ £11*^116(1 pI*OpOSP’ fight constituted doing indirec business with Tyson’s promote Don King. “The interest in staging tb fight was outweighted by main taining the integrity of cask regulations,” said Bradforl Smith, chairman of the control commission. The control commission banned King last year from do ing business with Atlantic City casinos after the promoter was indicated for wire fraud. His re cent federal trial ended ina mistrial. The commission heard argu ments from Joseph Frusco, rep resenting Trump, whose three casinos would be involved in the promotion. Frederick McDonough repre sented the Division of Gaming Enforcement. “I have some serious objec tions to the fight as it was pro posed by King and the Trump organization,” Frank Catania, director of the state Division of Gaming Enforcement, said Tuesday. Tyson’s co-manager said Tuesday the Tyson-Mathis deal is done. “The fight is on,” John Home told The Associated Press on Tuesday. Tyson, who arrived here Friday to begin training, was seen signing autographs at Trump’s Castle Casino Resort on Tuesday. Trump asked the commis sion Tuesday to let King as sign the promotional rights to someone else “for nominal consideration.” “If they say no, we don’t have a fight,” Trump said Tuesday. Trump said his three casinos and two Bally’s properties would be sponsors. But he said the casinos would not be con ducting business with Don King Productions. “DKP will not directly or in directly participate in any por tion of the proceeds from ticket sales to the event,” Trump’s pe tition said. Trump’s petition said King “or an affiliate” would sign a deal under which the fight would be seen live on free tele vision on the Fox Network. Fox executives had no com ment on the matter. The fight would be Tyson's second since he was released from an Indiana prison on March 25 after he served three years on a rape conviction. He beat Peter McNeeley to a pulp in 89 seconds on Aug. 19 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. He was supposed to fight Mathis on Nov. 4 at the Grand, but the fight was called off after Tyson fractured his right thumb in training. The former undisputed cham pion is scheduled to challenge WBC champion Frank Bruno on March 16 at the MGM Grand, Female wanted to share 2 bdrm/i.5 ba, $237.50/mo + utilities. Close to campus, no deposit, W/D, pets o k. 764-8132 Roommate needed for apartment. Nice complex on A8M bus route. Call Katie for more details 764-6835, (210) 695-2332 Roommate wanted for Spring/Summer. 2bdrm/1.5ba, bus rt. $260/mo. + 1/2 utilities 694-8429 Male needed for spring. Plantation Oaks, 3bdrm/2ba apartment. $188/mo. + utilities. No deposit, non-smok ers only. 764-8561 Female roommate - Spring. 2bdrm/1ba duplex, South- wood Valley. Own room. W/D, fenced yard, $250/mo + 1/2 utilities. Dana 696-6236. Female roommate needed for Spring '96. 2bdrm/2ba, $490/mo. Very nice. 764-8002 Male roommate needed for spring & summer semes ters. Unfurnished 2 bdrm/1 ba apartment. College Main Apartments. $250/mo + 1/2 util. 268-1382 Roommate for 2bdrm/2ba apt. $515/mo. + utilities. Shuttle/ walk to campus. ASAP 764-9092. 1 - 2 female roommates needed for 2bdrm/2ba apart ment @ Treehouse Village, W/D, bus route, close to campus, 1/2 - 1/3 rent 8 utilities. 696-9914 Good ag needs 2 mature non-smokers M/F to share 3- 2-2 house in C. Sta. Shuttle/ fenced yard/ pets nego tiable. $260/mo + 1/4 utilities. Rhonda 764-8478 2 - needed second semester. Jefferson Ridge Apart ments. 2 bdrm/2 ba, very roomy, great deall $200/mo. + 1/4 utilities. Jana/Amie 693-3230. Female needed to sublease duplex in Wolf Pen area. Own room and bathroom. W/D. January to May. Call 696-1572 Male needed for Spring semester 2bdrm/iba apart ment. 5 min. walk from campus. $275/mo. + utilities. 691-4652 Female roommate - 2bdrm/2.5ba condo. W/D, bus rt., fireplace, must see to believe! $235/mo. Will pay cable, 1st mo. rent. Jennifer G. 693-7946. M/F roommate needed. Dog-lover. Lg. room, covered parking, private entrance, W/D, close to campus. $250/mo. + 1/2 util. Milton 775-4241 Female roommate needed for Spring semester to share 2bdrm/1.5ba apartment. Own rm. Bus rt. W/D. $260/mo + 1/2 utilities 696-9688 Male roommate to share 2 bdrm/1 ba 4-plex In Bryan. Own room, pets o.k. $225/mo + 1/2 utilities. Call Mike or Trent 774-0181. Female to share 2bdrm/1.5ba apartment. Walking, bik ing distance to campus. $280/mo. + 1/2 utilities 691- 8189 Male roommate needed. Spring and summer. Walden Pond: $210/mo. 764-2155 Female roommate needed - Spring. Share 2bdrm/1.5ba condo. For information 774-0685. Male roommate to share house w/ appliances, own room, $ 130/mo. 846-5036 Male Christian roommate immediately. Doubletree Condos. Close to campus $180/mo. o.b.o. 696-3871 Christian female roommate needed. Own room about $225/mo. (bills included). Jennifer 822-9126 (after 5) 260-4439 (before 5 M-F) Christian male roommate needed for Spring '96. 3bdrm/2ba duplex. Own room, bus rt. $215/mo. + 1/3 utilities 846-1632 Female A8M roommate needed. Free renf & utilities. Call for details 846-3376 Wanted Desperately need graduation tickets for Dec. 15, 1995 @ 2:00 p.m. Will pay money!! Call Cyndi @ 693-6695! Need 2 + sports passes for t.u. game. Will pay $$ 764- 8478. Need 1 or more graduation tickets for Sat., Dec 16. Will pay. Call Jeff @ 776-1571. Alumni needs 2 tickets to t.u. game. (713) 862-2755 leave message. Need 3 tickets to A8M - t.u. game. $50/each. Nego. (713)785-7^32. December Grads: I need 1 ticket to Dec. 16th gradua tion. Will pay mucho dinero. Dean 846-0116 Need graduation tickets. Will pay. Call Kris. 693-4223 Students who need to lose weight. New metabolism breakthru. Guaranteed results. $32 + free delivery (409)823-3307 Wanted: 100 students. Lose 8-100 lbs. New metabo lism breakthrough. I lost 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. R.N. Assisted. Guaranteed Results. $35 Cost. 1-800-579- 1634. The 1995-96 Campus Directory is available in room 230 Reed McDonald Building between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Cost is $3 per copy. If you are a student and ordered a directory as a fee option when you registered for Fall '95 classes, please bring your ID. HEY, AGS //AVE YOU. PICKED UP OR PURCHASED YOUR 1995-96 CAMPUS DIRECTORY? & PICKED UP OR PURCHASED YOUR '95 AGGIELAND? 5/ ORDERED YOUR '96 AGGIELAND? 5/ PAID YOUR '96 AGGIELAND MAILING FEE? (if YOU WILL NOT BE ON CAMPUS NEXT FALL) P icking up or purchasing your Aggieland or Campus Directory is easy. If you ordered a ’95 Texas A&M yearbook or ’95-96 directory, just stop by mQiiL-23Q Rccd McDonald Building between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please bring your Student ID. If you did not order last year’s 864-page yearbook or this year’s 416-pagc directory, you may purchase a yearbook for $30 plus tax or directory for $3 plus tax. If you did not order the XWb Aggieland as a fee option when you registered for fall ’95 classes, you may still order one for $30 plus tax. If you ordered a 1996 and will not-be on campus next fall to pick it up, you can have it mailed. You should pay the $6.50 mailing and han dling fee. _ Cash, check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express accepted. Phone: 845-2611 Behave $65 ° yourselves Money collected in fines the past two seasons by individual leagues: (in thousands) Note-NBA and NHL figures do not include money players lose due to game suspensions. ^ggieland *NBA figures are through the end of November.