The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 21, 1995, Image 8

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    Page 8 • The Battalion
Tuesday • November 21, 1995
The Battalion
Classified Ads
Phone: 845-0569 / Fax 845-2678
Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building
.‘AGGlL’-Privcde Pajly Want Ads
$10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price
musf appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering
, personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at
no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is
scheduled tcend to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds
will be made if your ad is cancelled early.
Business Hours
8 a.m, - 5 p.m,
Monday through Friday
For Rent
the horizon
Housing for students, faculty & visi
tors to campus. 'Furnished rooms
w/all bills paid 'Reasonable rates
*Free shuttle to and from Texas
A&M 'Optional meals plans 'Short
term housing available 'Various
amenities Call 779-7091 Today!
Huntington sublease, clean 1 bdrm/1 bath, pool, shut
tle, laundry room. $440/mo. 696-5386
Sublease spacious 2bdrm/2ba $525/mo. Shuttle, pool,
: laundry, neighborhood parks. Rio Grande off 2818.
; . Pec. 15th 764-3020.
Sublease Willowick efficiency S385/mo. On shuttle
route. Available Dec. 15th. Call Tim 696-8855.
Apartment for rent - Spring/Summer 2bdrm/2ba Planta
tion Oaks $590/mo. Dan 76^9627 or (512) 985-4379
Sublease Spring '96: 2bdrm/1ba, 1034 sq. ft., W/D con
nection, fireplace, water & cable paid, shuttle route.
$475/mo. Forest Creek Apts. Call 823-2912
Sublease furnished 1 bdrm/1 ba on shuttle $385/mo
$250 deposit. Available Dec. 15th 775-2054
Ski Northern New Mexico (Red River) Luxury town
house sleeps. 17. $125 - $350 a night. Call 846-8905
. University Tower - Garden Double. Sublease for 2nd
. semester. 19 meals/wk. included. Security, walking dis
tance to campus. $4^5/mo or $2,000 for 5 months. Call
(214) 618-2811 or (214) 618-2879, Steve.
To sublease 2bdrm/2ba apartment. W/D S520/mo
i Close to campus 694-8220
’ Sublease, all bills paid, 1 bdrm/1 bath in Viking Apts.,
1 January - August, $450/mo. Call Sam 696-9076
Sublease ASAP Cripple Creek, large 1 bdrm/1 ba. Bus
” i route, pets o k. 696-9837
Sublease now/or Spring! Sausaiito 2 bdrm/1 1/2 ba.
' Poolside. $555/mo. Call Andy 693-9882
1 bdrm/1 ba apartment. 2 largo walk-in closets, water
paid, near mall, bus route. Available mid-Dec. $440/mo
| 693-6927
,i ^Enclave subleases 2bdrm/2ba $750/mo vs. $810.
' Extra $200 back. 1/1/96-8/15/96 694-2374, 845-2231
* Nice 3bdrm/2ba house for rent. $800/mo + bills, 2 car
garage. Located in a nice neighborhood, on bus rt.,
t near park. 847-3692
Sublease 2bdrm/2ba, large bedrooms & closets, good
location, on shuttle route. $565/mo + bills. Available
, Jan. 1st. Call 693-8236
\ Sublease 2bdrm/1.5ba $550/mo, $400 dep., W/D
2 conn., fenced, pets OK, on shuttle. 693-0721.
4bdrm/2ba house off Hwy. 6 between Bryan & Hearne
& Horse lot (409)279-3515. References required.
College Main Apartments, 1bdrm/1ba, nice, spacious,
walking djstance to campus. Daytime: 260-6252,
Night: 268-8280
Female roommate needed for sublease @ University
Tower, spring semester. 268-4570
Spacious Ibdrm/lba, sublease, The Enclave. Available
• Dec. 15. All amenities. Very nice, safe & quiet.
S $580/mo. 696-1703
Spacious 1bdrm/1ba efficiency apartment. 5 months
remaining on lease. Treehouse Village 694-1321.
Sublease - Large 3bdrm/2ba duplex. Bryan $575/mo.
Dec. - May. 822-1690
Subleases needed - spacious 2bdrm/2ba apartment.
iSj Reasonable rent 696-8918
y House 2bdrm/1ba, W/D conn., fenced yard, pets OK, 5
min. toTAMU, Albertson's, available Dec. 26, $550/mo.
J Call 764-8336. Leave message.
Sublease available Doc,-May. No deposit.
2bdrm/1.5ba. Close to campus, shuttle, pool, laundry.
$530/mo. Call Jon, Kurt, or Stephanie 691-8715
Classy 2bdrm/1ba apartment, micro/alarm, 1st month
C free. $399/mo 691 -2464 or 823-3061
3bdrm/1.5ba house, central H/A, carpeted. No pets
near campus $650/mo. Call 690-0085.
Sublease my single room w/ bathroom. Available mid-
December - May. Utilities + cable free. Price nego
tiable Various amenities. Call Wade @ 822-9596 ext.
' 231
J Sublease! Private dorm at University Tower w/ meal
plan & much more! Females only! $707!50/mo. Call
268-5629 or (903)778-4417
Sublease - Available December, 3 bdrm/I 1/2 ba. 2-
story house, backyard, fence, w/W/D, bus rt. $750/mo.
764-5745 _
Sublease spacious 2 bdrm/2 bath ASAP, Briarwood
1 Apts., $520/mo., on shuttle. 764-8748
Sublease until May. Casa Blanca Apt. 2bdrm/1ba
$450/mo. Available Mid-Dec. Furnished. Close to cam
pus. Dec. rent, deposit paid. Cheap furniture. 846-
3bdrm/2ba Mobile Home, close to campus, $460/mo.
Available Jan. 1st. Call Robert (713) 341-0176.
Sublease University Tower. Female only, private bath,
meals included $1800/sem. Call Kristy 268-4509.
Sublease Cripple Creek Apartments 2bdrm/2ba, W/D,
bus rt., $600/mo. Dan 696-5496
Need To sublease ASAP. Large 1 bdrm/1 ba, W/D,
$580/mo Enclave 693-3533.
Sublease - Treehouse Village efficiency. Available Dec.
1 - May 31, 1996. New carpet, shuttle bus route
$410/mo. w/no deposit. 696-9982.
Ibdrm/Tba sublease S390/mo Briarwood Apts. Avail
able December 696-1117. Deposit negotiable.
Subleasing Ibdrm/lba. No deposit needed. M/F.
$250/mo. + bills. Brock 764-6729, (713)705-8894
Large 1bdrm, pool, balcony, laundry room, near shuttle,
w/ sewer paid. $395/mo. 268-0840
College Station 3bdrm/2ba fourplex, W/D included.
Some bills paid. Walk to shuttle, near Wolf Pen Creek
park 846-4409
Large 1bdrm/1ba efficiency apartment. Best floor plan
available with built-in desk & bookshelf. Fenced patio,
stackable W/D conn., pool, on shuttle. 846-4409
; Spacious Col. Sta. 2bdrm/1.5ba fourplex, W/D ihc.,
some bills paid, shuttle; 846-4409
Bryan 2bdrm/1ba, 2bdrm/1.5ba duplex, fenced yard,
W/D conn., some bills paid. Pets O.K. 846-4409
Sublease efficiency apartment for spring semester,
move-in date negotiable, $365/mo, CS. 764-5851
Studio apartment. 5 min. from campus. Will pay
deposit & 1 mo./ rent. 764-8628
Sublease 2bdrm/2ba spacious apartment in Briarwood
Apts. $550/mo. 696-7144
2bdrm/1ba, close to campus, furnished or unfurnished,
great for students, Casa Blanca Apts. 846-1413
University Tower- lower double, male roommate, gated
parking, meal plan, computer lab, weight rm., maid ser
vice, $2,800. 268-4469
Special rent offer through Jan. '96. 1, 2, & 3/bdrm
apartments available, on shuttle route, 1201 Harvey
Road. 693-3014
University Tower - Garden Double, January - May '96,
female, parking, shuttle, 19 meals/wk, security:
$450/mo or $2,000/ 5 mo. Call 409-268-4438 Wendy,
806-273-2320 Judy
1bdrm/1ba apartment for sublease - end of fall semes
ter thru August. All bills paid. Deposit already pre-paid.
$455/mo 696-4653
Spring sublease! Jan-May! Huge 2bdrm/2ba, W/D
conn, patio, shuttle bus. Treehouse Village $705/mo.
Call Jessica/Laura 693-1028
Large 2bdrm/Iba, great location on shuttle, microwave,
intrusion alarm & ceiling fans $399/mo 823-7039
Student Special - Relocate now, be ready for finals.
Furnished Ibdrm/lba apartment $345/mo. Free Nov. &
Dec. rent w/ signed lease through Aug. 20, 1996 846-
Large 2bdrm/ 1-1/2ba $525 rent, W/D, available Janu
ary. Manuel Dr 4-plexes 693-0551.
Adoption - Engineer Daddy & stay-home Mommy's
dream is to share their adundant love, life, laughter with
your precious newborn. Please call 1-800-722-3678
about Pam/Alan.
'92 Chevy Camaro, 25th Anniversary, teal, V8, CD,
48K. $10,000. Call 696-8191.
'86 Mazda RX-7 GXL, new tires, great student car
$5,500 846-7069.
Lost & Found
Lost: watch, initial ring (KCU), & H.S. class ring w/ KCU
engraved. Please call 847-1146
(409) 774-8924
(800) 927-3115
Not certified as a specialist in any area.
(409) 774-8924
(800) 927-3115
Not certified as a specialist in any area.
486-33 4 meg ram 220HD 14” VGA& modem, mouse,
keyboard, dot printer, pre-installed software $599 260-
Compaq laptop for sale. 386 hard drive. With mouse
and software. $500 or best offer. Call Angie 693-3102
Macs & printers for saledeaselrom $35/mo. Software,
repairs, RAM/HD upgrades. MacResource 775-7703
2 year old ball-python. 3 feet long. Very docile. $90 for
snake and cage. Call 776-5751
1-1/2 yr. old Chinese Pug, playful, cuddly and adorable
$75. Call Monica at 693-1409.
Colombian red-tailed boa. Very tame. Approximately 5
ft. Female, beautiful markings. Heat rock and lamp
-included. $250 o.b.o. 764-1974
Employment Opportunity
Fantastic Opportunity for immediate income! Secure
your future w/ part-time effort now! Call 1-800-350-
Information Services - Operations Technician -
Responsibilities include: Starting & monitoring daily
production jobs, printing & delivering reports. 2 yrs.
computer experience required. Part-time position (late
evening hours). Send resume to: Human Resources
Department - Anco Insurance of Bryan./ C. Sta., P.O.
Box^3889, Bryan, TX 77805 (409)776-1308(fx)
National Parks Hiring - Positions are now available at
National Parks, Forest & Wildlife Preserves. Excellent
benefits + bonuses! 1-206-545-4804 ext. N58551
Experienced Sales Person for electronic store. . Cali
Tony (409) 823-0944
CRUISE SHIPS HIRINCT- Travel the world while earn
ing an excellent income in the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour
Industry. Seasonal & full-time employment available.
No experience necessary. For info., call 1-206-634-
0468 ext. C58557.
For Sale
Couch & matching chair, $250; black entertainment
center, $100; kitchen table & chairs, $150. Please Call
Tracey @ 769-9360
Smith-Corona PWP 4000 with 15-inch monitor and disk
drive. ASCII convertible. Perfect condition. Additional
accessories. $200 o.b.o. 694-1639
4 A&M, UT football tickets. 3rd deck, first row. 845-5617
day, 846-6547 nights.
Wooden dresser, chest-of-drawers, night stand, & dou
ble bed. Great condition. All for $250. Call Julie 775-
Univega Bike Rober 303 for sale, 2 mths. old. Good
condition, keeping in room. $200. Call 847-7056 for
Feng-pin An.
Schwinn side winder 18-speed bike for sale with Shi-
mano shift. Paid $250, asking $125 o.b.o. Call Aimee at
Must sell 6 almost new Pioneer car speakers. Call for
details, $200 o.b.o. Diamond engagement ring $800
o.b.o. Call Shaina 764-9232.
Ivory-colored chest of drawers and twin bed w/trundle.
$200 for both. Will sell separate. Call 779-2093 leave
Neon signs. Bud Dry, $105. Killian's Red, $130. Ferret
cage, $65. Call Bob at 693-5522.
486/33 8 Meg 400 HarcT, SoundBlaster joysticks, 44"
SVGA monitor, Office 3.0, DOS 5.0, Widows 3.1,
modem, 24-pin printer, $899. Pioneer 80-watt receiver,
$119. Call Aron 696-8969.
Schwinn Tempo road bike, Shimano 105 components,
Aero bar, Wolber rims, Avocet computer. Excellent con
dition $375 o.b.o. Dustin 764-3182.
For Sale t.u. sports passes $50 o.b.o. per ticket. Junior
pull day so they will be good seats. Call Chip 694-8584.
For Sale - 5-piece dining set $125. Call 764-1727
Small computer desk $75 Chad 821-6330
Help Wanted
Party Pic Photographers Needed. Call Photo Systems
Company has opportunities in development, testing,
and maintenance of several existing Windows-based
commercial software tools, as well as assisting in
design and implementation of new software tools. C++
or C programming experience required. Exp. w/ Win
dows, NT, Borland OWL, MFC, OLE a plus. Full &
Part-time available. Send resume to P.O. Box 9930,
College Station, TX 77842
Carpenter needed full-time. Multiple skills helpful.
Leave message at 779-8113.
Holiday Help. Part-time Now & Full-time during Break.
Flexible schedules - Will train Scholarships/ Intern
ships available. $7,95 to start. Call 10-4 691-8959
Bills to pay? Aggie Outreach is accepting applications
for spring & summer employment. Talk to former stu
dents & earn money. Flexible evening hours, $5.50/hr
+ bonus. Call 845-0425 or fill out an application at the
Assn, of Former Students, corner of Bush & Houston,
basement level.
Part-time job helping handicap. Male A&M student pre
ferred - $270/mo 12 hrs/wk. Call after 7pm 846-3376.
Need help promoting the circus. Year round work.
Flexible evening hours. No weekends. 846-8818
Telemarketers needed now. Come by 4012 Stillmead-
ow. Mon.-Fri. 5:00p.m. ready to work. Corner of East
29th. and Stillmeadow behind Oakj Food Mart.
Need part-time cleaners for commercial buildings.
Working hours: 5pm-8pm. Hours vary sometimes. No
weekend work. Great for college students, must have
car and phone. Call 823-1614 for appointment.
Desperately seeking Demitri M. - who doesn't know he
is Demitri. White male, bom 3/21/1977 - Houston,
adopted through an agency. Your birth mother is alive
& well (& normal). Anyone w/ information please write
Terpsa Box 1521 Laurel MD, 20725 1521:
Beer-bongs - holds a 6-pack, no leaks, guaranteed $22
+ $3 s/hK303)716-0260
You need gifts? Custom truck seats & office chairs.
Aggie logo or plain. Order now for Christmas or gradu
ation. Stan's Western Wheels 779-1806
Grants and scholarships are available. Billions of
dollars in grants. Qualify Immediately. 1-800-243-
2435 (1 -800-AID-2-HELP)
Attention AM Studentsll! Grants offered by major
companies. Billions of dollars available. Call 1-800-
AID-2-HELP (1-800-243-2435),
FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in private sec
tor grants & scholarships is now available. All students
are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services:
1-800-263-6495 ext. F58554.
Seeking single Christian lady 20-35 as weekend travel
companion for sunny grandmother & light housework.
Send resume, ref's, & photo to Apt. 1103 Cedar Creek
Condo, 1000 Univ. Dr , College Station, TX 77840
Coed Party Line - Live chat & voice personals, LD
rates, 18+, "1-809-474-8350**
DJ Music
Sound Power Professional DJ Service. Parties/ Mix
ers/ Weddings. Lights/ Smoke/ Karaoke. 696-9754.
PARTY BLOCK Mobile DJ. Professional, will travel!
Specializing in Aggie Weddings, Parties. References
Available. 693-6294.
STARZ Mobile Entertainment. Professional
Sound/Lighting. Church/School Dances, Weddings,
Parties. Any Occasion. 1-800-435-6065,694-8981.
Male roommate needed to share 3bdrm/1.5ba house.
Own room. $200/mo + 1/3 utilities. 696-3937. Move in
Male Christian roommate immediately. Doubletree
Condos. Close to campus $180/mo. o.b.o. 696-3871
Christian female roommate needed. Own room about
$225/mo. (bills included). Jennifer 822-9126 (after 5)
260-4439 (before 5 M-F)
Need 2 people to share 4bdrm/2ba house, cheap rent
+ 1/5 utilities. Available Jan 1 - June 1 774-0303.
Female roommate needed to share 2bdrm/1ba apart
ment. $235/mo + 1/2 utilities. Call 696-2174
Christian male roommate needed for Spring '96.
3bdrm/2ba duplex. Own room, bus rt. $215/mo. + 1/3
utilities 846-1632
Own room in huge house behind Southgate. Prefer 1
or 2 males. $180 or $266/mo. Call Shannon or Todd
Female roommate needed 4bdrm/4ba houseplex near
shuttle, own rm/ba, $250/mo + utilities. Spring semes
ter 693-7587
Female non-smoker needed to share 2bdrm7l .5ba for
spring and/or summer. $283/mo. includes cable, gas &
water, + 1/2 utilities. Misti 693-3324.
Male needed for spring to share 2bdrm/2ba condo.
Great accommodations! For more information, call
Michael 764-4555_
Male needed for spring to share 2 bdrm/2 bath condo.
Great accommodations! For more information call
Michael 764-4555
Roommate needed! Need female roommate for 3/2
house in SW Valley. Huge backyard. Nice neighbor
hood. On shuttle. $250/mo + 1/3 utilities. Call Heather
Roommate needed for spring semester. M/F
2bdrm/1ba. Northgate area. $225/mo. + 1/2 utilities. No
pets. 846-7757
Christian roommate needed for January. 2bdrm/1ba
duplex. Close to campus. $275/mo + 1/2 utilities. Call
Stephanie 694-2049
Female A&M roommate needed. Free rent & utilities.
Call for details 846-3376
JLW Enterprises - Professional word processing for
term papers, resumes, dissertations, etc. 589-2163.
Jennifer Wiginton '81 & '90, owner.
Typing/ Resume Service - Reasonable rates, 7-day
availability, laser printer. 690-0358, leave message.
Call will be returned.
Diamond Enterprises presents male dancers for your
private engagements 696-6650
Concealed handgun proficiency course, $70, call tar-
getmaster Training at 693-3363. Will match local com
petitors advertised prices.
AAA Texas Defensive Driving & Driver's Training. Lot-
of-fun, Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismissal , insurance dis
count. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W
(8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm-9pm), Fri (6pm-8pm) &
Sat (10am-2:30pm), Sat (8am-2:30pm), Sun (12pm-
6:30pm) Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome.
$25 w/ad = $5 off. Ill Univ. Dr., Ste. 217, 846-6117.
#1 Choice for
Complete packages static^ at only s 329 Dlustax
U.B. Ski's 8th Annual
Ho! Ho! Hola? Christmas break, learn Spanish in rich
mountains of Cuernavaca, Mexico. Wknd Acapulco. 2-
6 wks, 0-9 erdts. U.S. accred. $895 up. 1-800-747-
1894. Feliz Navidad!
December Grads: I need 1 ticket to Dec. 16th gradua
tion. Will pay mucho dinero. Dean 846-0116
I need 1 sports pass to The Texas game. Willing to pay.
Need 3 sports passes for t.u. game. Will pay $35 each.
694-8265 ^ ^
Need graduation tickets. Will pay. Call Kris. 693-4223
Need 1-2 sports passes for t.u. game. Will pay cash.
HELP AGGIES! Need sports passes for t.u. game.
PAYING BIG BUCKS! Call Brad 776-0844
Howdy December Graduates! I need graduation tickets
for Saturday. Will pay top dollar. Call Jennifer 696-
9290. _ _ '
Students who need to lose weight. New metabolism
breakthru. Guaranteed results. $32 + free delivery
Wanted: 100 students. Lose 8-100 |bs. New metabo
lism breakthrough. I lost 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. R.N.
Assisted. Guaranteed Results. $35 Cost. 1-800-579-
It happens when you
Advertise In
The Battalion
Elvis cruel in 49ers ? Rodriguez
rout of reeling Miami
□ Elvis Grbac riddled
Miami's secondary for
382 yards.
MIAMI (AP) — Elvis Grbac
and the San Francisco 49ers up
staged Dan Marino.
Grbac threw for 382 yards
and four scores, negating two
touchdown passes by Marino
that tied Fran Tarkenton’s ca
reer NFL record, and San Fran
cisco produced another blowout
at Joe Robbie Stadium by beat
ing Miami 44-20 Monday night.
Even more lopsided than the
49ers’ 49-26 rout of San Diego in
last season’s Super Bowl at Mia
mi, the victory was especially
impressive on the heels of their
38-20 romp past Dallas eight
days earlier.
San Francisco (7-4) again won
without injured quarterback
Steve Young, who warmed up
before the game but watched
from the sideline while Grbac
completed 31 of 41 passes. He
improved to 3-2 as a starter this
□Robert Horry con
tributed 16 points and
15 rebounds.
BOSTON (AP) — Hakeem
Olajuwon scored 24 points, and
Houston capitalized on poor foul
shooting by the Boston Celtics
as the Rockets won their fifth
straight game, 98-93 Monday
Boston made just 2-of-ll free
throws in the fourth quarter and
9-of-22 for the game as its win
ning streak ended at two games.
Houston was 28-for-33 for the
game and 7-for-11 in the final
The Rockets took the lead for
good, 75-74, on Clyde Drexler’s
driving layup with 22 seconds
left in the third quarter and led
by as many as seven points in
the fourth.
Drexler scored 18 points, and
Robert Horry had 16 points and
15 rebounds for the Rockets.
Boston was led by Greg Minor
with 21 points and Dino Radja
The 49ers sacked Marino on
the first three plays, and then it
got worse for the Dolphins (6-5).
Before Marino could match the
career record he coveted most —
Tarkenton’s 342 touchdown
passes — San Francisco led 38-
The record-tying pass was a
4-yarder to O.J. McDuffie late in
the third quarter. Marino earlier
threw a 42-yard touchdown pass
to Gary Clark.
Marino, who broke Tarken
ton’s records for passing yardage
and completions earlier this year
in games Miami lost, completed
23 of 38 passes for 255 yards.
The reeling Dolphins, who
have lost five of their past seven
games, fell two games behind
AFC East leader Buffalo. The
49ers pulled into a first-place tie
with Atlanta in the NFC West.
Grbac riddled a Miami sec
ondary plagued by dissension
and breakdowns in recent
weeks, throwing touchdown
passes of 47 and 46 yards to Rice
and 23 and 2 yards to Brent
Jones. Rice extended his NFL
record to 151 career touchdowns.
with 13 points and 17 rebounds.
With the score 91-87,
Boston’s Sherman Douglas |
missed two free throws and |
Houston got the next three |
points on Droxler’s foul shot and i
Olajuwon’s jump hook with 2:42
to go.
The Rockets led 96-89 before
Douglas sank a basket and was
fouled. But he missed the free
throw. Minor then hit a short !
jumper, closing the gap to 96-93 j
with 44 seconds remaining.
Olajuwon then missed a shot, I
but Drexler rebounded with 24 |
seconds to go. Sam Cassell made
a foul shot with 15 seconds re- !
maining and Horry hit another I
with eight seconds to go.
Boston never trailed in the |
third quarter until Drexler’s ;
layup with 22 seconds loft |
capped a 7-1 run.
Houston had outscored i
Boston 31-21 in the first quar- |
ter, then Boston outscored Hous- j
ton 31-21 in the second for a 52- i
52 halftime tie.
Drexler’s layup had given the !
Rockets their biggest lead of the i
half at 39-25.
wins fourth
Gold Glove
□ Seattle centerfielder
Ken Griffey won his
sixth straight award.
ST. LOUIS (AP) — California
Angels pitcher Mark Langston
and Toronto outfielder Devon
White won their seventh Gold
Glove awards Monday and Seattle
outfielder Ken Griffey Jr. won his
sixth straight.
Angels first baseman J.T. Snow
was the only first-time winner
among the AL selections.
Roberto Alomar, who played for
Toronto last season and became a
free agent, won
his fifth consec
utive Gold
Glove and
Texas catcher
Ivan Rodriguez
won his fourth
Two Cleve
land Indians
won for the
third straight
year: outfielder
Kenny Lofton
and shortstop Omar Vizquel.
New York Yankees third base-
man Wade Boggs won for the sec
ond consecutive year.
The awards are voted on by ma
jor league managers and coaches
and presented by Rawlings.
By winning the awards, Alo
mar, Boggs, Griffey, Vizquel and
White earned contract bonuses of
$50,000 each. Lofton and Ro
driguez earned $25,000 apiece.
NL awards will be announced
Top 25 Poll
Record Pts
2. Georgia
3. Connctict
4. Tennessee
5. Vanderbilt
6. Virginia
7. Penn St.
8. Stanford
9. Arkansas
10. Purdue
11. Colorado
12. Tx Tech
13. N.C. St.
14. Kansas
15. DePaul
16. USC
17. W.Kent.
18. Oregn St.
19. Iowa
20. Miss.
21. Wiscnsin
22. Duke
24. UNC
25. Alabama
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The Battalion
Telephone: (409) 845-3313 • Fax: (409) 845-2647
The Battalion
s now accepting applications for the following positions for the Spring semester::
City Editor
Manage assistant and reporters
Assign beats and balance coverage
Develop story ideas
Make photo / graphics assignments
Edit all City stories
Help determine daily "top stories"
Develop and maintain sources
Aggielife Editor
Manage assistant and staff writers
Work on developing stories and layout
Make photo / graphics assignments
Edit all Aggielife stones
Maintain diverse, balanced coverage
Opinion Editor
Manage assistant and writers
Lay out Opinion page daily
Edit all opinion pieces.and letters
Direct editorials meetings, writers
Night News Editor (2)
Manage copy editors and news design
Lay out front page
Handle/supervise AP wire & graphics
Critique paper daily
Run newsroom at night
Look, over whole paper after paste-up
Sports Editor
Manage assistant and sportswriters
Develop stories and direct layout
Maintain campus sports coverage
Communicate with Sports Information
Handle AP Sports wire
Photo Editor
Manage assistant and photographers
Scan in all photos taken for paper
Assign all news and sports photos
Make sure there is a daily feature pic
Take pictures whenever necessary
All Positions Are Paid
Assistant editors
— Work with section editors with editing,
managing staff, designing pages
— Cover assigned news stories arounj
campus, interview and research for stories
Opinion Columnists
— Write opinionated, persuasive columns
about current events, social topics
Editorial Writers
— Write editorials that convey the
editorial board's stances on issues
— Cover assigned sports events, write
sports columns, interview and research
— Take pictures of sporting events,
features, news events, and process photos
Page Designers
— Design the pages of the newspaper,
coordinating graphics, text and pictures
Graphic Artists
— Create graphics to go along with stories
and columns
Copy Editors
— Edit all stories, columns and features
for grammar, style and clarity
Aggielife Feature Writers
— Cover assigned stories dealing with
student life at Texas A&M
— Design humorous cartoon strips that
will be run daily
Office Staff
— File, answer phones, maintain archives,
type letters and take messages
The Battalion is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to diversity. All A&M
students are encouraged to apply regardless of age, gender, race or sexual orientation.
All applications will be available at The Battalion office 013 Reed
McDonald Building. Applications for section editors are due on Nov. 27 by
5:00 p.m. Staff applications are due on Dec. 1 by 5:00 p.m.
Rockets keep rolling
with win over Celtics